course assessment

researching, analysing, evaluating and synthesising information to draw
detailed, reasoned and well-structured conclusions and present findings
about factual and theoretical elements of religious, moral and philosophical
topics or issues, identifying and responding to different ideas and
interpreting the meaning and context of sources related to world religions,
in detail and explaining relevant abstract ideas
evaluating and expressing reasoned and well-structured views about
contemporary moral and religious and philosophical questions and
responses, in detail and explaining relevant theoretical ideas
critically analysing and explaining contemporary moral and religious and
philosophical questions, in detail and explaining relevant theoretical ideas
in-depth factual and abstract knowledge and understanding of the
significance and impact of religion today through explaining some key
beliefs, practices and sources found within one of the world’s six major
religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism or Sikhism) and
the contribution these make to the lives of followers
in-depth factual and theoretical knowledge and understanding of
contemporary moral questions and responses
in-depth factual and theoretical knowledge and understanding of religious
and philosophical questions and responses
Advanced Higher
demonstrating an in-depth knowledge and understanding
of complex issues arising from the philosophy of religion,
including significance and impact of responses from
religious and other perspectives
demonstrating an in-depth knowledge and understanding
of complex issues in medical ethics or concerning religious
experience, including significance and impact of responses
from religious and other perspectives
analysing and evaluating arguments and evidence carrying
out independent research into a complex religious, moral
or philosophical issue or question
justifying an appropriate research issue or question
planning and managing a complex programme of research
sourcing, collecting and recording appropriate and reliable
synthesising information in order to structure and sustain
lines of argument using appropriate referencing
Course Structure: 3 Units and Course Assessment
World Religion
Morality and Belief
Religious and Philosophical Questions
Advanced Higher
Course Structure: 3 Units and Course Assessment
Philosophy of Religion
Researching Religious, Moral and Philosophical Issues
And either:
Medical Ethics
Religious Experience
Course Assessment:
Component 1 – question paper (60 marks)
Component 2 – assignment (30 marks)
Question Paper
Section 1: World Religion will have 20 marks.
Section 2: Morality and Belief will have 20 marks.
Section 3: Religious and Philosophical Questions will have 20 marks.
This question paper will be set and marked by SQA, and conducted in centres
under conditions specified for external examinations by SQA. Learners will
complete this in 2 hours and 15 minutes.
The assignment will give learners an opportunity to demonstrate the following
skills, knowledge and understanding:
 identifying an appropriate religious, moral or philosophical studies question or
issue for study, about which there are alternative or different points of view
 researching the question or issue, using a range of sources of information
 evaluating different viewpoints on the question or issue, at least one of which
must be religious
 analysing the question or issue
 synthesising information in a structured manner
 drawing on in-depth knowledge and understanding of the question or issue
 explaining the significance or impact of the question or issue to the
contemporary world
 presenting a reasoned and well-structured conclusion on the question or issue
 explaining both supporting information and potential challenges/counterarguments
The assignment is managed by centres within SQA guidelines and conducted
under some supervision and control. Evidence will be submitted to SQA for
external marking.
Advanced Higher
Course Assessment:
Component 1 – question paper (60 marks)
Component 2 – project: dissertation (40 marks)
Question Paper
All learners should complete Section 1.
Section 1: Philosophy of Religion will have 30 marks.
Section 2 will have two parts:
Part A: Religious Experience will have 30 marks.
Part B: Medical Ethics will have 30 marks.
Learners should complete Section 1 and either Part A or Part
B from Section 2.
This question paper will be set and marked by SQA, and
conducted in centres under conditions specified for external
examinations by SQA. Learners will complete this in 2 hours.
Project: Dissertation
The project: dissertation will give learners an opportunity to
undertake independent research in order to demonstrate the
following skills, knowledge and understanding:
 Justifying an appropriate complex religious, moral or
philosophical issue or question for research
 using a wide range of sources of information to research
the question or issue
 analysing and evaluating arguments and evidence
 synthesising information to structure and sustain lines of
argument to progress towards a conclusion
 organising, presenting and referencing findings using
appropriate conventions
The project: dissertation will be managed by centres within
SQA guidelines and conducted under some supervision and
control. Evidence for assessment will be produced
independently by the learner in time to meet a submission
date set by SQA.