Diamond Manchester Collaboration (DMC) Pre-allocated Grant- Support Access Application Form 1. Overview of the Diamond Manchester Collaboration (DMC) In 2010 Diamond Light Source (DLS) and the University of Manchester entered into a ten-year collaboration to build and operate the Diamond-Manchester Branchline (DMB or I13-2). The goals of the collaboration are: to promote outstanding scientific research, establish new collaborations, seed new research, and allow long term access for funded research proposals. Manchester has 80 days per year of beamtime for dedicated use on the DMB or other beamlines. This time is allocated via three main routes: grant-support access (up to 60%), feasibility studies (up to 20%) and direct access (up to 20%). The preferred access is via grant support (pre-allocated), which allows Manchester academics to include guaranteed beamtime (subject to scientific vetting) into proposals submitted to RCUK and EU funding call, or Industrial research collaborations (but not consultancies) and is the main allocation route. The remaining time is allocated either via fast feasibility studies or direct access. The DMC direct access application form is similar to the DLS direct access application but in addition to scientific merit, the impact on University of Manchester and society is also considered. 2. Guidance This form is to be completed when requesting pre-allocated grant-support access through the Diamond Manchester Collaboration. The principal investigator must be a University of Manchester academic. If beamtime is approved, all users on the application form must complete user registration on the Diamond Light Source website. The form has 3 sections. The criteria by which the proposals will be ranked are listed below: I Scientific Merit: A grade between 1 and 5 will be assigned, with 5 being the top score. The proposal must give a scientific justification for the proposed research, including the broader scientific context. It must also provide details of the proposed experiment and a justification of the beamtime requested. It is recommended you contact Prof Peter Lee and the Principal Beamline scientist to discuss the feasibility of the experiment. II Impact on University of Manchester: A grade between 1 and 5 will be assigned based on the potential for i. ii. iii. III establishing new, or building on existing academic and industrial collaborations. supporting key areas of research (state which School e.g. EPS, MHS, FLS) developing personnel Prior Track Record: A grade between 1 and 5 will be assigned based on outputs ( including from any previous beamtimes/ MXIF use) e.g. i. ii. iii. iv. publications grants building on / establishing new, collaborations impact on society Completed forms should be emailed to DMcollaboration@manchester.ac.uk DMC Pre-Allocated proposal (revision_13_09_09) 1 1.1 Procedure The following flowchart summarises the procedure for requesting pre-allocated grant access beamtime. Call for research proposal published / announced Obtain application via email from DMcollaboration@manchester.a c.uk Contact peter.lee@manchester.ac.uk and appropriate PBS for feasibility or download from http://www.rcharwell.ac.uk/manchester-x-rayimaging-facility Email completed application to dmc@manchseter.ac.uk Application reviewed (by MXIF Director & one other expert) Appropriate for Support Value of Pre-allocated Beamtime can be included in proposal RC Proposal: included as in-kind contribution (£14,000/d) EU Proposal: costed at true EU accepted audited cost to Diamond, (€12,000/day) Immediately inform DMcollaboration@manchester.a c.uk once results of proposal* (for which beamtime is being requested) are known *Ensure DMC beamtime has been approved before grant submission DMC Pre-Allocated proposal (revision_13_09_09) 2 DMC Pre-Allocated proposal (revision_13_09_09) 3 Application Form for Pre-Allocated Grant –Supported Access to DMC Beamtime (Max. 1 page) 1. PROPOSAL DETAILS 1.1 PI and Co-Investigators 1.2 Funding body, grant scheme and approximate amount requested 1.3 Attach Draft Proposal Scientific Merit (One paragraph summary describing synchrotron experiments and their scientific impact. If science case is available include it with application) 1.4 2. IMPACT ON THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER (COLLABORATIONS, SUPPORTING KEY AREAS OF RESEARCH, DEVELOPING PERSONNEL, ETC) 3. PRIOR TRACK RECORD (PUBLICATIONS, GRANTS, BUILDING ON ESTABLISHING NEW COLLABORATIONS) DMC Pre-Allocated proposal (revision_13_09_09) 4