POSITION DESCRIPTIONS Position Title: Date: President 1989, reviewed March 2006, revised 2004, 2011 Position Summary: The President serves as the chief elected officer of the Association, representing the entire membership. This officer is the chairman of the Annual Meeting, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee as well as an ex-officio member of all VNA committees, excluding the Nominations Committee. The President represents VNA at the Constituent Assembly, serves as a delegate at all ANA House of Delegate meetings, and delivers an annual address at each Annual Meeting. With the CEO, the President represents VNA as an official spokesperson. Responsibilities: 1. Presides at all meetings of the Board of Directors, Annual Meeting and Executive Committee and approves the content of the agenda for these meetings. 2. Keeps the Board, Executive Committee, and association committees informed on the conditions and operation of the Association either directly or via delegation. 3. Selects or approves chairmen for all association committees and task forces. Outlines the purposes and duties of these committees, monitors their progress, and assists where necessary or upon request. 4. Provides direction to the Board of Directors, Annual Meeting, and Executive Committee in formulating policies and programs that will further the goals and objectives of the association. 5. Conducts an annual review of the Chief Staff Officers performance. 6. Monitors association expenditures to assure operation within the annual budget. Provides for an independent annual review or audit of finances. 7. Promotes active participation in the association by the membership. Promotes activities of the Board and association to the members through association publications and presentations. 8. Presents an association report at the annual meeting and serves as an official spokesperson for the association with legislative bodies, the press, media, and other organizations. 9. Serves as a VNA representative at the ANA Constituent Assembly, House of Delegates, regional groups. 10. Has the privilege of inviting the President of the League of Nursing, VNSA, and other nonboard members to attend Board meetings. 11. Assists in orienting the President-Elect in second year of term of office, in preparation for a new administration. Position Title: Date: President-Elect 1990, revised 1996, 2004; reviewed March, 2006, 2011. Position Summary: Assumes those duties which are assigned by the President and/or Board of Directors Responsibilities: 1. Serve as a voting member of ad hoc committees as appointed by the President. 2. Attends meetings and other activities and represents the President as requested. 3. Serves as chairman or member of ad hoc committees as appointed by the President. 4. Utilizes the year in office in preparation for assuming office of president. 5. Serves as a member of the Board and Executive Committee, contributing individual experience and expertise to work with the BOD including the development of BOD members. Position Title: Vice President Date: 1990, revised 1993, 2004; reviewed March 2006, 2011. Position Summary: Assumes the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. Assists the President in carrying out the functions of the office and performs specific delegated duties. Responsibilities: 1. Is a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee 2. Assumes responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. 3. Assumes presidency when vacancy occurs in that office. 4. Represents the association with other associations or organizations as requested by the President. 5. Serves on committees and/or task forces at the discretion of the President, Board of Directors. 6. Assures passage of appropriate materials to incoming Vice President 7. Submits annual report of activities. 8. Provides summaries, information, executive briefings to the President on activities and issues. 10. Contribute individual experience and expertise to further the work of the BOD. Position Title: Secretary Date: 1990, revised 2004; reviewed March 2006, 2011. Position Summary: Ensures that records are maintained of all Association, Board, and Executive Committee meetings. Responsibilities: 1. Serves as member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. 2. Ensures that records are maintained for all meetings of the Association, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee. 3. Ensures that copies of the minutes of each meeting are provided to the President and others as appropriate. 4. Performs other duties as may be assigned by the President. 5. Represents VNA at meetings and activities as requested. 6. Ensures passage of appropriate materials to incoming Secretary. 7. Submits annual report of activities. 8. Contribute individual experience and expertise to further the work of the BOD. Position Title: Treasurer Date: 1990, revised 2004; reviewed March, 2006, 2011. Position Summary: Ensures the integrity of the fiscal affairs of the Association. Serves on the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and the Finance Committee. Responsibilities: 1. Serves as a member of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, and the Finance Committee. 2. Ensures that the Association maintains accurate financial records. 