hpap/HPAP documents/2009HPAPVetSchoolProcess

Veterinary School Entrance Process
Anticipated SU Graduation Date: Dec/May 20____
Entrance into Veterinary School: Fall, 20__
1st Fall Semester: 20__(To get this date, subtract 4 from the date you
plan to enter vet school. Then fill out the rest of the sheet.)
1. Review the HPAP website: www.salisbury.edu/henson/hpap. Attend HPAP
2. Attend one group advising session for pre-med/dent/vet students.
3. Concentrate on GPA(You will need a cum GPA of at least 3.3)
4. Assess major selection and incorporate professional school pre-requisites into
your four year academic plan (check the resource page on the SU HPAP
website to determine pre-reqs)
5. Register for the appropriate courses for spring semester. Discuss your career
plans and your academic progress with your faculty advisor during program
1st Spring Semester: 20__
1. Assess GPA from the fall semester and continue to concentrate on GPA
2. Attend SU HPAP scheduled activities (posted on HPAP website)
3. Begin to consider scholarly activities (research, health career exploration)
4. Register for the appropriate fall semester courses. Discuss your academic
progress with your faculty advisor
2nd Fall Semester: 20__
1. Assess your declared major. Is this the major that you wish to pursue? If not, it
is not too late to change.
2. Consider summer enrichment activities. Most outside programs have a March 1
deadline for application. Programs include: research, summer internships,
SMEP program, international-service learning experiences. See the SU HPAP
website (resource page) for web-links.
3. Continue to attend HPAP scheduled events that are posted on the SU HPAP
4. Attend one group advising session and be ready to assess your academic
progress for your career goal.
5. Register for the appropriate courses for the spring semester. Discuss your
progress with your faculty advisor.
2nd Spring Semester: 20__
Assess your cum GPA for continuing to pursue a health career opportunity
Apply for a summer enrichment program by March 1.
Continue to attend HPAP sponsored events.
Register for the appropriate fall courses. Discuss your progress with your faculty
3rd Fall Semester: 20___
1. Assess your cum GPA and exploration experiences. Research the professional
schools where you will apply.
2. Decide when you will take the GRE exam. Register for the exam on-line:
3. Decide how you will prepare for the GRE.
4. Meet with the HPAP director to go over your plans.
5. Register for the appropriate spring courses. Discuss your plans with your faculty
3rd Spring Semester, 20___
1. Apply for an SU Health Professions Committee (HPAC) Interview
Complete the interview application found on the SU HPAP website (Deadline
to receive application, March 15)
Email completed application to the HPAP director
Interviews conducted at the end of April or beginning of May
2. Prepare for the HPAC interview
3. Continue to attend HPAP sponsored events.
4. Register for the appropriate fall courses. Discuss your plans and HPAC interview
with your faculty advisor.
5. After GRE scores are posted and you have discussed the results with the HPAP
director, complete the veterinary school (VMCAS) application on -line: