School Improvement Action Plan Cassingham Elementary - Math Committee 11/6/2012 Aim: Students will improve math performance in line with Common Core expectations. Supporting Goals: Supporting Evidence: 1. Students will work to a newly-developed rubric for assessing extended responses on math problems. 1. Improved performance on extended response questions in the Ohio Achievement Assessment scores. 2. All students will leave Cassingham with documented proof of basic math fact mastery. 2. Evidence will accumulate in the white student binder. 3. Every teacher will receive professional development designed to help understand and implement the CCSS standards effectively. 3a. Immediate: documentation of PD. 3b. Future: performance results on new PAARC tests. 4. All students will have access to differentiated math instruction. 4a. Each teacher and grade level will be able to provide evidence of differentiated instruction. 4b. A defined and working RtI model for math will be implemented by 2013/14. V-Drive > Cassingham > Building Math Committee SUB-COMMITTEE TASKS Committee Members: 1. Extended Response Rubric Working Goal: Research and develop a 4-point rubric that defines a model extended math problem response. Actions: a. Define “extended response”. b. Identify components of a benchmark / standard extended response to a math problem. c. Develop a rubric/s that can be trialed. Follow-up: SUB-COMMITTEE TASKS Committee Members: 2. Basic Math Fact Mastery Working Goal: Put in place supports for students, teachers, and parents that will help all students achieve basic math fact mastery by the time they leave Cassingham. Actions: a. Define “basic math fact mastery.” b. Write up a short policy statement outlining what is expected from each teacher/grade in Cassingham in terms of helping students achieve basic math fact mastery. c. Develop a page of resources for teachers, students, and parents to draw on to help achieve mastery. d. Organize an actual on-line and/or physical “toolbox” that teachers can quickly access for help. Follow-up: SUB-COMMITTEE TASKS Committee Members: 3. Professional Development for Math Working Goal: Organize professional development opportunities related to the Common Core math standards for every teacher prior to the start of the 2012/13 academic year. Actions: a. Identify areas of math practice, especially those associated with implementing the Common Core State Standards, in which Cassingham teachers could benefit from professional development. b. Identify possible sources of professional development. Follow-up: SUB-COMMITTEE TASKS Committee Members: 4a. Differentiated Math Instruction Working Goal: Put in place a support system that consistently enables every student to receive math instruction that meets their needs. Objective 1: Create a Differentiation “Toolbox” for teachers. Actions: a. Define “differentiation.” b. Document the efforts already being undertaken in Cassingham to differentiate for our students. c. Organize a “toolbox” (on-line and/or physical) that teachers can regularly contribute to, and access for ideas. Follow-up: SUB-COMMITTEE TASKS Committee Members: 4b. Differentiated Math Instruction Working Goal: Put in place a support system that consistently enables every student to receive math instruction that meets their needs. Objective 2: Define and propose a working RtI model for math instruction that can be implemented by 2013/14. Action: Envision what an RtI model for math would look like in Cassingham. a. Define broad statements that would define 4 performance bands: above grade-level, at grade-level, can meet grade-level with assistance, has substantial difficulty meeting grade level performance. (Feel free to tweak!) b. Discuss how a teacher could/should think about this model when planning and delivering instruction. c. Discuss when a teacher should expect to receive external support. d. Dream up a model that could accommodate all four levels of learner. e. Document the resources that would be needed to adequately serve Bands 4, 2, and 1. Follow-up: