BIOMETRIC VARIATIONS OF CULTURED AND WILD OREOCHROMIS NILOTICUS FROM IBADAN AND KAINJI IN NIGERIA BY OLUFEAGBA S. O.1, ALADELE, S. E.2, *OKOMODA V. T.1, OKERE A.U.2, ODUOYE, O. T.2 AND HASSAN T.2 1 Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, University of Agriculture Makurdi, Nigeria. 2 National Centre for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology, Ibadan, Oyo State. *Corresponding author, Phone: +2348033319959 ABSTRACT This study was designed to investigate the morphological variations of wild and cultured Oreochromis niloticus from Kainji and Ibadan in Nigeria; wild fishes were collected from various landing sites of the lake kainji and Asejire lake, cultured fish were gotten from reputable fish farms in the two environment, samples were stored under ice and transported to the laboratory for morphological characterization. Result obtained reveals significant higher values in most morphometric parameters of the cultured specimen from the different environment compared to their wild counterparts, however condition factor of the fish were higher for fishes in the wild compared to those in the cultured environment. Discriminate analysis showed clear overlap of meristic data for the different environment however in morphometric parameters, fish from the lake kainji slightly overlap with it culture counterpart from the same environment but clearly separate itself from those from Ibadan. Keywords: Cichlidae, Morphological parameters, Growth pattern , Kainji lake, Nigeria. INTRODUCTION Morphometric is very important in biology because it allows quantitative descriptions of organisms. Quantitative approach allowed scientists to compare shapes of different organisms much better and they no longer had to rely on word descriptions that usually had the problem of being interpreted differently by each scientist (Gelsvartas, 2005). Morphometric and the meristic methods remains the simplest and most direct way among methods of species identification. From previous studies (Creech, 1992; Mamuris et al., 1998; Bronte et al., 1999; Hockaday et al., 2000), it is understood that the analysis of phenotypic variation in morphometric characters or meristic counts is the method most commonly used to delineate stocks of fish and measure discreteness and relationships among various taxonomic categories (Avisar 1994; Turan, 1999). Despite the advent of techniques which directly examines biochemical or molecular genetic variation, these conventional methods continues to have an important role in stock identification even to date (Swain & Foote, 1999). However, the major limitation of morphological characters at the intra-specific level is that phenotypic variation is not directly under genetic control but subjected to environmental modification (Clayton, 1981). Phenotypic variation among natural populations sometimes reflects genetic adaptation to local selective pressures (e.g. Endler, 1986; Schluter, 2000) and at other times, it reflects plastic responses to local environmental conditions (e.g. Levins, 1969; Berven et al., 1979; James, 1983). Most of the time, however, it probably reflects a combination of both genetic and plastic influences, Phenotypic plasticity of fish allows them to respond adaptively to environmental change by modification in their physiology and behaviour which leads to changes in their morphology, reproduction or survival that mitigate the effects of environmental variation (Stearns1983, Meyer, 1987). Such phenotypic adaptations do not necessarily result in genetic changes in the population and thus the detection of such phenotypic differences among populations cannot usually be taken as evidence of genetic differentiation. Morphological plasticity according to environmental variability is commonly found among many fish species, predominantly in freshwater fish species. Phenotypic variation according to environmental variability has been widely used by ichthyologists to differentiate among species and among populations within a species (Ihassen et al., 1981; Murta 2002). The Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cichlidae; Teleostei), is a