ASCMeeting Minutes 4_25_11 - My Z-Online

Zane State College
Quarter to Semester Administrative Steering Committee
Monday, April 25, 2011, 9:00 a.m.
Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Barb Shelby. Attendees: Al Brown, President
Paul Brown, Jeffrey Devlin, George Hicks, Susan Holdren, Beverly Janke, Jennifer
King, Linda Metz, Cindi Swope, Dotty Welch.
Minutes from the March 28, 2011, meeting were reviewed. There were several
questions under topic IV-C from last meeting’s minutes, so discussion centered on
those with a note for inclusion into these minutes. Decision points: There will be a
separate catalog for BG12 (bridge from quarters). Students will be able to view,
open, and schedule for classes for the following quarters: Winter, Spring and
Summer 2012. There may be a need to hold off on opening the Summer 2012
schedule until necessary course offerings are determined. Schedules will be
finalized as soon as possible with an anticipated release date of October 2011.
Financial Aid questions arose, so Stacy Bernard was invited to the meeting to
provide answers (in Amanda Reisinger’s absence). Amanda plans to have funds
available for Summer 2012. Fall 2012 will be the yearly “header” instead of summer
instead of summer. Funds for summer semester 2013 will still be available because
yearly PELL funds will be divided into three payments instead of four. Different rules
will apply if students have not been enrolled for awhile. Those students could apply
for student loans. Faculty need to be aware of financial aid issues for the “odd”
summer program start. Stacy was thanked for the information, and she exited the
New and Continuing Business
New Agenda Item - The 2011-2012 Academic Calendar and draft of 2012-2013 were
provided by Cindi Swope. Discussion was held and questions were answered.
Withdrawal dates will remain week 10 for semesters, and refunds of fees will be
prorated per decisions made at ____________________meeting (Barb shared
minutes). Cindi will finalize calendars and provide copies at the next meeting.
A. ADVISING: Jennifer King is one of two Q2S Advisors for the Student Success
Center. She explained two phases of her transition role. One is to develop tools,
and the second is to promote Q2S awareness. Jennifer showed tools that have
been prepared. The Transition from Quarters to Semesters Checklist is for
advisors and students to use during advising appointments. It will be a good
reference for students to have at home as well. The Student Success Center will
keep a copy and provide students with one. President Brown mentioned that he
would like to have electronic copies of the forms available online. A suggestion
was made to post them to the “my academics” section of Z-Online. Jennifer can
send the form to ITS or Cindi Swope for posting. It was also suggested that the
form be posted to the faculty page of Z-Online as a reference. Scanned copies
could be sent to the SSC and/or advisor for saving. How could the
completed/signed copy be made available electronically to faculty or students?
Is this form a contract? Dotty advised that the form serves as documentation/a
trail of advising in case student questions/problems arise. It was also noted that
the form needs a space for the date and for the student’s signature.
Cindi Swope asked how will the College ensure all students meet with an
advisor? Is it a requirement for all students? Would it be possible to block
registration until students have met with an advisor? She commonly hears
“nobody told me” from students. Jennifer shared that there are plans for group
information sessions. Dotty noted that faculty will need to “buy in” and
instructions on meeting with students and using the checklist will need to be
provided. How will the College handle students who only take classes on-line?
Dotty mentioned two other colleges that used student contracts during their
transition to semesters.
Timeframe – Advisors need to think about starting Q2S advising with students
now. All the tools are coming together nicely. There will be “roll out” activities
with prizes during Spring Fest. Another idea is to have a pilot group of students
who are guided through the advising and registration process. According to
Bruce Shearn’s report, there are approximately 2,700 students who have taken
less than 30 credit hours and could finish/graduate before the conversion. The
Academic Plan is separate from the Q2S checklist. Advisors and faculty may hold
small group sessions for utilizing the Advising Guide and Checklist.
Dr. Brown departed the meeting at 10:04 a.m.
Cindi Swope led a discussion to determine registration dates for academic years
2011-2012 and 2012-2013. She also noted that registration for Fall 2011 will
only be open for a three week period. This will happen one time only to allow
for the Q2S event which is planned for week two of that quarter (the event was
Agenda Item III-A-3 which was tabled due to time constraints).
Jennifer shared that revisions to the Student Advising Guide have been made,
and the booklet will be distributed at Spring Fest, May 11. She will e-mail a copy
to the committee and make it available on Z-Online as well. Suggestions for
further revisions will need to be made by Wednesday in order to have enough
time for printing. Advisors have been visiting IDS classes, and students are asking
Agenda Item III-B – Curriculum Update was tabled due to time constraints.
C. Barb provided a demonstration of the GroupWise e-mail signature/tagline logo.
Discussion was held regarding requiring all employees to use as a tagline. It was
decided that this group will highly encourage everyone to use it, but it will not be
possible to enforce. Barb Shelby will make the logo and instructions available to
all employees.
Agenda Item III-D – Budget Implications for 2011-2012 was tabled due to time constraints.
E. Bruce Shearn reports that there are only 160 tables left to review in Jenzabar.
The review group began with 1300 tables.
Agenda Item III-F – Appeal Process was tabled due to time constraints.
G. It is important that the College makes sure all printed materials/forms are
revised to reflect “semesters” instead of “quarters.” Beverly sent a request for
review of forms to 20 employees; only a few have responded. Revisions will be
similar to the College name change, but the process will be slower because both
forms (quarter and semester) will be needed throughout the transition period.
Starting summer 2012, employees will need to look at files, purge, and add
revised forms. There will be a need for on-going inventory. Persons with
“ownership” of the forms should add that information and revision dates into
document footers.
The next meeting will be May 23, 2011, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. in the Boardroom.
Respectfully submitted by:
Mysti Hittle