Comparative Public Policy of Global Regions

National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Government of Russian Federation
National Research University Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course Comparative Public Policy of Global Regions
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68)
for Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Author of the syllabus: Tawat Mahama, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Policy and
Research Fellow, Centre for Advanced Studies )
Approved by the meeting of the all-university Department of Public Policy
on (day/month/year) «___»____________ 2014
Head of department:
Nina Belyaeva (signature)
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Moscow, 2014
This syllabus cannot be used by other university departments and other higher education
institutions without the explicit permission of the Department of Public Policy.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Scope of Use
The present program outlines minimum demands of students’ knowledge and skills and the content
of the course.
The syllabus is intended for the department teaching this course, its teaching assistants, and students
of the degree program 030201.68 ‘Political Science’, master’s program ‘Political Analysis and Public
This syllabus meets the standards required by:
Standards of National Research University Higher School of Economics of Federal Masters’
Degree Program 030200.68 “Political Science”,
Master’s program ‘Political Analysis and Public Policy’ of Federal Master’s Degree
Program 030200.68 “Political Science”,
Curriculum of the master’s program ‘Political Analysis and Public Policy’ as of 2014_.
Learning Objectives
Learning objectives of the course are:
To provide students with a solid grasp of the basic concepts, historical backgrounds, theoretical
perspectives on comparative public policy. Some of the questions that the course will seek to answer are:
What is comparative public policy?
Why compare public policies?
What are the factors that influence policymaking?
What are the main reseach questions and theoretical perspectives within the subfield?
Learning outcomes
As a result of studying of the discipline the student should:
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
-Know the basics of political theory, the basic concepts of public policy (government, public policy and the
public sphere, the state, democracy, civil society), the theoretical and methodological approaches to
political research, methodology of public policy analysis
-Be able to apply the concepts and methods of political research in the applied areas of public policy
-Have the skills (to gain experience) of writing analytical documents (papers, reports, and memos) in
several areas of public policy
The following knowledge and competences are needed to study the discipline:
-Good analytical skills
-Medium to advanced English language skills
-Successful completion of Theories and Methodology of Political Science and Contemporary Political
achieving the
concepts and theoretical
models, to test new
methods and tools for
professional activities
Ability to analyze, verify,
estimate the accuracy of
information in his/her
professional activities.
Ability to fill in the gaps,
to synthesize the missing
information and to work in
70 percent in the
cohort has achieved at
least 5 over 10
70 percent in the
cohort has achieved at
least 5 over 10
Forms and methods of education
which help the students to acquire the
Seminars, independent work,
group work, tests
Seminars, independent
work, group work, tests
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
(reviews, notes, reports,
recommendations, etc) and
70 percent in the
cohort has achieved at
least 5 over 10
Seminars, independent
work, group work, tests
Place of the discipline in the Master program structure
This discipline is one of the general disciplines for the program.
This discipline is the basic one for specialization "Political Analysis and Public Policy"
The main propositions of the discipline to be used later in the study the following subjects:
Quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis
Global actors in public policy
Think tanks as policy actors
Food policy
Development policy
Defense policy and civil-military relations
Social policy and welfare state
State policy in the field of ethno-national relations (migration and national minority)
SRS "Methods and organization of public policy analysis"
Main competences developed by studying this discipline can be used to study the following
Social Policy, comparative social policy
Public Management and governance
Development studies
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Public health
Political Economy
Political Sociology
5. Course Plan
Contact hours
Lectures Seminars
6. Requirements and Grading
Type of
Type of work
1 st.year
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
The student is expected to show on the
one hand, craft in writing and good
presentation and should, if necessary,
liaise with the Writing Centre for
assistance. On the other hand, he or she is
expected to show an understanding of
theoretical, methodological and thematic
issues and the ability to expose them in a
convincing manner.
This will last 45 minutes including the
Questions and Answers session and
count for 20%. It will be the result of
group work by three or four students on a
policy topic.
The final paper does not carry more
weight than the mid-term paper and
follow the same rules. However, it will
focus on the topics examined in the last
quarter of the module.
6.1 Course Evaluation Criteria
Students will be assessed on the following four criteria:
1. Participation. This amounts to 10% of the module grade and assesses the level of participation of
each student: activity and quality. This includes a one-page reading notes relating to a seminar
question that students should email before each meeting.