widespread species used in tropical aquaculture. Natural populations of these fish occur in Africa and the species O. niloticus has been introduced to almost every tropical country in the world for aquaculture purposes. (Nyingi et al., 2009) particularly because of its fast growth and the fact that it can be easily reproduced in many confined water bodies (De Silva, 1997). However, after decades of introduction and domestication of the fish, they have highly adapted to a wide range of geographical locations and have shown phenotypic variations with respect to the pure tilapia strains of the brood stock. This may be due to the effects of the environment (Turana et al., 2006) or due to the hybrids evolved through extensive interbreeding (El Serafy et al., 2007). There is paucity of information on the morphological variations of cultured and wild fish species in Nigeria. Hence the bases of this research which seek to investigate the biometric variation of O. niloticus from culture and wild environment of kainji and Ibadan and. MATERIALS AND METHODS The Study Areas and sample collection. Two study area were chosen for data collection namely Ibadan and kanji. Ibadan is located in south-west Nigeria and the capital of Oyo state The Asejire Reservoir is about 30 kilometers east of Ibadan with coordinates 7°21′45″N 4°08′00″E. The reservoir was built in the late 1960s. Farming is totally banned in the catchment area, and trees have been planted on the banks, so erosion and silting are not issues. With plentiful water supply, the reservoir remains full throughout the year (ADB 2010), The reservoir provides raw water to the Asejire and Osegere water treatment plants in Ibadan. The water supply project was completed in 1972, and has a capacity of about 80 million liters per day, of which 80% is used for domestic purposes (CBN 1999). O. niloticus wild specimens were gotten from the Asejire dam while cultured samples were collected from reputable fish farms in the area.. Kainji is located in Niger state and home to the Lake Kainji, which is the largest man-made lake in Nigeria created in 1968 after the damming of River Niger for electricity generation by the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA). The Lake lies between Latitudes 9 0 50'and 100 55'N, and Longitudes 40 25' - 40 45' E and between the borders of Sub - Saharan and Northern Guinea Savanna zones. It has a maximum length of 134km, maximum width of 24.1km, mean and maximum depth of 11m and 60m respectively, surface area of 1270 km2 , a volume of 13 × 109 m3, and catchment’s area of 1.6 x 106 km2 (Obot, 1989). Fish samples for wild were collected from the lake kainji while cultured fish were collected from the National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research (NIFFR). Data Collection 35 fish samples of O. niloticus each were obtained from wild and culture environment of kainji and Ibadan as specified earlier. Meristic counts and morphometric measurement were determine as described by Samaradivakara et al. (2012). The morphometric variables included total length, standard length, dorsal fin length, anal fin length, pectoral fin length, pelvic fin length, pre-pelvic fin length, distance between occipital process, pre-dorsal distance, eye diameter, body width, body depth, caudal penduncle depth, caudal fin length, head width, head length, vomerine length, vomerine width pectoral fin height, anal fin height and pre-orbital length. The meristic counts included anal fin ray, dorsal fin ray, caudal fin ray, pectoral fin ray, pelvic fin ray and dorsal fin spine. Body related morphometric measurement were expressed as percentages of standard length while head related morphometric parameters were expressed as percentages of head length. The length-weight relationship was calculated using the equation given by LeCren (1951) and Ricker (1973) as follows LogW = a + b logL The function condition factor (K) for each species was calculated from the equation: K= 100w L3 Where K= condition factor, L= Standard length (cm), W= Weight (g), Statistical analysis To ensure that variations in this study were only attributed to