Parent Input Form and Placement Information

Dear Cottage Lake Families:
April 2015
The Cottage Lake staff will soon begin conducting classroom placements for the 2015-2016 school year. At
Cottage Lake we are fortunate to have an excellent staff capable of meeting the needs of a wide variety of
children. A consistent elementary curriculum and strong grade level team structures ensure a quality
educational program in each and every classroom.
Our goal during class placement is to create balanced classrooms that will meet the needs of all children. We
take extreme care in placing each student in a classroom with a group of students that will make the best
possible learning environment for each child. For further information regarding the placement process, please
refer to Cottage Lake’s Student Placement Policy and Procedures document.
We also value parent input. Creating balanced classrooms where children will be successful is a complex
process, and we need your cooperation to make it work. Your input is gathered through the completion of the
Parent/Guardian Input Form that is attached to this letter. This is an OPTIONAL process. Completed forms
should be returned to your child’s classroom teacher no later than Friday, May 8th. We ask that you please
do not request a specific teacher. Forms will be kept strictly confidential and will be viewed by principal,
classroom teachers, specialists and school support staff. As a teaching staff we are requesting that you not
ask us to evaluate, give opinions, or make judgments about our colleagues. Doing so places us in an awkward
position and is not in the best interest of your child. You are welcome to communicate with your student’s
current teacher about what has worked well in their classroom for your student and communicate those
strategies and/or supports in the provided input form.
While the placement process begins in early June, class assignments will not be completed until a few days
prior to the start of school. At that time we will have the best information about our enrollment and can
ensure equitable classroom assignments. Occasionally, adding or reducing a classroom is necessary after
school starts. Waiting as long as possible for final placement helps avoid unnecessary changes and
disappointments once the school year begins. Placement information communicating your child’s teacher for
2015-2016 will be mailed to the address we have on file for you several days prior to the first day of school.
*Attention Grade 5 Families – Due to current projected enrollment and anticipated staffing for the 2015-2016
school year, it is likely the intermediate grades will return to single grade classrooms, rather than a multi-age
model similar to this year. This is our best-educated prediction, at this time.
Thank you for all you do to support your child. We appreciate the opportunity to work together with you to
create well-balanced classrooms at each grade level so that your child, and all others, will be successful.
Jen Benson
Parent/Guardian Input for 2015-2016 Class Placement
Student Name _______________________________Current Teacher/Grade ___________________________
_______________________________Day/Evening Phone_________________________
Email Address
Food/medical/environmental allergies?__________________________________________________________
Describe your student’s academic strengths and areas for growth.
Describe any concerns you have about your student’s health, social/emotional development, or other related
issues. If there are any social or emotional issues, what strategies have you found to be successful in
navigating them at home?
Describe how your student typically handles entering a new environment. (shy/quiet, confident, observes
others, immediate leader, etc.)
Describe any unique or special circumstances the placement team should be aware of concerning your child
that you feel should be taken into consideration when determining placement.
Describe any considerations regarding peer relationships that should be taken into consideration when making
classroom placements. Positive peer relationships and/or peer relationships that distract from the learning?
What are your goals for your child in the upcoming year?
At times, given grade level numbers, it may be necessary to create a multi-age/combination classroom. This is
a one-year arrangement where a classroom would have students in two different grades. Please comment
regarding your child’s likelihood of succeeding in a multi-age community.
**Please provide any further information you feel will help us make an informed placement.
Additional pages may be added.**