2nd Moroccan Crisis 1911 - European and Middle Eastern History HL

What and why did it happen?
In early 1911 a local rebellion broke out and besieged the Sultan of Morocco in his palace, forcing the
French to go to his assistance
April 1911, the French sent a flying column (high mobility ground force) to sort out the issue
the German gunboat, Panther, arrived on the Moroccan port of Agadir on July 1, 1911
this move by the Germans was an attempt to make the French compensate for the loss of the
Germans in an agreement earlier in the First Moroccan crisis
It was also a ploy to intimidate Great Britain into an alliance by show of force
Effect on European inter-relations:
Russia had no interest
Deteriorated the relations between Britain and Germany for no reason
Weakened support in both countries for reductions in naval building programs
The placement of the Panther in Agadir was taken as a direct threat to the British monopoly of the
atlantic ocean and to the supremacy of their fleet, as a German naval base in Agadir would provide
Germany with a convenient staging base, this strained relationships.
Wilhelm begins to feel that Germany is increasingly isolated and victimized after the second crises
Strengthened bonds between France and Great Britain, led to a naval agreement in which Great
Britain would come to France’s aid in the atlantic.
20th Century World History
Europe 1870-1991