body shape differences, and not to the relative sizes of the fish, size effects from the data set were eliminated, by standardizing the morphometric parameters using the allometric formula given by Elliott et al. (1995): M adj = M (Ls / Lo) b; Where M is the original measurement, M adj is the size-adjusted measurement, Lo is the TL of the fish, and Ls is the overall mean of the TL for all fish from all samples. Parameter b was estimated for each character from the observed data as the slope of the regression of log M on log Lo, using all fish in all groups. However, it has been established that meristic characters are independent of size of fish hence should not change during growth (Strauss, 1985; Murta, 2000) therefore the raw data were analysed without transformation as described above. Statistical analyses in the present study included descriptive statistics using Minitab 14 as well as univariate analysis of variance using Genstat® discovery edition 4. Where significant differences occurred, Duncan’s least significant difference was used to separate the mean values of morphometric and meristic parameters. Morphometric and meristic data were subjected to discriminant function analysis (DFA) using Genstat® discovery edition 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Despite advances in the use of molecular techniques in charactering fish species, the important of collecting necessary morphological data cannot be over emphasised. The result of the present study reveals significantly higher values in most morphometric parameters of the cultured specimen from the different environment compared to their wild counterparts (Table 1) although fish has been said to demonstrate greater variances in morphological traits both within and between populations of their species than any other vertebrates (Allendorf et al. 1987, Wimberger 1992), the observable difference in this study must have been as a result of the management system given under captivity compared to wild fish, hence influencing size of cultured fish to be larger than those of the wild fish, this position is further confirmed by the result of Table 3 which shows the reversed trend as morphological parameters were expressed as percentages of the standard length. Allendorf and Phelps (1988), Swain et al. (1991) and Wimberger (1992) had highlighted environmental conditions such as food abundance and temperature as causes of high fish morphological plasticity, Solomon et al., (2015) had suggested that differences in cultured and wild African catfish could also have been initiated by genetic variation caused by inbreeding, crossbreeding and other practices that can diluted gene pool of the fish. In summary the study recorded differences in seventeen morphometric parameters out of twenty three and in four of five meristic count. The study of Olufeagba et al., (2015) recorded significant difference in nine of fourteen body related morphometric parameters and six of eight head related parameters and in all meristic counts in four cichlids of lake kainji. Solomon et al., (2015) also reported significant differences in all morphometric parameters and in three of five meristic counts of cultured and wild African catfish Clarias gariepinus. However, the differences in the observations of the different studies must have related to the differences in fish species used and the degree of the effects of the identified phenomenon causing the morphological variation (e.g. environment condition, genetic variability, management level etc.). The results represented in the canonical graphs shows low or no variability in meristic characters compared to morphometric characters. It is clearly observed that the meristic counts overlapped so widely among the fish specimen from both area and both culture environment that the populations could hardly be discriminated from one another (Figure 2). However, morphometric data shows fish specimen from wild in Lake Kainji to cluster as a distinct group, overlapping slightly with his culture counterpart from the same environment and separate itself from the fish from other environment which clearly overlap. Solomon et al., (2015) also reported similar finding in line with the observation of complete overlap in meristic characters for cultured and wild Clarias gariepinus, however they observed that abundant morphometric variation among populations with the fish collected from the different locations clustering into the four distinct groups, Olufeagba et al (2015) however, reported distinct cluster into different groups in four cichlids of lake kainji. Vidalis et al. (1994) had earlier stated that meristic characters may follow a predetermined variability at a very narrow range, because divergence of the meristic counts from a standard range could be fatal for the individual no matter what condition is imminent. Several authors have also considered meristic characters as a less informative tool than the morphometric data (Misra & Carscadden, 1987) when comparing morphological variations in fishes. Dunham et al., (1979) Allendorf, (1988) Thompson, (1991) Wimberger, (1992) has opined that fish are more susceptible to environmentally induced morphological variation than any other vertebrate, and probably reflect the differences in feeding environment, prey types, food availability or other features. However, the variance of the observation of Olufeagba et al., (2015) compared to previously reported studies is due to the scope of the research which focus on morphological variation of the different species of the cichlid family in lake kainji, hence variations observed where fundamentally induced genetically, however, other referenced study look closely at environmental induced variations and their effects on morphological plasticity of the fish. It has been reported by some fish biologists that ‘b’ values usually range from 2.5 to 4.0 for many fish species (Pervin and Mortuza, 2008). According to the observed length weight relationship of fish specimen from the various location and culture chamber, all populations of fish studied had shows a negative allometric growth since the b value were less than the reference value 3 (Table 4). Negative allometric growth implies the fish becomes more slender as it increase in weight (Riedel et al., 2007). Condition factor of wild fishes were higher iin this study compared to those in the cultured environment. According to Khallaf et al., (2003) condition factor of fish can be affected by a number of factors such as stress, sex, season, availability of feeds, and other water quality parameters. TABLE 1: MEAN MORPHOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS OF OREOCHROMIS NILOTICUS FROM WILD AND CULTURED ENVIRONMENT OF IBADAN AND LAKE KAINJI. Parameters Total length Standard length Dorsal fin length Anal fin length Pectoral fin Pelvic fin length Pre-pelvic distance Dist. Btw Occipital Pre-dorsal distance Diameter of eye Body width Body Depth Caudal penducle Caudal fin length Head Width Vomerine length Vomerine Width Pectoral fin height Anal fin height Dorsal fin height Snout height Pre-orbital length Pectoral fin height IBA Cultured IBA Wild KAJ Cultured KAJ Wild 14.89 + 0.22a 12.17 + 0.21a 7.64 + 0.49a 2.06 + 0.06 0.75 + 0.02 0.63 + 0.03b 4.73 + 0.07a 3.15 + 0.08 4.42 + 0.08a 1.08 + 0.02b 4.42 + 0.08a 2.39 + 0.12b 1.70 + 0.04ab 3.05 + 0.09a 2.78 + 0.16 1.02 + 0.08a 0.29 + 0.01ab 3.93 + 0.13 2.92 + 0.11a 2.78 + 0.09a 1.33 + 0.04 1.49 + 0.04a 11.20 + 0.12b 13.19 + 0.60bc 10.58 + 0.49b 5.96 + 0.29b 1.98 + 0.09 0.65 + 0.04 0.55 + 0.09b 4.39 + 0.23ab 3.25 + 0.53 4.01 + 0.17a 1.08 + 0.15b 4.03 + 0.19a 2.03 + 0.13bc 1.48 + 0.07b 2.61 + 0.10b 2.93 + 0.22 0.72 + 0.05bc 0.16 + 0.02b 3.73 + 0.19 2.47 + 0.14bc 2.34 + 0.13b 1.08 + 0.06 1.24 + 0.07b 12.00 + 0.20a 13.79 + 0.43ab 11.57 + 0.38ab 6.21 + 0.20b 1.82 + 0.09 1.30 + 0.47 0.67 + 0.09b 4.44 + 0.15ab 2.48 + 0.54 4.09 + 0.13a 1.05 + 0.04b 4.21 + 0.19a 1.89 + 0.09c 1.85 + 0.15a 2.34 + 0.05b 2.38 + 0.16 0.82 + 0.03b 0.10 + 0.00b 3.69 + 0.15 2.69 + 0.16ab 2.46 + 0.14ab 1.17 + 0.05 1.13 + 0.05bc 10.83 + 0.22b 12.04 + 0.57c 9.45 + 0.44c 5.42 + 0.31b 1.89 + 0.12 0.75 + 0.11 1.05 + 0.27a 3.97 + 0.22b 3.00 + 0.16 3.49 + 0.22b 1.76 + 0.29a 2.79 + 0.26b 2.94 + 0.26a 1.58 + 0.12ab 2.61 + 0.13b 2.58 + 0.14 