A New Ab Initio Potential Energy Surface for HCl-H2O, Diffusion Monte Carlo Calculations of D0 and a Delocalized Zero-point Wavefunction John S. Mancini and Joel M. Bowman* Department of Chemistry and Cherry L. Emerson Center for Scientific Computation Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322 * Email address: jmbowma@emory.edu Supplemental Material Fitting Procedure The data for fitting were obtained from geometries calculated using classical direct-dynamic simulations, performed with density functional theory, B3LYP/ aug-ccpVTZ. These classical simulations began with a variety of different kinetic and potential energies. Long-distance molecular configurations characterized by a HCl-H2O separation greater than 5.5 Å were sampled by re-evaluating portions of the shorter-distance geometries at increased intermolecular separation. The maximum Cl-O distance of the fitted geometries was 12 Å. The surface fitting proceeded in the usual iterative fashion, i.e., by 1) performing a preliminary fit, 2) testing the fit using classical trajectories and DMC calculations of the ZPE and then 3) adding additional points in poorly described areas and re-fitting. The process completes when the objectives are met. In the present case, this is when the surface produces accurate properties of stationary points, yields sensible classical trajectories up to around 15 000 cm-1 and dissociates smoothly with an accurate description of the fragments. Fitting Precision A total of 44 637 configurations and energies were fit with a total RMS value of 24 cm-1. A plot of the energy as a function of the number of points and the respective RMS fitting error is shown for a portion of the fitting data in Figure 1S. A separate set of 615 geometries ranging from 0 to 9000 cm-1 above the global minimum that were not included in the fitting set was used to further test the surface. In the test set, the RMS of geometries with energies greater than 3500 cm-1 increased as a function of the energy to a maximum RMS of 80 cm-1 at 9000 cm-1. Given that the purpose of the surface is an accurate description of the dissociation of the complex as well as a future goal of the IR spectroscopy of experimentally relevant states, the present PES is adequate for these purposes. Diffusion Monte Carlo DMC calculations were conducted in the standard way. In these calculations 30 000 “walkers” were equilibrated for 10 000 steps and propagated for 190 000 steps with a step size of 2.5 imaginary atomic time units and an of 2.5. The ZPE was determined by performing 19 block averages of the trajectory and then taking the average of the 19 blocks to be the ZPE and the deviation in the blocks as the statistical uncertainty. The value of the ZPE is within 3 cm-1 of simulations using a 5.0 imaginary atomic time unit step size, thus assuring minimal systematic errors are present with the smaller step size. Table 1S. Geometry (Å and degrees) of indicated configuration from ab initio calculations and the potential energy surface for the global minimum, transition state and dissociated monomers. global minimum saddle point monomers ab initio PES ab initio PES ab initio PES RHCl 1.292 1.292 1.289 1.289 1.277 1.277 ROH 0.960 0.960 0.959 0.959 0.959 0.956 θ1 105.15 105.12 105.64 105.67 104.44 104.45 θ2 135.63 135.87 180.0 179.93 - - θ3 177.96 177.43 180.0 180.0 - - R 1.902 1.916 1.917 - - 1.903 Table 2S. Harmonic Frequencies (cm-1) for HCl35-H2O from ab initio calculations and the PES for the global minimum, transition state and dissociated monomers. global minimum ab initio PES 145 149 2.62 167 169 190 saddle point % diff ab initio monomers PES % diff ab initio PES % diff 152i 161i 5.92 - - - 1.25 146 142 2.89 - - - 196 3.60 150 152 1.60 - - - 452 458 1.29 386 391 1.20 - - - 559 562 0.67 512 512 0.01 - - - 1647 1649 0.13 1644 1646 0.08 1650 1641 0.57 2800 2800 0.01 2841 2848 0.25 2994 2991 0.10 3826 3827 0.02 3838 3842 0.10 3835 3836 0.03 3940 3934 0.14 3948 3951 0.07 3944 3954 0.25 Figure 1S. Energy as a function of the number of points and the respective RMS fitting error for a portion of the fitting data. Figure 2S. Relaxed 1-D potential along the dissociation coordinate of the dimer demonstrating smooth dissociation of the surface.