At the Travel Agency


План-конспект уроку з англійської мови в 10 класі на тему:

“At the Travel Agency”

Мета уроку:


 поглибити та активізувати знання учнів про туризм та подорожі в усній та писемній мові;

 навчити використовувати нові ЛО в розмовній мові.


 практикувати засвоєння нового ЛМ під час виконання комплексу вправ.



 розвивати навички аудіювання, монологічного та діалогічного мовлення;

 розвивати комунікативні здібності, фонематичний слух, пам’ять;

 розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію.



 виховувати культуру спілкування;

 виховувати інтерес до пізнавальної діяльності;

 виховувати зацікавленість до розвитку туристичного бізнесу, професіям даного виду діяльності;

 прищеплювати прагнення використовувати здобуті знання як засобу інтелектуального самоствердження.


: ноутбук, мультимедійна дошка, проектор, розданій ресурсний матеріал для індивідуальної та парної роботи, рекламні буклети, підручник “ English for Tourism ”

Тип уроку:

узагальнення знань.


I. Greeting and Aim.

T: - Good morning, guests and my dear pupils! Take your seat. How are you today? Are you in a good mood?

P: - Yes, we are.

T: - Glad to hear it! Let’s start our lesson. As for me, I like travelling. It is quite useful. It helps us to know more about tourism and travelling, about different kinds of holidays, trips and excursions. It develops on our outlook. Do you enjoy traveling?



: - Yes, I do. For me, it means smth new, interesting and amazing.



: - I prefer to find out more exiting and useful information for my life.



: - Learning and treasure are coincided together. I love travelling.

T: - Thanks, good for you I am happy you are smiling and I do believe you’ll be able to solve all the problems concerning the theme of our lesson. Look at the blackboard!

Our topic is “ At the Travel Agency “. By the end of the lesson, you will:

 develop your skills & habits;

 learn to express your opinion, your thought;

 learn to understand & practice this kind of activity;

 talk about travelling using the topical vocabulary;

 be able to participate in common conversational exchanges about traveling;

 work I groups and pairs;

 have a change to find yourselves in the sphere of tourism;

 assume that you are travel agents and try to persuade your clients to visit different paces of the world.

II. Introduction.

T: - Have a look at the thought of famous people

He who travels far, knows much”

(John Clarke)

The word is a book, and those who do not travel, read only one page”

(St. Augustine)

“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it” (George Moore)

“I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train” (Oscar Wilde)

“He who not loves his country, can love nothing”

(George Gordon Byron)

“There is no pace more delightful than home”

(Marcus Cicero)

“The more I see of other countries the more I love my own”

(Madam de Stael)

T: - And now, my dear friends, do you agree with these statements?

P: - Yes, of course.

T: - These quotes are closely connected with our topic “At the Travel Agency”. Let’s

discuss them.



: - Modern life is impossible without travelling. It’s true that sometimes we get tired of daily routine, so relaxation is essential to restore your mental and physical.



: - While travelling you always get to know something new, unbelievable and incredible. You can learn more about history, traditions, customs and the way of life of other people and compare it with yours.



: - Being a businessman you have to travel much, to meet many people, to arrange business deals and personal relations. If you are short of time, you can make all your arrangement over the phone. You call the travel agent and book your flight, and then give your credit card number to pay ticket.



: - During business trips, you also find out about the world around us, you enlarge your knowledge of international customs and etiquette.

T: - I’m happy with your reasoning and would you to give me one more your own thought according to our topic.



: - “Tourism influences on the modern life-style”

T: - Right you are.

III. Warming-up.

1) Phonetic Drill.

T: - There are many different kinds of tourism. Look, please, at the words and repeat after me:

Domestic tourism

Business tourism


Leisure tourism

VFR ( visiting friends and relatives )


T: - Besides, different travel agencies can propose you different kinds of tours.

Let’s repeat:


Weekend break


Study tour

Incentive tour

Adventive tour

Package holiday tour

T: - Now, I ask you to explain the meanings of the words, reading the definition.

Who will be the first?

T: - Thank you, try to remember!

2) Vocabulary practice.

T: - Judging by your faces, I see you are all eager to speak English and, no doubt, go abroad. As luck would have it, your chance to visit England or the USA is becoming more and more real. Lucky you are to study English nowadays, and not ten years ago. Our Ukrainian specialists are welcomed abroad, but are appreciated only when they have a good command of English. Well, to cut a long story short, let’s have practice in doing some exercises. Look at screen.

1) Read the following words and word combinations and try to guess what kind of travelling it is.

1. Fast expensive

Comfortable pollution

No jet lag noisy

2. Long distance enjoyable

Comfortable boring

Takes much time to run on time

3. Personal experience feeling of speed

Dangerous pollution

Own time table traffic jam

4. Mobile short of space

Feeing of freedom no protection

Dangerous fast

Keys: 1 airplane; 2 train; 3 car; 4 motorbike.

2) T: - Look at the board. We have 4 ways of travelling and look at the screen. Your task is to put the words from the list into the four categories: ferry, coach, plane, sleeping-car, motorbike, yacht, dining-car, flight, harbour, platform, motorway, terminal, cruise, compartment, runway, traffic jam

Road Travel Sea Travel Rail Travel Air Travel

3) T: - Our next task is Activity “Name 5”.

Name 5 means of transport ( a car, a plane, a train, a ship, a bicycle ).

Name 5 words on the topic beginning with the letter “t” (to travel, a train, a ticket, a trip, a taxi).

Name 5 adjectives, which go with the word “trip” (enjoyable, tiring, exciting, dangerous, fantastic).

Name 5 reasons why people travel (on business, for pleasure, in search of a better life, to make new friends, to earn new things).

Name 5 proverbs/quotations about travelling, visiting new paces (“He, that travels far, knows much.”, “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”

, «Every departure has its arrival», «East or West home is best.», “Every journey has its flavor.”).


T:There are halves of the proverbs. They are jumbled. You task is to make up proverbs out of them.

1. East or west… . a) the heart is

2. There is no place… . b) like home

3. When in Rome, … . с) knows mach

4. Home is where … . d) home is best

5. He that travels far, … . e) is always light

6. Poor man`s luggage … . f) has an arrival

7. Every departure … . g) do as the Romans do

8. When a man is tired of London, … . h) he is tired of life

9. So many countries, … . i) so many customs

Key: 1-d; 2-b; 3-g; 4-a; 5-c; 6-e; 7-f; 8-h; 9-i.

T: Comment on the proverbs.

P1: Many people travel nowadays. They go to the railway station, a port or an airport in this country or abroad, buy the tickets and go to any place they want; to the east or to the west. They see many places of interest, meet new people. But

they always remember their home, the place where their family and friends live.

Only at home a man can feel comfortable and safe. That`s why people say: «East or west home is best.»

P2: Travelling is very popular nowadays. People may travel by plane, by train, by bus or by car, visit different places. But it is very important to feel not as a quest and have real friends there. So, if a person likes everything with all his heart, it is his home. So, they say: «Home is where the heart is.»

P3: Every country has its traditions, its language and culture. When you come there, you are a guest. So, you have to follow their traditions and laws, but not the traditions of your country. So, they say: «When in Rome, do as the Romans do.»

P4: People travel much nowadays. They go to other countries and cities.

Sometimes they stay there long. They meet new people, visit places of interest, have a rest, or go on business. But in a month or in a year they come back home.

So, they say: «Every departure has its arrival.»

P5: People are found of travelling. When a person visits new places, he meets new people and learns much about their life, traditions and culture. Visiting places of interest he learns much about the history of the country. It is cognitive, thrilling and interesting. They say: «He that travels far, knows much».

IV. Speaking

1) T: - First of all look at the photos. a) Where do you think these photos were taken?



: - The photos could have been taken somewhere in Eastern Europe, such as

Slovakia or Hungary. b) Would you like to visit these places?



: - I’d like to see these places because they look interesting and unusual. c) Name three things that make a place attractive to tourists.



