Minutes - MyPTC - Pulaski Technical College

Meeting Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Meeting Time: 2:05 PM Called to Order by Laura Govia, Chair
Purpose: To Address Academic Affairs of PTC
Required Materials: Agenda and Various Handouts
Preparation: Review all materials and be prepared to discuss and offer suggestions
Faculty Senate Members Present: Laura Govia, Chair/Chair Elect of Faculty Senate, Bob
Glidewell, Recorder; Michelle Herrera, William Ginocchio, Maribeth Anders, Joe McAfee, Jim
Porter, Ebony Conley, Proxy for Jordan O’Roark
Faculty At-Large Members Present: Billy Parchman, Traci Johnston, Barry McVinney, Carla
Moody, Linda Ducrot, and Mike Dahly Absent: Ann Fellinger
Deans Present: Pam Cicirello, Todd Gold, Dick Burchett, Christy Sherrill, Ben Rains and Joey
Cole Absent: Rhonda Carroll
Administrators Present: Lavonne Juhl, Jason Green, Wendy Davis, and Catherine Divito
Absent: David Durr, Jasmine Ray
Also present: Amanda Coleman, Mary Ann Shope, Vice President for Learning and Liaison to
PEC, Martha Eshelman, Beth Trafford, Brenda Bradley and Presenters as listed in items below:
Minutes taken by: Robert J. “Bob” Glidewell, Recorder
Item 1. Welcome, Introduction, Review Agenda, Additions/Amendments to Agenda – Laura
Agenda amended to have Pam Cicirello present as Item 5A (numbering at discretion of
Recorder) in conjunction with Dorothy Martin in Item 5 regarding ASE Program.
Item 2. Minutes of the September 10, 2014 meeting were corrected by comment from Mary
Ann Shope that Item 5 should reflect the Engagement of Part-Time Faculty to read that it was
intended as an AQIP project but that is was not accepted as such and referred to the Academic
Engagement sub-committee for further consideration. The minutes were accepted as amended.
Item 3. Academic Operations – Syllabus Template – Nicolette Smith – Update
Nicolette reported that the first draft of the Syllabus Template was expected in November or
December and that an electronic copy would be available in Spring of 2015
Jim Porter was recognized and offered comments on the previous submission of an Academic
Restructuring Proposal in September of 2014 and was ruled out of order by the chair as the topic
was not an approved Agenda item
Item 4. Academic Programs – Dorothy Martin – Update
SEE ATTACHMENT ITEMS 4 AND 5 for Items 4, 5 and 5A
New Business
Item 5. Academic Programs – Course Revisions/Proposals – Dorothy Martin AND Revised
Item 5A. Academic Alliances – Associate of Science in Education (ASE) Degree
Dorothy began to introduce two new courses of Development of Learning Theory and Earth
Science and upon motion and second to approve the courses the motion was amended to include
the Degree Program of Associate of Science in Education and all appurtenant courses with
presentation by Pam Cicirello of the Degree Program and with three name changes to courses
listed in the Attachment of Items 4 and 5 as follows:
Math2330 – Change to Math for Teachers I
Math 2340 – Change to Math for Teachers II
EDUC2303 Praxis Prep – Change to Praxis Core Preparation
Mary Ann Shope clarified that the ASE would replace the previous Associate of Arts in
Teaching (AAT) Degree. Jim Porter clarified that the Program was division specific with Deans’
approval for courses maintained outside of the division and no involuntary changes in instructor
assignments would occur.
Motion to Amend APPROVED
Motion to Approve Courses and Degree Program with Name Changes APPROVED
Item 6. FEP – Mike McMillan – Approve or Deny
Mike reported that the previous submissions of Classroom Observation and Course Materials
Portfolio as portions of the new Faculty Evaluation Plan (FEP) had been approved by CFI and
Faculty Senate.
Upon Motion and Second the submissions were APPROVED by AASC.
Item 7. Academic Alliances – Articulation Agreement – Renee Smith
Renee reported that that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) had been received from the
American Hotel and Lodging Association Institute of Education to establish an Articulation
Agreement with their High School Program which encompasses 450 high schools at no cost to
PTC with PTC being the first college in the nation to accomplish such an arrangement.
Renee further reported that the Prior Learning Accreditation (PLA) process was to be expected
which may assist PTC in recruiting.
Mary Ann Shope expressed concern that PTC has no common or uniform format for MOUs.
Discussion continued from Todd Gold that the MOU format used by Culinary had been approved
by Academic Alliances. Beth Trafford of the Academic Alliances sub-committee reported that a
uniform MOU may not be possible since other schools have their intended MOU form but that a
checklist could be adopted to verify that PTC considerations would be present in any MOU. Pam
Cicirello reported that the ADHE has an existing checklist with 4 year colleges utilized by PTC.
Mary Ann Shope then requested various editing of the MOU presented by Renee Smith.
Upon Motion and Second the MOU in question was APPROVED.
Item 8 – Academic Alliances – ASE Degree/Articulation Agreement with UCA- Pam Cicirello
Pam offered additional comments on the approval process of a degree program including the
steps of presenting to Academic Affairs, then to Quality Council, then to the PTC Board, then to
the ADHE, then to the HLC, then to the U.S. Department of Financial Aid.
Pam then proceeded to introduce an Articulation Agreement necessary for any Associate of
Science Degree. Our chosen college was UCA for a completed 4 year degree program. Pam
explained that seven (7) additional MOUs would be sought with expectation of three additional
courses not previously listed.
Pam explained that the UCA MOU and subsequent Articulation Agreement, as amended by
ADHE considerations, would include K-6 at the present time with expectation of ascending to a
K-8 Articulation in the future but not extending to K-12.
Upon Motion and Second the MOU and proposed Articulation Agreement was APPROVED.
Item 9. Address Final Questions – ALL
Jim Porter requested that AASC consider meeting at South Campus/Culinary Building with a
“simulcasting” to the NLR/Main Campus. Laura Govia advised that tentative plans were to do so
in December of 2014 and April of 2015.
Item 10 –Plus Delta – No comments offered
Attachment Items 4 and 5
Academic Programs October Report:
We met October 1, 2014 to review our Committee Information Form and hear several proposals.
We returned five proposals to Business/CIS for revision. These were for information regarding
non-traditional format:
Digital Media Production – Graphic Design Option
Digital Media Production – Web Design Option
Digital Media Production – Digital Cinematography and Editing Option
Digital Media Production – Audio Engineering Option
We returned MET 1413 to be placed on the proper form.
We did pass several course and program additions and modifications. I will be presenting these
to the committee and include:
 Certificate of Proficiency – Entrepreneurship – addition
 Associate of Science in Education – K-6 – addition
 EDUC 2301 Development and Learning Theories – addition
 EDUC2302 Children’s Literature – addition
 PHY1400 Earth Science – addition
 MATH2330 Math I – modification
 MATH2340 Math II – modification
 EDUC2303 Praxis Prep – modification