Objective: to increase our target markets

2014 Tourism Marketing Plan
and Budget
The 2014 Tourism Marketing Plan and Budget is based on estimated Municipal and Regional District Tax
(MRDT) (formerly Additional Hotel Room Tax AHRT) revenues to be collected in 2014. As amounts are
variable and the final amount for 2014 will not be known until April of 2015; a conservative approach is
taken during the budget year to insure that the budget is not overspent. As a result of this approach, if
there is a remainder of unspent revenue from the previous year, it can be carried over into the next
year’s budget per policy adopted in 2013. It is anticipated that the amount collected for 2013, but not
spent in 2013, will be approximately $150,000. Therefore, we have provided a budget in Appendix A that
includes both the anticipated 2014 MRDT revenue and how the potential amount from MRDT funding
not spent in 2013 will be allocated within the 2014 Tourism Marketing Plan and Budget.
In 2013, we collected critical data and performance measurements that can now be used to plan and
adapt our marketing efforts. Based on this research and feedback, we will engage with potential visitors
using targeted messages and projects that encourage increased visitation and interaction with our
Objective: to increase awareness of, preference for and intent to visit, the Vernon area from our key
markets of Lower Mainland, Edmonton/Northern Alberta and Calgary/Southern Alberta areas.
The results of our 2013 Spring Campaign included more than twice as many contest entries compared to
2012 and integrating an Explorer Quotient quiz yielded valuable information on motivations for travel to
Vernon which will help us deliver targeted messages to the 42% of entrants who signed up for our
enewsletter. In addition, the contest allowed entrants to choose their prize by selecting from a full
inventory of accommodation, restaurants, activities and attractions. This encouraged them to research
options through links and it also provided us with valuable information on their preferences.
The Fall campaign included both online and print advertising along with a weeklong radio promotion in
Vancouver and a well timed media story in Calgary that generated a 47% increase in visitation to our
website compared to the same period in the previous year including an obvious spike on the days
following the media story. It also generated direct responses to some of the businesses featured in the
media story.
For 2014, integrated campaigns will again be the major focus for marketing efforts both in the critical
Spring (April through May) and secondary Fall (mid August to October) periods. Based on results of
2013, budget allocations will focus on low cost/high return tactics.
Tourism Vernon
2014 Marketing Plan and Budget
Approved by Council: January 13, 2014
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Execute a coordinated print, online, radio/TV
campaign driving to a unique contest page.
Provide call to action links from contest page to
tourism stakeholders.
Invite interaction through opt ins for future contact.
Invite engagement through EQ quiz
 Visits to landing page, time spent on
site, contest entries and choices made.
 Click throughs to partners, time on
 Number of opt ins.
 Number of quiz entries, EQ styles
linked to geographic locations.
Objective: to partner with all sectors of industry to increase overall marketing for our community
through co-op funding.
New policies and procedures were introduced in 2013 to support co-op marketing projects that are
initiated and driven by industry. These programs are available to Vernon tourism stakeholders and
include opportunities for consortiums and events.
In 2013, there were 23 partners involved in ten new co-op marketing initiatives. It is anticipated that in
2014 we will see increased co-op activity as stakeholders become more familiar with the program.
Work with industry to help identify best
opportunities for partnering.
Adjudicate applications to insure they meet the
criteria set out in the policy.
Monitor effectiveness of initiatives. Insure full
reports are received outlining responses and results.
Promote and deliver a small accommodators
marketing fund per the policy.
 Numbers of partners coming forward,
types of requests
 Number of approved applications,
number of rejected applications,
number of appropriate applications
that aren’t funded due to
 Number of reports supplied by
partnering businesses.
 Outcomes tracked
 Number of small accommodators
involved in program and their feedback
 Results from initiatives
Objective: to increase opportunities to gain unpaid media by meeting with and hosting journalists, travel
writers and other tourism influencers.
In 2013, we were involved in seven familiarization tours. This resulted in 3 articles being published
quickly including blogging articles and a feature story published in the Calgary Herald which resulted in a
significant website visitation bump on that day as well as increased visitation to tourism businesses
Tourism Vernon
2014 Marketing Plan and Budget
Approved by Council: January 13, 2014
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mentioned in the article. In Spring 2013, we also saw the publication of articles and podcasts posted in
England as a result of a May 2012 visit.