: - Interesting sights, friendly people, tasty cuisine, exciting night life, marvelous scenery, ect. d) Now can tourism benefit a country?



: - Tourism can benefit a country by encouraging people to visit and spend money, which improves the local economy.

e) Why do people like to go sightseeing when they’re on holiday?



: - People want to learn different traditions, customs. They go sightseeing to see the world.

T: - So, we hardly can imagine our lives without travelling. Let’s name the reasons why people like travelling



: - Travelling is the best way to study Geography.



: - People travel to see new countries and continents.



: - People travel to make new friends.



: - People travel to discover new things.



: - They like to go sightseeing.



: - They want to learn traditions and customs.

2)Group work

T: - I agree with you. Nowadays people travel a lot. Tourism has become a very profitable business, because people are ready to spend their money for an opportunity to have great time learning more about new countries, going sightseeing, resting just enjoying life. That is why there are a lot of travel wherever they want. Do you agree with me?

P: - Working in travel agencies may sound wonderful, but it is not just a job – it is a way of life. Hundreds of travel companies are ready to help you. They will book tickets for you and make all the necessary reservations.

P: - Travel agents will arrange everything ; they will let you know which documents are required and how much local currency you will need.

P: - Travel agents are in a service industry and that often means working unsociable hours – if customers want to book holidays and fights in the evenings or at weekends.

T: - So let’s assume that you work for travel agency and divide into 3 groups. You have to provide your clients with exhaustive information about advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane, car and on foot. Think for a minute and be ready to answer.

Group 1

P: - If you are in a hurry and want to save your time, you’d better travel by plane because it is the faster way of travelling.

P: - Travelling by air is more comfortable, convenient and much quicker than by any other means of transport. There is no dust and dirt of a railway or car journey.

P: - By plane, you can reach the place of your destination as quickly as possible.

But sometimes it is not safe.

Group 2

P: - We think that there is nothing better than to travel by car – a good, fast car we mean. When you are in a pane, you have to entrust your life to a pilot; travelling by car presupposes more experience that is personal – of course you can drive yourself.

P: - It is quite true that driving a car has some disadvantages. In town it is rather a nuisance with all those traffic jams or hold-ups, roundabouts, detours and so on.

It is not pleasant at all when you ride on a bumpy road or get a flat tyre.

P: - But can be better than a spin at weekends with your friend? You will never miss your train, ship or plane; you can make your own timetable; you can stop wherever you wish.

Group 3



: - Travelling on foot is rather safe and cheap. Besides you can enjoy fresh air, stop when and where you want and admire the beauty of nature.



: - What’s more – it’s good for health. But sometimes it’s troublesome, tiring ad even dangerous.



: - More than that, it’s not pleasant if the weather is bad or you get lost.

4) Individual work.

T: - Have you ever dreamed of travelling around the world and writing about your adventures? We are going to speak about the most visited places of the world.

It is your chance to speak about your travels with the help of pictures, and some additional information. You will get cards with one of the places. You have two minutes.


Paris is the most visited city in the world with estimated 16 million visitors a year.

It is one of the first cities that come to mind of very traveler about visiting Europe.

The most “chic” city in the world, Paris is full of stunning architecture, old churches, romantic cafes, spectacular monuments, art galleries and much, much more. Famous sites such as Eiffel Tower or Notre Dame are a must visit for every traveller.


The 2 nd most visited city in the world with 15 million visitors a year is London.

Someone once said that if you get tired of London, then you are tired of life. Life in London simple never ends. With sights like London Eye. Hyde Park, Oxford

Street, Buckingham Palace, Covent Garden, Soho, Piccadilly Circus. This city can’t possibly be a bore.


Bangkok is the 3 d most visited city with 11 million visitors a year. It is a city where ancient world meets modern lifestyle. Breathtaking Bubbhist temples housing statues of Buddha and offering quiet refuge from the hassle of the life outside are scattered among skyscraper.


