MATHEMATICS COMBINED RESOURCE LISTS 2012/22067 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 1 Copyright © School Curriculum and Standards Authority, 2012 This document—apart from any third party copyright material contained in it—may be freely copied, or communicated on an intranet, for non-commercial purposes by educational institutions, provided that it is not changed in any way and that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority is acknowledged as the copyright owner. Teachers in schools offering the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) may change the document, provided that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority’s moral rights are not infringed. Copying or communication for any other purpose can be done only within the terms of the Copyright Act or by permission of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. Copying or communication of any third party copyright material contained in this document can be done only within the terms of the Copyright Act or by permission of the copyright owners. Disclaimer Any resources such as texts, websites and so on that may be referred to in this document are provided as examples of resources that teachers can use to support their learning programs. Their inclusion does not imply that they are mandatory or that they are the only resources relevant to the course. 2 Mathematics: Combined resource lists MATHEMATICS COMBINED RESOURCE LISTS The following links will direct you to websites outside the School Curriculum and Standards Authority site. The Authority has no control over the content of materials accessible on the sites that are cross-referenced. It is the responsibility of the user to make decisions about the relevance and accuracy, currency and reliability of information found on these websites. Linking to these sites should not be taken as endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that the links will work all of the time and we have no control over availability of the linked pages. It is your responsibility to check that this information is accurate. This list of resources was prepared using the advice provided by the Course Advisory Committee. This list is prepared in the following parts: PART 1: .................................................................... INTRODUCTION/SELECTION PROCESS PART 2: ............................................................................................... PRINT RESOURCE LIST PART 3: ....................................................WEB RESOURCE LIST FOR NUMBER & ALGEBRA and SPACE & MEASURE PART 4: ............................................................... RESOURCE LIST FOR CHANCE AND DATA Mathematics: Combined resource lists 3 PART 1: INTRODUCTION/SELECTION PROCESS MATHEMATICS RESOURCE LISTS—INTRODUCTION Selection Guidelines The selection of resources is the responsibility of each school and the following points need to be considered at all times: The lists are recommendations only and are not exhaustive. Each school should decide on specific titles for their students in consultation with their school community and sector guidelines. Some courses have set texts. Check the current syllabus. The recommended resources are to be used to support teaching and learning only and not as a substitute for the syllabus; the syllabus is what is used to develop examination questions and all teaching should be directly linked to the syllabus. Any selection process requires the use of the current syllabus. Syllabus documents are subject to changes. Users who down load and print copies of a syllabus are responsible for checking for updates. Advice about any changes made is provided through the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. Types of resource lists The following resource lists are provided for this course: Introduction which includes Guidelines, Process, Professional Associations/Suppliers and Journals; Print materials; Websites and a Combined Recourse List. Selection Process Step 1: Read the current syllabus Check the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website to see if you have the current syllabus; check the e-Circular to see if any minor changes have been made. Step 2: Narrow the choice of resources to match the decisions made by your school. Check the following: which stage/s does your school offer ? Stage p, 1, 2 and 3 which units are part of this course, for example, PMAT 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E; Stage 