Participate in at least one media marketplace event
 Number of media contacts met,
(eg. Go Media Marketplace or TMAC conference)
number of stories submitted
Work with a media contractor and local partners to
 Number of partners, number of trips
develop materials, follow up with media; coordinate
generated, number of articles posted
and host familiarization trips
Continue to work with Destination BC and TOTA as
 Number of fam trips, number of
well as other communities to welcome familiarization
participants, number of partners
tours of Vernon.
supporting the fam, value of support
Redevelop unique story lines, themes and ‘hooks’ for
 Number of new stories generated,
media stories.
follow ups, requests for information
Continue to rewrite story lines in EQ style.
 Amount of engagement and responses
to new format
Objective: to increase presence of Tourism Vernon within industry, to build more effective, efficient
partnerships and to gain knowledge in specific sectors.
Memberships in specific organizations and associations assist Tourism Vernon in connecting with our
industry and/or important sectors or markets such as our membership in the Travel Media Assn. Of
Canada or the Mountain Bike Tourism Assn. of BC. Increased opportunities for networking and
organizational development are provided through our membership with the Destination Marketing
Assn. of BC and we benefit from additional promotional support received through our membership with
Tourism Calgary.
Continue to support Mountain Bike Tourism
development by working in partnership with MBTA
of BC and NOCS (North Okanagan Cycling Society)
Connect with media and travel writers through
membership with Travel Media Assn. of Canada
Continue membership with Tourism Calgary for
website exposure, brochure racking at Calgary
Airport and Calgary Tower
EQ sub licensing fee payable to TOTA for 2014
Measurables and Benefits
 Click throughs from MBTA website.
 Involvement in MBTA initiatives
Media inquiries and contacts, requests
for visits/information
Listing, promotion, referrals and click
throughs from Tourism Calgary
website and Visitor Guide.
Access to EQ research marketing
Numbers of quiz entries and results
entered via our website.
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2014 Marketing Plan and Budget
Approved by Council: January 13, 2014
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Objective: to identify and support projects that assist Tourism Vernon and meet the objectives of the
Vernon Tourism Development Strategic Plan (2010 – 2015).
Each year we add to the project list (see Appendix B). In 2013, the Accommodation survey and the
Analytics survey began to collect baseline data. These will continue in 2014 as they provide critical
information on visitor stays and reasons for their visit. We also began a photo library expansion to
include more EQ style photography and this will continue into 2014 so that we have photography that
will appeal to specific market segments.
In 2014, projects will be undertaken as time permits. Projects have both time and priority parameters
and projects that are lower priority but take little time, may be undertaken. An exit survey is one of
those items that is lower priority but may only take a short time to implement. It will expand the
collection of data on visitation to Vernon thus giving us a clearer vision of who visits us, information on
their traveling party and information on activities done during the visit. Our Visitor Guide is one of the
projects that is used to generate visitation and interest in Vernon along with generating new story ideas
for our website and media resources. The new design for 2013 received very positive feedback.
Benchmark visitation through continuing collection
of accommodation stats from at least 7 properties.
Continue to use analytics to better identify behaviors
on tourism websites and ascertain what visitors are
looking for when they visit various websites.
EQ style specific photography to use in marketing
Measurables and benefits
 Data in 2014 can be compared to data
from 2013. Data includes visitor length
of stay, origin, number in party, reason
for visit as well as ADR and occupancy.
 Quarterly reports from analytics
coordinator based on compiled data
 Establishment of EQ style photo library
Objective: to increase our target markets awareness of, and interest in, visiting our area.
In 2013, we used various tracking mechanisms in our major print ads however direct response was
difficult to quantify in spite of a specific call to action. However, as a community marketing
organization, our presence is still important so we will continue to use print ads in certain key
publications that are produced by Destination BC and the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Assn. and inflight magazines. As print advertising is drawing less direct response than before and as other forms of
promotion evolve, we are not increasing the allocation significantly for print ads. We will continue to
produce our print lure piece the Official Vernon Visitors Guide using EQ writing styles and photographs
as the 2013 guide was very well received by our visitors and by industry. Print, however, is also
supported through the co-op marketing allocation that can focus on niche markets like snowmobiling,
mountain biking, golfing or motorcycle touring publications. As the Visitor Centre will be relocated in
2014, additional print advertising will occur to inform the public of the new location.
