CAREER & EDUCATIONAL PLANNING GUIDE 2015-2016 A Guide to Academic Courses Belton High School (816) 489-7500 Principal - BHS Principal - BHSFC Senior Class Principal Junior Class Principal Sophomore Class Principal & A+ Coordinator Athletic/Activities Director Senior Counselor Junior Counselor Sophomore Counselor Freshman Counselor Belton Freshman Center (816) 348-1726 Dr. Fred Skretta Dr. Jean Selby Ms. Shelia Gilchrist Dr. Denise Rangel Mr. Kevin Gerke Mr. John Schaefer Mr. Chad Cross Mrs. Amber Webel Dr. Pat Denney Mr. Darrin Schick 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information Credit Requirements Assessments Athletic Eligibility- BHS & Collegiate Special Programs Career and Technical Student Organizations Purpose of Career Paths & Career Clusters Career Paths to Career Clusters Career Clusters Program of Study Templates 5 6 7 8 11 13 14 15 16 BHS DEPARTMENTS ENGLISH FYR1101 FYR1103 HYR1101 HYR1107 HYR1109 HYR1113 52 College Prep English I @(BHSFC) Adv. College Prep English I @(BHSFC) College Prep English I College Prep English II Advanced College Prep English II College Prep English III HYR1115 HYR1117 HYR1119 HYR1123 HSM1132 HSM1134 *AP Language & Composition College Prep English IV *College English (UMKC) *AP Literature & Composition Poetry Creative Writing HYR1549 HYR1551 Intro to Multimedia Advanced Multimedia HYR1157 HSM1160 HSM1162 HSM1164 HYR1165 HYR1167 Company Film Analysis and Production Technical Theatre Theatre Appreciation Contest Speech Competitive Debate JOURNALISM HYR1131 HYR1135 Journalism I Yearbook 55 THEATER AND DEBATE FSM1152 FSM1154 FYR1165 HSM1152 HSM1154 HSM1156 Human Comm @(BHSFC) Acting I @(BHSFC) Contest Speech@(BHSFC) Human Communications Acting I Acting II 55 FOREIGN LANGUAGE FYR1181 FYR1183 FYR1189 HYR1181 HYR1183 HYR1185 2 Spanish I @(BHSFC) Spanish II @(BHSFC) French I @(BHSFC) Spanish I Spanish II *Spanish III 57 HYR1187 HYR1189 HYR1191 HYR1193 HYR1195 *Spanish IV French I French II *French III *French IV SOCIAL STUDIES FSM1200 FSM1202 HSM1204 HYR1205 HYR1207 HYR1209 HSM1212 Government @ BHSFC Geography Government @ BHS World History *AP World History American History Psychology I 59 HSM1214 HSM1216 HSM1218 HYR1217 HSM1219 HSM1220 Sociology I Criminal Law Civil Law *Political Science World210 History *American History *AP World 101 History *American History American 102History HYR1307 HYR1311 HYR1313 HYR1353 HYR1317 Anatomy & Physiology Advanced Physics *AP Biology Human Body Systems (HBS) Forensic Science HYR1413 HYR1415 HYR1417 HYR1419 HYR1421 HYR1423 HYR1449 Advanced Algebra II * Pre-Calculus *College Algebra *Trig/Pre-Calculus *Calculus *AP Statistics Foundations of College Math SCIENCE 62 FYR1301 Biology@(BHSFC) FYR1351 Prin. of Biomedical Sciences@(BHSFC) HYR1301 Biology HYR1303 Chemistry HYR1305 *AP Chemistry HYR1309 Physics MATHEMATICS FYR1401 FYR1405 FYR1413 HYR1401 HYR1405 HYR1409 HYR1411 Algebra I@(BHSFC) Geometry@(BHSFC) Advanced Algebra II Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Fundamentals Algebra II 66 BUSINESS & MARKETING FSM1502 FSM1504 HSM1504 HSM1506 HSM1510 HSM1514 HSM1516 HYR1517 Business Management Computer Apps @(BHSFC) Computer Applications I *College Computer Applications Web Design Personal Finance Entrepreneurship (1st Sem. Only) Accounting I 69 HYR1519 HYR1523 HYR1525 HYR1531 HYR1529 HY5529 HYR1549 HYR1551 Accounting II Business Law & Economics Marketing I Marketing II *College Marketing Work Release w/ College Marketing Intro to Multimedia Advance Multimedia INDUSTRIAL TECH, AGRICULTURE & ENGINEERING FYR1629 HYR1601 HYR1605 HYR1611 HYR1621 HYR1623 HSM1626 HSM1628 Intro to Engineering Design@(BHSFC) Drafting Principles Architectural Drafting Metals & Woods Technology Agriculture Science I Agriculture Science II Agriculture Construction Greenhouse Oper. & Management HYR1629 HYR1631 HYR1633 HYR1635 HYR1637 HYR1641 HYR1643 72 Intro to Engineering Design Principles of Engineering Digital Electronics *Engineering Design & Development Computer Sci & Software Engineering Intro to Robotics Advance Robotics 3 FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES FSM1652 FSM1654 HSM1654 HSM1656 HYR1657 HYR1659 HYR5558 HSM1662 Beg Foods, Nut & Well@(BHSFC) Relation & Family Living@(BHSFC) Relationships & Family Living Nutrition & Food Science Pro Start 1 Pro Start 2 Pro Start Internship Housing Environments & Design 75 HSM1664 HSM1666 HYR1667 HYR1669 HYR5568 HYR5564 HYR1671 Human Growth & Development Child Development Child Care Professional I Child Care Professional II FACS Intern Child Care FACS Intern Human Growth & Development Cadet Teaching and Training ART FSM1702 FSM1704 HYR1706 HYR1708 HYR1709 HYR1711 77 Introduction to Art Advanced Art Art Foundations- Drawing & Painting Art Foundations- Design & Sculpture Art II Art III HYR1713 HSM1718 HSM1722 HSM1724 HSM1726 HSM1728 Art IV- Topical Studies in Studio Art *Ideas and the Visual Arts Introduction to Ceramics Advanced Ceramics Watercolor Studio Basic Digital Photography BAND & MUSIC FSM1754 FYR1755 FYR1759 HYR1759 HYR1761 HSM1764 Music Appreciation@(BHSFC) Freshman Choir@(BHSFC) Marching Band@(BHSFC) Marching/Symphonic Band Jazz Band Music Appreciation 80 HYR1767 HYR1769 HYR1771 HYR1773 HYR1775 HYR1777 Mixed Choir Concert Choir Men’s Choir Women’s Choir Belton Singers Bella Voce Choir PHYSICAL EDUCATION FSM1830 FSM1806 HSM1802 HSM1804 Physical Fitness@(BHSFC) Adv. Physical Fitness@(BHSFC) Physical Fitness Health 82 HSM1806 Advanced Physical Fitness HSM1808 Aerobics HSM1810 Lifetime Sports HSM1812 Coed Physical Education SPECIAL PROGRAMS, WORK STUDY, OFFICE WORK HYR1851 Service Learning Leadership HYR1853 Civic Leadership HSM1854 A+ Seminar HSM1856 Student Aide See Counselor-Cass Connect HSM1858 Dual Enrollment SPECIAL EDUCATION COURSES HSM1866 HSM1840 HYR1871 HSM1873 HYR1875 HYR1877 4 Independent Special Study Study Skills SPED COOP Work Study Reading & Writing Improvement Consumer Math Consumer Math II 83 HSM1862 American Sign Language HSM1922 Computer Driven Curriculum HY8899 Mornings Cass Career Center HY8859 Afternoons Cass Career Center (Herndon Career Center Programs If Available) 86 HYR1845 Math Foundations HSM1882 Senior Transition HYR1883 Transitional Work Skills HSM1888 Computer Driven Curriculum HSM1889 Work Experience HYR1901-1918 LCCE GENERAL INFORMATION Dear Parents and Students: The BHS Career and Educational Planning Guide (CEPG) is intended to assist students as they make plans for their education and a career that will lead to a successful and fulfilling future. Our mission is to graduate ALL students ready for college or career. We urge students and parents to review the information in this book in preparation for creating the student’s Personal Plan of Study (PPS). Each year your student will review his/her PPS with a guidance counselor and teachers. It is your student’s unique plan of study for high school and beyond, outlining BHS courses that align with future education and career goals. When students see the relevancy of high school course work to what they aspire to in their future, they are more apt to invest in their education and select more rigorous, challenging courses. Course selection is a very important process! Parents, please participate actively with your student and BHS in creating and reviewing your student’s Personal Plan of Study. Students rank parents as the most influential people in their lives, and take their lead in selecting careers. Please challenge your student to set high standards; to select courses and school activities which directly support the achievement of personal and career goals; and encourage your student to work hard to achieve their goals through effort and daily attendance. Embrace the power of your influence and genuinely engage in educational pursuits with your child! We look forward to partnering with you for a successful year and a successful high school career for your student. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance. Sincerely, Dr. Fred Skretta 5 HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT REQUIREMENTS Check Yourself Each box is a full credit English & Language Arts Need only a half credit Oral Communications Belton High School Class of 2010 and beyond Missouri Public 4 year University Of Missouri 4 English I, II, III (IV or higher) 4 4 3 3 3 Alg. I, Geometry, Alg. II. or Alg II Fund. 3 Alg. I & Higher 4 Alg. I & Higher 3 Physical Science – 2 No Gen. Science 1 Must be a Lab Class 3 .5 Acting I Human Comm. Contest Speech 3 Gov/Geo World History American History Social Studies Mathematics Science (Through Class of 2015) Biology Chemistry Physics (Class of 2016 & beyond) Fine Arts Need only a half credit Practical Arts 1 Visual Arts Music Acting .5 FACS, Ind. Tech., Business, Vo-Tech 1 1 Visual Arts Music Need only a half credit Personal Finance .5 Physical Education 1 Need only a half credit Health .5 Electives 9 Additional There is no Foreign Language High School Graduation requirement! Needed to graduate Total 26 6 Great Information: College/University Admission requirements- Most local college and university requirements are provided at the below link Recommended 2 Levels of Same Foreign Language Required 2 Levels of Same Foreign Language Such as: UCM, MSU, Truman State, MO West 24 on ACT, & Designated Class Rank ASSESSMENTS Standardized tests are designed to give a common measure of students' performance. They help compare an individual's performance with the performance of a group of students from a given class, school, or school system. Since large numbers of students throughout the country take the same test, "standards" can be developed to show whether school programs are succeeding and how students are performing. Standardized achievement tests measure how much students have already learned about school subjects such as reading, math, language skills, spelling, or science. On the other hand, standardized aptitude tests measure your students' ability to learn in school. They measure verbal ability, mechanical ability, creativity, clerical ability, or abstract reasoning. ASPIRE ASPIRE is a new program that is comprehensive assessment program tailored for grades 3-10 and will be replacing the PLAN and EXPLORE. ACT Aspire will include summative assessments that measure how much students have learned over time, as well as aligned classroom-based assessments that help educators better understand students' learning needs in individual classes throughout the school year. The aligned assessments will inform teachers about students' progress toward specific learning standards, so they can better tailor their instruction and resources to help students learn. EXPLORE EXPLORE is an achievement test and interest survey that measures performance in math, English, reading and science reasoning, plus provides information about career interests. This is the entry point into ACT’s Educational Planning and Assessment System, and is followed by the PLAN and the ACT. Taking this assessment in the ninth grade helps students explore a broad range of options for their futures including planning high school courses, preparing for the ACT, and choosing a career path. Will be phased out starting the 2014-15 school year. PLAN (Preliminary American College Testing Program) PLAN is a two-hour version of the ACT given in the fall to all sophomores. The PLAN provides practice for the ACT. It includes tests in English, mathematics, reading, and science reasoning. The test also provides a career interest inventory. It is a good tool for sophomores to use as they start planning for their postsecondary college and career options. Will be phased out starting the 2014-15 school year. PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) The PSAT/NMSQT measures verbal and mathematics reasoning skills important for academic success in college. It serves three purposes: gives the student practice for the SAT I; is the first step in qualifying for scholarships sponsored by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation and other scholarship programs; gives the student the opportunity to participate in the Student Search Service. This test is taken in the junior year for NMSQT qualification. ASVAB (The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) The ASVAB measures students’ strengths and potential for future success. The ASVAB also provides career information for various civilian and military occupations and is an indicator for success in future endeavors including college, vocational school, or a military career. ACT (American College Testing Program) The ACT is a battery of four examinations in English, math, reading, and science reasoning, each of which yield separate scores measuring developed abilities. The test is required by many colleges as part of the application process for admission. 7 SAT I (Scholastic Aptitude Test) SAT I is a test used to predict student performance in college. Required by some schools as part of the application process, this three-hour test has two main sections—verbal and math. TSA (Technical Skill Attainment) A TSA measures students’ ability in a specific career path. The assessment is aligned with industryrecognized standards. The test is taken at the end of the program which is usually the senior year. College Level Exam Program (CLEP) There are two types of CLEP examinations. The first type is the General Examinations that measure achievement in the liberal arts areas of English composition, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, and history. The second is the Subject Examinations, which measure achievement in specific college-level courses. The examinations are comparable to a final exam in a particular undergraduate course. Each college or university determines which of these examination scores to accept. It is important for students to have accurate information from the school they plan to attend regarding the acceptance of CLEP credit. The cost per examination is paid by the student, and the student is responsible for arranging the test with the college's testing office. Advanced Placement (AP) Testing Students enrolled in AP courses are encouraged to complete the AP examination for which the course has prepared them. Information is available from the teachers of the AP courses. Each college or university determines which of these examination scores it will accept. It is important for students to have accurate information from the school they plan to attend regarding the acceptance of AP credit. HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY Missouri State High School Activities Association Eligibility (MSHSAA) Knowing and following all MSHSAA standards will enable a student to protect his/her eligibility for MSHSAA interscholastic competition. Activity participation should be for all students making appropriate progress toward graduation and otherwise in good standing. Grades 9-12: Grades received the preceding semester will determine eligibility to participate in interscholastic activities. The student shall have earned, the preceding semester, a minimum of 3.0 units of credit @ BHSFC and 3.5 @ BHS. This means to pass (the previous semester) 6 out of 6 classes for BHSFC and 7 out of 8 classes for BHS The student shall currently be enrolled in and regularly attending courses that offer 3.0 units of credit for BHSFC and 3.5 units of credit for BHS. A beginning ninth grade student shall have been promoted from the eighth grade to the ninth grade for first semester of eligibility. A student must be making satisfactory progress towards graduation as determined by local school policies. There is a maximum age limit for participation Dual Enrollment: Students planning to participate in dual enrollment classes should visit with their counselor or Activities Director to make sure they will be eligible to participate in MSHSAA sanctioned activities. More information can be found at: 8 ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS FOR COLLEGIATE ATHLETICS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS (NAIA) REQUIREMENTS: The student must graduate from high school and meet two of the following three requirements: 1) Achieve a minimum score of 18 on the ACT or 860 on the SAT; 2) Achieve a minimum overall high school GPA of 2.000 on a 4.000 scale; and 3) Graduate in the top half of high school class. The NAIA Eligibility Center will determine eligibility based on academic record and additional information provided. Website address is NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (NCAA) NCAA ELIGIBILITY CENTER QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Divisions I and II Initial-Eligibility Requirements Core Courses NCAA Divisions I and II require 16 core courses. See the charts below. Beginning August 1, 2016, NCAA Division I will require 10 core courses to be completed prior to the seventh semester (seven of the 10 must be a combination of English, math or natural or physical science that meet the distribution requirements below). These 10 courses become "locked in" at the start of the seventh semester and cannot be retaken for grade improvement. o Beginning August 1, 2016, it will be possible for a Division I college-bound student-athlete to still receive athletics aid and the ability to practice with the team if he or she fails to meet the 10 course requirement, but would not be able to compete. Test Scores Division I uses a sliding scale to match test scores and core grade-point averages (GPA). The sliding scale for those requirements is shown on Page No. 2 of this sheet. Division II requires a minimum SAT score of 820 or an ACT sum score of 68. The SAT score used for NCAA purposes includes only the critical reading and math sections. The writing section of the SAT is not used. The ACT score used for NCAA purposes is a sum of the following four sections: English, mathematics, reading and science. When you register for the SAT or ACT, use the NCAA Eligibility Center code of 9999 to ensure all SAT and ACT scores are reported directly to the NCAA Eligibility Center from the testing agency. Test scores that appear on transcripts will not be used. Grade-Point Average Be sure to look at your high school’s List of NCAA Courses on the NCAA Eligibility Center's website ( Only courses that appear on your school's List of NCAA Courses will be used in the calculation of the core GPA. Use the list as a guide. Division I students enrolling full time before August 1, 2016, should use Sliding Scale A to determine eligibility to receive athletics aid, practice and competition during the first year. Division I GPA required to receive athletics aid and practice on or after August 1, 2016, is 2.000-2.299 (corresponding test-score requirements are listed on Sliding Scale B on Page No. 2 of this sheet). Division I GPA required to be eligible for competition on or after August 1, 2016, is 2.300 (corresponding test-score requirements are listed on Sliding Scale B on Page No. 2 of this sheet). The Division II core GPA requirement is a minimum of 2.000. Remember, the NCAA GPA is calculated using NCAA core courses only. DIVISION I 16 Core Courses 4 3 2 1 2 4 years of English. years of mathematics (Algebra I or higher). years of natural/physical science (1 year of lab if offered by high school). year of additional English, mathematics or natural/physical science. years of social science. years of additional courses (from any area above, foreign language or comparative religion/philosophy). DIVISION II 16 Core Courses 3 2 2 3 2 4 years of English. years of mathematics (Algebra I or higher). years of natural/physical science (1 year of lab if offered by high school). years of additional English, mathematics or natural/physical science. years of social science. years of additional courses (from any area above, foreign language or comparative religion/philosophy). *Please see the website for GPA and ACT requirements. 9 Sliding Scale A Use for Division I prior to August 1, 2016 NCAA DIVISION I SLIDING SCALE Core GPA 3.550 & above 3.525 3.500 3.475 3.450 3.425 3.400 3.375 3.350 3.325 3.300 3.275 3.250 3.225 3.200 3.175 3.150 3.125 3.100 3.075 3.050 3.025 3.000 2.975 2.950 2.925 2.900 2.875 2.850 2.825 2.800 2.775 2.750 2.725 2.700 2.675 2.650 2.625 2.600 2.575 2.550 2.525 2.500 2.475 2.450 2.425 2.400 2.375 2.350 2.325 2.300 2.275 2.250 2.225 2.200 2.175 2.150 2.125 2.100 2.075 2.050 2.025 2.000 SAT Verbal and Math ONLY 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 700 710 720 730 730 740-750 760 770 780 790 800 810 820 830 840-850 860 860 870 880 890 900 910 920 930 940 950 960 960 970 980 990 1000 1010 ACT Sum Sliding Scale B Use for Division I beginning August 1, 2016 NCAA DIVISION I SLIDING SCALE Core GPA SAT ACT Sum Verbal and Math ONLY 3.550 3.525 3.500 3.475 3.450 3.425 3.400 3.375 3.350 3.325 3.300 3.275 3.250 3.225 3.200 3.175 3.150 3.125 3.100 3.075 3.050 3.025 3.000 2.975 2.950 2.925 2.900 2.875 2.850 2.825 2.800 2.775 2.750 2.725 2.700 2.675 2.650 2.625 2.600 2.575 2.550 2.525 2.500 2.475 2.450 2.425 2.400 2.375 2.350 2.325 2.300 2.299 2.275 2.250 2.225 2.200 2.175 2.150 2.125 2.100 2.075 2.050 2.025 2.000 37 38 39 40 41 41 42 42 43 44 44 45 46 46 47 47 48 49 49 50 50 51 52 52 53 53 54 55 56 56 57 58 59 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 700 710 720 730 740 750 760 770 780 790 800 810 820 830 840 850 860 870 880 890 900 910 910 920 930 940 950 960 970 980 990 1000 1010 1020 37 38 39 40 41 41 42 42 43 44 44 45 46 46 47 47 48 49 49 50 50 51 52 52 53 53 54 55 56 56 57 58 59 60 61 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 86 For more information, visit the NCAA Eligibility Center website at Page No. 2 Page No. 2 10 SPECIAL PROGRAMS Effective educational programs are those that provide opportunities for student learning both within the classroom and beyond the traditional classroom and school day. These expanded opportunities are viewed as educational options to supplement the regular program. A+ SCHOOLS PROGRAM Students who take part in the A+ program must meet requirements for GPA (2.5 points or higher on a 4-point scale), attendance (an overall rate of at least 95 percent for grades 9 through 12) and good citizenship (standards are set by schools and so vary). Students must also spend 50 hours doing district-supervised unpaid mentoring or tutoring (in many A+ schools, tutoring is offered as a course). Once students earn the A+ award, they have up to four years after high school graduation to use the benefit; that means graduates who do not go straight to college still have time to use their A+ award. High school students who complete the state’s A+ Schools Program earn two years of paid tuition at a public community college or an eligible career or technical school. Many of the students who take advantage of the A+ schools program say they would not foresee higher education in their futures without it. ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) The Advanced Placement (AP) Program is a nationwide program of college level courses and exams for secondary school students. AP courses provide students a rigorous, college level curriculum. Credit may be received by earning a satisfactory grade on a fee-based nationally standardized AP exam. STUDENTS WILL RECEIVE WEIGHTED CREDIT FOR THESE COURSES ONLY IF THEY TAKE THE AP EXAM. The Belton School District offers AP courses in the following areas: AP Language & Composition AP World History AP Literature & Composition AP Chemistry AP Biology ARTICULATED CREDIT Articulation agreements are set up for certain career, technical or occupational courses that are offered through a postsecondary institution such as Longview Community College. Articulated credit is earned by successfully completing a career, technical, or occupational course with an 80% or higher. Enrollment for articulated credit must be made while the student is enrolled in the high school equivalent course. The college credit will appear on a college transcript once a student graduates high school and earns 15 hours of college credit through the post-secondary institution. There is no cost to the student for articulated credit. The Belton School District offers articulated credit in the following areas: Computer Apps II Pro-Start I Accounting I Pro-Start II Accounting II Child Care Pro I College Marketing Child Care Pro II Business Law & Economics PROJECT LEAD THE WAY Project Lead The Way (PLTW) offers a dynamic high school program that provides students with real-world learning and hands-on experience. Students interested in engineering, biomechanics, aeronautics, biomedical sciences and other applied math and science arenas will discover PLTW is an exciting portal into these industries. Biomedical page 64 and Engineering page 73 11 DUAL CREDIT The dual credit eligibility guidelines for the college credit option are as follows: Students must meet one of the following. 3.0 or higher. Composite ACT score 26 or higher. Student may take dual credit courses as appropriate to academic plans and other requirements, such as prerequisites. 3.0 or higher. EOC “proficiency” or “advanced” score in subject. 