School Christmas Fair

Bradley School PTFA Newsletter – November 2014
Stop Press ...... Change of Dates for Christmas Events......
A huge sorry for all the confusion, but we’ve had to change the dates for our forthcoming festive
events. The Christmas Bingo is now on Friday 28th November, 7pm in the junior classroom. The
School Christmas Fair is on Saturday 13th December from 10am to 12.30pm at Hulland Millennium Hall.
School Christmas Fair
The Christmas Fair is being held on Sat 13th December, 10am – 12.30pm at Hulland
Millennium Hall. There’s lots of festive stalls, refreshments, games and activities for
all the family, including Tombola, cake stall and decorating, bauble making, white
elephant, xmas money tree, Snow Globe making, Xmas boxes, Name the Snowman
and win a Christmas Hamper. Entry is free! We’re not sending out raffle tickets in
advance, so instead we’re asking for a donation of small items such as sweets or
chocolate for prizes, tombola and white elephant items. We also need people to man
the stalls – a list will go up outside school in the next few weeks for you to add your
name to. We’d really appreciate a few new faces helping us out, to allow the children
to enjoy the event, rather than sit on stalls. Set up from 9am on the day.
Christmas Bingo Night
Back by popular demand is this fun-filled fast game
to test your numeric skills and a chance to win
chocolate goodies! Starting at 7pm in the junior
classroom, tickets cost £2 per person, and includes
6 bingo cards. Bring your own drinks (alcoholic or
otherwise) and there will be a refreshment table of
treats to buy. There’s no raffle this year, as we’re
all a bit raffled-out recently, so just come along
and have a go. The children adore this and are very welcome to attend!
School Yard Tidy-Up Thank You!
Saturday 13 September saw a band of helpers turn up at school to cut
hedges, tidy borders, trim trees, paint railings, sheds and rooms to
improve the school environment. It took our 30 helpers over five hours
to complete the longest list we’ve ever had and numerous cups of tea and
bacon butties. Thank you everyone who joined us, especially new parents
Nicki and Dan!
Barn Dance Knees up Success!
The Barn dance held on Saturday 4th October was a huge amount of fun
for everyone who attended. Both children and parents enjoyed trying
their hand or rather their feet at different dances, and the children even
performed the dance they had learnt in their Thursday after-school dance
club. The raffle had some amazing prizes donated kindly from local
businesses and we managed to raise nearly £550 from the event. Thanks
must go to Claire Mason for the catering and to our callers Square Thru
Two for managing to teach us some dancing through the excited
chattering. It was a brilliant family occasion.
Social Night Out:
Friday 27th February 2015 - All school
mums are invited to a night out in
Ashbourne for drinks. Book it in your
diary and details will follow in new year.
2015 Dates for your Diary:
(Please note these are all provisional and may change)
 Fri 20th March – Easter Bingo, 7pm.
 Fri 5th June – Beetle Drive, 7pm
 Fri 10th July – School Summer Fair and
family rounders game and picnic.
2.30pm onwards, school playground.
 Sat 3rd Oct – Parents Pub Quiz Night
Stay and Play Group
Don’t forget our Friday afternoon ‘Stay
and Play Group’, held in the Garden
Room from 2pm – 3.30pm. It’s for all
children up to school age and their
parents to come along and have a play
and chat. If you know of anyone who is
currently considering where to send
their child to school next year, this
playgroup is an excellent opportunity for
them to come and see what we’re like,
so please spread the word!
Next PTFA Meeting –
Thursday 5th February 2015, 7.45pm, at
Ruth Hurlstone’s house. Everyone is
very welcome, including new faces.