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2014 Marketing Plan and Budget
Approved by Council: January 13, 2014
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Use key messaging in ad design that reflects the
experiences offered in our community.
Partner with industry to offer call to action for print
ads in publications such as Westjet UP.
Create, design and produce the 2014 Vernon Visitor
Guide with EQ styles
 Responses to specific toll free numbers
or URLs
 Responses to ads via URL or call to
 Distribution, requests for resupply,
general responses to new look and
Objective: to participate in selected consumer shows and regional events that provide access and
exposure to our key markets.
In 2013, we partnered with some businesses to attend various consumer shows. Although these shows
attract significant visitation; it is difficult to quantify actual results. In 2014, we will be sending Visitor
Centre staff to attend two primary sales shows, the Vancouver and the Calgary Outdoor Shows. In
addition, we will partner with organizations such as Silver Star Mountain Resort, to attend specific bike
or cross country ski shows in key or secondary markets. These are funded through our co-op funded
Attend the Vancouver and Calgary Outdoor
Adventure Shows
Consider other opportunities should resources be
available and/or partners be interested.
Use Mobile Visitor Centre to heighten profile of
Vernon by attending events in Vernon and in nearby
 Number of guides distributed, contest
entries, partners involved.
 Number of stakeholder partners
interested, types of shows
 Number of visitors to mobile, number
and type of events attended
$ 30,000
Objective: to use web-based opportunities and resources to maximize awareness of our community and
engage viewers using audio, video and interactive mapping to portray its experiences.
In 2013, we focused on increasing our online engagement. As a result of our efforts, our Facebook
‘likes’ went from 634 to over 2700 as the result of one online initiative. Our reach increased to more
than 80,000. Our online campaign in Spring led to over 8 million impressions with close to 7000 web
visits specifically linked to the digital campaign.
“ Klout” is an online evaluator and measures an organization’s engagement and online influence online
on a scale from 1 to 100. In 2013, our Klout score increased from 45 in January to 61 in October. This
improvement compares very favorably with other DMOs particularly in the scale of our improvement
over the year. Our Twitter followers increased from 639 to 1087 followers over the first 10 months of
Tourism Vernon
2014 Marketing Plan and Budget
Approved by Council: January 13, 2014
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Hiking information is one of the top requests received from visitors but detailed and accurate resources
are few and far between. Therefore in 2013, we created online resources for Vernon’s Top Ten Trails
using static and interactive mapping platforms. This project will be expanded in 2014 to include geolocating processes to better orient visitors to community services and amenities.
From our Analytics project in 2013, we have tracked the behaviors and preferences of visitors on our
website. These results clearly show us that an improvement to the functionality and usefulness of our
website is required. Therefore in 2014, we will embark on a redesign of our site using EQ writing and
photography styles. We will continue to use and track the power of social media through engagement
with our markets and visitors using Facebook, Twitter, blogs, YouTube, Pinterest and other online
Ensure that online initiatives have a specific call to
action and/or a unique landing page
Redesign of website to improve functionality and
usefulness via all platforms
Use direct messaging using social media channels
Continue to create online mapping that is mobifriendly to support visitation
Use online ads and simple contests to drive to
website and specific landing pages
City of Vernon Marketing Contribution
 Click throughs to landing pages and/or
number of calls to toll free lines
 Increases in pageviews, length of
interaction, reduction in bounce rate
 Increases in visits and interaction
through Facebook, Twitter, blogs.
 Clicks to specific landing pages,
feedback from users
 Click throughs to landing pages,
entries, engagement through web
Significant support is provided by the City of Vernon for the operations of the tourism function. This is
accounted for separately as part of the department’s budget submission to City Council. However, the
City of Vernon also provides specific funding from its operating funds to support marketing activities.
Objective: to connect with and learn from other industry professionals, to contribute to tourism
discussions and maintain a Vernon presence at industry meetings and functions; to meet a requirement
of provincial funding for the Vernon Visitor Centre.