3.0 or higher. No demonstrated proficiency on subject test; or NO test available. Demonstrated success (grades of B or higher) in prerequisite or preparatory courses in subject area may be substituted for test proficiency. Students may take dual credit courses for which proficiency in subject is demonstrated. Belton High School offers the following courses for dual credit. (The student receives high school and college credit.) College fees are substantially reduced and tuition is paid directly to the college. Cost is approximately $90 per credit hour for UMKC classes and $40 per credit hour for MCC classes. All instructors have Master’s Degrees and adjunct professor status to their respective colleges. Students will receive weighted credit for these courses. The Belton School District offers Dual Credit in the following areas: College English – UMKC College Algebra – UMKC Spanish III – MCC or UMKC Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus – UMKC French III – UMKC Pre-Calculus- UMKC French IV – UMKC Calculus – UMKC Political Science 210 – UMKC College Computer Apps – MCC American History 101 – UMKC College Marketing – MCC American History 102 – UMKC Project Lead The Way (PLTW) – See Below Contest Speech and Debate – MO State Ideas & Visual Arts - UCM *PLTW - In order to receive college credits the student must take all three (3) PLTW courses with a grade of 70% or higher and pass one (1) college course. DUAL ENROLLMENT Please see your counselor for a Dual Enrollment Procedures handout and a School District-Dual Enrollment Approval Form. There are specific procedures for how dual enrollment courses affect GPA, graduation requirements, transcripts, and class weight. The approval form must be signed by student, parent, and guidance counselor prior to enrollment. Seniors who are enrolled in enough classes to meet graduation requirements may also enroll in an accredited college or licensed career center. Dual enrollment credit does not become a part of the high school transcript unless it qualifies for high school credit under the terms of the agreement with the college. CASS-BATES STUDENT CONNECT Technology is becoming increasingly available and the skills required to use technology is essential for college or career success. The CCSC is designed to take advantage of the opportunity provided through digital tools to provide learning opportunities for our students. The courses are offered use Canvas, an online learning management system. Students must meet certain high academic and assessment criteria; have a good work ethic and administrative approval to be in the program. If interested please make an appointment with your counselor. See page 84 for more information. Handbook link is 12 CAREER & TECHNICAL STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) are recognized as integral to the career and technical education program. CTSOs provide a unique program of career and leadership development, motivation and recognition. CTSOs are not "clubs" to which only a few career and technical students belong. Rather, a CTSO is a powerful instructional tool that works best when integrated into the career and technical curriculum and classroom. Career and technical educators recognize the importance of providing students with job- and career-related training that complements the job-specific skills needed for entry into a particular field. DECA – DECA, an international organization, prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. DECA enhances the preparation for college and careers by providing co-curricular programs that integrate into classroom instruction, applying learning in the context of business, connecting to business and the community and promoting competition. Student members leverage their DECA experience to become academically prepared, community oriented, professionally responsible, experienced leaders. Students are able to compete for the chance at attending state and international competitions where scholarship money is given out to the top winners. To be in DECA a student must be enrolled in a marketing cluster class. Marketing cluster courses information are in this C&EPG. For more information contact Ms. Gilchrist. FCCLA - Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work and societal issues. FCCLA offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life – planning, goal setting, problem solving, decision-making and interpersonal communication – necessary in the home and workplace. Students have the chance to compete at many different levels. Courses for this organization begin on page 72. For more information contact Ms. Bratcher. FFA - Future Farmers of America is a national organization of students preparing for careers in food, fiber and natural resources systems. Activities, honors and award programs provide students with incentives and practical experiences in the application of knowledge, acquired through class and laboratory instruction. FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. Students will have the chance to compete. For more information contact Mr. Ferguson. TSA - The Technology Student Association is the national organization for technology education students. The mission of the Technology Student Association is to prepare our membership for the challenges of a dynamic world by promoting technological literacy, leadership, and problem solving, resulting in personal growth and opportunity. TSA is the only student organization devoted exclusively to the needs of technology education students who are presently enrolled in, or have completed, technology education courses.. For more information contact Mr. Arnold. 13 PURPOSE OF CAREER PATHS & CAREER CLUSTERS Career Paths Career paths are clusters of occupations/careers grouped according to participants’ interests and talents or skills. All paths include a variety of occupations that require different levels of education and training. Thus, career paths provide a plan for all students, whatever their interests, abilities, talents, or desired levels of education. Selecting a career path provides a student with an area of FOCUS, along with FLEXIBILITY and a VARIETY of ideas to pursue. The focus of career paths is on helping students choose a career path, not a specific occupation. Selecting a career path is not a lifelong commitment; it is a place to begin focusing one’s energies. As students take different courses and learn more about themselves and careers, they will probably change career paths. Students who understand the career paths concept will be aware that there are a variety of other related possibilities if the first path no longer fits them. If different career paths become more interesting, the students can reevaluate plans, make appropriate decisions, and revise their high school plans annually as necessary. Benefits Deciding on a career path can assist students in exploring interests and preparing for the future. The intent is not for students to decide on a specific occupation, but to select a career path into which they can begin directing energies. Identifying a career path can help students in selecting school courses, activities, and parttime employment. It can also help guide participation in job shadowing, career exploration and internships. A career path choice is not a permanent commitment. As students have new experiences and learn new things about themselves they may decide to change career paths. If a student decides on a different career path to explore, it should be discussed with a counselor and adjustments to future course selections in accordance with the new career exploration should be made. Career Exploration Assessments Belton students complete career exploration assessments starting in the 8th grade. This is a way the student can identify an initial career path choice. Counselors will then use this information to assist students in making course selections and developing a five-year plan. The PLAN test is administered in the 10th grade. It provides an inventory that will indicate which career clusters interest the student. This will help the student update his/her personal plan of study and career path. CHOOSING A CAREER PATH OR CLUSTER 1. Identify interests, abilities, and talents. 2. Identify the career path or cluster that relates to interests, abilities, and talents. 3. Explore occupations in those career paths or clusters. 4. Decide how much education to receive after high school. 5. Develop a personal plan of study by selecting courses and cocurricular activities that relate to career educational and career goal. 6. If undecided regarding a career path or cluster, choose courses from different career areas to give a better idea of interests. 14 CAREER PATHS TO CAREER CLUSTERS 15 CAREER CLUSTERS PROGRAM OF STUDY TEMPLATES “What do you want to do after high school?” That is a question that is asked of our students a multitude of times over the course of their public school education. It’s a question that is not easily answered, due to the enormous number of possible post-secondary alternatives that are currently available to our students. Technological advances and global competition have transformed the nature of both education and work. Tomorrow’s jobs will require more knowledge and training, highly developed 21st century skills, technological skills, and more flexible workers than ever before. Our students need to be prepared for, and informed of, the reality of several job and career changes over the course of their lifetimes. They need to understand that they will have to continually update their knowledge and skills, which may require additional training and/or education. The Belton School District offers a wide array of courses and experiences to its students. As students review course offerings and activities, we hope to guide them in choosing coursework and experiences that are relevant to their future goals. In planning for post-secondary goals, students should start with examining where their own interests and talents lie. This can be accomplished in many different ways within the school district; researching middle and high school classes of interest, taking interest and skill inventories, participating in career fairs offered, and taking advantage of the many extra-curricular and enrichment activities available. The school district uses the Missouri Connections online program ( for interest assessments and to explore the variety of options students have beyond high school. Using the results of career assessments students create their personal plan of study for their high school years and beyond. School counselors, teachers and other district personnel, are available to guide students and parents in this important planning process. The planning process is critical to not only meeting graduation requirements, but also to taking the coursework that will ultimately lead to a successful post-secondary transition. The following program of study templates, serve as a guide, along with other career planning materials, to help students develop their personal plans of study. Courses listed within these programs of study templates are recommended coursework only and should be individualized to meet each learner’s educational and career goals. Course descriptions follow the templates. Key For Pages 17-50: +Advanced Placement Articulated *Dual Credit 16 Belton High School Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade 9 English College Prep English I Math Algebra I Science Biology Social Studies Career & Tech Ed Options REQUIRED COURSES: Geography Government (.5)-10th Health grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grade -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. 10 College Prep Geometry Chemistry English II Secondary 11 College Prep English III or +AP Language & Comp 12 College Prep English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp Algebra II Foundations of College Math or *College Algebra Physics +AP Chemistry World History or +AP World History Agriculture Science I American History Agriculture Science II SS Elective Agriculture Construction +AP Biology Anat & Phys Required Courses/ Recommended Electives Greenhouse Operation & Management Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Computer Applications Entrepreneurship Accounting I Beg Foods/Nut & Wellness Metals & Woods Tech Foreign Language Zoology Botany Postsecondary Offerings – For A Complete Listing, go to Additional Learning Opportunities School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: ____________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: _____________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) _____________________________ Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: _____________________________ Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Postsecondary Community College Crowder College East Central College Jefferson College Linn State Technical College Metropolitan Community College Mineral Area College North Central Missouri College Ozarks Technical Community College St Louis Community College State Fair Community College Three Rivers Community College Technical School/Training Institution Columbia Area Career Center Davis Hart Career Center Eldon Career Center Hannibal Career and Technical Center Kirksville Area Tech Center Moberly Area Tech Center Ranken Tech College Waynesville Technical Academy In State A.T. Skill University of Health Sciences Avila University - Central Methodist University College of the Ozarks - Columbia College - Culver-Stockton College Drury University - Evangel University - Fontbonne Univ - Hannibal-Lagrange College Lincoln University - Lindenwood University Maryville University of St. Louis Missouri Baptist Univ - MO Southern State University Missouri State University Missouri State University – West Plains MO Univ of Science & Technology Missouri Valley College Out of State/Other Missouri Western State University Northwest Missouri State University Park University - Rockhurst University Saint Louis University Southeast MO State University Southwest Baptist University Stephens College - Truman State Univ - Univ of Central MO - University of MO – Columbia University of MO – Kansas City Univ of MO – St Louis - Washington University - Webster University Westminster College William Jewell College - William Woods University Apprenticeship Military On-the-Job Training Petropolis Academy of Grooming & Training - Midwest Institute Sample Careers By Educational Level – For Occupational Specialties, go to or On-The-Job Training or Less Technical Training or Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Masters Degree or More Animal Caretakers Animal Trainers Bakers Commercial Fishers Farm and Ranch Workers Farm Equipment Mechanics Farmers Food Processing Workers Log Graders Loggers Meat Cutters Mining Machine Operators Nursery Workers Rock Splitters Trash Collectors Veterinary Assistants Water Treatment Plant Operators 18 Fish and Game Wardens Forestry Technicians Precision Agriculture Technicians Agricultural Engineers Agricultural Scientists Animal Scientists Conservation Scientists Farm and Home Management Advisors Food Scientists Foresters Park Naturalists Zoologists Agricultural Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary Animal Scientists Farm and Home Management Advisors Veterinarians Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists Belton High School Architecture & Construction Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade English 9 College Prep English I Math Algebra I Science Biology (See flow chart in Course Guide) 10 College Prep Geometry Secondary 12 19 English III or +AP Language & Comp College Prep English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp Algebra II Geography Government Career & Tech Ed Options Intro Engineering Design (IED) -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. Chemistry English II 11 College Prep Social Studies Physics World History or +AP World History Princ of Engineering (POE) American History Housing Environment & Design Tech (CCC)-Exterior Advanced Physics REQUIRED COURSES: (.5)-10th Health grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grade Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) Metals & Woods Tech Construction *PreCalc and *College Algebra Required Courses/ Recommended Electives Construction (CCC)-Interior Tech School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: _____________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: _____________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) _____________________________ RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Princ. of Eng. (POE) SS Elective Additional Learning Opportunities Entrepreneurship Technical Theatre Physical Fitness Foreign Language Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: _____________________________ Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Postsecondary Postsecondary Offerings – For A Complete Listing, go to Community College Technical School/Training Institution Crowder College East Central College Jefferson College Linn State Technical College Metropolitan Community College Mineral Area College Moberly Area Comm College North Central Missouri College Ozarks Technical Comm College St Louis Community College St. Charles Community College State Fair Community College Three Rivers Community College Arcadia Valley Tech Center - Cape Girardeau Career/Tech Center Clinton Tech School Columbia Area Career Ctr - Davis Hart Career Ctr- Eldon Career Ctr - Franklin Technology- MSSU Gibson Tech Ctr - Grand River Technical School - Hannibal Career and Technical Center Herndon Career Center Hillyard Technical Ctr - Lake Career & Technical Center Lebanon Technology and Career Ctr Lex La-Ray Tech Ctr Kirksville Area Tech Ctr Moberly Area Tech Ctr - Nichols Career Center - Northland Career Ctr Northwest Tech School - Perryville Area Career/Tech Center Pike-Lincoln Tech Ctr - Ranken Tech College - Rolla Tech Institute - South Central Career Ctr - Unitec Career Center - Waynesville Technical Academy In State Avila University - Baptist Bible College - Bryan College - www.bryancollege.ecom Central Methodist University College of the Ozarks - Columbia College - Culver-Stockton College - Drury University - Evangel University - Everest College Fontbonne Univ - Hannibal-Lagrange College Harris-Stowe State Univ - Lincoln University - Lindenwood Univ - Maryville Univ of St. Louis Messenger College Missouri Baptist Univ - Missouri College Missouri Southern State University Missouri State University Missouri State University – West Plains MO University of Science & Technology Missouri Western State University Park University - Rockhurst University Saint Louis University Sanford-Brown College Southeast MO State University Southwest Baptist Univ Stephens College - Truman State Univ - Univ of Central MO - Univ of MO – Columbia Univ of MO – Kansas City Univ of MO – St Louis - University of Phoenix - Vatterott College Washington University - Webster University - Westminster College William Jewell College - William Woods University Out of State/Other Apprenticeship Military On-the-Job Training Foley-Belsaw Institute Colorado Technical University Drury University Grantham University ITT Technical Institute MERS/Missouri Goodwill Industries Missouri Welding Institute National American University Sample Careers By Educational Level – For Occupational Specialties, go to or On-The-Job Training or Less Technical Training or Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Masters Degree or More Bricklayers, Stonemasons and Cement Masons Cabinetmakers and Carpenters Drywall Finishers & installers and Plasterers Electricians Fence Builders Heating and Cooling System Mechanics Highway Maintenance Workers & Paving Equip Operators Line Installers and Repairers Plumbers and Pipefitters Roofers Sheet Metal Workers and Structural Metal Workers Surveying and Mapping Technicians Tile Setters 20 Commercial Divers Drafters Energy Auditors Interior Designers Architects Construction Managers Cost Estimators Landscape Architects Surveyors Architects, Except Landscape and Naval Architecture Teachers, Postsecondary Engineering Managers Engineering Teachers, Postsecondary Historians Operations Research Analysts Political Scientists Sociologists Sociology Teachers, Postsecondary Belton High School Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade 9 English College Prep English I 10 College Math Algebra I Science Biology (See flow chart in Course Guide) Geometry Social Studies Geography Government -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. Chemistry Prep English II World History or +AP World History Career & Tech Ed Options Introduction to Art Advanced Art 9 Marching/Symphonic Band Choir: Mixed/Concert/Women Music Appreciation Art Foundations Art II Marching/Symphonic/Jazz Band Music Appreciation Belton Singers Required Courses/ Recommended Electives REQUIRED COURSES: (.5)-10th Health grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grade Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) Choir: Mixed/Concert/Men/Women Secondary 11 College Physics Prep English III or +AP Language & Comp 12 College Prep English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp 21 Algebra II American History Art III *Ideas & Visual Arts Introduction to Ceramics Marching/Symphonic/Jazz Band Choir: Mixed/Concert/Men/Women Belton Singers Digital Photography Math Elective Science Elective SS Elective Art IV Famous Art & Artists Advanced Ceramics Watercolor Studio Marching/Symphonic/Jazz Band Choir: Mixed/Concert/Men/Women Belton Singers Advanced Digital Photography RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Computer Applications Foreign Language Additional Learning Opportunities School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: ____________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: ____________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) ___________________________ Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: _____________________________ Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Belton High School Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade 9 English College Prep English I 10 College Math Algebra I Science Biology (See flow chart in Course Guide) Geometry Secondary 12 22 Prep English III or +AP Language & Comp College Prep English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp Algebra II Career & Tech Ed Options Chemistry Physics Required Courses/ Recommended Electives REQUIRED COURSES: Geography Government (.5)-10th Health grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grade -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. Prep English II 11 College Social Studies World History or +AP World History Journalism I Film Analysis & Production Technical Theatre Web Design Intro to Multimedia American History *Ideas & Visual Arts Advanced Multimedia Digital Photography Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) Science Elective SS Elective Theatre Appreciation Advanced Multimedia Advance Digital Photography School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: ____________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: ____________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) ____________________________ RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Computer Applications Math Elective Additional Learning Opportunities Foreign Language Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: _____________________________ Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Belton High School Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade 9 English Math College Prep Algebra I English I Science Biology (See flow chart in Course Guide) Social Studies Geography Government -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. 