0.63 + 0.05c 0.46 + 0.19a 3.31 + 0.23 2.23 + 0.13c 2.23 + 0.21b 1.40 + 0.38 1.07 + 0.06c 11.00 + 0.42b P-value 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.239 0.197 0.009 0.022 0.479 0.001 0.005 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.124 0.001 0.049 0.101 0.003 0.004 0.622 0.001 0.011 Mean in the same column with different superscript differ significantly (P<0.05) TABLE 2: MEAN MERISTIC COUNT OF OREOCHROMIS NILOTICUS FROM WILD AND CULTURED ENVIRONMENT OF IBADAN AND LAKE KAINJI. Parameters Anal fin ray Dorsal fin ray Caudal fin ray Pelvic fin ray Dorsal fin spine IBA Cultured IBA Wild KAJ Cultured KAJ Wild 8.48 + 0.14ab 11.69 + 0.14b 16.31 + 0.29 5.29 + 0.23b 16.20 + 0.12b 8.37 + 0.09ab 12.03 + 0.16b 15.90 + 0.07 4.97 + 0.13b 15.97 + 0.11v 8.13 + 0.07b 13.00 + 0.17a 15.87 + 0.09 5.03 + 0.11b 16.93 + 0.04a 8.77 + 0.21a 11.87 + 0.24b 16.17 + 0.25 6.33 + 0.51a 15.87 + 0.18b Mean in the same column with different superscript differ significantly (P<0.05) P-value 0.020 0.001 0.351 0.001 0.001 TABLE 3: MEAN MORPHOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS EXPRESSED AS PERCENTAGES OF STANDARD LENGTH AND HEAD LENGTH OF WILD AND CULTURED OREOCHROMIS NILOTICUS FROM IBADAN AND LAKE KAINJI Parameters Total length Dorsal fin length Anal fin length Pectoral fin Pelvic fin length Pre-pelvic distance Dist. Btw Occipital Pre-dorsal distance Diameter of eye Body width Body Depth Caudal penducle Caudal fin length Head Width Vomerine length Vomerine Width Pectoral fin height Anal fin height Dorsal fin height Snout height Pre-orbital length IBA Cultured IBA Wild KAJ Cultured KAJ Wild 123.01 + 1.66bc 63.30 + 4.18a 16.97 + 0.45b 6.26 + 0.22 5.22 + 0.25b 39.11 + 0.65b 26.02 + 0.59 34.59 + 0.79 8.94 + 0.22b 36.48 + 0.55a 19.83 + 1.05b 14.03 + 0.32b 25.12 + 0.74b 22.95 + 1.24b 8.32 + 0.61a 2.42 + 0.10ab 32.51 + 1.08ab 23.99 + 0.77 22.94 + 0.68 10.97 + 0.34 12.26 + 0.29 125.51 + 1.74ab 56.49 + 0.86ab 19.14 + 0.64a 6.33 + 0.34 5.31 + 1.08b 41.65 + 0.83a 32.53 + 6.44 38.44 + 0.88 10.54 + 1.57b 38.19 + 0.80a 19.49 + 1.23bc 14.17 + 0.31b 25.56 + 0.98ab 27.82 + 1.46a 6.65 + 0.35b 1.53 + 0.13b 34.98 + 0.52a 22.99 + 0.61 22.17 + 0.75 10.07 + 0.37 11.88 + 0.43 119.57 + 1.10c 53.98 + 0.86b 16.04 + 0.80b 11.02 + 3.86 5.89 + 1.08b 38.49 + 0.61b 23.52 + 6.68 35.05 + 0.38 9.14 + 0.30b 36.27 + 0.71a 16.17 + 0.62c 15.68 + 0.86ab 20.87 + 0.86c 19.99 + 1.13b 7.13 + 0.19b 0.89 + 0.03b 31.83 + 0.85b 20.94 + 0.70 20.94 + 0.70 10.09 + 0.23 9.69 + 0.28 127.85 + 1.42a 57.13 + 1.84ab 19.99 + 0.85a 8.64 + 1.42 12.53 + 3.52a 42.06 + 1.15a 32.39 + 1.59 36.93 + 1.52 17.63 + 2.57a 30.06 + 2.57b 30.33 + 0.26a 17.39 + 1.50a 27.93 + 0.88a 28.20 + 1.53a 6.48 + 0.31b 5.56 + 2.56a 34.28 + 1.18ab 23.00 + 1.28 23.00 + 1.28 16.21 + 5.01 11.55 + 0.45 P-value 0.001 0.020 0.239 0.282 0.016 0.004 0.400 0.216 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.023 0.001 0.001 0.007 0.048 0.077 0.736 0.321 0.321 0.238 Mean in the same column with different superscript differ significantly (P<0.05) TABLE 4: LENGTH-WEIGHT RELATIONSHIP AND CONDITION FACTOR OF OREOCHROMIS NILOTICUS FROM WILD AND CULTURED ENVIRONMENT OF IBADAN AND LAKE KAINJI. Parameters A B r2 K IBA Cultured -0.549 1.925 0.53 IBA Wild -0.447 1.874 0.82 KAJ Cultured -0.334 1.771 0.57 KAJ Wild -1.169 2.445 0.682 2.94 + 0.09c 4.41 + 0.43a 3.44 + 0.24bc 4.16 + 0.48ab Mean in the same column with different superscript differ significantly (P<0.05) P-value 0.001 3 2 KAJ Cultured Scores[2] 1 KAJ Wild 0 IBA Wild -1 IBA Cultured -2 -3 -4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Scores[1] Figure 1: Sample centroids of the discriminant function scores based on morphometric measurement of Oreochromis niloticus from Ibadan and kanji lake 4 4 Scores[2] 2 KAJ Wild IBA Cultured 0 KAJ Cultured IBA Wild -2 -4 -4 -2 0 2 4 Scores[1] Figure 2: Sample centroids of the discriminant function scores based on meristic count. of Oreochromis niloticus from Ibadan and kanji lake REFERENCE ADB (2010) "Nigeria: Water & Sanitation for Oyo and Taraba States" (PDF). African Development Bank. Retrieved from on 2010-05-24. 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