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D; 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D? which units are being taught this semester/year? what is the focus of the units being taught? This course has no specific contexts. Step 3: Some of these resources may be in your school. Check your library and the relevant learning area library. Step 4: There are no set texts for this course. The following links will direct you to websites outside the Authority’s site. The School Curriculum and Standards Authority has no control over the content of materials accessible on the sites that are cross-referenced. It is the responsibility of the user to make decisions about the relevance and accuracy, currency and reliability of information found on these websites. Linking to these sites should not be taken as endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that the links will work all of the time and we have no control over availability of the linked pages. It is your responsibility to check that this information is accurate. 4 Mathematics: Combined resource lists Professional Associations Mathematics Association of Western Australia Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers AAMT This national association provides information and links to each State Association. Journals The Australian Mathematics Teacher Published by AAMT with a focus on teaching mathematics to 11 to 16 year olds. Editor: Bruce White. Frequency: 4 issues p.a. ISSN 0045-0685 Australian Senior Mathematics Journal Published by AAMT with a focus on teaching mathematics to senior secondary and early tertiary students. Edited by Jill Brown and Gloria Stillman. Frequency: 2 issues p.a. ISSN 0819-4564 Specialist Resource Suppliers Most mathematics books and equipment can be bought from your regular school suppliers. Mathematics: Combined resource lists 5 PART 2: PRINT RESOURCE LIST MATHEMATICS RESOURCE LISTS – PRINT MATERIALS Stage 1 THOMSON S, FORSTER I, Workable Maths for WA-WACE 1BMAT Melbourne, Nelson,185 pages ISBN9780170136013 THOMSON S, FORSTER I, Workable Maths for WA-WACE 1CMAT Melbourne, Nelson,201 pages ISBN9780170136037 THOMSON S, FORSTER I, Workable Maths for WA-WACE 1DMAT Melbourne, Nelson,202 pages ISBN9780170184724 THOMSON S, FORSTER I, Workable Maths for WA-WACE 1EMAT Melbourne, Nelson,208 pages ISBN9780170184755 SADLER, AJ (2008). Unit 2A Mathematics Perth: Sadler Family Trust, 216 pages ISBN 09957762984 Stage 2 THOMSON S, FORSTER I, Workable Maths for WA-WACE 2AMAT, Melbourne, Nelson, 193 pages ISBN97801701360006 SADLER, AJ (2008). Unit 2B Mathematics Perth: Sadler Family Trust, 200 pages ISBN 0957762992 THOMSON S, FORSTER I, Workable Maths for WA-WACE 2BMAT, Melbourne, Nelson, 194 pages ISBN9780170136020 SADLER, AJ (2008). Unit 2C Mathematics Perth: Sadler Family Trust, 212 pages ISBN 9780980493306 SADLER, AJ (2008). Unit 2D Mathematics Perth: Sadler Family Trust, 175 pages ISBN 9780980493313 LEE, O.T. (2011). Mathematics 2CD - Revision Series. Applecross, WA: Academic Task Force, 255 pages ISBN 978-0-9807249-6-7 6 Mathematics: Combined resource lists Stage 3 SADLER, AJ (2008). Unit 3A Mathematics Perth: Sadler Family Trust, 234 pages ISBN 978098049332 0 SADLER, AJ (2008). Unit 3B Mathematics Perth: Sadler Family Trust, 192 pages ISBN 9780980493375 LEE, O.T. (2009). Mathematics 3AB - Revision Series. Applecross, WA: Academic Task Force, 381 pages ISBN 978-0-9751270-9-4 WILLIAMS, G & K (2012). Creelman Exam Questions – Mathematics 3AB Applecross, WA: Academic Task Force, 221 pages, ISBN 978-1-74098-092-0 WILLIAMS, G & K (2013). Creelman WACE Exam Questions - Mathematics 3AB. Applecross, WA: Academic Task Force ISBN 978-1-74098-141-5 SADLER, AJ (2008). Unit 3C Mathematics Perth: Sadler Family Trust, 216 pages ISBN 9780980493344 SADLER, AJ (2008). Unit 3D Mathematics Perth: Sadler Family Trust, 179 pages ISBN 9780980493351 LEE, O.T. (2010). Mathematics 3CD - Revision Series. Applecross, WA: Academic Task Force, 342 pages ISBN 978-0-9807249-1-2 WILLIAMS, G & K (2012). Creelman Exam Questions - Mathematics 3CD. Applecross, WA: Academic Task Force, 215 pages ISBN 978-1-74098-093-7 WILLIAMS, G & K (2013). Creelman WACE Exam Questions - Mathematics 3CD. Applecross, WA: Academic Task Force ISBN 978-1-74098-142 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 7 PART 3: WEB RESOURCE LIST MATHEMATICS FOR NUMBER & ALGEBRA AND SPACE & MEASUREMENT RESOURCE LIST—WEB BASED RESOURCES The following