10 College Prep Geometry Chemistry World History Secondary English II 11 College Prep Algebra II 12 23 or +AP World History English III or +AP Language & Comp Coll Prep English IV or *College English or +AP Lit & Comp Math Elective Physics Science Elective American History SS Elective Career & Tech Ed Options Human Communications Acting I Contest Speech Journalism Journalism I Contest Speech Competitive Debate Acting II, Company Theatre Appreciation Intro to Multimedia Advanced Multimedia Company Contest Speech Competitive Debate Contest Speech Competitive Debate Company Film Analysis & Production Advanced Multimedia Required Courses/ Recommended Electives REQUIRED COURSES: Health (.5)-10th grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grade Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Computer Applications Marketing Multimedia (both) Web Design Yearbook Foreign Language Additional Learning Opportunities School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: _____________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: _____________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) _____________________________ Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: _____________________________ Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Postsecondary Offerings - For A Complete Listing, go to Postsecondary Community College Crowder College East Central College Jefferson College Linn State Technical College Metropolitan Comm College Mineral Area College Moberly Area Comm College Ozarks Tech Comm College St. Charles Comm College St Louis Community College State Fair Community College Three Rivers Comm College Technical School/Training Institution Cape Girardeau Career/Tech Center Clinton Technical School Davis Hart Mexico Technical School Eldon Career Center Four Rivers Technical Center Franklin Tech - MSSU Gibson Tech Ctr - Hannibal Career and Technical Center Herndon Career Center Hillyard Tech Center - Kirksville Area Technical Center Lake Career and Technical Center Lex La-Ray Tech Ctr - Moberly Area Tech Ctr - Nichols Career Center - Perryville Area Career/Technical Center Ranken Technical College - Rolla Technical Institute - Waynesville Technical Academy In State Avila University - Bryan College - Central Methodist University College of the Ozarks - Columbia College - Culver-Stockton College – DeVry University – Drury University - Evangel University - Everest College Fontbonne Univ - Hannibal-Lagrange College - Harris-Stowe State Univ Hickey College Lincoln University - Lindenwood Univ - Maryville Univ of St. Louis Messenger College Missouri Baptist Univ - Missouri College MO Southern State Univ - Missouri State University Out of State/Other Missouri State University – West Plains Missouri Valley College – Missouri Western State University Northwest Missouri State University Ozark Christian College – Park University - Patricia Stevens College Rockhurst University - Saint Louis Univ - Sanford-Brown College Southeast MO State Univ Southwest Baptist Univ Stephens College - Truman State Univ - Univ of Central MO - Univ of MO – Columbia Univ of MO – Kansas City - Univ of MO – Rolla – Univ of MO – St Louis - Vatterott Coll - Washington University - Webster University - William Jewell College - William Woods University Apprenticeship Military On-the-Job Training American College of Technology Baptist Bible College Barbizon School of Clayton Broadcast Center Calvary Bible College and Theological Seminary - Central Bible College Colorado Technical University Court Report Academy ITT Technical Institute Kansas City Art Inst - Midwestern Baptists Theological Seminary - Missouri Tech – National American University Sample Careers By Educational Level - For Occupational Specialties, go to or On-The-Job Training or Less Technical Training or Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Masters Degree or More Actors Bookbinders and Bindery Workers Camera/Photographic Equipment Repairers Communications Equipment Mechanics Costume and Wardrobe Specialists Dancers Fine Artists Floral Designers Movie Projectionists Musical Instrument Repairers and Tuners Musicians and Singers Painting, Coating, and Decorating Workers Photographers Potters Printing Press Operators Proofreaders Ushers and Ticket Takers 24 Audio and Video Equipment Technicians Broadcast Technicians and Sound Engineering Techs Camera Operators, Film and Video Editors Choreographers Communications Equipment Mechanics Computer, Automated Teller, & Office Machine Repairers Desktop Publishers and Page Layout Workers Directors- Stage, Motion Pictures, Television, and Radio Electronic Home Entertainment Equipment Installers/Repairers Fashion Designers and Interior Designers Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators Multi-Media Artists and Animators Music Directors Poets, Lyricists and Creative Writers Producers Radio Mechanics and Operators Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers Agents and Business Managers Animators and Multi-media Artists Art Directors and Talent Directors Broadcast News Analysts and News Reporters Copy Writers, Technical Writers and Editors Directors- Stage, Motion Pictures, Television, and Radio Film and Video Editors Graphic/Industrial Designers Interpreters and Translators Multi-Media Artists and Animators Museum Technicians and Conservators Music Business Music Composers, Directors, and Arrangers Music Therapy Poets, Lyricists and Creative Writers Proofreaders and Copy Markers Reporters and Correspondents Set and Exhibit Designers Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary Communications Teachers, Postsecondary English Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary Historians Librarians $47,240 $46,170 $73,800 $38,260 $40,080 $31,180 $46,69 Belton High School Business Management & Administration Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade 9 English College Prep English I Math Algebra I Science Biology (See flow chart in Course Guide) 10 College Prep Geometry Chemistry Secondary Physics English III or +AP Language & Comp 12 College Prep English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp 25 Algebra II Foundations of College Math or *College Algebra Geography Government Science Elective Career & Tech Ed Options Computer App I Required Courses/ Recommended Electives REQUIRED COURSES: Business Management Health grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grade World History or +AP World History *Computer App II Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) American History Accounting -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. English II 11 College Prep Social Studies Psychology (.5)-10th Entrepreneurship Marketing I Accounting I &/or II &/or *Marketing II Sociology Business Law & Economics Additional Learning Opportunities School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: _____________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: _____________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) ______________________________ RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Desktop Publishing Multimedia (both) Web Design Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: _____________________________ Leadership I Leadership II Foreign Language Rel. & Family Living Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Postsecondary Offerings – For A Complete Listing, go to Postsecondary Community College Crowder College East Central College Jefferson College Metropolitan Community College Mineral Area College Moberly Area Community College North Central Missouri College Ozarks Technical Comm College St. Charles Community College St Louis Community College State Fair Community College Three Rivers Community College On-the-Job Training Billing Clerks Bookkeeping and Accounting Clerks Computer Operators Copy Machine Operators Couriers and Messengers Data Entry File Clerks General Office Clerks Human Resources Assistants Interviewing Clerks Mail Clerks Order Clerks and Stock Clerks Payroll and Timekeeping clerks Receptionists Secretaries Shipping and Receiving Clerks Typists 26 Technical School/Training Institution Cape Girardeau Career/Tech Center Clinton Tech School Eldon Career Center Franklin Technology- MSSU Grand River Technical School Hillyard Technical Center Kirksville Area Tech Center Lex La-Ray Tech Center Moberly Area Tech Center Northwest Tech School Pike-Lincoln Tech Center Ranken Tech College - Saline County Career Center Sikeston Career and Technology Center In State Avila University - Baptist Bible College - Bryan College - Central Methodist University College of the Ozarks - Columbia College - Culver-Stockton College - DeVry University – Drury University - Evangel University - Everest College - Fontbonne Univ - Hannibal-Lagrange College Harris-Stowe State Univ - Hickey College - Lincoln University - Lindenwood Univ - Maryville Univ of St. Louis Messenger College Missouri Baptist Univ - Missouri College MO Southern State Univ - Missouri State University Missouri State University – West Plains Out of State/Other Missouri Western State University Northwest Missouri State University Park University - Patricia Stevens College Rockhurst University - Saint Louis University Sanford-Brown College Southeast MO State Univ Southwest Baptist Univ Stephens College - Truman State Univ - Univ of Central MO - Univ of MO – Columbia Univ of MO – Kansas City Univ of MO – Rolla – Univ of MO – St Louis - Univ of Phoenix – Vatterott College Washington University - Webster University - Westminster College William Jewell College - William Woods University Apprenticeship Military On-the-Job Training Colorado Technical University Daruby School Grantham University ITT Technical Institute Metro Business College MVC Computer & Business School National American University TechSkills Texas County Technical Institute Sample Careers By Educational Level – For Occupational Specialties, go to or Technical Training or Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Masters Degree or More Court Reporters First-Line Supervisors/Managers General and Operations Managers Production and Operating Workers Administrative Services Managers Advertising Managers Business Executives Computer and Information Systems Managers Employee Training Specialists Employment Interviewers and Recruiters Human Resources Managers Job Benefits and Analysis Specialists Management Analysts Market Research Analysts Meeting and Convention Planners Property and Real Estate Managers Public Relations Managers, Specialists Purchasing Manager and Sales Managers Regulatory Affairs Specialists Social and Community Services Managers Storage and Distribution Managers Business Teacher, Postsecondary Chief Executives Controller, Treasurers Economists Medical and Health Services Managers Operations Research Analysts Statisticians Belton High School Education & Training Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade 9 English College Prep English I Math Algebra I Science Biology (See flow chart in Course Guide) 10 College Prep Geometry Secondary 12 27 English III or +AP Language & Comp College Prep English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp Algebra II Career & Tech Ed Options Chemistry Physics Required Courses/ Recommended Electives Relationships & Family Living REQUIRED COURSES: World History or +AP World History Child Development Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) American History Geography Government -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. English II 11 College Prep Social Studies Human Growth & Dev (.5)-10th Health grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grade Child Care Professional (CCP) I RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Foundations of College Math or *College Algebra Anatomy & Physiology or +AP Biology or Science Elective Psychology Sociology Child Care Professional (CCP) II Cadet Teaching & Training Human Growth & Dev Service Learning Leadership Civic Leadership FACS Internship Foreign Language Additional Learning Opportunities School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: _____________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: _____________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) _____________________________ Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: _____________________________ Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Postsecondary Offerings - For A Complete Listing, go to Postsecondary Community College Crowder College East Central College Jefferson College Metropolitan Community College Mineral Area College Moberly Area Community College North Central Missouri College Ozarks Tech Community College St. Charles Community College St Louis Community College State Fair Community College Three Rivers Community College On-The-Job Training or Less Audi-Visual Specialists Coaches and Scouts Library Assistant Teacher Aides 28 Technical School/Training Institution In State Avila University - Central Methodist University College of the Ozarks - Columbia College - Cottey College - Culver-Stockton College Drury University - Evangel University - Fontbonne Univ - Hannibal-Lagrange College Harris-Stowe State Univ Lincoln University - Lindenwood Univ - Missouri Baptist Univ - Maryville University of St. Louis Messenger College MO Southern State University Missouri State University Missouri State University – West Plains Missouri Valley College – Missouri Western State University Out of State/Other Northwest Missouri State University Park University - Rockhurst University Saint Louis Univ - St Louis Christian College Southeast MO State University Southwest Baptist University Stephens College - Truman State Univ - Univ of Central MO - University of MO – Columbia University of MO – Kansas City University of MO – St Louis Washington University - Westminster College Webster University William Jewell College - William Woods University Sample Careers By Educational Level - For Occupational Specialties, go to or Technical Training or Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Adult and Vocational Education Instructors Fitness Trainers and Aerobics Instructors Library Technical Assistants Preschool Teachers Teacher Assistants Adult and Vocational Education Instructors Adult Literacy, Remedial Education, GED Teachers Audio-Visual Specialists Education Administrators Elementary School Teachers Employee Training Specialists High School Teachers Kindergarten Teachers Middle School Teachers Poets, Lyricists, and Creative Writer Public Health Educators Special Education Teachers Apprenticeship Military On-the-Job Training Baptist Bible College & Graduate School Calvary Bible College and Theological Seminary - Colorado Technical University Conception Seminary College Grantham University National American University Paris II Educational Center Wentworth Military Academy Masters Degree or More Adult and Vocational Education Instructors Audiologists Coaches and Scouts College and University Administrators Curriculum and Instruction Dieticians and Nutritionists Education Administrators Historians Instructional Coordinators Librarians School Psychologists Speech Pathologists Teacher Belton High School Finance Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade 9 English College Prep English I Math Algebra I Science Biology (See flow chart in Course Guide) 10 College Prep Geometry Secondary 12 29 English III or +AP Language & Comp College Prep English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp Algebra II Geography Government Chemistry Physics Career & Tech Ed Options Computer Apps I Required Courses/ Recommended Electives REQUIRED COURSES: Business Management Health grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grade World History or +AP World History Accounting I Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) American History Accounting -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. English II 11 College Prep Social Studies Entrepreneurship (.5)-10th II RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Foundations of College Math or *College Algebra Science Elective Psychology Sociology Business Law & Economics Foreign Language Web Design Additional Learning Opportunities School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: _____________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: _____________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) _____________________________ Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: _____________________________ Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Postsecondary Offerings – For A Complete Listing, go to Postsecondary Community College Crowder College East Central College Jefferson College Metropolitan Community College Moberly Area Community College North Central Missouri College Ozarks Technical Comm College St Louis Community College St. Charles Community College State Fair Community College Three Rivers Community College On-the-Job Training Bank Tellers Bill and Account Collectors Brokerage Clerks Credit Checkers and Authorizers Insurance Adjusters and Examiners Insurance Claims Clerk Insurance Policy and Claims Clerks Loan Clerks Tax Preparers Title Examiners and Searchers 30 Technical School In State Avila University - Central Methodist University Columbia College - College of the Ozarks - Culver-Stockton College DeVry University – Drury University - Evangel University - Everest College Fontbonne Univ - Hannibal-Lagrange College Hickey College - Lincoln University - Lindenwood Univ - Maryville University of St. Louis Missouri College MO Southern State University Missouri State University Missouri Valley College Missouri Western State University Out of State/Other Northwest Missouri State University Park University - Rockhurst University Saint Louis University Southeast MO State University Stephens College - Truman State Univ - Univ of Central MO - Univ of MO – Columbia University of MO – Kansas City Univ of MO – Rolla – Univ of MO – St Louis - Washington University - Webster University Westminster College William Jewell College - William Woods University Vatterott College Apprenticeship Military On-the-Job Training Colorado Technical University National American University Sample Careers By Educational Level – For Occupational Specialties, go to or Technical or Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Masters Degree or More Claims Examiners, Property and Casualty Insurance Insurance Appraisers, Auto Damage Insurance Sales Agents Insurance Underwriters Accountants and Auditors Appraisers and Assessors Budget Analysts Credit Analysts Financial Analysts Financial Examiners Financial Managers Insurance Agents Insurance Underwriters Loan Officers Securities Salespeople Actuaries Business Teacher, Postsecondary Economists Treasurers and Controllers Belton High School Government & Public Administration Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade 9 English College Prep English I Math Algebra I Science Biology Social Studies Career & Tech Ed Options REQUIRED COURSES: Geography Government (.5)-10th Health grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grade -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. 10 College Prep Geometry Chemistry Secondary English II 11 College Prep 12 31 English III or +AP Language & Comp College Prep English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp Algebra II Physics World History or +AP World History Required Courses/ Recommended Electives Psychology Sociology Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) American History Civil Law Criminal Law Science Elective Psychology Sociology Civil Law Criminal Law * Am History 101/102 *Political Sci 210 School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: _____________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: _____________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) _____________________________ RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Math Elective Additional Learning Opportunities Service Learning Leadership Civic Leadership Foreign Language Rel. & Family Living Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: _____________________________ Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Postsecondary Offerings – For A Complete Listing, go to Community College Postsecondary Crowder College East Central College Moberly Area Community College Technical School/Training Institution Cape Girardeau Career/Tech Center Clinton Technical School Franklin Technology – MSSU Grand River Technical School Hillyard Technical Center Lex La-Ray Technical Center Moberly Area Technical Center Pike-Lincoln Technical Center Saline County Career Center Sikeston Career & Technology Center In State Avila University Central Methodist University College of the Ozarks Columbia College Culver-Stockton College Drury University Evangel University Everest College Fontbonne University Harris-Stowe State University Lincoln University Lindenwood University Maryville University of Saint Louis Missouri Baptist University Missouri Southern State University Missouri State University Out of State/Other Missouri Valley College Missouri Western State University Northwest Missouri State University Park University Rockhurst University Saint Louis University Southeast MO State University Southwest Baptist University Stephens College Truman State University University of Central Missouri University of MO – Columbia University of Missouri – Kansas City University of MO – St Louis Washington University Webster University Apprenticeship Military On-the-Job Training ITT Technical Institute Kansas City Art Institute National American University Sample Careers By Educational Level – For Occupational Specialties, go to or On-The-Job Training or Less Technical Training or Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Masters Degree or More Compliance Officers and Inspectors Government Benefits Interviewers Interpreters and Translators License Clerks Mail Carriers Meter Readers Postal Clerks 32 Assessors Eligibility Interviewers, Government Programs General, Operations and Transportation Managers Government Property Inspectors and Investigators Licensing Examiners and Inspectors Mapping Technicians Municipal and Court Clerks Postmasters and Mail Superintendents Surveying Technicians Tax Examiners, Collectors, and Revenue Agents Tax Preparers Administrative Services Managers Broadcast News Analysts & Public Relations Specialists City and Regional Planning Aides Emergency Management Specialists Equal Opportunity Representatives and Officers Financial Examiners Legislators Reporters and Correspondents Social and Community Service Managers Storage and Distribution Managers Urban and Regional Planners Architecture Teachers, Postsecondary Chief Executives Communications Teachers, Postsecondary Coroners Economists Engineering Managers Political Science Teachers, Postsecondary Political Scientists Belton High School Health Sciences Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade 9 English College Prep English I Math Algebra I Science Biology Social Studies Geography Government Career & Tech Ed Options PLTW-Biomedical IBS Geometry Chemistry Secondary English II 11 College Prep Physics English III or +AP Language & Comp 12 College Prep English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp 33 Algebra II Health grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grde World History or +AP World History PLTW-Biomedical HBS American History PLTW-Biomedical MI +AP Chemistry SS Elective PLTW-Biomedical MI Health Anatomy & Physiology Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Comm (.5) (CCC) Sciences Additional Learning Opportunities School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: _____________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: _____________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) _____________________________ Human Growth & Dev Forensic Science Foundations of College Math or *College Algebra or + AP Statistics REQUIRED COURSES: (.5)-10th -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. 10 College Prep Required Courses/ Recommended Electives RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Computer Applications Foreign Language Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: _____________________________ Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Postsecondary Community College Crowder College East Central College Jefferson College Metropolitan Comm College Mineral Area College Moberly Area Comm College North Central MO College Ozarks Tech Comm College St. Charles Comm College St Louis Community College State Fair Community College Three Rivers Comm College Postsecondary Offerings - For A Complete Listing, go to Technical School/Training Institution In State Cape Girardeau Career/Tech Center Cass Career Center Columbia Career Center Four Rivers Technical Center Franklin Tech - MSSU Grand River Tech School - Herndon Career Center Hillyard Technical Center Kennett Career and Technology Center Lex La-Ray Tech Ctr Moberly Area Tech Center Northland Career Center Northwest Tech School Poplar Bluff Schools - Sikeston Career and Technology Center South Central Career Center Waynesville Technical Academy AT Skill University of Health Sciences Avila University - Bryan College - Central Methodist University College of the Ozarks - Columbia College - Culver-Stockton College - Drury University - Evangel University - Everest College Fontbonne Univ - Hannibal-Lagrange College Harris-Stowe State Univ Lincoln University - Lindenwood Univ - Maryville Univ of St. Louis Missouri College Missouri Baptist Univ - MO Southern State Univ - Missouri State University Missouri State University – West Plains Out of State/Other Missouri Valley College – Missouri Western State University Northwest Missouri State University Park University - Patricia Stevens College Rockhurst University Saint Louis Univ - Sanford-Brown College Southeast MO State Univ Southwest Baptist Univ Stephens College - Truman State Univ - Univ of Central MO - Univ of MO – Columbia Univ of MO – Kansas City Univ of MO – St Louis - Univ of Phoenix – Vatterott College Washington University - Webster University - William Jewell College - William Woods University Apprenticeship Military On-the-Job Training Allied College - Barnes-Jewish College of Nursing & Allied Health - Cleveland Chiropractic College Colorado Tech Univ Cox Health - Chamberlain College of Nursing Heritage Coll - Cox College of Nursing & Health Science Logan Coll of Chiropractic - Lutheran School of Nursing Kansas City Univ of Med & Biosciences Research Med Ctr School of Nuclear Med St John’s Reg Health Ctr Saint Luke’s College - St Louis College of Health Careers St Louis Coll Pharmacy - Southeast MO Hospital College of Nursing Truman Med Ctr School - Nurse Anesthesia Sample Careers By Educational Level - For Occupational Specialties, go to or On-The-Job Training or Less Technical Training or Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Masters Degree or More Dental Assistants Dental Laboratory Technicians Home Health Aides Medical Appliance Technicians Medical Assistants Medical Equipment Preparers Medical Secretaries Personal and Home Care Aides Pharmacy Aides Pharmacy Technicians Physical Therapist Aides Psychiatric Aides 34 Cardiovascular Technologists Dental Hygienists Emergency Medical Technicians Health Information Technicians Licensed Practical Nurses Medical Laboratory Technicians Medical Sonographers Medical Transcriptionists Nursing Assistants Occupational Therapist Assistants Physical Therapist Assistants Radiation Therapists Radiologic Technologists Registered Nurses Respiratory Therapists Surgical Technologists Veterinary Technologists and Technicians Administrative Services Managers Athletic Trainers Biomedical Engineers Computer Programmers Computer Software Engineers, Applications Dietitians Health Educators Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists Medical Laboratory Technologists Occupational Health and Safety Specialists Orthotic and Prosthetic Specialists Petroleum Engineers Public Relations Specialists Recreational Therapists Rehabilitation Counselors Athletic Trainers, Physical and Occupational Therapists Biologists, Physicists, Hydrologists, Epidemiologists Clinical Psychologists and Mental Health Counselors Computer and Information Scientists, Research Dietitians and Nutritionists Farm and Home Management Advisors Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary Home Economics Teachers, Postsecondary Medical and Health Services Managers Medical Scientists, Except Epidemiologists Natural Sciences Mgrs, Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists Nurse Anesthetists and Physician Assistants Orthotics and Prosthetics Pharmacists Speech-Language Pathologists Communications Teachers, Postsecondary Veterinarians Belton High School Hospitality & Tourism Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade 9 English College Prep English I Math Algebra I Science