The style and content of tourism industry meetings has changed through 2013. It is unknown if some
will continue in 2014 while others may be created based on emerging needs.
Attend annual BC Tourism Industry conference if
Attend Visitor Centre Network conference
Tourism Vernon
2014 Marketing Plan and Budget
Approved by Council: January 13, 2014
 Connect with other industry members
and discuss issues faced by the
industry. Build partnerships.
 Keep up to date on Destination BC
expectations and requirements for
operation of Visitor Centre.
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Attend TOTA AGM, Summit and meetings
Attend BC DMO Assn. AGM and strategy sessions
Arrange tourism industry meetings in Vernon as
Connect with regional stakeholder
partners. Keep informed on new or
emerging opportunities.
Attending TOTA functions provides
better access to information that can
then be shared with industry.
Discussion of issues facing other DMOs
particularly issues around the
collection and use of the AHRT
(Municipal and Regional District Tax).
Communicate with industry on an
annual basis.
Objective: to assist significant local initiatives which support the Vernon Tourism Development Plan and
have a component of external marketing.
Providing support for specific initiatives that benefit our community like the BC Snow Sculpture
Championships as part of Vernon’s Winter Carnival as well as supporting branded clothing to be used
throughout the year by Queen Silver Star and Princess.
In partnership with the Vernon Winter Carnival and
Silver Star Mountain Resort, support the BC Snow
Sculpture Competition.
Support the purchase of branded Vernon clothing for
Queen Silver Star and Princess.
 Building partnerships, raising
awareness during the Snow Sculpture
Championships during Quebec Winter
 Candidates greatly appreciate this
gesture and are proud to wear the
Vernon brand when they travel.
Objective: to develop and provide resources that support visitors within our community
The Vernon Visitor Centre provides direct interaction with visitors to Vernon. Takeaway maps and other
print materials are needed to assist visitors in our community. The Visitor Parking Pass program is also
offered to encourage visitation to our downtown area. Certain other initiatives that promote visitation
to the Visitor Centre, particularly if relocated in 2014, may be needed.
Design, update and print tear off maps for the Visitor
Print and distribute Visitor Parking passes for use by
Tourism Vernon
2014 Marketing Plan and Budget
Approved by Council: January 13, 2014
 Number of maps provided to visitors.
Compact, easy to read tool facilitates
way finding within the community and
highlights attractions and activities.
 Number distributed to visitors. Passes
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visitors during their stay in Vernon.
Special design and printing of materials for major
Local ads or other awareness tools may be needed
should the Visitor Centre be relocated in 2014.
Tourism Vernon
2014 Marketing Plan and Budget
Approved by Council: January 13, 2014
encourage visitation to downtown
Number of requests received and
number assisted.
Minimize disruption due to potential
Page 8
BUDGET: $253,483 plus $150,000 MRDT collected/not spent from 2013 = $403,483
CoOp project funding - all
Hotel co-op $10,000
Mountain Bike
Tourism Assn.
Travel Media
Assn. of
Calgary $600
analytics for
EQ sub license
Calgary and
Digital mapping
Web content
TOTA guide
not spent
in 2013
TOTAL BUDGET = $21,150
VC Ops
Tourism Services
Transfer to
Centre Conf
Winter carnival snow
Queen SS clothing
Tourism Vernon
2014 Marketing Plan and Budget
Approved by Council: January 13, 2014
tear off
Contractors will be used where appropriate.
Page 9
Project list for 2014*
Official Visitors Guide: Continuing
The annual guide will be produced using EQ writing and photography and a new theme. Consideration
will be given to increasing the print run as the 2013 guide had high demand.
MRDT (Municipal and Regional District Tax): New
The MRDT expires in March 2015. Renewals must be submitted 4-6 months prior to expiration.
Therefore in 2014, we must request approval of the accommodators to renew our MRDT tax (previously
the AHRT). A minimum of 51% of the rooms and 51% of the properties is required.
Relocation of Visitor Centre: New
Centralization and consolidation of the Visitor Centres is a priority and in 2013, sites were investigated
and identified. Approval of TAC and Council will be required and additional ads, signs and PSA style
notifications would occur to increase awareness of change. The move would need to occur before
spring 2014 to avoid conflict with high demand for services.