3. Reviews Association expenditures and financial status on a regular basis to ensure overall fiscal integrity. 4. Ensures that regular financial reports are submitted to the Board of Directors and presents an annual financial report to the membership. 5. Attends Finance Committee meetings and serves as liaison between the Board of Directors and Finance Committee. 6. Provides reports and interpretation of financial conditions to the Board of Directors and membership at the Annual Meeting. 7. Performs other duties as may be assigned by the President. 8. Represents VNA at meetings and activities as requested. 9. Ensures orientation of incoming Resources and Policies Commissioner and Finance Committee Chairmen. 10. Ensures passage of appropriate materials to incoming officer. 11. Submits annual report of activities. 12. Contribute individual experience and expertise to further the work of the BOD. POSITION TITLE: Commissioner on Government Relations DATE: 1990, revised 1995, 2004; reviewed, March 2006, 2011. POSITION SUMMARY: Responsible for maintaining organizational operation and efficiency in providing for maximum service to members. RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Is a voting member of the Board of Directors. 2. Recruits commission committee chairmen as appropriate, serving as a resource to committees including councils and professional practice groups. 3. Communicates Board activities to commission committee chairmen. 4. Communicates commission activities to the Board. 5. Serves on committees and/or task forces at the discretion of the President and Board of Directors. 6. Represents VNA at meetings and activities as requested. 7. Ensures orientation of incoming Commissioner and Committee chairmen including expectations in regards to attendance at Commission/Committee meetings and major VNA meetings, e.g. Annual Orientation, Retreat and Annual Meeting. 8. Ensures passage of appropriate materials to incoming Commissioner and Committee chairmen. 9. Submits annual report of commission activities. 10. Contribute individual experience and expertise to further the work of the BOD. POSITION TITLE: Commissioner on Resources and Policies DATE: 1990, revised 1995, 2004; reviewed, March 2006, 2011. POSITION SUMMARY: Responsible for maintaining organizational operation and efficiency in providing for maximum service to members. RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Is a voting member of the Board of Directors. 2. Recruits commission committee chairmen as appropriate, serving as a resource to committees including councils and professional practice groups. 3. Communicates Board activities to commission committee chairmen. 4. Communicates commission activities to the Board. 5. Serves on committees and/or task forces at the discretion of the President and Board of Directors. 6. Represents VNA at meetings and activities as requested. 7. Ensures orientation of incoming Commissioner and Committee chairmen including expectations in regards to attendance at Commission/Committee meetings and major VNA meetings, e.g. Annual Orientation, Retreat and Annual Meeting. 8. Ensures passage of appropriate materials to incoming Commissioner and Committee chairmen. 9. Submits annual report of commission activities. 10. Contribute individual experience and expertise to further the work of the BOD. POSITION TITLE: Commissioner on Nursing Education DATE: 1990, revised 1995, 2004; reviewed, March 2006, 2011. POSITION SUMMARY: Responsible for maintaining organizational operation and efficiency in providing for maximum service to members. RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Is a voting member of the Board of Directors. 2. Recruits commission committee chairmen as appropriate, serving as a resource to committees including councils and professional practice groups. 3. Communicates Board activities to commission committee chairmen. 4. Communicates commission activities to the Board. 5. Serves on committees and/or task forces at the discretion of the President and Board of Directors. 6. Represents VNA at meetings and activities as requested. 7. Ensures orientation of incoming Commissioner and Committee chairmen including expectations in regards to attendance at Commission/Committee meetings and major VNA meetings, e.g. Annual Orientation, Retreat and Annual Meeting. 8. Ensures passage of appropriate materials to incoming Commissioner and Committee chairmen. 9. Submits annual report of commission activities. 10. Contribute individual experience and expertise to further the work of the BOD. POSITION TITLE: Commissioner on Nursing Practice DATE: 1990, revised 1995, 2004; reviewed, March 2006, 2011. POSITION SUMMARY: Responsible for maintaining organizational operation and efficiency in providing for maximum service to members. RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Is a voting member of the Board of Directors. 2. Recruits commission committee chairmen as appropriate, serving as a resource to committees including councils and professional practice groups. 3. Communicates Board activities to commission committee chairmen. 4. Communicates commission activities to the Board. 5. Serves on committees and/or task forces at the discretion of the President and Board of Directors. 6. Represents VNA at meetings and activities as requested. 