Biology (See flow chart in Course Guide) 10 College Prep Geometry Secondary 12 35 English III or +AP Language & Comp College Prep English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp Algebra II Geography Government -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. Chemistry English II 11 College Prep Social Studies Physics Career & Tech Ed Options Beg. Foods/Nut & Wellness Required Courses/ Recommended Electives REQUIRED COURSES: Health grade th grade P. Finance (.5)-11 Business Management World History or +AP World History PRO American History PRO START I Nutrition & Food Science (.5)-10th Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) START II RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Foundations of College Math or *College Algebra +AP Chemistry SS Elective FACS Internship Service Learning Leadership Civic Leadership Anatomy & Physiology Foreign Language Additional Learning Opportunities School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: __________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: __________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) __________________________ Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: __________________________ Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Postsecondary Offerings - For A Complete Listing, go to Postsecondary Community College Crowder College East Central College Jefferson College Metropolitan Community College Mineral Area College Ozarks Tech Community College St Louis Community College Three Rivers Community College Technical School/Training Institution Cape Girardeau Career/Tech Center Gibson Technical Center Lake Career and Technical Center Lebanon Technology Career Center Macon Area Vocational Technical School Northland Career Center Northwest Tech School Nevada Regional Technical Center Pemiscot County Career & Tech Ctr South Central Career Center Waynesville Technical Academy In State Avila University - Central Methodist University College of the Ozarks - Columbia College - Culver-Stockton College Drury University - Evangel University - Fontbonne Univ - Lincoln University - Lindenwood Univ - Missouri Baptist Univ - MO Southern State University Missouri State University Missouri Valley College Missouri Western State University Northwest Missouri State University Out of State/Other Park University - Rockhurst University Saint Louis Univ - Southeast MO State Univ Southwest Baptist Univ Stephens College - Truman State Univ - Univ of Central MO - University of MO – Columbia Univ of MO – Kansas City Univ of MO – St Louis - Washington University - Webster University Westminster College William Jewell College - William Woods University Apprenticeship Military On-the-Job Training Kansas City Art Institute L’Ecole Culinaire Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary – Sample Careers By Educational Level - For Occupational Specialties, go to or On-The-Job Training or Less Technical Training or Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Masters Degree or More Amusement and Recreation Workers Baggage Porters and Bellhops Bartenders Casino Gaming Workers Chefs and Dinner Cooks Concierges Counter Attendants Fast Food Cooks Food Preparation Workers Hotel Desk Clerks Janitors and Cleaners Kitchen Helpers Maids and Housekeepers Professional Athletes Recreation Attendants Recreation Guides Recreation Workers Reservation and Ticket Agents Restaurant Hosts Tour Guides Umpires and Referees Waiters and Waitresses 36 Animal Trainers Casino Gaming Workers First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Housekeeping and Janitorial Workers Flight Attendants Food Service Managers Lodging Managers Reservation and Transportation Ticket Agents and Travel Clerks Residential Advisors Self Enrichment Education Teachers Travel Agents Interpreters and Translators Meeting and Convention Planners Recreation Workers Set and Exhibit Designers Social and Community Service Managers Farm and Home Management Advisors Belton High School Human Services Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade 9 English College Prep English I Math Algebra I Science Biology (See flow chart in Course Guide) 10 College Prep Geometry Secondary 12 English III or +AP Language & Comp College Prep English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp Algebra II Career & Tech Ed Options Chemistry Physics REQUIRED COURSES: World History or +AP World History Child Development Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) American History Child Anatomy & Physiology Psychology Sociology (.5)-10th Health grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grade Care Prof (CCP) I Human Growth & Dev Foundations of College Math or *College Algebra Required Courses/ Recommended Electives Relationships & Family Living Geography Government -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. English II 11 College Prep Social Studies Child RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Care Prof (CCP) II Entrepreneurship FACS Internship Cadet Teaching & Training Cosmetology (HCC) Service Learning Leadership Civic Leadership Foreign Language 37 Additional Learning Opportunities School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: _____________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: _____________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) _____________________________ Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: _____________________________ Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Postsecondary Offerings - For A Complete Listing, go to Community College Crowder College East Central College St Louis Community College Technical School/Training Institution Colorado Technical University Davis Hart Career Center Herndon Career Center Heritage Tech Institute Massage Therapy Training Institute Postsecondary Midwest Institute Neosho Beauty College Paris II Educational Center Patsy & Robs Academy of Beauty Pinnacle Career Institute Professional Massage Training Center Regency Beauty Institute St Charles School of Massage Therapy In State Allied College - Avila University - Central Bible College – Central Methodist University College of the Ozarks - Columbia College - Conception Seminary College Culver-Stockton College Drury University - Evangel University - Fontbonne Univ - Hannibal-Lagrange College Lincoln University - Lindenwood Univ - Maryville University of St. Louis Messenger College Metro Business College Midwest University - Missouri Baptist Univ - Missouri College Missouri College of Cosmetology MO Southern State University Missouri State University Missouri Valley College Out of State/Other Missouri Western State University Northwest Missouri State University Ozark Christian College - Park University - Rockhurst University Saint Louis Christian College St Louis College of Health Careers Saint Louis Univ - Sanford-Brown College Southeast MO State University Southwest Baptist University Truman State Univ - Univ of Central MO - University of MO – Columbia University of MO – Kansas City Univ of MO – St Louis - Vatterott College Washington University - Webster University Westminster College William Woods University Apprenticeship Military On-the-Job Training Aquinas Institute of Theology Assemblies of God Theological Seminary – Calvary Bible College & Theological Seminary – Chillicothe Beauty Academy Concordia Seminary - Cosmetology Concepts Institute Covenant Theological Seminary Eden Theological Seminary Elaine Steven Beauty College Grabber School of Hair Design House of Heavlin Beauty College Independence College of Cosmetology Kenrick Glennon Seminary Merrell University of Beauty Arts & Science - Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary - Nazarene Theological Seminary St Paul School of Theology Sample Careers By Educational Level – For Occupational Specialties, go to or On-The-Job Training or Less Technical Training or Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Masters Degree or More Child Care Workers Customer Service Representatives Funeral Attendants Laundry and Dry Cleaning Workers Lifeguards and Other Recreational Protective Service Workers Residential Counselors Social and Human Service Assistants 38 Barbers Embalmers and Funeral Director Government Programs Hairstylists and Cosmetologists Manicurists Preschool Teacher Professional Makeup Artists Residential Advisors Skin Care Specialists Social and Human Service Assistants Addiction Counselors Director, Religious Activities and Education Early Childhood Educator Financial Counselors Health Educators Recreation Workers Rehabilitation Counselors Social and Community Service Manager Social Workers Clergy Industrial-Organizational Psychologists Marriage and Family therapists Mental Health Counselors Psychologists Rehabilitation Counselors School Counselors Social Workers Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors Teachers, Postsecondary Belton High School Information Technology Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade English 9 College Prep English I Math Algebra I Science Biology (See flow chart in Course Guide) 10 College Prep Geometry Secondary 11 Algebra II Chemistry Physics 39 Computer Apps I World History or +AP World History American History Required Courses/ Recommended Electives REQUIRED COURSES: (.5)-10th Health grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grade College Computer Apps Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) Web Design Intro to Multimedia Information Systems Tech (CCC) of College Math or *College Algebra Psychology Elective Sociology Information Systems Tech (CCC) Additional Learning Opportunities School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: _____________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: _____________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) ____________________________ RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Foreign Language 12 College Prep Foundations Science English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp Geography Government Career & Tech Ed Options -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. English II College Prep English III or +AP Language & Comp Social Studies Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: _____________________________ Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Postsecondary Offerings – For A Complete Listing, go to Postsecondary Community College Crowder College East Central College Jefferson College Linn State Technical College Metropolitan Community College Mineral Area College Moberly Area Community College North Central Missouri College Ozarks Technical Comm College St. Charles Community College St Louis Community College State Fair Community College Three Rivers Community College Technical School/Training Institution Davis Hart Career Center Herndon Career Center Kirksville Area Tech Center Waynesville Technical Academy In State A.T. Skill University of Health Sciences Avila University - Bryan College - Central Methodist University College of the Ozarks - Columbia College - Culver-Stockton College DeVry University – Drury University - Evangel University - Everest College Fontbonne Univ - Hannibal-Lagrange College Harris-Stowe State Univ - Hickey College - Lincoln University - Lindenwood Univ - Maryville Univ of St. Louis Missouri Baptist Univ - Missouri College MO Southern State University Missouri State University Missouri State University – West Plains Missouri Valley College Out of State/Other Missouri Western State University Northwest Missouri State University Park University - Rockhurst University Saint Louis University Sanford-Brown College Southeast MO State University Southwest Baptist University Truman State Univ - Univ of Central MO - University of MO – Columbia University of MO – Kansas City Univ of MO – Rolla – Univ of MO – St Louis - Univ of Phoenix – Vatterott College Washington University - Webster University Westminster College William Jewell College - William Woods University Apprenticeship Military On-the-Job Training Colorado Technical University Grantham University ITT Technical Institute Kansas City Art Institute Midwest Institute Missouri Tech National American University Pinnacle Career Institute Texas County Technical Institute Sample Careers By Educational Level – For Occupational Specialties, go to or On-the-Job Training or Less Technical Training or Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Masters Degree or More Computer Operators Computer Support Specialists Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts Numerical Tool and Process Control Programmers Web Administrators Web Developers 40 Computer and Information Systems Managers Computer Engineers Computer Programmers Computer Security Specialists Computer Software Engineers Computer Systems Administrators Computer Systems Analysts Data Communications analysts Database Administrators Graphic Designers Multi-Media Artists and Animators Network and Computer Systems Administrators Software Quality Assurance Engineers and Testers Computer and Information Scientists, Research Computer Science Teachers, Postsecondary Engineering Managers Belton High School Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade 9 English College Prep English I Math Algebra I Science Biology (See flow chart in Course Guide) 10 College Prep Geometry Chemistry Secondary Physics English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp Required Courses/ Recommended Electives REQUIRED COURSES: Geography Government (.5)-10th Health grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grade World History or AP World History Psychology Sociology American History EMT/Fire Science (CCC) English III or +AP Language & Comp 12 College Prep 41 Algebra II Career & Tech Ed Options -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. English II 11 College Prep Social Studies Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) Forensic Science RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Foundations of College Math or *College Algebra Anatomy & Physiology +AP Chemistry Psychology Sociology Civil Law Criminal Law * Am History 101/102 *Political Sci 210 Fire Science/EMT (CCC) Foreign Language Forensic Science Human Growth & Dev. Physical Fitness Service Learning Leadership Civic Leadership Additional Learning Opportunities School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: __________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: __________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) __________________________ Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: __________________________ Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Postsecondary Offerings - For A Complete Listing, go to Postsecondary Community College Crowder College East Central College Jefferson College Linn State Technical College Metropolitan Community College Mineral Area College Moberly Area Community College North Central MO College Ozarks Tech Community College St. Charles Community College St Louis Community College State Fair Community College Three Rivers Community College Technical School/Training Institution Cape Girardeau Career/Tech Center Columbia Career Center Grand River Tech School - Hillyard Technical Center Rolla Technical Institute Sikeston Career and Technology Center Waynesville Technical Academy In State Avila University - College of the Ozarks - Columbia College - Drury University - Evangel University - Everest College Hannibal-Lagrange College Hickey College Lindenwood Univ - Maryville University of St. Louis MO Southern State University Missouri State University Missouri State University – West Plains Missouri Western State University Out of State/Other Park University - Patricia Stevens College Rockhurst University Saint Louis Univ - Sanford-Brown College Southeast MO State University Southwest Baptist University Univ of Central MO - University of MO – Columbia University of MO – Kansas City Univ of MO – St Louis - Univ of Phoenix – Vatterott College Washington University - Webster University William Woods University Apprenticeship Military On-the-Job Training Allied College www.alliedcollege.du High Tech Institute National American University Texas County Technical Institute Sample Careers By Educational Level - For Occupational Specialties, go to or On-The-Job Training or Less Technical Training or Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Masters Degree or More Ambulance Drivers Animal Control Workers Bailiffs Corrections Officers Court Clerks Crossing Guards Fire Fighters Forest Fire Fighters Gaming Surveillance Officers and Gaming Investigators Life Guards and Ski Patrollers Parking Enforcement Officers Parking Enforcement Workers Police, Fire, and Ambulance Dispatchers Security Guards Sheriffs Transportation Security Agents 42 Correctional Officers and Jailers Court Reporters Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics Fire Inspectors Fire Investigators First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Police and Detectives Forest Fire Fighting and Prevention Supervisors Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists Legal Secretaries Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention Supervisors Paralegals and Legal Assistants Police Detectives Police Identification and Records Officers Police Patrol Officers Private Detectives and Investigators Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs Title Examiners, Abstractors, and Searchers Transit and Railroad Police Arbitrators and Mediators Coroners Correctional Treatment Specialists Criminal Investigators and Special Agents Emergency Management Specialists Forensic Science Technicians Immigration and Customs Inspectors Judges and Hearing Officers Law Clerks Probation Officers Anthropology and Archeology Teachers, Postsecondary Child, Family, and School Social Workers Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Teachers, Postsecondary Lawyer Psychology Teachers, Postsecondary Belton High School Manufacturing Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grad e 9 English College Prep English I Math Algebra I Science Biology Social Studies Career & Tech Ed Options Intro. Engineering Design (IED) REQUIRED COURSES: World History or +AP World History Principles of Engineering (POE) Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) American History Digital Electronics (DE) Geography Government -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. 10 College Prep Geometry Chemistry English II Secondary 11 College Prep Algebra II Physics English III or +AP Language & Comp Auto (CCC) English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp 43 Foundations of College Math or *College Algebra Advanced Physics SS Elective (.5)-10th Health grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grade Welding 1 (CCC) Welding 2 (CCC) RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Climate & Energy Control (HVAC/R) (HCC) *Engineering Design & Dev. (EDD) Entrepreneurship Adv. Adv. Welding 3 (CCC) Welding 4 (CCC) Climate & Energy Control (HVAC/R) (HCC) Additional Learning Opportunities School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: _____________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: _____________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) _____________________________ CAD Drafting 12 College Prep Required Courses/ Recommended Electives Foreign Language Technical Theatre Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: _____________________________ Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Postsecondary Offerings – For A Complete Listing, go to Postsecondary Community College Crowder College Jefferson College Linn State Technical College Metropolitan Community College Mineral Area College North Central Missouri College Ozarks Technical Comm College St Louis Community College State Fair Community College Three Rivers Community College Technical School/Training Institution Carrollton Area Career Center Eldon Career Center Grand River Technical School Herndon Career Center Hillyard Technical Center Lamar Area VoTech Lex La-Ray Tech Center Kirksville Area Tech Center North Central Career Center Northland Career Center Northwest Tech School Perryville Area Career/Tech Center Ranken Tech College - South Central Career Center Southwest Area Career Center In State Avila University - Baptist Bible College - Bryan College - www.bryancollege.ecom Central Methodist University College of the Ozarks - Columbia College - Culver-Stockton College - Drury University - Evangel University - Everest College Fontbonne Univ - Hannibal-Lagrange College Harris-Stowe State Univ - Hickey College Lincoln University - Lindenwood Univ - Maryville Univ of St. Louis Messenger College Missouri Baptist Univ - Missouri College MO Southern State Univ - Missouri State University Missouri State University – West Plains MO University of Science & Technology Missouri Western State University Northwest Missouri State University Park University - Rockhurst University - St. Louis University Sanford-Brown College Southeast MO State Univ - Southwest Baptist Univ Stephens College - Truman State Univ - Univ of Central MO - Univ of MO – Columbia Univ of MO – Kansas City Univ of MO – St Louis - University of Phoenix - Vatterott College Washington University - Webster University - Westminster College William Jewell College - William Woods University Out of State/Other Apprenticeship Military On-the-Job Training Colorado Technical University DeVry University Foley-Belsaw Institute Grantham University ITT Technical Institute National American University Texas County Technical Institute Sample Careers By Educational Level – For Occupational Specialties, go to or On-The-Job Training or Less Technical Training or Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Masters Degree or More Crane and Tower Operators Hoist and Winch Operators Locksmiths Machinists Metal and Plastic Processing Workers Operating Engineers and Construction Equipment Operators Painting and Coating Machine Operators Power Plant Operators Precision Assemblers Quality Control Inspectors Small Engine Mechanics Tailors Tire Building Machine Operators Tool and Die Makers Tool Grinders Upholsterers Vehicle Painters Woodworking Machine Operators 44 Automotive Electronics Installers Computer, ATM, and Office Machine Repairers Electric Motor Repairers Home Electronics Repairers Industrial Electronics Repairers Jewelers Manufacturing Production Technicians Security and Fire Alarm Systems Installers Semiconductor Processing Operators Welders Welding and Soldering Machine Operators Chemical Engineers Occupational Health and Safety Specialists Safety Engineers Belton High School Marketing Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade 9 English College Prep English I Math Algebra I Science Biology (See flow chart in Course Guide) 10 College Prep Geometry Secondary 12 45 English III or +AP Language & Comp College Prep English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp Algebra II Geography Government -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. Chemistry English II 11 College Prep Social Studies Physics Career & Tech Ed Options Computer App I Business Management World History or +AP World History Entrepreneurship American History Marketing I Required Courses/ Recommended Electives REQUIRED COURSES: (.5)-10th Health grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grade Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) *Coll Computer Apps RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Foundations of College Math or *College Algebra Science Elective Psychology *Coll Marketing Multimedia (both) Sociology *Coll Marketing Work Release Web Design Business Law & Economics Service Learning Leadership Civic Leadership Foreign Language Additional Learning Opportunities School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: _____________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: _____________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) _____________________________ Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: _____________________________ Student Organizations: DECA TSA FFA FCCLA Other: Postsecondary Offerings – For A Complete Listing, go to Postsecondary Community College East Central College Crowder College Jefferson College Metropolitan Community College Mineral Area College Moberly Area Community College North Central Missouri College Ozarks Technical Comm College St. Charles Community College St Louis Community College State Fair Community College Three Rivers Community College Technical School/Training Institution Eldon Career Center Hannibal Career and Technical Center Waynesville Technical Academy Northwest Tech School Rankin Tech College - In State Avila University - Baptist Bible College - Bryan College - Central Methodist University College of the Ozarks - Columbia College - Culver-Stockton College DeVry University – Drury University - Evangel University - Everest College Fontbonne Univ - Hannibal-Lagrange College Harris-Stowe State Univ - Lincoln University - Lindenwood Univ - Maryville University of St. Louis Messenger College Missouri Baptist Univ - Missouri College MO Southern State University Missouri State University Missouri State University – West Plains Missouri Valley College Out of State/Other Missouri Western State University Northwest Missouri State University Park University - Patricia Stevens College Rockhurst University Saint Louis University Sanford-Brown College Southeast MO State Univ Southwest Baptist Univ Stephens College - Truman State Univ - Univ of Central MO - Univ of MO – Columbia Univ of MO – Kansas City Univ of MO – Rolla – Univ of MO – St Louis - Univ of Phoenix – Vatterott College Washington University - Webster University - Westminster College William Jewell College - William Woods University Apprenticeship Military On-the-Job Training Colorado Technical University Grantham University ITT Technical Institute National American University Sample Careers By Educational Level – For Occupational Specialties, go to or On-the-Job Training or Less Technical Training or Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Masters Degree or More Advertising Salespeople Buyers and Purchasing Agents Cashiers Counter and Rental Clerks Demonstrators and Promoters Floral Designers Merchandise Displayers Models Opticians Parts Salespeople Retail Salespeople Route Salespeople Telemarketers 46 Advertising Sales Agents Assessors Fashion Designers Interior Designers Lodging Managers Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers Real Estate Brokers Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products Travel Agents Travel Guides Wholesale and Retail Buyers, Except Farm Products Art Directors Editors Market Research Analysts Public Relations Specialists Sales Managers Sales Representatives Survey Researchers Technical Writers Business Teacher, Postsecondary Marketing Managers Public Relations Managers Purchasing Managers Sales Managers Belton High School Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade English 9 College Prep English I Math Geometry Science Biology Social Studies Geography Government Career & Tech Ed Options Intro Engineering Design (IED) -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. 