Website: Continuing and New
The website is due for a refresh. Copy written, photography used and videos produced will focus on EQ
styles that appeal to our target markets. Functionality, ease of navigation and creating a site that is
responsive to various platforms, will be developed.
Campaigns: Continuing
Integrated Spring and Fall campaigns focused on encouraging visitation and engagement will continue
based on results of 2013 programs. Contesting will be used again with data compiled and opt in
newsletter available.
Accommodation Survey: Continuing
We will continue to collect visitor data from 8 properties in Vernon. Information provides stats on
length of stay, purpose for visit, average daily room rate, revenue, origin of visitor, etc. 2013 has
provided benchmark data and a comparison level for subsequent years.
Analytics survey: Continuing
Based on interest from partners, we may continue this project through 2014. It provided information on
performance and search behavior of visitors to tourism websites in Vernon. It has also provided
‘useability’ and functionality data.
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2014 Marketing Plan and Budget
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Online mapping: Continuing
In mid 2013, we entered a partnership with ESRI ArcGIS to provide an interactive mapping capacity for
Vernon’s Top Ten Trails. A story map was also developed. For 2014 this project will expand to include
suggested tour routes and geo-location to amenities and accommodations.
Enewsletters: Continuing
Quarterly enewsletters – one for industry and one for consumers - were produced starting in
August/September of 2013. This project will continue through 2014 to support communications and
Media outreach: New
Through membership in TMAC (Travel Media Assn of Canada), we will attend the Go Media event in
Winnipeg Aug 17 – 21. A strategic approach will be taken by hiring a contractor to provide outreach
resulting in increased media visits either with partners or independently.
Photo Library: Continuing
EQ style photography is needed and the project began in Fall of 2013. Partially funded through DBC and
TOTA and the Community Tourism Opportunities program to increase library of EQ shots.
Fall industry meeting: Continuing
The annual fall meeting will be held in November to update industry and provide mini workshops on
relevant topics of interest to tourism businesses.
Tourist in Your Own Town: Continuing
The purpose of the program is to increase local awareness of tourism prior to the busy summer season.
Driven by a subcommittee of the TAC, it is dependent on interest and engagement of industry.
Facebook campaign: Continuing
To encourage interaction with Tourism Vernon, a Facebook campaign will continue through
Spring/Summer of 2014 to increase engagement with our markets.
Visitor Centre operations contract: Continuing
A further one year extension is anticipated in March 2014. Relocation of Visitor Centre may impact this
2010 – 2015 Vernon Tourism Development Plan: New
This 5 year plan should be reviewed and refreshed.
Corporate Marketing: New
As two of our key hotel properties, Predator Ridge Resort and Sparkling Hill Resort focus on the
corporate meetings market, we will partner with them to promote visitation to our community in the
key markets of Calgary, Edmonton and/or Vancouver.
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2014 Marketing Plan and Budget
Approved by Council: January 13, 2014
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Sport Tourism: Continuing
Destination BC and the province of BC have collapsed the Hosting BC initiative. However the sport
facility/event photography partnership funding is still available through Destination BC. Due to
constrained resources, Sport Tourism will be supported but on a reactive basis. The North Okanagan
Sport Society is currently doing a needs assessment.
Visitor Exit Survey: New
To better understand the actual experiences of visitors, an online visitor exit survey will be created. The
survey will be promoted through accommodations and attractions as well as the Visitor Centre.
EQ (Explorer Quotient): Continuing
EQ is a market segmentation tool used by the Canadian Tourism Commission and the Thompson
Okanagan Tourism Assn. Other entities like Travel Alberta and Travel New Brunswick have used it
successfully to market their experiences. We have partnered with TOTA as a sub licensee for the
program and have used the program to focus our writing and photography directed at key EQ styles. .
2014 is the final year of our agreement with TOTA for EQ sublicensing.
*Priorities are set as part of the annual work place and according to available time and financial
resources for the tasks. In some cases, circumstances outside of our control, may affect the completion
of tasks. Emerging opportunities may also impact the task list.
Tourism Vernon
2014 Marketing Plan and Budget
Approved by Council: January 13, 2014
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