links will direct you to websites outside the Authority’s site. The School Curriculum and Standards Authority has no control over the content of materials accessible on the sites that are cross-referenced. It is the responsibility of the user to make decisions about the relevance and accuracy, currency and reliability of information found on these websites. Linking to these sites should not be taken as endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that the links will work all of the time and we have no control over availability of the linked pages. It is your responsibility to check that this information is accurate. The resources listed on the next pages are linked to different units in the Mathematics: Specialist course. The links were live when accessed in August 2011. The resources are classified as: App Dat XL ASt ATe Qu Act These are Java Applets with dynamic capabilities which could be used to demonstrate mathematical relationships to a class or could be used by students. The datasets, often in .txt (text), .dat (data) or .csv (comma separated variable files) form have been chosen to suit the development or assessment of the statistical relationships described in the Mathematics units. Excel files that could be used by students or for demonstration. These articles could be provided to students to stimulate interest in statistics or to demonstrate questionable use of statistics. They are from the database provided by the Mercury newspaper in Hobart, but the issues addressed are of national relevance. These articles are included as a resource for teachers. They report approaches to statistics teaching, classroom use of data sets and historical background. Questions are included that could be used for assessment or in teaching. Activities: The links in this category describe classroom activities. This document lists the Websites by units The following links will take the reader to the front end of a given website. For example Name of Website URL eg: It is policy that the Authority does not provide ‘deep links’ due to copyright issues. There is however a pathway included which will guide the reader to the particular page of the website. The pathway (see below) tells the reader where to find the link to the next page or site. ►Select ►Data Analysis 9-12 ►Spinners 8 Mathematics: Combined resource lists Websites by Mathematical Content Number and Algebra Patterns University of Surrey Suitable for 1EMAT §1.3.1 Examines applications of Fibonacci sequence in nature ►Search ►R Knott ►The Fibonacci Numbers and Golden Section in Nature – 1 Algebra balance scales – negatives National Library of Virtual Manipulatives This version includes negative numbers and negative coefficients on x Suitable for 2AMAT §1.3.5, 2BMAT §1.3.1, 1.3.2 (linear equations) ►Algebra 9-12►Algebra Balance Scales - Negatives Scale and ratio Balanced Assessment Our library of assessment tasks ►The task is titled, ‘Ostrich and Seahorse’ A short task suitable for Stage 1 units This could be used in conjunction with 1CMAT §2.1.4 and 2.1.5 Linear inequalities The baby name wizard The Baby Name Wizard is a fascinating website that graphically displays the number of babies with different names over the years You can easily track the popularity of different names. Suitable for 1CMAT §3.6.1 ►Graph a name Compound interest simulator Illuminations Consider investments over a period of time, based on the possibility of regular repayments Can be done in conjunction with Finance in 2CMAT §1.4.1 ►Activities ►Search ►Compound Interest Simulator Mathematics: Combined resource lists 9 Functions Hippocampus Definition and vertical line test (2CMAT §1.2.6) ►Calculus and Advanced Maths ►Calculus AB ►Scroll to ►Vertical line test Function Notation Also suitable for (2CMAT §1.2.6, 3AMAT §1.2.6) ►Calculus and Advanced Maths ►Calculus AB ►Function Notation Domain and Range Hippocampus suitable for (3AMAT §1.2.3) ►Calculus ►Calculus AB1 ►Domain and Range Piecewise functions Hippocampus Piece-wise functions suitable for 3BMAS §5.5. Concord Consortium This website allows the user to graph piecewise linear functions. ►Resources ►Seeing Math Interactives ►Piecewise Linear Grapher Exponentials and logarithms Analyzemaths The following sites are suitable for 3CMAT §1.2.4, when introducing e and for 3BMAS §4.3, §4.4 when introducing e and investigating growth and decay ►Math and Precalculus ►Graphs of Functions, Equations and Algebra ► Exponential Functions or Find Exponential