10 College Prep Algebra II Chemistry Secondary English II 11 College Prep *College 12 47 English III or +AP Language & Comp College Prep English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp Physics Algebra and * Pre-Calc *Calculus Advanced Physics +AP Chemistry +AP Biology World History or +AP World History Principles of Engineering (POE) American History Digital Electronics (DE) Computer Science & Software Engineering (CSE) Info Sys Tech (CCC) SS Elective Intro to Robotics *Engineering Design & Dev. (EDD) Info Sys Tech (CCC) Advanced Robotics Required Courses/ Recommended Electives REQUIRED COURSES: (.5)-10th Health grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grade Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) Additional Learning Opportunities School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: _____________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: _____________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) _____________________________ RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Technical Theatre Forensic Science Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: _____________________________ Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Postsecondary Offerings – For A Complete Listing, go to Postsecondary Community College Crowder College East Central College Jefferson College Metropolitan Community College St. Charles Community College St Louis Community College On-the-Job Training or Less Technical School/Training Institution Missouri Tech In State Avila University - Central Methodist University College of the Ozarks - Columbia College - Culver-Stockton College Drury University - Evangel University - Lincoln University - Lindenwood Univ - Maryville University of St. Louis Missouri Baptist Univ - MO Southern State Univ ersity Missouri State University MO University of Science & Technology Missouri Western State University Apprenticeship Military On-the-Job Training Grantham University Sample Careers By Educational Level – For Occupational Specialties, go to or Technical Training or Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Masters Degree or More Electronics Engineering Technologists Engineering Technicians Manufacturing Engineering Technologists Science Technicians 48 Out of State/Other Northwest Missouri State University Park University - Rockhurst University Saint Louis University Southeast MO State University Southwest Baptist University Truman State Univ - Univ of Central MO - University of MO – Columbia University of MO – Kansas City Univ of MO – Rolla – Univ of MO – St Louis - Washington University - Westminster College William Jewell College - Aerospace Engineers Biomedical Engineers Cartographers Chemists Civil Engineers Electrical and Electronics Engineers Energy Engineers Environmental Engineers Geospatial Information Scientists and Technologists Industrial Engineers Manufacturing Engineers Materials Engineers Mechanical Engineers Meteorologists Mining Engineers Nuclear Engineers Petroleum Engineers Photonics Engineers Remote Sensing Scientists and Technologists Anthropologists Archeologists Astronomers Biologists Environmental Scientists Geographers Geologists and Geophysicists Historians Mathematicians Physicists Political Scientists Robotics Engineers Sociologists Belton High School Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Career Cluster Program of Study Template SUGGESTED COURSE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDY It is suggested that students consider dual credit, articulation, or advanced placement opportunities for postsecondary credit. Reminder: Two (2) credits in the same foreign language may be required for admission to 4 year universities. Minimum Graduation Requirements Grade 9 English College Prep English I Math Algebra I Science Biology Social Studies Career & Tech Ed Options Intro Engineering Design (IED) REQUIRED COURSES: World History or +AP World History Principles of Engineering (POE) Phys. Education (1.0) Fine Art (1.0) Practical Art (.5) Oral Communication (.5) American History AutoCAD Geography Government -Pass US Const. -Pass MO Const. 10 College Prep Geometry Chemistry English II Secondary 11 College Prep Physics English III or +AP Language & Comp 12 College Prep English IV or *College English or +AP Literature & Comp 49 Algebra II Foundations of College Math or *College Algebra Advanced Physics Required Courses/ Recommended Electives SS Elective Metals & Woods Tech (.5)-10th Health grade P. Finance (.5)-11th grade Drafting (CCC) Digital Electronics (DE) Auto Mechanics (CCC) Auto Coll & Repair (HCC) Diesel Mechanics I (HCC) Auto Mechanics (CCC) Auto Collision & Repair (HCC) Diesel Mechanics II (HCC) RECOMMENDED ELECTIVES: Entrepreneurship Foreign Language Additional Learning Opportunities School-Based: Career Research Cooperative Education Internship Service Learning Project Other: _____________________________ Community Based: Mentorship Volunteer Other: ____________________________ Assessments/Certifications: Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) End of Course Testing (EOCs) ____________________________ Placement Assessments: College Admissions Test PSAT ASVAB Other: ____________________________ Student Organizations: DECA FCCLA FFA TSA Other: Postsecondary Community College Crowder College East Central College Hannibal-Lagrange College Jefferson College Linn State Technical College Metropolitan Community College Mineral Area College Moberly Area Community College North Central Missouri College Ozarks Technical Comm College Ranken Technical College Sanford-Brown College St Louis Community College State Fair Community College Postsecondary Offerings – For A Complete List of Colleges, go to Technical School/Training Institutions In State Cape Girardeau Career/Tech Center Clinton Tech School - Davis Hart Career Ctr- Eldon Career Ctr - Four Rivers Career Center Franklin Technology- MSSU Gibson Tech Ctr - Grand River Technical School - Hannibal Career and Technical Center Herndon Career Center Hillyard Technical Ctr - Kirksville Area Tech Ctr - Lake Career and Technical Center Lebanon Technology and Career Ctr Lex La-Ray Tech Ctr Nichols Career Center - Northland Career Center Northwest Tech School Pike-Lincoln Tech Ctr - Rolla Tech Institute - Saline County Career Center Sikeston Career & Technology Center South Central Career Ctr - Waynesville Technical Academy Avila University - Baptist Bible College - Bryan College - Central Methodist University College of the Ozarks - Columbia College - Culver-Stockton College - DeVry University - Drury University - Evangel University - Everest College - Fontbonne Univ - Grantham Univ - Harris-Stowe State Univ - Lincoln University - Lindenwood Univ - Maryville University of Saint Louis Messenger College Missouri Baptist Univ - Missouri College Missouri Southern State University Missouri State University Missouri State Univ – West Plains Missouri University of Science & Tech Out of State/Other Missouri Western State University Northwest Missouri State University Park University - Rockhurst Univ - Patricia Stevens College St. Louis Univ - Southeast Missouri State University Southwest Baptist University Stephens College - Truman State Univ - University of Central MO - University of Missouri – Columbia University of Missouri – Kansas City University of Missouri – St Louis Univ of Phoenix - Vatterott College Washington University - Webster Univ - Westminster College William Jewell College - William Woods University Apprenticeship Military On-the-Job Training Aviation Institute of Maintenance Colorado Technical University American Truck Training C-1 Truck Driver Training ITT Technical Institute Midwestern Training Center National American University Nuway Truck Driver Training Southern MO Truck Driving School Westwind CDL Training Center Witte Truck Driving School Sample Careers By Educational Level – For Occupational Specialties, go to or On-the-Job Training or Less Technical Training or Associate Degree Bachelors Degree Masters Degree or More Air Traffic Controllers and Flight Attendants Auto Body Repairers Bicycle Repairers Bus Drivers and School Bus Drivers Dispatchers and Traffic Technicians Freight Handlers Heavy Equipment Mechanics Heavy Truck Drivers Motorboat & Motorcycle Mechanics Parking Lot Attendants Riggers Service Station Attendants, Tire Repairers and Changers Transportation Agents 50 Aircraft Mechanic Automobile Mechanics Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists Electrical/Electronics Installers/Repairers, Transportation Equipment Electronic Equipment Installers/Repairers, Motor Vehicles First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Helpers, Laborers, and Material Movers, Hand First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Transportation Material-Moving Machine and Vehicle Operators Motorboat Mechanics and Motorcycle Mechanics Signal and Track Switch Repairers Traffic Technicians Transportation Vehicle, Equipment/Systems Inspectors Airline Pilot Logisticians Storage and Distribution Managers Chief Executive COURSE DESCRIPTIONS BY DEPARTMENT ENGLISH 9th Grade College Prep English I Adv College Prep English I College Prep English II 10th Grade Adv College Prep English II ENGLISH ELECTIVES: College Prep English III 11th Grade AP Language & Composition College Prep English IV College English IV 12th Grade AP Literature & Composition 52 Grades 10-12 Poetry Creative Writing COLLEGE PREP ENGLISH I Grade: 9 Course #: FYR1101 Type of Credit: 1 English Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: You will learn the basics of writing and apply the information to a variety of assignments including a research paper. In addition, you will read classic novels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADVANCED COLLEGE PREP ENGLISH I Course #: FYR1103 Grade: 9 Type of Credit: 1 English Credit PREREQUISITES: Grade of A in 8th grade Honors English, recommendation of 8th grade English teacher, strong MAP scores, and excellent writing sample. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is an advanced level English course covering grammar, mechanics, writing, literature comprehension, literature interpretation, vocabulary, and library skills. You must maintain a B average or higher to remain in the class. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COLLEGE PREP ENGLISH II Course #: HYR1107 Grade: 10 Type of Credit: 1 English Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Vocabulary development is stressed throughout the course. You will be introduced to world literature and discuss a variety of books. You will go more in depth into how to communicate effectively your ideas in writing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADVANCED COLLEGE PREP ENGLISH II Course #: HYR1109 Grade: 10 Type of Credit: 1 English Credit PREREQUISITES: Lexile scores from the Explore Test COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is an advanced level English course designed to cover the writing and reading components of English II as well as to provide enrichment for the outstanding student. You must maintain a C average or higher to remain in the class. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COLLEGE PREP ENGLISH III Course #: HYR1113 Grade: 11 Type of Credit: 1 English Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class is designed to refine your writing skills and introduce you to the study of American literature. You will complete various types of writing projects. Advanced vocabulary will be studied. The works of major American writers, both fiction and non-fiction, will be covered. *AP LANGUAGE & COMPOSITION Course #: HYR1115 Type of Credit: 1 English Credit COLLEGE CREDIT POSSIBLE – AP EXAM PREREQUISITES: Scores on Explore Test, EOC, and Plan will be taken into consideration. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This rigorous course is considered writing and reading intensive with a substantial and demanding workload. You must be organized and disciplined and will be expected to manage in-class activities, outside readings, and long term assignments that emphasizes the expository, analytical, and argumentative writing. Grade: 11 53 COLLEGE PREP ENGLISH IV Grade: 12 Course #: HYR1117 Type of Credit: 1 English Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: This reading and writing intensive class is designed to be a continuation of your English studies. Reading and literary analysis, a research paper, grammar, critical thinking, vocabulary, and resumes will be emphasized. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*COLLEGE ENGLISH Course #: HYR1119 Grade: 12 Type of Credit: 1 English Credit 3 HOURS DUAL CREDIT THROUGH UMKC PREREQUISITES: B or higher in junior English class or approved application. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces students to college-level reading, writing, and discourse analysis: it engages students in the analysis and creation of texts that reveal multiple perspectives about specific rhetorical situations and cultural issues. In addition, students will learn to edit their own work and use proper documentation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*AP LITERATURE & COMPOSITION Course #: HYR1123 Grade: 12 Type of Credit: 1 English Credit COLLEGE CREDIT POSSIBLE – AP EXAM PREREQUISITES: Scores on Explore Test, EOC, and Plan will be taken into consideration. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This Advanced Placement course for seniors is an intensive study of literature from the 16th Century to the 21st Century. You will study, explain, and evaluate various genres of literature through careful reading and critical analysis. This course will also include a writing component that focuses on expository, analytical, and argumentative writing. In addition, it will prepare you for the Advanced Placement Literature and Composition Exam administered each May. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POETRY Course #:HSM1131 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: ½ Elective Credit PREREQUISITES: None COURSE DESCRIPTION: If you enjoy reading and writing poems, this class is for you. Poems of many types and from many time periods will be studied. Forms of poetry and terms pertaining to the understanding of poetry will be studied. Students will be required to read, discuss, analyze and write poems. This class will be responsible for organizing and publishing an anthology of original poems by Belton High School students. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CREATIVE WRITING Course#:HSM1133 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: ½ Elective Credit PREREQUISITES: None- except a love of writing COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course offers instruction in the art of writing. Writing assignments will include short descriptions, short stories, poetry, genre writing, dialog and other forms. 54 JOURNALISM JOURNALISM Course #: HYR1131 Type of Credit: 1 Elective Credit Grades: 10 - 12 PREREQUISITES: B or higher in previous writing courses. Typing or computer skills strongly desired. COURSE DESCRIPTION: You will learn to write news stories, features, sports stories, editorials and columns. Students will learn about the history of journalism, legal and ethical considerations of journalists, and careers in the field of journalism. You will learn to analyze and critique professional publications as well as use technologies essential to publish the high school newspaper and yearbook, and will assist on a limited basis in the production of the official publications of BHS. INTRODUCTION TO MULTIMEDIA Grades: 10 - 12 Course #: HYR1549 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Application required. GPA and attendance history are used as criteria for admittance. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class focuses on the basics of video broadcast production and writing including videography and digital editing. You will learn production of the school news website,, and will work with advanced multimedia students in producing news broadcasts, and filming events for Belton School District. Time outside of the normal school day of two or more hours weekly is required. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADVANCED MULTIMEDIA Course #: HYR1551 Grades: 11 - 12 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Application required. GPA and attendance history are used as criteria for admittance. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class is responsible for the video production and writing of the school news programs including the website and daily school news broadcasts. Students will collaborate with other students to meet the video needs of Belton School District. Time outside of the normal school day of two or more hours weekly is required. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YEARBOOK Course #: HYR1135 Grades: 10 - 12 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Completion of Journalism with a B or higher, and instructor consent. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class is responsible for the publication of the Beltonian, the high school yearbook. You will be instructed in the areas of layout and design using current technologies, copywriting, photography, and production techniques used in publication. You will be required to sell advertising. This is a work-intensive course and will require regular after school deadline completion. THEATER AND DEBATE HUMAN COMMUNICATIONS Grades: 9-12 Course #: FSM1152-(BHSFC) HSM1152-(BHS) Type of Credit: ½ Oral Communication Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class requires you to follow a speaking format to write and perform public speeches, as well as explore interpersonal and intrapersonal communication styles. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 ACTING I Course #: FSM1154-(BHSFC) HSM1154-(BHS) Type of Credit: ½ Fine Art Credit or ½ Oral Communication Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a performance-based class. Units in movement, voice, improvisation, characterization, acting technique, memorized monologue & duet scenes are included. It is designed to teach creative thinking, acceptance of yourself & others, self-discipline, self-confidence, communication & problem solving skills. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACTING II Course #: HSM1156 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: 1/2 Fine Art Credit Grades: 9-12 PREREQUISITES: B or higher in Acting I or recommendation of instructor. *May be repeated as Acting III with instructor permission. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is an advanced performance class for those who wish to enhance acting and presentational skills. Possible performances include individual, duet, small group, and large group performances as well as neutral scenes. Emphasis is placed on acting technique and characterization. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COMPANY Course #: HYR1157 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: 1 Fine Art Credit MAY BE TAKEN MULTIPLE TIMES PREREQUISITES: By audition or permission of instructor only. *May be repeated with permission. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is an advanced production class for those who wish to participate in all areas of production. You will produce improvisation shows, an instructor directed play, student directed one-acts, & a touring children’s show. You will also read a variety of plays & prepare resumes & portfolios. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FILM ANALYSIS AND PRODUCTION Course #: HSM1160 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: ½ Elective Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Be exposed to the growth of the film industry since the late 1800’s in limited detail through the 1960’s & familiarize yourself with film production techniques. The majority of the course will be spent viewing, comparing, contrasting, & exploring many of the greatest films in a variety of genres. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TECHNICAL THEATRE Course #: HSM1162 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit MAY BE TAKEN BOTH SEMESTERS PREREQUISITES: *This class may be repeated with instructor permission. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course deals with the action “behind the scenes” in a theatrical production. Students learn production staff duties, construction safety, tools & materials, theatrical construction & painting techniques, set design & drafting, lighting & costuming. Emphasis is on practical application in actual production. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THEATRE APPRECIATION Course #: HSM1164 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: ½ Fine Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Course focuses on the history & development of theatre in Western Civilization & the ways that theatre is produced. Students will read & view multiple plays & participate in a variety of activities that help students gain a deeper understanding of the different theatrical genres. This is not a performance class. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 CONTEST SPEECH Grades: 9-12 Course #: FYR1165-(BHSFC) HYR1165-(BHS) Type of Credit: 1 Oral Communication Credit PREREQUISITES: Approval of the instructor is required. Online instruction is a big part of this course. This class requires you to compete at interscholastic debate and forensic tournaments during the semester. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Compete in speaking and acting events at area high schools. Team competitions occur on Fridays and Saturdays. This class can be repeated all four years with teacher permission. Belton has been national rank as one of top 50 schools since 2003. This course can also be taken for dual credit from Missouri State. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COMPETITIVE DEBATE Course #: HYR1167 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: 1 Oral Communication Credit PREREQUISITES: Approval of the instructor is required. Online instruction is a big part of this course. This class requires you to compete at interscholastic debate and forensic tournaments during the semester. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Compete in debate and public speaking events. Team competitions occur on 11Friday nights and all day on Saturdays at area high schools. This class can be repeated all four years with teacher permission. Belton has been nationally ranked since 2003. This course can also be taken for dual credit from Missouri State. FOREIGN LANGUAGE SPANISH I Grades: 9-12 Course #: FYR-(BHSFC) HYR1181-(BHS) Type of Credit: 1 Elective Credit PREREQUISITES: It is strongly recommended that you have a C or higher in English class. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed primarily to teach you to speak, read, write and understand simple Spanish and to acquaint students with Hispanic culture. Topics include greetings, clothing, numbers, time, activities, interests, food, family members, descriptions and geography. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPANISH II Grades: 10-12 Course #: FYR1183-(BHSFC) HYR1183-(BHS) Type of Credit: 1 Elective Credit PREREQUISITES: Instructor approval required and/or Spanish I, with a C or higher. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Listening and speaking exercises are still fundamental with more emphasis on grammar and syntax. Reading and writing will continue to be developed. Topics include weather, numbers, sports, and food, clothing and daily activities. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SPANISH III Course #: HYR1185 Grades: 11-12 Type of Credit: 1 Elective Credit 3-5 hours Dual Credit through UMKC PREREQUISITES: Spanish II, Grades of C or higher and instructor approval. COURSE DESCRIPTION: You will increase your vocabulary and will use more complex sentence structure and grammar skills in oral and written work. Literature and other authentic resources will be used. 57 *SPANISH IV Course #:HYR1187 Type of Credit: 1 Elective Credit 3-5 hours Dual Credit through UMKC PREREQUISITES: Spanish III, Grades of C or higher and instructor approval. COURSE DESCRIPTION: You will increase your vocabulary and will use more complex sentence structure and grammar skills in oral and written work. Literature and other authentic resources will be used. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grade: Senior only FRENCH I Grades: 9-12 Course #: FYR1189-(BHSFC) HYR1189-(BHS) Type of Credit: 1 Elective Credit PREREQUISITES: It is strongly recommended that you have a C or higher in English class. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed primarily to teach you to speak, read, write and understand simple French and to acquaint students with French culture. Topics include: greetings, clothing, numbers, time, activities, interests, food, family members, descriptions and geography. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRENCH II Grades: 10-12 Course #: HYR1191 Type of Credit: 1 Elective Credit PREREQUISITES: Instructor approval required and/or French I, with a C or higher. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Listening and speaking exercises are still fundamental with more emphasis on grammar and syntax. Reading and writing will continue to be developed. Topics include weather, numbers, sports, and food, clothing and daily activities. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *FRENCH III Course #: HYR1193 Grades: 11-12 Type of Credit: 1 Elective Credit 5 hours Dual Credit through UMKC PREREQUISITES: French II, Grades of C or higher and/or instructor approval. COURSE DESCRIPTION: You will increase your vocabulary and will use more complex sentence structure and grammar skills in oral and written work. Literature and other authentic resources will be used. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *FRENCH IV Course #: HYR1195 Grades: 12 Type of Credit: 1 Elective Credit 5 hours Dual Credit through UMKC PREREQUISITES: French III, Grades of C or above and/or instructor approval. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to integrate all skills-reading, writing, listening, and speaking in a variety of tasks and situations. Culture, literature and authentic resources will be used. 58 SOCIAL STUDIES The white outlined boxes are required courses. Boxes in grey are electives. Electives are listed under the earliest grade that you may enroll. GOVERNMENT @ BHSFC Grade: 9 For those Juniors who meet the criteria Course #: FSM1200 Type of Credit: 1 Social Studies Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Geography covers basic geographic skills and concepts. Government includes the following – historical foundations of the Constitution, an overview of the US Constitution and the Amendments, the role of citizens, political parties and interest groups in a democracy, a look at different governmental systems around the world, and key Supreme Court decisions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOGRAPHY @ BHSFC Grade: 9 Course #: FSM1202 Type of Credit: 1 Social Studies Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Geography covers basic geographic skills and concepts. Government includes the following – historical foundations of the Constitution, an overview of the US Constitution and the Amendments, the role of citizens, political parties and interest groups in a democracy, a look at different governmental systems around the world, and key Supreme Court decisions. 59 GOVERNMENT @ BHS Grades: 10-12 Transfer Students Course #: HSM1204 Type of Credit: ½ Social Studies Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will familiarize you with a basic understanding of government. You must pass comprehensive assessments covering the United States and Missouri Constitutions. This course targets transfer students. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORLD HISTORY Grade: 10 Course #: 1205 Type of Credit: 1 Social Studies Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will deal with some of the most important events and developments in the story of our past. World History will trace the past from different parts of the world in the areas of government, society, science, technology, art, literature, religion, and philosophy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *AP WORLD HISTORY Course #: HYR1207 Grade: 10 Type of Credit: 1 Social Studies Credit COLLEGE CREDIT POSSIBLE – AP EXAM PREREQUISITES: Must have passed Government, Geography and English I with a B or higher. There could be additional criteria set by the Social Studies department to screen potential students COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course highlights the nature of changes in international frameworks and their causes and consequences, as well as comparisons among major societies. This is a highly rigorous and writing intensive course. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMERICAN HISTORY Grades: 11 Course #: HYR1209 Type of Credit: 1 Social Studies Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will explore American History from Reconstruction to modern time. Major units in the first term will include Reconstruction, Western Expansion, Industrialization, The Gilded Age, Progressivism, WWI and the 1920s. Major units in the second term will cover social, political and economic issues from 1920 to the election of 1992, with emphasis on the Great Depression, WWII, The Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, the 1950s, The Korean Conflict, the 1960s, Watergate, and all modern presidents. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *POLITICAL SCIENCE 210 Grades: 11-12 Course #: HYR1217 Type of Credit: 1 Elective Social Studies Credit 3 hours Dual Credit through UMKC PREREQUISITES: A 3.0 G.P.A. or 21 on the ACT. COURSE DESCRIPTION: American government and politics, with special reference to the U.S. Constitution. This course meets the state requirement for study of the U.S., and Missouri Constitutions. Topics covered include the Constitution, federalism, civil liberties, political attitudes, interest groups, political parties, nominations, elections, campaigns, voting behavior, Congress, Presidency, bureaucracy and judiciary. This is a required course for all students attending college in the state of Missouri. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 *AMERICAN HISTORY 101 Course #: HSM1218 (1st Sem) Grades: 11-12 Type of Credit: ½ Elective Social Studies Credit 3 hours Dual Credit through UMKC PREREQUISITES: A 3.0 G.P.A. or 21 on the ACT. Juniors that want to take the course will need to take both semesters HYR1218 and HYR1220. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers the early history of the United States from formation through the Reconstruction period after the Civil War. The course content will focus on the discovery of North America, exploration, conquest, colonization and the birth of the United States. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *AMERICAN HISTORY 102 Course #: HSM1220 (2nd Sem) Grades: 11-12 Type of Credit: ½ Elective Social Studies Credit 3 hours Dual Credit through UMKC PREREQUISITES: A 3.0 G.P.A. or 21 on the ACT. Juniors that want to take the course will need to take both semesters HYR1218 and HYR1220. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers the post-Civil War era to the present. This survey course encompasses the constitutional, political, social and economic development of the United States since 1877. Topics include; WWI, 1920s, 1930s, WWII, Cold War, and Civil Rights. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSYCHOLOGY I Grades: 10-12 Course #: HSM1222 Type of Credit: ½ Elective Social Studies Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a thorough survey of the major areas and approaches to psychology. As a discipline, psychology examines how humans and other organisms develop. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCIOLOGY Grades: 10-12 Course #: HSM1224 Type of Credit: ½ Elective Social Studies Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Humans are social creatures. Sociology seeks to explain social patterns and their changes over time and in different settings. This course will cover human relationships and societal influence, including culture, socialization and deviance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRIMINAL LAW Grades: 11-12 Course #: HSM1226 (1st Sem) Type of Credit: ½ Elective Social Studies Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: You will understand how the law affects you in your personal life. Emphasis in this course is placed on helping you become aware of you legal duties, obligations and rights. This course uses case problems and mock trials to enhance your comprehension of constitutional criminal law. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIVIL LAW Grades: 11-12 Course #: HSM1228 (2nd Sem) Type of Credit: ½ Elective Social Studies Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Civil (tort) law concerns individuals suing other individuals or entities. Emphasis in this course is placed on helping you understand their rights in relation to civil law. This course uses mock trials and case studies to help you understand the scope of constitutional civil law. 61 SCIENCE BIOLOGY Grade: 9-10 Course #: FYR1301-(BHSFC) HYR1301-(BHS) Type of Credit: 1 Science Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Study about the principles of cell Biology, evolution, genetics and ecology. Laboratory investigations with necessary safety precautions will be included in this course. Scientific thinking and methods are emphasized throughout the year. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 CHEMISTRY Grades: 10 or 11 Course #: HYR1303 Type of Credit: 1 Science Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers the various states and structures of matter, the scientific method, chemical bonding chemical reactions, stoichiometry, and the gas laws. This course also has a strong reliance on mathematical computations and basic algebra. Critical and logical thinking are emphasized using many practical and interesting examples. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *AP CHEMISTRY Grades: 11 or 12 Course #: HYR1305 Type of Credit: 1 Elective Science Credit COLLEGE CREDIT POSSIBLE – AP EXAM PREREQUISITES: Chemistry, Algebra II, and Biology with a B or higher. Remaining course work must have a B average. Scores on EOC, PLAN, and ACT will be taken into consideration. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course reinforces principles learned in chemistry such as the periodic table, formulas and equations, stoichiometry, and bonding. This course also includes topics such as the molecular orbital theory, organic chemistry, kinetics, equilibrium, and thermochemistry. You will conduct labs, prepare lab reports, complete problem sets, take unit exams, and complete an individual research project. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY Grades: 11 or 12 Course #: HYR1307 Type of Credit: 1 Elective Science Credit PREREQUISITES: Biology with a B or higher. Scores on EOC, PLAN, and ACT will be taken into consideration. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Do you plan to have a career in the health-related occupations: medicine, nursing, physical therapy, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, etc.? This course covers the structure and function of the human body from the cellular level through each of the body’s organ systems. You will complete a lab or dissection for each unit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHYSICS Grade: 10-12 Course #: HYR1309 Type of Credit: 1 Science Credit PREREQUISITES: . Scores on EOC, PLAN, EXPLORE and ACT will be taken into consideration COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course includes a study of basic physics concepts, the inter-relationships and conservation laws of motion and energy including linear and projectile motion, momentum, energy and machines, the structure of matter and circular motion. This course has a strong reliance on mathematical computations and basic algebra. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANCED PHYSICS Grades: 11 - 12 Course #: HYR1311 Type of Credit: 1 Elective Science Credit PREREQUISITES: Physics with a B or higher and Biology with a B+ or higher. A minimum of a B average is required in all course work. Scores on EOC, PLAN, and ACT will be taken into consideration. COURSE DESCRIPTION: The continued study of basic physics concepts, the inter-relationships and conservation laws of motion and energy This course has a strong reliance on mathematical computations and intermediate algebra. 63 *AP BIOLOGY Grades: 11 or 12 Course #: HYR1313 Type of Credit: 1 Elective Science Credit COLLEGE CREDIT POSSIBLE – AP EXAM PREREQUISITES: Biology with a B+ or higher. A minimum of a B average is required in all course work. Scores on EOC, PLAN, and ACT will be taken into consideration. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a college level course that will focus on four big ideas: evolution, energy and homeostasis, information exchange, and interaction of biological systems. Students who take AP Biology will use advanced inquiry and reasoning skills. Students will be expected to devote time outside of the normal class period to work on this course. College credit can be earned by achieving an acceptable score on the AP exam. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTANY Grades: 11-12 Course #: HYR1322 Type of Credit: ½ Elective Science Credit PREREQUISITES: Must complete Biology and Chemistry, but may be concurrently enrolled in any other 1012 Science course offered. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Botany is the scientific study of plants and their relationship to the environment. In this course students investigate the growth, reproduction, anatomy, morphology, physiology, biochemistry, taxonomy, genetics, and ecology of plants. Laboratory and outdoor experiences complement classroom activities. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZOOLOGY Grades: 11-12 Course #: HSM1324 Type of Credit: ½ Elective Science Credit PREREQUISITES: Must complete Biology and Chemistry, but may be concurrently enrolled in any other 1012 Science course offered. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides an introduction to the wide world of animals by studying the different invertebrate phyla and vertebrate classes in-depth. You will be responsible for learning the main characteristics of each and be able to identify them based on specimens. You will be expected to handle and maybe even dissect real specimens. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORENSIC SCIENCE Grades: 11-12 Course #: HYR1317 Type of Credit: 1 Elective Science Credit PREREQUISITES: Biology and Chemistry COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a laboratory-based course in which students explore topics in biology, chemistry, and physics as they pertain to the criminal justice system through inquiry and active investigations. Students will be immersed into current, relevant topics through hands-on experiences. Working in a laboratory environment, students will utilize the scientific method along with modern forensic techniques, to address various legal situations. 64 PROJECT LEAD THE WAY - Biomedical College credit is possible after meeting set standards for the PLTW program. Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is a nationally recognized biomedical curriculum being offered in the Belton School District. Ask your guidance counselor for more information or at PRINCIPLES OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES (PBS) Grade Course#: FYR1351 9th PREREQUISITES: Application only class. Test scores and other assessments will be taken into consideration. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students investigate the human body systems and various health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, sickle-cell disease, hypercholesterolemia and infectious diseases. They determine the factors that led to the death of a fictional person and investigate lifestyle choices and medical treatments that might have prolonged the person’s life. This course is designed to provide an overview of all the courses in the Biomedical Sciences program and lay the scientific foundation for subsequent courses. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUMAN BODY SYSTEMS (HBS) Grade Course # HYR1353 10th PREREQUISITES: Must have passed PBS with a B or higher. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students examine the interactions of human body systems as they explore identity, power, movement, protection, and homeostasis. Exploring science in action, students build organs and tissues on a skeletal Maniken®; use data acquisition software to monitor body functions such as muscle movement, reflex and voluntary action, and respiration; and take on the roles of biomedical professionals to solve real-world medical cases. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS (MI) -Will begin the 2016-17 school year- Course # HYR1355 Grade 11th or 12th PREREQUISITES: Must have passed HBS with a B or higher. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students follow the life of a fictitious family as they investigate how to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease. Students explore how to detect and fight infection; screen and evaluate the code in human DNA; evaluate cancer treatment options; and prevail when the organs of the body begin to fail. Through real-world cases, students are exposed to a range of interventions related to immunology, surgery, genetics, pharmacology, medical devices, and diagnostics. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIOMEDICAL INNOVATION (MI) – Will begin 2017-18 school year Grade 12th Course # HYR1355 only PREREQUISITES: Capstone Course Must have passed MI with a B or higher. COURSE DESCRIPTION: In the final course of the PLTW Biomedical Science sequence, students build on the knowledge and skills gained from previous courses to design innovative solutions for the most pressing health challenges of the 21st century. Students address topics ranging from public health and biomedical engineering to clinical medicine and physiology. They have the opportunity to work on an independent design project with a mentor or advisor from a university, medical facility, or research institution. 65 MATHEMATICS ALGEBRA I Grade: 9 Course #: FYR1401- (BHSFC) or HYR1401-(BHS) Type of Credit: 1 Math Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is an in-depth study of the foundations of Algebra. Topics include solving and graphing linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, functions, algebraic manipulation, problem solving, and introduction to geometry. The class focuses on providing you with a balance between foundational knowledge and real world application. You will provide and explain solutions, conduct surveys, experiments, and provide conjectures to problems using mathematical concepts. 66 GEOMETRY Grades: 9-10 Course #:FYR1401-(BHSFC) HYR1405 –(BHS) Type of Credit: 1 Math Credit PREREQUISITES: Algebra 1 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Topics include segments and angles, parallel and perpendicular lines, triangle relationships, quadrilaterals, similarity, polygons, surface area and volume, right triangles, trigonometry and circles. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALGEBRA II FUNDAMENTALS Grade: 11 Course #: HYR1409 Type of Credit: 1 Math Credit PREREQUISITES: Algebra 1 and Geometry. Instructor recommendation is required. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to cover the topics of the first semester of Algebra 2 at a moderate pace. Topics include simplifying expressions, the real number system, solving linear equations and inequalities, graphing linear equations, solving systems of equations, graphing quadratic equations, and solving quadratic equations. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALGEBRA II Grades: 10-12 Course #: HYR1411 Type of Credit: 1 Math Credit PREREQUISITES: Algebra 1 and Geometry. May be taken at the same time as Geometry with Algebra I teacher approval. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to prepare you for College Algebra. Topics include linear equations and inequalities, quadratic functions, polynomial functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and statistical analysis and probability. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANCED ALGEBRA II Grade: 10-11 Course #: FYR1413-HYR1413 Type of Credit: 1 Math Credit PREREQUISITES: Must have scored ADVANCED on Algebra I AND Geometry EOC’s. Must also have scored 18 or higher on the EXPLORE and 19 on the PLAN. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to prepare you for College Algebra. This class will include the following topics: linear equations and inequalities, quadratic functions, polynomial functions, powers, roots, radicals, exponential and logarithmic equations, statistical analysis and probability, rational expressions, rational functions, inverse functions, composition of functions, and trigonometry. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *PRE-CALCULUS Course #: HYR1415 Type of Credit: 1 Math Credit 5 hours of dual credit through UMKC PREREQUISITES: Must have received at least a B in Advanced Algebra 2 AND score ADVANCE on ALL Math EOC’s. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course includes a review of elementary Algebra, solutions of equations, functions, Grade: 11-12 inequalities, systems of linear equations, exponential & logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities, triangles, equations of second degree and their graphs, binominal theorems, complex numbers, and polynominals. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67 *COLLEGE ALGEBRA Course #: HYR1417 Type of Credit: 1 Math Credit 3 hours of dual credit through UMKC PREREQUISITES: Must have received at least a B in Algebra 2 or Advanced Algebra 2. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course includes a review of elementary algebra, solutions of equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, inequalities, systems of linear equations, polynomial functions, binomial theorem, complex numbers, sequences and series. Grades: 11-12 *AP STATISTICS Course #: HYR1423 Grades: 12 Type of Credit: 1 Math Credit COLLEGE CREDIT POSSIBLE – AP EXAM PREREQUISITES: Must have received at least a B in Algebra 2 or Advanced Algebra 2. COURSE DESCRIPTION: An introduction to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data. Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes: Exploring data, sampling and experimentation, anticipating patterns in data and statistical inference. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *CALCULUS Course #: HYR1421 Grade: 12 Type of Credit: 1 Math Credit 4 hours of Dual Credit through UMKC PREREQUISITES: College Algebra and Trigonometry/Precalculus. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Topics include limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, functions and the applications of these concepts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUNDATIONS OF COLLEGE MATH Grades: 11-12 Course #: HYR1449 Type of Credit: 1 Math Credit PREREQUISITES: Algebra 2 or Advanced Algebra 2 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed for students who need reinforcement of topics covered in Algebra 2 so that they may meet the college readiness standards set forth by ACT. Topics will be a continuation of Algebra 2 to include: operations and properties of real numbers, solutions of linear equations and inequalities as well as polynomial functions, manipulation of formulas, properties of exponential numbers, operations and simplification of rational expressions. These topics will be taught with an emphasis on graphing. An introduction to basic trigonometry will also be included. 68 BUSINESS & MARKETING 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade *Enrolling in marketing cluster classes will allow you to be a member of DECA. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Grade: 9 Course #: F1502- BHSFC Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Discover the world of business by becoming aware of current business practices in everyday life. An introduction to basic marketing, accounting, management, and ethical practices will be emphasized throughout the course. Projects will connect to real-world business situations. 69 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS I Grades: 8-12 Course #: HSM1504 Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Gain a basic knowledge of Microsoft Office applications: Word, Access, Excel and Power Point. Learn how to software applications to assist you in business and daily tasks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*COLLEGE COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Course #: HSM1506 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit 3 hours Articulated or College Credit - MCC PREREQUISITES: Completion of Computer Applications I COURSE DESCRIPTION: Strengthen skills in solving more complex business problems through applications in word processing; database management; spreadsheet analysis; desktop publishing; and presentation/multimedia production. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WEB DESIGN Course #: HSM1510 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Using Notepad++, you will be introduced to HTML5 and CSS languages and create Web pages suitable for course work, professional purposes, and personal use. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PERSONAL FINANCE Course #: HSM1514 Grade: 11 -RequiredType of Credit: ½ Personal Finance Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Make wise financial decisions after learning about personal budgeting, banking services, credit, taxes, investment options, risk management, and consumer rights and responsibilities. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTREPRENEURSHIP Course #: HSM1516 (1st Sem only) Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Have you ever wanted to be your own boss? Do you want to be the one in charge of your future? Learn how to create a business through hands-on experiences. Create and implement a business plan for a carnival for elementary students. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACCOUNTING I Course #: HYR1517 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit 3 hours Articulated Credit - MCC COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides you with an understanding of the basic principles and procedures of accounting. Upon completion of this course, you should be able to handle the daily recordings and financial activities of the typical small or medium-sized business. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACCOUNTING II Course #: HYR1519 Grades: 11-12 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit 3 hours Articulated Credit - MCC PREREQUISITES: Completion of Accounting I with a C or higher. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Expand upon the first year of basic accounting. Manual accounting activities and computerized simulations are combined to enhance practical accounting applications. College-bound students will be better prepared for future study in accounting. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 BUSINESS LAW & ECONOMICS Grades: 11-12 Course #: HYR1523 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Designed for the college-bound, potential business administration major. Class introduces foundations of business economics and business law. You will consider how decisions affect businesses and individuals in the short and long term. You will also conduct research and examine business problems. . *MAY BE OFFERED FOR ARTICULATED OR DUAL CREDIT. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MARKETING I Course #: HYR1525 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Sophomores must have instructor approval. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Are you interested in a career in the area of marketing? Ever wonder how the ads on tv, radio, billboards, and newspapers are created, placed and how much they cost? Learn about all of these things by studying promotion, pricing, distribution, product development, selling, and business communication. This is a project based class. Use this knowledge to help you compete in DECA and have a chance to earn international recognition! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MARKETING II Course #: HYR1531 Grades: 11-12 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Pass Marketing I COURSE DESCRIPTION: This marketing course is for those students wanting to learn more about marketing but aren’t ready for or don’t have the time to commit to College Marketing. This class provides students with the opportunity to apply marketing principles in a variety of fields such as Sports, Recreation, and Entertainment. Emphasis is placed upon the functions of financing, marketing information management, pricing, product/service management promotion and selling. A variety of projects with oral presentation are required for this course. Students may participate in hands-on projects, field study experiences, and DECA. You may take work release with this course; see below for work course numbers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*COLLEGE MARKETING Course #: HYR1529 Grades: 12 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit 3 hours Dual Credit or Articulated Credit- MCC PREREQUISITES: Marketing I with a grade of B or higher COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a college course where you will apply marketing principles to real situations. This includes creating a class product to sell to the community during first semester. In addition, you will have a partner research project where you choose a real business to use for the project. As a member of this class you will help make decisions for DECA and participate in a variety of DECA activities and competitions. You may take work release with this course; see below for work course numbers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORK RELEASE w/ COLLEGE MARKETING Work #:HYR5529 Grade: 12 Type of Credit: 1-2 Practical Art Credit – Work PREREQUISITES: Application required. GPA and attendance history are used as criteria for admittance. You must be enrolled in College Marketing or Marketing I (SPECIAL PERMISSION) in order to apply. Preference will be given to students in College Marketing. COURSE DESCRIPTION: You will be released early from school each day. You will be required to work an average of 12 hours per week for half a credit per semester. To be eligible for one credit per semester you must work a minimum of 20 hours per week. 71 INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY, AGRICULTURE & ENGINEERING Industrial Technology Agriculture Engineering Metals and Woods Ag Science I Intro to Engineering Ag Science II Principles of Engineering Agricultural Construction Greenhouse Operation & Management Computer Science & Software Engineering Intro to Robotics & Advance Robotics Digital Elelctronics Engineering Development and Design *Enrolling in agriculture cluster classes will assist you in being successful in FFA. *Enrolling in engineering cluster classes will assist you in being successful in TSA. METALS & WOODS TECHNOLOGY Grades: 10-12 Course #: HYR1611 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed and recommended for students who have not had experience in metalworking and woodworking. You will spend time studying the use of materials. Emphasis is given to hand tools as well as power tools in metalworking and woodworking. You will design and construct your own laboratory projects within the instructor’s framework. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGRICULTURE SCIENCE I Grades: 10-11 Course #: HYR1621 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a course designed for instruction in animal science, agricultural mechanics, career exploration, leadership and personal development, and supervised agricultural experience. Units may include agribusiness, natural resources and food science. Class requires additional supplies that you must provide. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72 AGRICULTURE SCIENCE II Grades: 11-12 Course #: HYR1623 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Ag Science I, with passing grades each semester. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a course designed for instruction in plant and crop science, soils, entomology, horticulture, and forestry, and additional instruction in agricultural mechanics, career development, leadership, and supervised agricultural experience. Class requires additional supplies that student must provide. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGRICULTURE CONSTRUCTION Grades: 12 Course #: HSM1626 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Ag Science I & Ag Science II with passing grades each semester. COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this course, you will utilize welding in the development of construction of major metal and wood projects. A course designed for instruction in agriculture mechanics, oxyacetylene welding, arc welding, metalworking and woodworking. Advanced skills in welding, woodworking, and project construction will provide students with entry-level agricultural construction skills. Class requires additional supplies that you must provide. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREENHOUSE OPERATION & MANAGEMENT Course #: HSM1628 Grades: 12 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Ag Science I & Ag Science II with passing grades each semester. COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this course, you will utilize greenhouse operation techniques and the development of caring for plants for greenhouse production. This course develops a basic understanding of greenhouse operation and management techniques. The production of greenhouse crops will be used to demonstrate procedures such as plants started from cuttings, seeds, grafts and layering. You will manage your own crop as a greenhouse project. Class requires additional supplies that you must provide. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION TO ROBOTICS Grades: 10-12 Course #: HYR1641 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Enrolled in Geometry COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces students to the basics of design, building and the control of robotic systems. The course combines various topics in mechanics, electronic sensors, and programming in RobotC. During the course students will use AutoDesk Inventor software to design robots to meet various physical challenges that face robots in our modern world. Some examples are building a robotic arm to pick up objects, or designing a robot that uses sensors to navigate obstacles, similar to those used in automated driving vehicles. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANCE ROBOTICS Grades:11-12 Course #: HYR1643 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Passed with a B- or higher in Introduction to Robotics, or Enrolled in TSA, or Enrolled in PLTW courses. The course will require instructor approval. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Using robots we will cover the fundamentals of problem solving, program design, algorithms and programming using a high-level language. A robot is an embedded system of software and hardware. Programming and building robots applies science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) concepts. This course will build on the fundamental concepts of programming and robotics that were learned in the Introduction to Robotics course. Students that are enrolled in the advanced robotics course will also need to be in the Technology Student Association (TSA) club, where they will be competing with robots and other STEM related fields. 73 PROJECT LEAD THE WAY - Engineering College credit is possible after meeting set standards for the PLTW program. Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is a nationally recognized biomedical curriculum being offered in the Belton School District. Ask your guidance counselor for more information or at INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING DESIGN (IED) Grades: 9-10 Course #: FYR1629-(BHSFC) HYR1629-(BHS) Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Approval by Counselor and IED Instructor COURSE DESCRIPTION: You use 3D design software to help you create solutions to solve proposed problems. You will learn how to document your work and communicate solutions to peers and members of the professional community. The major focus is to expose you to the design process, research and analysis, engineering standards, and technical documentation. You will use math on a daily basis in this class. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRINCIPLES OF ENGINEERING (POE) Course #: HYR1631 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit PREREQUISTIES: Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) and approval by POE Instructor. Student should have strong mathematic background. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course of engineering exposes students to some of the major concepts they’ll encounter in a postsecondary engineering course of study. Students employ engineering and scientific concepts in the solution of engineering design problems. Students also learn how to document their work and communicate their solutions in a professional learning community. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DIGITAL ELECTRONICS (DE) Course #: HYR1633 Grades: 11-12 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: IED and POE COURSE DESCRIPTION: Digital electronics is the foundation of all modern electronic devices such as cellular phones, MP3 players, laptop computers, digital cameras and high-definition televisions. The major focus of the course is to expose you to the process of combinational and sequential logic design, teamwork, communication methods, engineering standards and technical documentation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *ENGINEERING DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT (EDD) Grade: 12 Course #: HYR1635 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: IED and POE approval by EDD Instructor. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) capstone course. It is designed for in-depth study in engineering. You will research design and construct a solution to an open-ended engineering problem. You will apply principles developed in preceding courses. You will present progress reports, submit a final written report and defend your solutions to a panel of outside reviewers at the end of the school year. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTER SCIENCE & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (CSE) Grades: 11-12 Course #: HYR1637 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: IED and POE approval by Instructor. COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course is a project- and problem-based, with students working in teams to develop computational thinking and solve open-ended, practical problems that occur in the real world. The course is not a programming language course; it aims instead to develop computational thinking, to generate excitement about the field of computing, and to introduce computational tools that foster creativity. students completing the course will be well-prepared for a first course in Java or other object-oriented language. 74 FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCES *Enrolling in FACS classes will assist you in being successful in FCCLA. BEGINNING FOODS, NUTRITION & WELLNESS Grade: 9 Course #: FSM1652 Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Learn how to survive in the kitchen: Sanitation, safety and basic culinary skills. Nutrition analysis and healthy eating habits will be covered. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELATIONSHIPS & FAMILY LIVING Grades: 9-12 Course #: HSM1654 Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class will explore communication skills, personal development, problem solving and conflict resolution skills that can help you become a better person and family and community member. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUTRITION & FOOD SCIENCE Grades: 10-12 Course #: HSM1656 Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: None COURSE DESCRIPTION: Learn advanced hands-on culinary skills that will teach you how to save money for your family and prepare nutritious meals. Explore the magic science of food from processing to product development. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO START 1 Course #: HYR1657 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit Articulated Credit - JCCC PREREQUISITES: APPLICATION NEEDED, must keep a “C” or better to stay in class 2nd semester. (See instructor in Room 605 for application) COURSE DESCRIPTION: Do you want to be the next Emeril? Do you love to cook and would like to do it as a career? This college level course will help you reach your goal of becoming a chef. The hands on experiences include job shadowing, lunchroom sales and educational outings. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grades: 10-11 PRO START 2 Course #: HYR1659 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit Articulated Credit – JCCC PREREQUISITES: APPLICATION NEEDED. Must have passed Pro-Start 1. , must keep a “C” or better to stay in class 2nd semester. (See instructor in Room 605 for application) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This college level course offers hands on experiences in food service industry along with labs and lessons. You are encouraged to take pro-start internship at the same time as year 2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grades: 11-12 75 PRO START INTERNSHIP Grades: 11-12 Course #:HYR5557 Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: APPLICATION. (See instructor in room 605 for application) COURSE DESCRIPTION: RELIABLE TRANSPORTATION A MUST. This class is designed to allow hands on training in either food service. You may retake this class as long as you have B+ grade or higher. You will be assigned a job location and a mentoring employer. Hours will be verified by paycheck stubs or volunteer slips and on the job reviews and observations. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSING & HOME DESIGN Grades: 11-12 Course #: HSM1662 Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: You will explore the living environment in construction, design and maintenance. We further explore the creative design of interiors, furniture, textiles and outdoor living spaces. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Grades: 11-12 Course #: HSM1664 Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Human Growth and Development provides an overview of lifespan development for those preparing for careers in the Human Services Career Cluster. This course will include a scientific study of the way humans change, physically, social-emotionally and cognitively, over time. Childhood, adolescent, adult and elderly development will be the focus. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHILD DEVELOPMENT Grades: 10-12 Course #: HSM1666 Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course explores our social, emotional, physical, intellectual and moral development from prenatal to12 years of age. You will also study care and guidance of children, children with special needs, early childhood education, building strong families and careers dealing with young children. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHILD CARE PROFESSIONAL (CCP) I Grades: 11-12 Course #: HYR1667 Type of Credit: 2 Practical Art Credits 3 hours Articulated Credit - MCC PREREQUISITE: Taken or are currently taking Child Development. APPLICATION and INTERVIEW ONLY CLASS. COURSE DESCRIPTION:. A current negative TB test is required. Application and interview is required prior to enrollment. This course is an opportunity to learn more about young children through course work and lab experiences. The focus is on providing safe, healthy learning for birth through age 8. Excellent attendance is expected for success. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76 CHILD CARE PROFESSIONAL (CCP) II Grades: 11-12 Course #: HYR1669 Type of Credit: 2 Practical Art Credit 3 hours Articulated Credit - MCC PREREQUISITES: A current negative TB test is required. Must have a C or better in Child Care I to enroll. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class meets every day, all year. This course is an opportunity to extend learning from Child Care 1 into planning and preparing lessons for use with young children. The focus in this course is to be able to leave BHS with the skills needed for an entry level position in a childcare facility and with the knowledge needed to be successful in a college degree program focused on young children. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FACS INTERNSHIP CHILD CARE Grades: 11-12 Course #:HYR5668 Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Application and Interview are required for enrollment. Must maintain B or better in Child Care. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Application and Interview are required for enrollment. Must maintain B or better in Child Care. This course is for students that are enrolled in Child Care and need to get additional hours in the field. You are expected to have transportation to their internship site. Hours and performance will be verified with the cooperating agency. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FACS INTERNSHIP HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Grades: 11-12 Course #:HYR5564 Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Application and Interview are required for enrollment. Students must have had a B or better in Human Growth and Development. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course if for students that have taken Human Growth and Development and would like to explore related careers. Students are expected to have transportation to their internship site. Hours and performance will be verified with the cooperating agency. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CADET TEACHING AND TRAINING Grades: 12 Course #: HYR1671 Type of Credit: 1 Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: GET APPLICATION from Ms. Robinson, C+ GPA, transportation needed. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Want to become a TEACHER? Seniors who are considering a career in teaching or working with children should take this course for the year. Cadet students, under the direct supervision and guidance of a cooperating teacher, will get hands-on experience working with children for one class period each day. ART INTRODUCTION TO ART Grade: 9 Course #: FYR1702 Type of Credit: ½ Fine Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Emphasis is on design concepts, basic drawing skills, painting and art appreciation. You will experiment with a variety of materials. Art terminology and creativity are stressed. All work is done in class. 77 ADVANCED ART Grade: 9 Course #: FYR1704 Type of Credit: ½ Fine Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Recommendation from a previous teacher. COURSE DESCRIPTION: If you are considering art as a career, or wish to take Art 2 your sophomore year this course is for you. Completion of this course with a “B” average or above provides the opportunity to be able to take Art 2 your sophomore year. Drawing, Painting, Sculpture and Design will be explored. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ART FOUNDATIONS DRAWING & PAINTING Grades: 10-12 Course #: HSM1706 Type of Credit: ½ Fine Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: The emphasis in beginning drawing and painting is on the elements of line, shape, form, texture, value and color. All work is done in class, experimenting with different media. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ART FOUNDATIONS DESIGN AND SCULPTURE Grades: 10-12 Course #:HSM1708 Type of Credit: ½ Fine Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: The emphasis is on design using a variety of materials with realistic and abstract concepts. Sculpture will use design techniques to process assemblage. (No ceramics) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ART II Course #: HSM1709 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: 1 Fine Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Art Foundations, B average or instructor approval COURSE DESCRIPTION: This advanced drawing class uses various art media, perspective, figure/portrait with emphasis on composition, value and development of personal style. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ART III Course #: HSM1711 Grades: 11-12 Type of Credit: 1 Fine Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Art Foundations, Art II, B+ average, portfolio review, and instructor approval COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course expands drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture with a lesson in art history pertaining to each art form. You will apply various artistic styles. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ART IV/TOPICAL STUDIES IN STUDIO ART Grade: 12 Course #: HSM1713 Type of Credit: 1 Fine Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Art III, B+ average, portfolio review and instructor approval. COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course stresses advanced drawing, painting, and sculpture with emphasis on producing portfolio pieces for scholarship. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *IDEAS AND THE VISUAL ARTS Course #: HSM1718 (1st Sem) Grades: 11-12 Type of Credit: ½ Fine Art Credit 3 HOURS DUAL CREDIT THROUGH UCM COURSE DESCRIPTION: A study of style, form, content and aesthetic judgment emphasizing the visual arts as a means of communicating ideas through art in modern society. 78 INTRODUCTION TO CERAMICS Grades: 10-12 Course #: HSM1722 Type of Credit: ½ Fine Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Art Foundations with C or better. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course looks at methods ceramic processes and vocabulary. You are required to hand build projects, learn decorative glazing techniques and the firing process. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADVANCED CERAMICS Course #: HSM1724 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: ½ Fine Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Introduction to Ceramics with a B or higher and instructor approval. COURSE DESCRIPTION: You will develop their skills in hand building, learn advanced decorative glazing techniques, and the history of ceramics. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WATERCOLOR STUDIO Course #: HSM1726 (2nd Sem) Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: ½ Fine Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Foundation of Drawing & Painting with B+ or higher and instructor approval COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will cover techniques and concepts in Watercolor. You will learn washes, textural effects, collage application and blocking using a variety of still life and landscapes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BASIC DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Course #: HSM1728 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: ½ Fine Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Grade of C or better in two of the following classes: Intro to Art, Advance Art, Design & Sculpture or Drawing & Painting. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students will explore the world of Digital Photography and learn photographic manipulation through the use of GIMP. Students will learn to create photographs, expressing themselves through the following themes: pattern/reflection/shadow, portrait, motion, and environment. You will analyze and critique photographs, discuss aesthetic issues, understand the historical development of photography, and relate a photographer’s work to the society in which it was created. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADVANCE DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Course #: HSM1730 Grades: 11-12 Type of Credit: ½ Fine Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Grade of C or better in two of the following classes: Intro to Art, Advance Art, Design & Sculpture or Drawing & Painting. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students will explore the world of Digital Photography in relation to fine art. Students will be given assigned lectures, writings and semester projects. Students will also be asked to produce art work and participate in class discussions focusing on understanding the physical, conceptual and theoretical characteristics of the electronic media. Emphasis on student development of the understanding the evolution of theories associated with art, photography and electronic imaging as well as art histry in a way which will help produce expressive and thoughtful works of art. 79 BAND AND MUSIC FRESHMAN MUSIC APPRECIATION Grade: 9 Course #: FSM1754 Type of Credit: ½ Fine Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: NON-PERFORMANCE class designed for those who have an interest in a comprehensive musical education, with foundations in music theory, history and literature. Music of many periods and style are studied. Analysis and comparisons are taught, using both instrumental and choral music. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRESHMAN CHOIR Course #: FYR1755 Type of Credit: 1 Fine Art Credit Grade: 9 PREREQUISITES: Audition required COURSE DESCRIPTION: A choir to develop the singing voice, ear training, and competency in reading two, three, and four-part music. Work includes singing exercises to build and strengthen the voice and improve diction, breath support and resonance. Singing in small ensembles, music theory, and history are incorporated. This is a performance-oriented class; concerts, rehearsals and festivals outside the school day required. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARCHING/SYMPHONIC BAND Grades: 9-12 Course #: FYR1759-(BHSFC) HYR1759-(BHS) Type of Credit: 1 Fine Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Middle School experience or instructor permission/audition ONLY. Chair and band placement by audition. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class is designed to further develop instrumental music skills in tone production, rhythm study, music notation, dynamics and articulation. A more in-depth study of musical style and expression will be explored. Performances are a major part of this course. Concerts, parades, contests, tours and other activities outside the normal school day will be required. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAZZ BAND Grades: 10-12 Course #: HYR1761 Type of Credit: 1 Fine Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Enrollment in Marching Band required. Middle School experience or instructor permission (Exceptions are pianists, guitarists or bassists) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This instrumental jazz ensemble will rehearse and perform various styles of jazz music. Work includes listening to and studying jazz in it style and theory. Concerts, contests, tours and other activities outside the normal school day will be required. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSIC APPRECIATION Grades: 10-12 Course #: HSM1764 Type of Credit: 1/2 Fine Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: A non-performance class designed for students who have an interest in a comprehensive musical education. Areas studied will be music theory, history and literature of many styles and periods. Musical analysis and comparisons will be taught, using both instrumental and choral music. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 MIXED CHOIR Grades: 10-12 Course #: HYR1767 Type of Credit: 1 Fine Art Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: A choir for basic vocal music training, including music theory and vocal technique. No audition is required to be in this choir. Music selections include many styles and will be literature for the less experienced or beginning singer. Concerts outside the school day required. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONCERT CHOIR Course #: HYR1769 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: 1 Fine Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Enrollment by audition only. COURSE DESCRIPTION: An advanced mixed choral ensemble for the dedicated, serious musician. Work includes advanced vocal techniques and integrated music theory. Music selections will include many styles and time periods of part music for the experienced singer. This is a performance-oriented class. Concerts, rehearsals and festivals outside the school day are required. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEN’S CHOIR Course #: HYR1771 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: 1 Fine Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Enrollment by audition only. COURSE DESCRIPTION: A choir to develop the singing voice, ear training, and competency in reading two, three, and four-part music. Work includes singing exercises to build and strengthen the voice and improve diction, breath support and resonance. Singing in small ensembles and music theory are incorporated. This is a performance-oriented class. Concerts, rehearsals and festivals outside the school day are required. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WOMEN’S CHOIR Course #: HYR1773 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: 1 Fine Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Enrollment by audition only. COURSE DESCRIPTION: A choir to develop the singing voice, ear training, and competency in reading two, three, and four-part music. Work includes singing exercises to build and strengthen the voice and improve diction, breath support and resonance. Singing in small ensembles, music theory, and history are incorporated. This is a performance-oriented class; concerts, rehearsals and festivals outside the school day required. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BELTON SINGERS Course #: HYR1775 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: 1 Fine Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Enrollment by audition only. Students must be currently enrolled in CONCERT CHOIR. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Emphasis on performance. This is the representative choir of BHS that will perform at many required concerts, community events, and festivals outside the normal school day. Students will have a prior knowledge of proper vocal technique and music theory. Music selections will include many styles and periods in a chamber choir setting. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BELLA VOCE Course #: HYR1777 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: 1 Fine Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Enrollment by audition only. COURSE DESCRIPTION: An advanced women's chamber choir. This choir will perform at many required concerts, community events, and festivals outside the normal school day. Students will have a prior knowledge of proper vocal technique and music theory. Music selections will include many styles and periods in a chamber choir setting. 81 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Uniforms required: $6 for individual shirt or shorts and $12 for the set. You may repeat any physical education classes except lifetime sports, both for your graduation requirements and for general credit. Physical fitness and advanced physical fitness may be taken more than once, but not simultaneously in the same semester. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FRESHMAN FITNESS Course #: FSM1830 Grades: 9 Type of Credit: ½ Physical Education Credit PREREQUISITES: Class can only be taken one semester. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Student will participate in an organized foundational weight-training program. The emphasis is geared to athletes by focusing on developing strength, power, and agility. The class will be in the weight room every day with agilities and conditioning on Wednesday’s. Lessons will be taught covering performance nutrition and injury prevention. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PHYSICAL FITNESS Course #: HSM1802 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: ½ Physical Education Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Consists of fitness activities and some weight training. Fitness tests with emphasis on President’s physical fitness test. You cannot take advanced and physical fitness in the same semester. You cannot take physical fitness twice in the same semester. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEALTH – (Required for sophomores) Grade: 10 Course #: HSM1804 Type of Credit: ½ Health Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: The focus of this class is taking personal responsibility for your health and making the choices to lead a healthy life-style. Topics include fitness, nutrition, drug abuse, sexually transmitted diseases and first aid. Fitness activities such as swimming are class requirements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADVANCED PHYSICAL FITNESS Course #: FSM1806-(BHSFC) HSM1806-(BHS) Grades: 9-12 Type of Credit: ½ Physical Education Credit PREREQUISITES: Instructor approval. Students must be out for a sport. You may not take two weighttraining classes in the same semester, unless granted approved by Coach Scherfenberg by being a multi-sport athlete and/or committed to district off-season program. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Consists of a graduated weight-training program of five different levels. The focus is to improve an athlete’s power, strength, flexibility, muscular endurance and agility by stressing technique and attention to detail. Class should be taken for consecutive semesters to obtain maximum benefits --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AEROBICS Course #: HSM1808 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: ½ Physical Education Credit PREREQUISITES: Females only. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Consists of a controlled exercise program with band resistance, aerobic exercises, floor work, swimming and fitness testing. Emphasis will be on cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and body shaping. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82 LIFETIME SPORTS Grade: 12 Course #: HSM1810 Type of Credit: ½ Physical Education Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Consists of bowling, shuffle boarding, swimming, miniature golf, driving range and volleyball. Emphasis is on activities that can be participated in throughout your lifetime. MAY BE TAKEN ONLY ONCE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COED PHYSICAL EDUCATION Course #: HSM1812 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: ½ Physical Education Credit COURSE DESCRIPTION: Consists of physical fitness, coed sand volleyball, football, softball, social and line dance. Emphasis is on activities that can be participated in throughout your lifetime. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL PROGRAMS, WORK STUDY, OFFICE WORK SERVICE LEARNING LEADERSHIP Grades: 10-12 Course #: HSM1852 Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Application Required. This course is recommended for Club & organization officers, class officers, team captains and others with leadership potential. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides an opportunity to study, practice, and develop group and individual leadership and organizational skills with an emphasis on Service Learning and organizing the districts Backsnack Program. These skills include, but are not limited to the following topics or areas: leadership roles, interpersonal relations, project planning, goal setting, civic responsibility, decision making, problem solving, meeting skills, and communication. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIVIC LEADERSHIP Grades: 10-12 Course #: HSM1860 Type of Credit: ½ Practical Art Credit PREREQUISITES: Application Required. This course is available to all students. This course is recommended for STUCO members, Club & organization officers, class officers, team captains and others with leadership potential . This course could be repeatable. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides an opportunity to study, practice, and develop group and individual leadership and organizational skills. Students will be expected to use these skills dealing with peers, school administration and the community. These skills include communication skills, leadership, organizational and managerial skills, decision-making skills, group processes and understanding the need for civic responsibility. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A+ SEMINAR Grades: 11-12 Course #: HSM1854 Type of Credit: ½ Elective Credit PREREQUISITE: A+ Office signature required, must be enrolled in the A+ Program, must meet A+ criteria: 95% accumulated attendance, maintain GPA of 2.5, maintain citizenship standards. You agree to complete all steps necessary for A+ certification. COURSE DESCRIPTION: You must provide your own transportation to the field schools. This course, will help fulfill a majority of the state requirements for 50 hours of tutoring/mentoring by you pursuing A+ status. The class will meet for two days of training. The third class day tutors/mentors will receive orientation and classroom assignment in your field school by the building principal. You will be placed with the same supervising teacher the rest of the semester. A parent/guardian must sign a transportation waiver. 83 STUDENT AIDE Grades: 12 Course #: HSM1856 Type of Credit: ¼ Elective Credit PREREQUISITES: Approval of Mr. Gerke. Must have mostly A grades, 95% accumulated attendance, no OSS or ISS. Must have A+ contract on file. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This program is designed to give you the opportunity to work in the main office and counseling office to provide service to the school; or with a teacher to perform necessary activities. All positions will be assigned. DUAL ENROLLMENT (SENIOR OPTION) Course #: HSM1858 Type of Credit: Dependent on hours taken Students may attend school at BHS part-time and be simultaneously enrolled in an area college. Information and applications are available in the Guidance Office. Athletes and those competing in speech, music, or any other MSHAA activity should make certain that participation in this program does not damage their eligibility. Due to the amount of time actually spent on college campus 3 college credits equals ½ BHS credit, 5 to 6 college credits equals 1 BHS credit. You must pass 3.5 credits the previous semester and be currently enrolled in 3.5 credits to be eligible for MSHSAA ACTIVITIES. CASS-BATES STUDENT CONNECT Sign up with your counselor Technology is becoming increasingly available and the skills required to use technology is essential for college or career success. The CCSC is designed to take advantage of the opportunity provided through digital tools to provide learning opportunities for our students. The courses are offered use Canvas, an online learning management system. Students must meet certain high academic (3.0 Acum. GPA) and assessment criteria; have a good work ethic and administrative approval to be in the program. If interested please make an appointment with your counselor. Handbook link is Classes offered in the past: Personal Finance, Health, World Mythology, Human Growth & Development and Creative Writing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE Course #: HSM1862 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: ½ Elective Credit CONTENT: This course introduces the basics of American Sign Language (ASL) and is designed for students who have little or no previous knowledge of ASL. ASL questions, commands, and other simple sentence structures and vocabulary are introduced to develop rudimentary conversational skills in ASL. Information about the Deaf Community and Deaf Culture will also be introduced." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COMPUTER DRIVEN CURRICULUM Course #: HSM1922 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: Dependent on work completed PREREQUISITES: Approval of the coordinator (Dr. Denney). Must be a credit deficit either by lack of required classes or total number for graduation. CONTENT: This program is for juniors and seniors who have fallen behind in earning credits toward graduation. In order to be successful in this program, good attendance and a good work ethic are essential. There will be opportunity for the student to earn credit in the core areas through the Anywhere Learning Curriculum Program. To be accepted into this program you must have prior approval from Dr. Denney. 84 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNINGS AT CASS CAREER CENTER, HARRISONVILLE ***STUDENTS YOU WILL BE PLACED IN THE PROGRAM BY COUNSELORS. ***DO NOT INCLUDE THESE CASS CAREER NUMBERS IN YOUR COURSE REQUEST, SIGN UP FOR THE REGULAR 8 BLOCK SCHEDULE! Course #: HY8847 Type of Credit: 3 Elective Credits PREREQUISITES: C+ grades, good attendance, no serious discipline infractions. Transportation provided by Belton School District Training Offered: Auto Mechanics Construction Technology EMT/Fire Science Health Sciences Info Systems Tech Life Careers Welding CADD Enrollment Eligibility: Juniors & Seniors Juniors & Seniors Juniors &/or Seniors Seniors Juniors & Seniors Sophomores-Seniors Juniors & Seniors Juniors& Seniors Program Completion: Two Years Two Years One to Two Years One Year Two Years One to Three Years Two Years Two Years Admittance to the program requires a screening for application, which includes an assessment of grades, attendance, citizenship, test scores and demonstrated interest. The screening should be completed before preenrollment for the following school year. All applicants must interview with the program instructors of the Cass Career Center. Cass Career Center will accept applicants for participation based on the interview and screening information. All programs have limited enrollment; the most qualified students will be selected to attend where program openings are available. AFTERNOONS AT CASS CAREER CENTER, HARRISONVILLE Course #: HY8859 Type of Credit: 3 Elective Credits Enrollment in afternoon classes requires special permission and students must provide their own transportation. HERNDON CAREER CENTER PROGRAM AVAILABLE TO BELTON STUDENTS If slots are available ***STUDENTS YOU WILL BE PLACED IN THE PROGRAM BY COUNSELORS. ***DO NOT INCLUDE THESE CASS CAREER NUMBERS IN YOUR COURSE REQUEST, SIGN UP FOR THE REGULAR 8 BLOCK SCHEDULE! Program: Advertising & Display Art Auto Collision Technology Climate & Energy Control (HVAC/R) Cosmetology Diesel Mechanics I & II 85 Eligibility: Juniors or Seniors Juniors or Seniors Juniors or Seniors Seniors Juniors or Seniors Program Completion: One to Two Years One to Two Years One to Two Years One Year (all day) One to Two Years SPECIAL EDUCATION INDEPENDENT SPECIAL STUDY Grades: 10-12 Course #: HSM1866 Type of Credit: ½ Elective Credit PREREQUISITES: Approval of the process coordinator and consent of parent/guardian. Can be taken multiple semesters. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Together with your case manager, you will develop an individualized course of study. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STUDY SKILLS Grades: 10-12 Course # HSM1840 Type of Credit: ½ Elective Credit Prerequisites: Approval of case manager and consent of parent/guardian. Can be taken multiple semesters. Course Description: This course is designed to help improve organization and study skills in a comprehensive setting. Students will work on approved curriculum as well as their own school work in order to complete graduation requirements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPED COOP WORK STUDY Grades: 11-12 Course #: HYR1851 Type of Credit: ½ credit per hour released PREREQUISITES: Approval of the transition coordinator and consent of parent/guardian; full or part-time employment. Can be taken multiple semesters. COURSE DESCRIPTION: COOP is an opportunity for students 16 years of age or older, who have an OPEN FILE with VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION SERVICES and can meet graduation requirements, to leave school for a maximum of two periods daily (except under unusual circumstances) for work experience in the community. You must provide your own transportation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- READING & WRITING IMPROVEMENT Grades: 10-12 Course #: HSM1874 Type of Credit: ½ Elective Credit PREREQUISITES: Approval of the case manager and teacher as well as consent of parent/guardian. Can be taken multiple semesters. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to help improve language arts skills through the practice of communicating effectively in written form. You will also be introduced to different types of literature to improve their reading habits and skills. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSUMER MATH I Course #: HYR1875 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: 1 credit PREREQUISITES: Approval of the case manager and teacher as well as consent of parent/guardian; Basic Math. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will provide you with instruction and practice in math skills necessary for everyday living. Topics include preparing a household budget, utilizing a checking account and calculating sale prices. This course is not appropriate for collegebound students. 86 CONSUMER MATH II Grades: 11-12 Course #: HYR1877 Type of Credit: 1 credit PREREQUISITES: Approval of the case manager and teacher as well as consent of parent/guardian; Basic Math. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will provide you with instruction and practice in math skills necessary for everyday living. Topics include preparing a household budget, utilizing a checking account and calculating sale prices. This course is not appropriate for college-bound students. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIFE CENTERED CAREER EDUCATION Course #: HYR1901 to HYR1918 Depending on grade Grades: 10-12 PREREQUISITES: Approval of the case manager and teacher as well as consent of parent/guardian. Can be taken multiple semesters. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Those enrolled in LCCE courses learn basic living skills; personal social skills; job skills and functional academics in the areas of language arts, science, mathematics and social science. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SENIOR TRANSITION Grades: 12 Course #: HSM1882 Type of Credit: ½ Elective Credit PREREQUISITES: Approval of the case manager. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This introductory course provides students with skills necessary to prepare for and keep a job. This class addresses what makes a good employee and how to find employment, including writing a cover letter and resume and completing job applications. This course includes terminology and current federal and state laws regarding employment. Handling difficult situations with co-workers and teaching negotiation skills are also addressed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSITIONAL WORK SKILLS Grades: 10-12 Course #: HYR1883 Type of Credit: 2 Elective Credit PREREQUISITES: Approval of the case manager and teacher as well as consent of parent/guardian. Can be taken multiple semesters. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course includes both class and fieldwork. In the classroom, students are made aware of employment opportunities within the community and surrounding area. They are instructed on how to fill out job applications and how to interview for employment. In addition, students complete real and simulated job tasks. The field component of the class provides students with on-the-job work experience opportunities. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87 MATH FOUNDATIONS/PRE-ALGEBRA Grades: 10-11 Course #: HYR1846 Type of Credit: 1 Elective Credit PREREQUISITES: Approval of case manager and consent of parent/guardian. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers topics that will help students prepare for Algebra I such as: fractions, decimals, percentages, positive and negative integers and rational numbers. They will learn problemsolving skills and become more proficient in using ratios, proportions and solving algebraic equations. This class is for students who have not taken the Algebra I EOC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTER DRIVEN CURRICULUM Grades: 11-12 Course #: HSM1888 Type of Credit: Dependent on work completed PREREQUISITES: Approval of the case manager, teacher, and counselor. Must be credit deficit either by lack of required classes or total number required for graduation. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This program is for juniors and seniors who have fallen behind in earning credits toward graduation. Good attendance and a good work ethic are essential for success in this class. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORK EXPERIENCE Course #: HYR1889 Grades: 10-12 Type of Credit: ½ credit per hour released PREREQUISITES: Approval of the transition coordinator and consent of parent/guardian. Can be taken multiple semesters. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Work Experience is an opportunity for student’s grades 10-12 to leave school for unpaid work experience in the community or on a campus in the school district. A Job Coach will accompany the student to the experience and will provide transportation to and from the worksite with parent consent. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88