Genetics 101 Video Notes Worksheet

Class # ______: Genetics 101
Name _______________________________________ 1 2 3
Lesson 1: Watch the What are genes?” (Video 4:24)
1. Your body is made up of 50 t______________________________ cells.
2. 99.9% of your g____________________ are contained in the n________________________, but a few are
also found in your m____________________________.
3. All told you have about _______________________ genes.
4. Your genes are small parts of a larger chemical called D_____________ or deoxyribonucleic acid.
5. DNA is made up of 4 b_____________________.
6. The 4 base nucleotides are:
o Adenine
o T________________________
o Cytosine
o G________________________
7. The number and order of the genetic c______________ determines what the living organism is
such as a ______________________________ or a ____________________________.
8. The “recipes” are passed down from one g___________________________ to the next generation.
9. When someone says, “You have your father’s hair,” they mean: You have i_________________ a
gene or genes from your father that makes a protein that instructs your hair follicle cells to
produce hair that curls like your father’s.
10. Genes tell a cell how to f____________________ and what t________________ to express.
11. Genes are organized into c________________________________.
12. Different species have different numbers of chromosomes. Humans have ________ pairs of
13. What percentage of the DNA in your chromosomes do you share with other species?
 93% with rhesus monkeys
 _______ with chimpanzees
 _______ with other humans
Lesson 2: Watch the What are SNPs? video (Video 2:00)
14. An entire set of 23 chromosomes is called a human g_________________________.
15. A variation at a single base pair is called a s________________. Or a:
16. Sometimes cells make mistakes when DNA c________________ are made.
17. Single base substitutions create ______________.
18. There are about ______ million SNPS in the human genome.
19. These SNPS account for most of the d____________________ between you and everyone else.
20. Some SNPS cause differences in a____________________ and others can cause certain
d____________________ or how we respond to d___________________. (Like how some people are allergic
to certain drugs.)
21. Since variants are passed down through g_____________________, the number of variants can tell
you how related you are to your neighbor.
Lesson 3: Watch the Where do genes come from? (Video 4:20)
22. Your g________________ come from your p_________________________.
23. You have 2 sets of ___________ chromosomes.
24. One set from each p__________________.
25. One set comes from your m___________________, and the other from your f_____________________.
26. 22 pairs are h____________________________ (or the same kind) of chromosomes.
27. The 23rd pair is special. The X and Y c_______________________________ are special:
28. Females have 2 ______ chromosomes or ______ _______
29. Males have an X and a ________ chromosome or ________ ________
30. Eggs and sperm cells have only ______ set of 23 chromosomes each.
31. You receive h___________ of your chromosome pairs from your m_____________ with the egg cell
and half from your f__________________ with the sperm cell.
32. The Y cell is passed down directly from f_______________ to s_______________.
33. Mitochondrial DNA is passed down directly from mother to c____________________.
34. F___________________________ occurs when the egg and sperm unite.
35. This single cell divides over and over until a c_____________________ is created.
Lesson 4: Watch the What are Phenotypes? (Video 2:03)
36. Your o_______________________ t__________________ are known as your p____________________________.
37. Your phenotype is determined by interactions of your g________________ and the
38. An example might be how long you live (your longevity) if you s__________________ or
39. Many phenotypes are determined mostly by g_____________________. H_______________ is one
example; though, n_______________________ can play a role.
40. How genes affect traits like your p__________________________ are less well understood.