Facilitator`s Guide: Data Driven Instruction for Common Core Learning

Data Driven Instruction for Common Core Learning:
Session 1 of 1
Sequence of Sessions
Overarching Objectives of this July 2013 Network Team Institute
I understand the role that school and district leaders play in establishing and maintaining systems of data-driven instruction and inquiry.
High-Level Purpose of this Session
Data inquiry is built on the foundation of a collaborative, trusting professional culture in which accountability for achievement is shared by
teachers, leaders, and students. Participants will analyze data meetings and case studies to identify key components of the systems and
structures necessary to implement and monitor the ongoing analysis of student learning.
Key Points
Instructional leaders must develop reliable and effective structures to facilitate data-driven instruction in their schools.
Session Outcomes
What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this
I understand the role that school and district leaders play in
establishing and maintaining systems of data-driven instruction
and inquiry.
I can identify evidence of a culture that supports data driven
processes that improve student achievement.
I can explain the systems and structures necessary to implement
and monitor the ongoing analysis of multiple choice and
performance assessments aligned to the common core.
Session Overview
How will we know that they are able to do this?
Self-assessment using the Implementation Rubric for Data Driven
Instruction and Assessment and the RttT Expectation and Metrics
Responses on Data Conference Viewing Guide
Analysis of Case Study -- EPIC
Intros and Learning
10 min
Data Driven Culture
20 min
Data Driven
60 min
Self-Assessment and
25 min
Prepared Resources
Facilitator Preparation
Introduction of facilitators and
PPT, Expectations and Metrics,
participants. Sharing of learning
Learning Target Reflection
targets and larger context.
Participants read about components
Data Driven Culture Research Quotes,
of a data-driven culture and looking
Data Meeting Video, Data Conference
for evidence of these components in a
Viewing Guide
Preview all documents and
video of a data meeting.
Participants analyze a case study to
find structures necessary to
Preview the PPT slides and note
implement and monitor data-driven
Reading Case Study – EPIC, Results their alignment to the Facilitator’s
instruction. They will then reflect on
Guide below.
Meeting Protocol Video
these systems as they watch a team of
teachers participate in a results
meeting protocol.
Participants will self-assess their own
DDI structures using the
DDI Rubric, Expectations and Metrics,
Implementation Rubric and the
Learning Target Reflection
Expectations and Metrics document
Session Roadmap
Time: 120 minutes
Materials used include:
Presentation: DDI for Common Core Learning PPT
Learning Target Reflection
RttT Expectations and Metrics
Data Driven Culture Research Quotes
EPIC Data Meeting Video
EPIC Data Conference Viewing Guide
Reading: Case Study – EPIC
Results Meeting Video
DDI Rubric
Slide #/ Pic of Slide
Script/ Activity directions
10 min
Facilitators will introduce themselves to the group and
welcome them to the session. Please ask participants to refer
to the Learning Target Reflection Sheet. This sheet will be
used to collect thoughts and reflection throughout the session.
Direct participants to the Expectation and Metrics document.
This is the charge from State Ed and will we revisited at the
end of the session during a self-assessment.
Give an overview of the rest of the session – see session
Tell participants that a strong culture is one result of effective
instructional leadership in data driven instruction. Four
components of this structure are relational trust, clear roles
and established norms, a growth mindset, and focus on equity
and urgency. Ask participants to read Data Driven Culture
Research Quotes.
15 min
Now participants will have a chance to observe this culture in
action. Have participants complete the EPIC Data
Conference Viewing Guide as they watch the Data
Conference. Direct participants turn and talk to a neighbor
before sharing out evidence they collected of a data driven
Direct participants to complete culture portion of the
Learning Targets Reflection sheet.
20 min
5 min
Emphasize that a strong culture (like the one viewed in the
data conference) doesn’t happen by accident. Instructional
leaders play an important role in establishing structures, roles
and processes that are the foundation for that culture. Have
participants read the Case Study – EPIC Academy Charter
High School and code the text.
Participants should be prepared to discuss findings with
partner and compare them to the structures in their own
Share with participants a way to make DDI pervasive in their
schools is to link it to other instructional levers -observation, planning meetings, feedback sessions,
professional development, and curriculum. We often focus
on the data meeting, but to make DDI stick we need to think
about the antecedent and the action/reflection as well.
15 min
20 min
Prepare participants to watch another type of data conference.
This Results Meeting requires several structures in place.
Have participants ask themselves: “What structures will I
need to establish to support and supervise this type of
analysis meeting?”
Direct participants to complete structure portion of the
Learning Targets Reflection sheet.
Have participants complete the Implementation Rubric.
Once they complete the rubric, revisit and reflect on the
Expectations and Metrics document. Based on this selfassessment, have them identify their “highest leverage next
Share a three to four with group.
5 min
Allow for final reflection on learning targets
Use the following icons in the script to indicate different learning modes.
Reflect on a prompt
Turnkey Materials Provided
Presentation: DDI for Common Core Learning PPT
Learning Target Reflection
RttT Expectations and Metrics
Data Driven Culture Research Quotes
EPIC Data Meeting Video
EPIC Data Conference Viewing Guide
Reading: Case Study – EPIC
Results Meeting Video
DDI Rubric
Additional Suggested Resources
Driven by Data (2010), Paul Bambrick-Santoyo, Josey-Bass.
Active learning
Turn and talk