Singapore is the 4 th among other most visited cities with estimated 10 million visitors a year. It is on its way to becoming a tropical tourist hub that includes the best of Paris, London and New York all in one. After separating from Malaysia and embarking on the path of independence in 1965, Singapore has been a textbook perfect example of successful city.


New York City takes the 5 th place of the most visited cities in the world with 10 million visitors a year. The City that Never Sleeps has a personality of its own. Life cannot be complete without at least one visit to the Big Apple. It’s a mindboggling experience and it really doesn’t matter how much time you spend in New York, there is always something new and exciting to discover.


Hong Kong is the 6 th in the list with 8 million tourists a year. When it comes to

“East Meets West”, Hong Kong is the city. Vibrant and cosmopolitan, Hong Kong is

considered one or the safest large cities in the world and the city with the best public transport in the world.


7 million visitors a year make Istanbul the 7 th most visited city in the world.

Known as Constantinople in the past, Istanbul was once the capital of the

Byzantine Empire. It is home to some of world’s finest architectural gems, such as

Hagia Sophia, the blue Mosque, the Grand Bazaar and Topkapi Palace.


Dubai is the 8 th most visited city in the world with 7 million visitors a year. Built

Out of nothing and into the business hub of the Middle East in Just a few decorates, Dubai is home to the world’s tallest building (Burj Dubai), the world’s most expensive hotel (Burj al Arab), the indoor ski slope built in the middle of a desert.


The 9 th place in the list belongs to Shanghai with 7 million visitors. Being the largest city in China, Shanghai is a bull on steroids that’s become East China’s international hub. Chinese traditions get intertwined with Western customs in a blend that will make the memories of your stay unforgettable.


Rome is the 10 nt with only 7 million visitors a year. The city personalizes thousands of years of human history. Roman Coliseum, the Forum, the Trevi

Fountain, the Pantheon… we could go on forever. And let’s not forget Vatican City and great Italian wine.

V. Checking homework.

Project presentations

T: - And now we are going to check your homework. You had to prepare projects about any picturesque place. Assume that you all work at the travel agency

“Holidays”. Your clients are so different. But try to persuade them to visit your place of interest. You had to speak about:

 places to go

 transport

 accommodation

 food

 things to do

T: - You worked hard! Thanks!

VI. Relaxation

T: Now, it`s high time to relax a little and I propose you to watch a short advertisement of a tour, which you will be eager to visit in future.

T: Did you like the advertisement? What is your opinion?

VII. Reading.

1) Pre-reading

T: Choose the best title to the text.

a. What I like about San Francisco b. My fantastic holiday c. Pacific Paradise Tour

2) While-Reading

T: - Read the following article about pacific paradise tour.

The Pacific Paradise Tour took us to California, on the west coast of the

United States, and to the Hawaiian islands in the Pacific Ocean. With beautiful countryside, exciting cities and fantastic beaches, this holyday had everything.

The first place we stopped at was San Francisco, in northern California. This city is a famous for its cable cars – and it certainly needs them because San Francisco is extremely hilly and has some very steep roads! By the sea, next to the fishing boats, there are the fish restaurants. Here we enjoyed watching the street actors and musicians as we ate delicious fresh fish. One thing we’ll never forget is the

Golden Gate Bridge, which is very big and beautiful.

The next city on the tour was Los Angeles. This city is very exciting and has some very famous attractions. The nearby beaches are long and sandy and the mountains outside the city are high and dry. We visited the beach where they

were filming Baywatch. We also went to Disneyland where we saw E.T. and shook hands with Mickey Mouse. After that they took us to Hollywood to see the houses of the stars who have made a lot of films and a lot of money!

The last place we visited in California was San Diego, a city with the sun, sand, the sea and all kinds of water sports. We went to the San Diego Zoo which is one of the world`s largest zoos. We also visited Mexico, which is only a short drive away from San Diego.

