LEADERSHIP-Becoming a Go To Player

To Build Strength for Gator Day
Become a Go-To Player
1. “Go-To” players produce when the pressure is on.
a. Be steady and committed when things are hard.
2. “Go-To” players produce when the resources are few.
a. Maximizing your ministry with what you have shows creativity and skill.
b. Don’t use lack of resources as an excuse for your ministry not growing.
3. “Go-To” players produce when momentum is low.
a. Even in the best environments momentum is never constant, or else it
wouldn’t be momentum.
b. Seek to be a momentum builder during times when things seem sluggish
in our environment.
i. Tweak readiness meetings to give them an extra boost.
ii. Pick up the pace in your ministry meetings.
iii. Make win-win decisions in your area of ministry that will bring
something fresh to the table.
4. “Go-To” players produce when the work load is heavy.
a. Life and especially ministry never seem to come in a neat, ideal package.
Often, we are bombarded with the “extras” that, at times, can seem to
pull us away from our ministry focus. Learn how to manage this through
structure, organization and good choices.
5. “Go-To” players produce when the leader is absent.
a. This applies to either Sr. Leadership or departmental leadership.
i. Often, people will let down their guard and relax when the boss is
not around. Instead of getting lazy, try stepping up your game.
6. “Go-To” players produce when the time is limited.
a. You won’t always have a “run-way” of time before a high-quality, highimpact event takes flight. (especially at Westside) With this in mind, be
the kind of person that has the “whatever it takes” attitude to get the job
done with excellence.