
Euclid City Schools 5-Step Process Implementation Rubric
Step 1
Collect and chart
assessment data aligned
to the standards
o Topic/Focus is identified
o Standard/Skill is identified only
o Common learning targets (I can statements) are
written based on the standard(s)
o Team members loosely agree to what mastery
performance looks like on the assessment
o Common formative data used inconsistently
o Group results usually include the number of
students mastery
o Student data is reviewed prior to the meeting
o Topic/Focus is identified and relates to a standard or skill
o Standard/Skill is identified and unpacked
o Common learning targets (I can statements) are written in studentfriendly language are written based on the standard(s)
o Team members agree to what mastery performance looks like on the
o Pre-determined common assessments
o Data is assembled, and organized, and reviewed by each TBT
member prior to the meeting, including data for students with
o Results include the number/percent of students who demonstrate
mastery, near mastery, or remediation
o Identification of strengths and
weaknesses does not occur
o Student performance attributed to
factors out of school/ teacher control
o Subgroup data for students with
disabilities not analyzed
o Identification of strengths and weaknesses are
o Student performance is sometimes attributed to
factors within teacher’s control
o Subgroup data for students with disabilities is
analyzed periodically
o Identified strengths and weaknesses are attributed to factors within
the teacher’s control
o Data is analyzed to include students with disabilities consistently
o Needs are prioritized for all students
o All of skilled criteria;
o Team members collaboratively analyze student work
o Student work samples are analyzed, including work
samples for students with disabilities
o Needs are prioritized across all subgroup areas
o Strategies are not identified
o No evidence of differentiation
o Strategies to implement are identified but not
aligned to assessment data, rigor/relevance
o Differentiation is attempted but does not fit
student needs or does not align with
o Indicators only describe teacher or student
o Established goals are academic or behavioral
but may not be established for 100% of students
to meet mastery outcomes
o Clear and aligned learning targets are established at mastery and
beyond mastery
o Rigor/relevance aligns with learning targets
o Shared teaching strategies are established
o Differentiated student instruction aligns with strategies and
o Indicators describe teacher and student actions
o Goals indicate 100% of students will minimally meet mastery learning
targets within a reasonable timeframe based on data
o Goals are established for mastery and advanced
o All of skilled criteria;
o Differentiated strategies are appropriately rigorous
for all student sub-groups
o Strategies impact multiple content areas
o Shared strategies are attempted, but not fully
o Learning outcomes are defined, but there is
minimal evidence that students receive
differentiated instruction
o Data is analyzed inconsistently
o Strategy effectiveness is discussed but not
directly related to the data
o Successful strategies are occasionally
documented, shared and duplicated
o Instructional adjustments are discussed
o Team members consistently implement shared teacher strategies and
student activities
o There is clear and consistent evidence that students who are
struggling and/or excelling receive differentiated instruction
Step 5
Collect, chart, and
analyze postassessment data
o Shared strategies are not implemented
or no indication of how strategies will be
o Data is not analyzed
o Strategy effectiveness is not evaluated
o Successful strategies are not
documented, shared, and duplicated
o Instructional adjustments are not
Meeting to analyze data 2 to 3 times per month
Team members work collaboratively
Roles/responsibilities are the same at each meeting
Team forms, agendas, & protocols used for reporting and
documentation only
4 - Accomplished
Topic/Focus is not identified
Standard/Skill is not identified
Learning targets are not common
Team members do not agree to what
proficient performance looks like on the
o Data is not assembled
o A common formative assessment is not
o Student data is not reviewed
o Goals not established
Step 4
3 - Skilled
Step 2
Analyze student work
specific to the data
(strengths and
2 - Developing
o Meeting less than 2 times a month
o Group norms, roles/responsibilities are not
consistently followed
o Inconsistent use of team forms, agendas, &
Step 3
changes in the
1 - Beginning
o Meeting less than monthly
o Roles/responsibilities are not clear
o No clear data form/protocols used by
o Teachers evaluate effectiveness of strategy implementation based on
common assessment data
o Teachers discuss continuation, modification, or abatement of selected
o Instructional adjustments are discussed and communicated to the SLT
o Meeting to analyze data a minimum of 1 time weekly
o Team members work collaboratively and offer
feedback to each other
o Roles/ responsibilities defined, but interchangeable
among team members
o Team protocols guide the work of TBTs
o All of skilled criteria;
o Common learning targets are scaffolded in studentfriendly language
o All four areas are aligned to the assessment
o All of skilled criteria;
o Results are broken down into subgroups by all
o Goals are established to continue to advance
students that were above mastery in the planning
o Time is differentiated for students to meet the goal
o All of skilled criteria;
o Adult implementation is directly related to measured
student performance and expected instruction
o Teachers flexibly group students across classes
based on data (if scheduling allows)
o All of skilled criteria;
o Teachers examine student work samples to evaluate
effectiveness of strategy implementation
o Instructional adjustment is evident if student
achievement does not improve and changes
communicated to the SLT
Revised 5/13/14