7. Ensures orientation of incoming Commissioner and Committee chairmen including expectations in regards to attendance at Commission/Committee meetings and major VNA meetings, e.g. Annual Orientation, Retreat and Annual Meeting. 8. Ensures passage of appropriate materials to incoming Commissioner and Committee chairmen. 9. Submits annual report of commission activities. 10. Contribute individual experience and expertise to further the work of the BOD. POSITION TITLE: Commissioner on Workforce Issues DATE: 1990, revised 1995, 2004; reviewed, March 2006, 2011. POSITION SUMMARY: Responsible for maintaining organizational operation and efficiency in providing for maximum service to members. RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Is a voting member of the Board of Directors. 2. Recruits commission committee chairmen as appropriate, serving as a resource to committees including councils and professional practice groups. 3. Communicates Board activities to commission committee chairmen. 4. Communicates commission activities to the Board. 5. Serves on committees and/or task forces at the discretion of the President and Board of Directors. 6. Represents VNA at meetings and activities as requested. 7. Ensures orientation of incoming Commissioner and Committee chairmen including expectations in regards to attendance at Commission/Committee meetings and major VNA meetings, e.g. Annual Orientation, Retreat and Annual Meeting. 8. Ensures passage of appropriate materials to incoming Commissioner and Committee chairmen. 9. Submits annual report of commission activities. 10. Contribute individual experience and expertise to further the work of the BOD. Position Title: Date: ANA Delegate July 1991, revised 2004; reviewed March, 2006, 2011. Position Summary: Responsible for being current on selected/assigned issues at national and state levels. Responsible for representing VNA membership during election process of ANA elected officers. Responsible for communicating actions/issues from VNA to members at the Annual Meeting and vice versa. Responsibilities: 1. Attends pre-ANA House of Delegates orientation meeting. 2. Participates in determining VNA strategies for submitting action proposals. 3. Assumes primary responsibility for reviewing assigned pre-convention written material for specific hearings and/or issues during term of office. 4. During ANA election year, may participate in candidate interviews as assigned during the ANA House of Delegates meeting. 5. Assumes responsibility for writing summaries of ANA House of Delegate actions on assigned issues. 6. Attends state caucus meetings during ANA House of Delegates. 7. Delivers reports at VNA Annual Meeting if assigned/requested. Position Title: Director-at-Large Date: November 1997, reviewed 2004, 2006 and 2011. Position Summary: A staff nurse who represents the constituency in all Boards of Director business and transactions (as stated by the Bylaws, VI, 5, G) Responsibilities: 1. Is a voting member of the Board of Directors. 2. Establishes a line of communication between the constituents and the Board of Directors to identify the staff nurse’s needs and expectations of the State Nurses Associations. 3. Establish a line of communication ongoing between the constituents, members and the Board of Directors to educate the staff nurse of the VNA’s goals, actions, and activities. 4. Represent the VNA at meetings and activities as directed. 5. Assure the passage of appropriate materials to incoming Directors-at-Large. 6. Submit annual report of activities. 7. Perform other duties as may be assigned by the President. Position Title: Director-at-Large (new graduate) Date: November, 2006, reviewed 2011. Position Summary: A nurse who has recently graduated and represents new nurses in all Boards of Director business and transactions. Responsibilities: 1. Is a voting member of the Board of Directors. 2. Establishes a line of communication between the constituents and the Board of Directors to identify the new graduate nurse’s needs and expectations of the State Nurses Associations. 3. Establish a line of communication ongoing between the constituents, members and the Board of Directors to educate the new nurse graduates of the VNA’s goals, actions, and activities. 4. Represent the VNA at meetings and activities as directed. 5. Assure the passage of appropriate materials to incoming Directors-at-Large, (new grads). 6. Submit annual report of activities. 7. Perform other duties as may be assigned by the President. Position Title: Member, Committee on Nominations Date: May 2014 Position Summary: Work with other committee members to create a ballot with the best candidates for the annual Board of Directors approval and subsequent membership election. Reports To: Nominating Committee Chair Term of Service: 2 years Time Commitment: March-June: monthly (or more if needed) 1-hour conference calls Additional preparation includes reviewing nomination packet for each individual wishing to run for office. Requirements: Is a VNA member, elected to the Committee on Nominations by the membership. Responsibilities: 1. Participate in Committee on Nominations conference calls 2. Treat all information and discussions in a confidential manner 3. Exhibit no bias to or advocacy for any candidates or issues