Finally, we went to the Hawaii, it’s paradise! We sat on golden beaches with green palm trees and watched amazing red sunsets, we also saw colorful fish at

Sea Life Park and went snorkeling in Hanauma Bay. In the evenings, we enjoyed the lively clubs, bars and ice-cream parlours. Best of all, we ate fantastic Hawaiian food while watching Hawaiian people performing traditional Polynesian dances.

This holiday was fantastic. So when you have time, get on the first pane to the west coast of the United States and have the time of your life!

3) Post-Reading

Answer the questions.

1. Where is California situated?

California is situated on the west coast of the USA.

2. What city is extremely hilly?

San Francisco is extremely hilly.

3. What city has some very famous attractions?

Los Angeles has some very famous attractions.

4. Where is one of the largest world`s zoos situated?

It is in San Diego.

5. Where can you watch the traditional Polynesian dances?

We can watch the traditional Polynesian dances in Hawaii.

T: Thank you for your answers.

VIII. Listening

T: Now, it`s time for our listening activity. Open your books at page 38. Let’s go Ex.

2, p 34.

A travel agency is the place where you go to book a holiday. They can help you with flights and hotels.

a) Pre-listening

A. Adam Smith is going on holiday to Europe. Listen to the dialogue in the travel agency and tick the topics which were discussed.

- hotel rates

- travel dates

- hotel food

- nightlife

- package tours

- flight

b) While-listening

A. Listen to a conversation a travel agent deals with a telephone enquiry about

Scotland. In what order do you think the following will be mentioned? Listen and check your answer.

Special offers

Fly-drive holidays

Scotland 7 nts and 14 nts, from Є399

Tel. Travel&Pleasure 075 6996 7654

a) total price of the holiday b) dates oh the fligts c) names of the people travelling d) type of accommodation e) method of payment f) destination

c) Post-listening

B. Listen again and answer these questions.

1. What three things are included in a fly-drive holiday?

2. What types of accommodation are available?

3. When does the quest want to travel?

4. What do the number 14 and 799 refer to?

5. How often are the flights to Edinburg?

6. Which airport do the flights to Edinburg go from?

C. Listen again and complete the reservation form in your books at p39.





No. of people:

No. of rooms:

Cost per person:

IX. Watching

T: Now, you are going to watch a short dialogue «At the Travel Agency». And be ready to answer my questions later.

X. ROLE-PLAY: « At the tourist agency».

Acting out dialogues

T: Now your task is to make up dialogues according to the given situations using the words and word-combinations we have learned. Work in pairs.

You have 2 minutes to think it over.

Possible situations:

1) Student A: You have just arrived to Venice. You are wondering where you can stay and what you can do.

Student B: You are a travel agent. You suggest a great variety of sights, an accommodation and a restaurant.

2) Student A: You are a tourist. You are tired of wet and foggy climate and would like to have a rest somewhere at the warm seaside.

Student B: You are a tourist agency manager. Convince your client to visit the


3) Student A: You are a tourist and would like to see cultural treasures of

European countries.

Student B: You are a tourist agency manager. Persuade your client to visit the

Czech Republic.

4) Student A: You are interested in booking a holiday for a group of schoolchildren to Manchester.

Student B: You are a travel agent. What information would you ask?

XI. Writing

T: Right now, look please at the screen! On your papers you should – describe a trip according to the plan.


Time (some month ago, …)

Kind of a trip (excursion, family trip, hiking tour, cruise, …)

Place (village/city, sea/mountains, …)

Transportation (car/ship/plane/train/on foot, …)

Things to see (mountains, landscapes, monuments, sightseeing, …)

Things to do (to walk, to swim, to admire, to have a rest, …)

Things to remember (weather, new friends, scenery, …)

General impressions (the trip was fantastic/enjoyable/boring/dangerous/exciting,


T: And you have ten minutes for this task. Then I`m going to collect it.

XII. Method of microphone

T: Imagine that you are travel agents and try to persuade your clients ti visit some places of Ukraine.

P1: Welcome to the Carpathians famous for their legends, old cathedrals, unique culture and nature.

P2: Why not to visit the Carpathians in winter and enjoy skiing along high hills?