One mid-term paper of about 15-20 pages. This will count for (30%) of the grade. It will deal
with topics examined in lectures and seminars during the previous three or four weeks. The paper is
a significant piece of research work. The student is expected to show on the one hand, craft in
writing and good presentation and should, if necessary, liaise with the Writing Centre for
assistance. On the other hand, he or she is expected to show an understanding of theoretical,
methodological and thematic issues and the ability to expose them in a convincing manner. Late
submissions will be penalized. I will be available for advice throughout the semester at my office
hours or through appointment. Details and adjustments will be provided prior to the beginning of
the course.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Oral presentation. (homework) This will last 45 minutes including the Questions and Answers
session and count for 20%. It will be the result of group work by three or four students on a policy
topic. Details and adjustments will be provided prior to the beginning of the course.
Final paper (40%) 15-20 pages. The final paper does not carry more weight than the mid-term
paper and follow the same rules. However, it will focus on the topics examined in the last quarter of
the module.
7 Course Description
As the subject of this discipline is in the process of permanent evolution and academic publications
get outdated quickly, students are advised to follow the latest developments in several academic journals on
the topic, available at the HSE library, such as Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Comparative
Policy Analaysis, Comparative Politics, Policy and Society, Critical Policy Studies, Journal of European
Public Policy etc., as well as in the general media, on the internet and around them, “in the street”.
Topic 1. Course Introduction
Personal introductions. Description of course structure. How does comparative public policy differ
from public policy, public administration and public management? Why compare? The advantages
and limits of comparison. Units of Comparison: within-state and across-state. Heuristic differences
and similarities between focused comparison, the case study, and statistical analysis. Writing an
advanced research-paper. Top journals in comparative public policy.
Required readings:
Farr, James, Jacob S. Hacker and Nicole Kazee (2006) ‘The Policy Scientist of Democracy: The Discipline
of Harold D. Lasswell’, American Political Science Review 100 (04), 579–87.
Isabelle Engeli and Christine Rothmayr Allison eds. (2014) Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in
Comparative Public Policy, London: Palgrave.
Mintrom Michael and Williams, Claire (2013) Public Policy Debate and the Rise of Policy Analysis, in
Eduardo Araral, Scott Fritzen, Michael Howlett, M Ramesh, Xun Wu (eds.) Handbook of Public Policy,
New York: Routledge.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Przeworski, Adam and Teune, Henry (1970) The Logic of Comparative Social Inquiry, New York: WileyInterscience.
Lijphart, Arend (1971) “Comparative Politics and the Comparative Method”, American Political Science
Review, Vol. 65, No 3.
Lijphart, Arend (1975) “The Comparable-Cases Strategy in Comparative Research”, Comparative Political
Studies, Vol. 8, No 2, pp. 158-177.
Birkland Thomas. A. An Introduction to the Policy Process. Theories, Concepts, and Models of Public
Policy Making. New York: M.E.Sharpe, 2011.
Lodge, Martin (2007) Comparative Public Policy in Frank Fischer, Gerald J. Miller and Mara S. Sidney
eds. Handbook of Public Policy Analysis: Theory, Politics and Methods, Boca Raton: CRC.
Optional readings:
How to write an advanced research paper, make charts and graphs ?Purdue Online Writing lab
How to cite a reference and what is plagiarism? University of California,Berkeley.
Page, E. C. (2006) "The origins of policy" in Moran, Michael and Rein, Martin and Goodin, Robert E.,
(eds.) Ox
ford Handbook of Public Policy. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Topic 2. Conceptualization
Conceptualization and categorization: why and how? Common concepts in social sciences. A major
problem of conceptualization: the travelling problem/ladder of generality or concept stretching. The
sensitizing and operationalizing traditions. Sartori's Empirical Universals. Exercises of
Required readings:
Della Porta, Donatella and Keating, Michael, Eds. (2008) Approaches and Methodologies in the Social
Sciences, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Blaikie, Norman (2010) Designing Social Research: the Logic of Anticipation, Cambridge, UK and
Malden, MA: Polity.
Collier, David and Mahon, James. E, Jr (1993) “Conceptual ‘stretching’ revisited: Adapting categories in
Comparative Analysis”, American Political Science Review, Vol, 87, No 4, pp. 845-855.
Sartori, Giovanni (1970) "Concept Misformation in Comparative Politics." The American Political
Science Review 64 (4): 1033-1053.
Optional readings:
Collier, David and Gerring, John eds. (2009) Concepts and Method in Social Sciences. The Tradition of
Giovanni Sartori, New York: Routledge.
Berry, William T. (1990) ‘The Confusing Case of Budgetary Incrementalism: Too Many Meanings for a
Single Concept’, Journal of Politics, 52 (1), 167–96.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Topic 3. Choice of Cases
Why the choice of cases matters? case studies, small N, large N, typical, diverse, extreme, deviant,
influential, crucial, pathway, most similar designs, most-different designs, negative cases, choosing
the dependent variable.
Goggin, Malcolm, L. (1986) ‘The “Too Few Cases/Too Many Variables” Problem in Implementation
Research’, Western Political Quarterly 38, 328–47.
Flyvberg, Bent (2006) “Five Misunderstandings about Case-Study (sic) Research”, Qualitative Inquiry,
Vol. 12, No 2, p. 221.
Isabelle Engeli and Christine Rothmayr Allison (2014) Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in
Comparative Public Policy, London: Palgrave.
Collier, David (2008) “Introduction” Symposium: Case Selection, Case Studies, and Causal Inference,
Fall, Vol. 6, No. 2, Qualitative & Multi-Method Research, Newsletter of the American Political Science
Association Organized Section for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research.
Barbara Geddes (1990) “How the Cases You Choose Affect the Answers You Get: Selection Bias in
Comparative Politics,”
in James A. Stimson ed. Political Analysis, Vol. II, Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press: pp. 131-150.
Tarrow, Sydney (2010) The Strategy of Paired Comparison: Toward a Theory of Practice, Comparative
Political Studies, Vol. 43, No 2, pp. 235-237.
George, Alexander, L. and Bennett, Andrew (2005). Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social
Sciences, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Optional readings:
Goertz, Gary and James Mahoney (2012) A Tale of Two Cultures: Contrasting Qualitative and Quantitative
Paradigms (Princeton University Press).
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
King, Gary, Keohane, Robert and Verba, Sidney (1994). Designing Social Inquiry. Scientific Inference in
Qualitative Research, Princeton: University Press.
Janet Box-Steffensmeier, Henry E. Brady, and David Collier The Oxford Handbook of Political
Methodology., eds. (New York: Oxford University Press)Topic 3. Choice of Cases
Topic 4. Focused Comparison: Case-oriented Vs Variable-oriented comparison
Ontology and methodology. Qualitatively-oriented comparisons. What is their worth? Comparative
Historical Analysis? background and tenets. Mill's Indirect Method of Agreement and Difference:
background, principles, advantages and pitfalls. Exercises of comparison.
Howard, Peter (2010) “Triangulating Debates Within the Field: Teaching International Relations Research
Methodology”, International Studies Perspectives, Vol. 11, No 4, p. 400ch.
Mahoney, James and Rueschemeyer, Dietrich ed. (2003) Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social
Sciences, : Cambridge University Press.
Isabelle Engeli and Christine Rothmayr Allison eds. (2014) Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in
Comparative Public Policy, London: Palgrave.
Skocpol, Theda (1979) States and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia and
China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Moore, Jr., Barrington (1993) [First published 1966]. Social origins of dictatorship and democracy: lord
and peasant in the making of the modern world (with a new foreword by Edward Friedman and James C.
Scott ed.). Boston: Beacon Press.
Putnam, Robert, D.; Leonardi, Robert and Nanetti, Raffaella, Y. (1993) Making Democracy Work: Civic
Traditions in Modern Italy, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Hall, Peter A. (2004) ‘Letter from the President. Beyond the Comparative Method’, Newsletter of the
Organized Section in Comparative Politics of the American Political Science Association, 15 (2), 1–4.
Optional readings:
Anckar, Carsten (2008) "On the Applicability of the Most Similar Systems Design and the Most Different
Systems Design in Comparative Research." International Journal of Social Research Methodology
(5): 389-401.
Savolainen, Jukka (1994) "The Rationality of Drawing Big Conclusions Based on Small Samples: In
Defense of Mill's Methods." Social Forces 72 (4):1217-24.
Lieberson, Stanley (1994) "More on the Uneasy Case for Using Mill-Type Methods in Small-N
Comparative Studies." Social Forces, 72 (4):12, 25-37.
de Tocqueville, Alexis (1862) (1946) Democracy in America translated by Henry Reeve, edited with an
introduction by Henry Steele Commager, London: Oxford University Press.
Janet Box-Steffensmeier, Henry E. Brady, and David Collier The Oxford Handbook of Political
Methodology., eds. (New York: Oxford University Press)
Mill, John Stuart. 1974b [1843]. “Of the Four Methods of Experimental Inquiry.” In Book 3, Chapter 8,
cinative and Inductive, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Topic 5. Focused Comparison: Mixed Methods
The case for mixed-methods. Configurational Comparative Methods (crisp-set QCA, multivalueQCA, fuzzy-setQCA, Boolian language, sufficiency and necessity of variables, choice of
variables/the formation of configurations, process-tracing and forms of historical analysis,
correlation, multifinality, equifinality, randomness, QCA softwares. Statistical inference, variations
and distributions of frequency (policy convergence).
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Required readings:
Marx, Axel, Benoît Rihoux and Charles C. Ragin (2013) ‘The Origins, Development and Application of
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): The First 25 Years’, European Political Science Review,
(1), 115–42.
Johnson, R. Burke, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Lisa A. Turner (2007) ‘Toward a Definition of Mixed
Methods Research’, Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1 (2), 112–33.
Ragin, Charles and Rihoux, Benoît (2008) (eds.) Configurational Comparative Methods. Qualitative
Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Related Techniques, Applied Social Research Methods Series, Vol. 51,
Thousand Oaks: Sage.
George, Alexander, L. and Bennett, Andrew (2005). Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social
Sciences, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Isabelle Engeli and Christine Rothmayr Allison (2014) Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in
ive Public Policy, London: Palgrave.
Optional readings:
COMPASSS (COMPArative Methods for Systematic cross-caSe analySis) Website.
Ragin, Charles, C. (1987) The Comparative Method: Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative
Strategies, Berkeley: University of California Press.
Topic 6. Policy Processes in Comparative Perspective
Is the Stages heuristic a universal process or are variation the norm? Logics of
Decisionmaking and veto-points in different countries. Case-studies from Russia (guest
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
lecture with Professor Nina Belyaeva or else), Western Europe, the USA and developing
Required readings:
deLeon, Peter (1999) ‘The Stages Approach to the Policy Process: What Has It Done? Where Is It
Going?’, in Paul A. Sabatier (ed.) Theories of the Policy Process (Boulder: Westview), 19–34.
Ham, Christopher and Hill, Michael (1993) The Policy Process in the Modern Capitalist State, 2nd edition,
New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, pp.11-14.
Sven Steinmo, Kathleen Thelen, and Longstreth, Frank Eds.(1992) Structuring politics: Historical
Institutionalism in Comparative Analysis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 57-89.
Donald L. Horowitz (1989) “Is there a Third World Policy Process?” Policy Sciences, Vol. 22, No.3/4 , pp.
Nina Belyaeva. Public Policy in Russia: Actors' Interests and Modernization of Institutions.
Knill, Christoph and Tosun, Jale (2012). Public Policy: A New Introduction. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Optional readings:
Hupe, Peter L. and Michael J. Hill (2006) ‘The Three Actions Levels of Governance: Re-Framing the
Policy Process Beyond the Stages Model’, in B. Guy Peters and Jon Pierre (eds) Handbook of Public
Policy (London: Sage), 13–30.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Jann, Werner and Kai Wegrich (2007) ‘Theories of the Policy Cycle’, in Frank Fischer, Gerald J. Miller
and Mara S. Sidney (eds) Handbook of Public Policy Analysis: Theory, Politics and Methods, Boca Raton:
CRC, 43–62.
Pierson, Paul (2000) ‘Not Just What, but When: Timing and Sequence in Political Processes’, Studies in
American Political Development, 14 (1), 72–92.
George Tsebelis, “Decision Making in Political Systems: Veto Players in Presidentialism,
Parliamentarism, Multicameralism, and Multipartyism,” British Journal of Political Science, 25 (1995),
Hague, Rod, and Martin Harrop (2013). Political Science: A Comparative Introduction, 7th edition.
Topic 7. Policymaking
Agenda-setting, policy formulation and decision-making. Approaches to policy formation: Institu
Analysis and Development, the Streams Metaphores, Advocacy Coalition Framework, ideas, Punctuated Equilibrium,
Policy networks, new institutionalisms and policy legacy, interpretive approaches (problem definition, policy narratives,
symbolism). The incremental and rational-technocratic models, gendering policy change.
Required readings:
Paul Sabatier, ed. (2007) Theories of the Policy Process. Boulder, CO: Westview, Press, Second Edition.
Eduardo Araral, Scott Fritzen, Michael Howlett, M Ramesh, Xun Wu eds. (2013) Handbook of Public
Policy, New York: Routledge.
Baumgartner, Frank R. (2006) Green-Pedersen, Christoffer; Jones, Bryan D. I. 'Comparative Studies of
Policy Agendas,' Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 959-974.
Immergut, Ellen M. (1990) “Institutions, Veto Points, and Policy Results: A Comparative Analysis of
Health Care”, Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 10, No 4, pp. 391-416
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Isabelle Engeli and Christine Rothmayr Allison (2014) Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in
Comparative Public Policy, London: Palgrave.
Holzinger, Katharina, Christoph Knill, and Thomas Sommerer (2008) ‘Environmental Policy
Convergence: The Impact of International Harmonization, Transnational Communication, and
Regulatory Competition’, International Organization, 62 (4), 553–87.
Hanspeter Kriesi, et al (2006) 'Comparative Analysis of Policy Networks in Western Europe'
International Journal of Political Research Methodology. Volume 13, Issue 3.
Optional readings:
Bennett, Colin J. (1991) ‘Review Article: What Is Policy Convergence and What Causes It?’, British
Journal of Political Science, 21 (2), 215–33.
Kingdon, John (1984) Agendas, Alternatives and Public Policies, New York: Longman.
Schmidt, Vivien, A. (2009) “Taking Ideas and Discourse Seriously: Explaining Change through Discursive
Institutionalism as the Fourth “New Institutionalism”, European Political Science Review, Vol. 2,
No 1, pp. 1-25.
Hall, Peter A. (1993) ‘Policy Paradigms, Social Learning and the State: The Case of Economic Policy
Making in Britain’, Comparative Politics, 25 (3), 275–96.
Baumgartner, Frank R. and Bryan D. Jones (1993) Agendas and Instability in American Politics,
University of Chicago Press.
Real-Dato J. (2009) Mechanisms of Policy Change: A Proposal for a Synthetic Explanatory Framework,
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis,Vol. 11, No. 1.. P. 117-143.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Bleich, Erik (1998) “From International Ideas to Domestic Policies: Educational Multiculturalism in
England and France”, Comparative Politics, Vol. 31, No1, pp. 90-91.
Fischer, Frank and Forester, John eds (1993) The Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis and Planning,
Durham: Duke University Press.
Evans, Peter B.; Rueschemeyer, Dietrich, and Skocpol, Theda (1985) (eds.) Bringing the State Back In,
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Goldstein Judith and Keohane Robert. O. 1993, eds., Ideas and Foreign Policy: Beliefs,
Institutions, and Political Change. Ithaca. New York: Cornell University Press.
Berman, Sheri.E. 2013. ‘Ideational Theorizing in the Social Sciences Since Policy Paradigms, Social
Learning, and the State’, Governance, 23, 6.
Hall, Peter and Taylor, Rosemary (1996), “The Three New Institutionalisms,” Political Studies, 44, pp.
Topic 8. Policy Implementation
Implementation failure. The top-down approach, the bottom-up approach, the synthetisers,
organizational design, functionalist approach, bureaucracy, network governance, New Public
Management, Development management. Policy report writing.
Required readings:
Eduardo Araral, Scott Fritzen, Michael Howlett, M Ramesh, Xun Wu (eds.) Handbook of Public Policy,
New York: Routledge.
Pollitt, Christopher and Bouckaert, Geert. (2004) Public Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis,
2nd. edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tawat, Mahama (2012) New Public Management in New Zealand: The Past, Present and Future of the
Great Experiment, International Public Management Review, Vol. 14, Issue 2.
Schick, Allan. 1998. “Why Most Developing Countries Should Not Try New Zealand Reforms”, World
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Bank Research Observer, Vol. 13, No 8: pp. 123–131.
Optional readings:
Hill, Michael; Hupe, Peter (2002) Implementing Public Policy: Governance in Theory and in Practice,
SAGE: London.
Lipsky, Michael (1980) Street-Level Bureaucracy, New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Wildavsky, Aaron and Pressman, Jeffrey, L. (1973) Implementation: How Great Expectations in Washing
ton are Dashed in Oakland; Or, Why it’s Amazing that Federal Programs Work at All, This Be ing a
Saga of the Economic Development Administration as Told by Two sympathetic Observers Who Seek to
Build Morals on a Foundation of Ruined Hopes, Berkeley: University of California Press.
Topic 9. Policy evaluation
Types of policy evaluation. Scopes, advantages and disadvantages. Practical applications.
Required readings:
Eduardo Araral, Scott Fritzen, Michael Howlett, M Ramesh, Xun Wu (eds.) Handbook of Public Policy,
New York: Routledge.
Optional readings:
Vedung Evert (1997) Public Policy and Program Evaluation, New Brunswick,
N.J. and London: Transaction Publishers.
Topic 10. Distributive, redistributive, morality and regulatory policies.
How and why States adopt different policies regarding the legalization of prostitution,
euthanasia, the death penalty and so on? What are the most gripping health policy issues in
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Europe and Russia? How and why do national responses and performances vary? What are
the types of welfare regimes ? is there an Asian welfare regime?
Jacint Jordana and David Levi-Faur (eds) The Politics of Regulation: Institutions and Regulatory Reforms
for the Age of Governance, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Gøsta Esping-Andersen (1990) The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, Cambridge: Polity Press, and
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Pierson, Paul (1996) ‘The New Politics of the Welfare State’, World Politics, 48 (2), 143–79.
Engeli, Isabelle, Christopher Green-Pedersen and Lars Thurop Larsen (2012) Morality Politics in Western
Europe. Parties, Agenda and Policy Choices, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Saxonberg, Steven (2014) Gendering Family Policies in Post-Communist Europe. A His
orical-Institutional Analysis, London: Palgrave.
Huck-Ju Kwon (1997) Beyond European Welfare Regimes: Comparative Perspectives on East Asian
Welfare Systems, Journal of Social Policy., 26, pp 467-484.
Rueschemeyer, Marilyn, Ornstein, Mitchell and Cook, Linda (1999) eds. Left Parties and Social Policy in
Post-Communist Europe", Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Thandika Mkandawire (ed) (2004). Social Policy in a Development Context [Online] Available
at: 28 July
Optional readings:
Heidenheimer, Arnold, Heclo Hugh and Carolyne T. Addams (1990) Comparative Public Policy: The
Politics of Social Choice in America, Europe and Japan, 3rd edn., New York: St Martin’s Press.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
Bucken-Knapp, Gregg and Karlsson Schaffer, J.“Prostitution Policy Reform and the Causal Role of Ideas:
A Comparative Study of Policymaking in the Nordic Countries” Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, Vol. 110, No.
1, 2008, pp. 59-65.
Hacker, Jacob S. (2004) ‘Review Article: Dismantling the Health Care State? Political Institutions, Public
Policies and the Comparative Politics of Health Reform’, British Journal of Political Science, 34 (4), 693–
8. Teaching Methods and Recommendations
8.1 Recommendations for Students
Instructions will be provided to the students as an annex to the syllabus.
9. Grading estimation
Provisional Topics for Continuous Assessment (essays):
- Policymaking (comparative analysis of cases).
- Policy implementation (comparative analysis of cases).
- New Public Management and social policy in Developing Countries.
Provisional Questions for grading estimation
1. Which differences and similarities do you find between Advocacy Coalitions Framework and
Punctuated Equilibrium and the Stream Metaphors?
2. What are the main problems of policy implementation?
3. To which welfare regime does Russia belong?
4. Make a comparative policy analysis of a public health issue in two countries based on either MSDO
(most similar/different outcome) or MDSO (most different/different outcome).
5. Are social policy and economic growth incompatible?
Specific information will be giving prior to the course beginning.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
All-university Department of Public Policy
Syllabus of the course (Comparative Public Policy of
Global Regions)
for Master degree in Political Science (030200.68), Master degree program “Political Analysis and Public Policy”
The rule of forming cumulative grade
10% Participation, 30% Midterm paper, 20% Homework, 40% Final Essay. With the exception of
clerical errors, there will be no change of grades after posting.
Cumulative grade for current work formula is:
Оcurrent = 0,2·Оparticipation + 0,3·Ohomework + 0,5·Оessay;
Final cumulative grade formula is:
Оfinal grade = 0,4·Оfinal essay + 0,6·Оcurrent
Only the final grade goes into your Master Degree certificate.
11. Reading and Materials
Mentioned in course description
12. Equipment
Instructions will be provided to the students as an annex to the syllabus.