
Auxiliary material for
What do triple-frequency radar measurements reveal about aggregate
J. Leinonen1,2 and D. Moisseev3
Earth Observation, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California,
Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres
This readme file has been corrected from the original version published with the paper,
where the columns of the backscattering cross sections were given in an incorrect order.
The authors regret this error and thank Dr. Stefan Kneifel for notifying us of it.
The Auxiliary Material consists of one table containing the physical properties and
backscattering cross sections used to derive the results in the article.
1. ts01.txt Backscattering cross sections
This is a raw ASCII formatted table that contains the ice crystal type, ice crystal
characteristic size, mass, maximum diameter and backscattering cross sections for each
snowflake modeled in this study. Each line corresponds to one snowflake; the columns
are separated by spaces. For information on how the backscattering cross sections were
computed, see section 2.4 of the article. All units are SI.
1.1 Column 1, ice crystal type
One ASCII character indicating the type of the ice crystals making up the aggregate: “d”
for dendrites, “n” for needles, “p” for plates, “r” for bullet rosettes, “s” for spheroids.
1.2 Column 2, ice crystal size
The characteristic size λ-1 of the ice crystals making up the aggregate (m). See section
2.2. and equation (1) of the article.
1.3 Column 3, aggregate mass
The mass m of the aggregate (kg).
1.4 Column 4, aggregate diameter
The maximum diameter D of the aggregate (m).
1.5 Column 5, aggregate radius of gyration
The radius of gyration rg of the aggregate (m). This is defined as
π‘Ÿπ‘” = √𝑉 ∫ (π‘Ÿ − π‘ŸπΆπ‘€ )2 π‘‘π‘Ÿ
where rCM is the center of mass and V is the ice volume of the snowflake.
1.6 Column 6, Ku-band backscattering cross section
The backscattering cross section σ at Ku band (m2).
1.7 Column 7, Ka-band backscattering cross section
The backscattering cross section σ at Ka band (m2).
1.8 Column 8, W-band backscattering cross section
The backscattering cross section σ at W band (m2).
1.9 Column 9, Ku-band backscattering cross section
The backscattering cross section σ at Ku band (m2). The polarization is orthogonal to that
given in column 6.
1.10 Column 10, Ka-band backscattering cross section
The backscattering cross section σ at Ka band (m2). The polarization is orthogonal to that
given in column 7.
1.11 Column 11, W-band backscattering cross section
The backscattering cross section σ at W band (m2). The polarization is orthogonal to that
given in column 8.