P3: You can also come and visit the famous «Swallow`s Nest» castle in Crimea.

P4: Welcome to Uman. Here you can enjoy walking in one of the most beautiful parks – Sophiivka, see different plants, flowers, and hear interesting stories and legends about this park.

P5: Kaniv is a very important historical place. Here you will see the monument to

Taras Shevchenko. And if you also visit the museum in Morentsi, you will see some of his books and drawings.

P6: You may stay for some days in Kyiv – the capital of Ukraine – rich in many historical and cultural places.

P7: You may come to Poltava and visit the museum of the famous Poltava battle.

P8: You may also go to Zaporizhzhia, to the island of Khortytsia.

P9: It is possible to go through Gogol`s places in Polatava region and see

Dyckanka, and Sorochyntsi.

T: It`s rather to expensive to travel abroad but we can go not so far. There are many beautiful places of interest in Ukraine too. Just now I propose you to make a virtual trip to Sevastopol.

Imagine yourself visiting a travel agency. There is one agents there who will give you all necessary information about travelling to Sevastopol. What information should travel agency provide the clients with?

P: Information for the clients:

1. geography and history of destination;

2. culture, traditions;

3. climate;

4. sightseeing, places of interests;

5. historical monuments;

6. hotels, restaurant;

7. money, prices;

8. way of travelling;

9. tours and excursions;

10. documentation.

T: Your questions, please!

Possible questions and answers:

1. Is Sevastopol a big city?

Sevastopol is a big city of a special administrative status.

2. Is it far from the sea?

It is a large seaport and a naval base.

3. What can you say about its history?

Sevastopol (Glorious) was founded in 1783 as a naval fortification of Akhtiar. Is got its present name in 1784. Sevastopol is a hero city. It`s famous for 349-day deference of 1854-1855 and the heroic defence in 1941-1942.

4. Are there any historic monuments in Sevastopol?

The city boasts of its museums, the Historical Reserve of Chersonese the Peter and Paul Cathedral, The Panorama «Defence of Sevastopol in 1854-1855», the

Diorama «Assaulting the Sapum Mount on May 7, 1944».

5. What places of interests can we visit there?

No problems. You can go to the Aquapark, the Dolpninarium, or Aquarium. You can visit the Yacht-club in Balaklava and make a sea voyage or a short sea trip in

Sevastopol Bay looking at the ships of the Russian and Ukrainian Sea Forces.

6. Are there any excursions proposed to the tourists?

Sure. You can come on the bus trip to the Crimean Mountains or to any place of


7. How can we get there?

You may choose any way of travelling: by car, by bus, by train, by boat or by plane. By the way you needn`t make any travelling documents or formalities.

Besides, the prices there are not so high as abroad.

T: Was the information exhaustive (interesting)?

Possible answers:

It was exhaustive.

P1: The information was very useful, I`d like to visit Sevastopol.

P2: I appreciated the agents` work.

P3: I`m a coach potato, but the agents were very convincing, so I`ll think about travelling.


T: As we see, travelling is one of the most exciting and amusing hobbies, and sometimes it is on business. We can understand that staying at home we can`t see and learn a lot. Of course, we can read books, magazines, newspapers, and watch

TV, but we can`t describe anything exactly if we have never seen it with our own eyes.

T: You worked very hard at the lesson and showed good knowledge on the topic.

Now I am sure that you will be good and polite speakers and use all the things

we`ve learned at the lesson in the life situations.

Task for your home-work:

1) You are to prepare booklets about any Country you would like to present us and to visit;

2) There should be such info:

- kind of a trip;

- name of the country;

- places to visit (2-3);

- where to stay;

- entertainments;

- how to get there;

- prices.

T: Is everything clear?

T: Our lesson is coming to an end. Everyone was very active today and I thank you for your work. You marks are…

Expressions for evaluation.

1. I`m pleased with you work.

2. You need some more practice.

3. You answer is brilliant. I give you…/Your mark is…

4. Very good. The only trouble with you is that…

5. You have to be more careful with…

6. That is quite correct.