Function Given its Graph Logarithmic functions Analyzemaths This site is suitable for introducing logarithmic functions and some of the properties associated with this function. Can be used for 3AMAS §3.5 Analyzemaths This site can be used to examine the relationship between logarithmic and exponential functions. Suitable for 3AMAS §3.3 ►Math and Precalculus ►Graphs of Functions, Equations and Algebra ►Logarithmic Functions 10 Mathematics: Combined resource lists Tower of Hanoi National Library of Virtual Manipulatives Forming a rule to solve the Tower of Hanoi The Tower of Hanoi puzzle is an engaging and challenging problem for middle school students and an application of exponential functions. It also is the setting for a proof by mathematical induction that the minimum number of moves M to move n disks from one disk to another is given by M = 2^n - 1 Could be used for 3AMAS §3.2 (Establish and use properties of exponential functions), or 3AMAT §1.2.1(Solve simple power equations) ►Virtual library ►Algebra 9-12 ►Scroll down to ►Tower of Hanoi Solving equations Shodor A classic Connect Four game. Before playing a chip, your group first has to solve an equation. The teacher can set the time limit and the level of difficulty of the equation before the game starts. Includes linear equations with one step, or two steps and variables on both sides of the equation; also has quadratic equations. Suitable for 2AMAT §1.3.5, 2BMAT §1.3.1, §1.3.2 (linear equations) and 2CMAT §1.3.2 (quadratic equations) ►Educators ►Interactive ►Learners Activities ►Arithmetic Four Functions Graphing lines and simple transformations Balanced Assessment Suitable for 2AMAT §1.2.4, §1.2.5 are used in the short calculator investigation, ‘Twinkle, Twinkle’ ►Our library of assessment tasks ►‘Twinkle Twinkle’ Balance method for solving equations Maths is fun A program that graphically demonstrates the balance method for solving equations. Suitable for 2AMAT §1.3.5, 2BMAT §1.3.1, §1.3.2 (linear equations). ►Algebra ►Balance when Adding and Subtracting (animation) National Library of Virtual Manipulatives This virtual manipulative allows you to solve simple linear equations through the use of a balance beam. Suitable for 2AMAT §1.3.5, 2BMAT §1.3.1, §1.3.2 (linear equations). ►Algebra Grades 9-12►Algebra Balance Scales Mathematics: Combined resource lists 11 Features of graphs Analyzemaths This site can be used when commencing work on graphs and the features of the graphs. For example, intercepts for a parabola. Suitable for 2CMAT §1.2.4 Not all of the functions displayed could be examined overall in 3AMAT §1.2.4 ►Math and Precalculus ►Graphs of Functions, Equations and Algebra ►Scroll down to appropriate function Linear graphs – suitable for 2AMAT §1.2.4, 2CMAT §1.2.1 Absolute value – suitable for 3BMAS §5.5 Quadratic – suitable for 2CMAT §1.2.2, §1.2.3, §1.2.4, §1.2.5 Foss Mountain Design. For quadratic equations – use the quadratic or vertex form. Linear Transformer and Function Analyser Seeing Maths Also with lines – a great site to investigate transformations. Suitable for 2AMAT §1.2.4 and §1.2.5 ►Try Free Secondary Math Interactives ►Scroll to ►Linear Transformer or Function Analyser Inverse functions Analyze maths Examples and ideas are very good for examples of Inverse Functions. Some notational errors. Suitable for 3AMAS §4.4 ►Math and Precalculus ►Graphs of Functions, Equations and Algebra ►Scroll down to appropriate function (After rational functions) Graphs of functions Analyze maths Identifying Graphs to match equations – quadratics, cubics, absolute values, square root and reciprocal Can be used when working with transformations in 3AMAS, 4.7 Investigating various transformations on graphs, suitable for 3AMAS §4.7 Domain and range Analyze maths Finding the domain and range for various functions. Suitable for 3AMAT §1.2.3 (Note – not all the functions displayed will be known to students working on 3AMAT) ►Math and Precalculus ►Graphs of Functions, Equations and Algebra ►Scroll down to ►Graph, Domain and Range of Common Functions 12 Mathematics: Combined resource lists Quadratic functions Analyze maths This site can be used to examine quadratic graphs and some of their features. Would only be suitable for more able students doing 2CMAT §1.2.4 and §1.2.5 ►Math and Precalculus ►Analytic tutorials ►Scroll down to ►Quadratic functions ►Problem (1) Quadratic functions and use of formulae Balanced Assessment A short task suitable for Stage 2 (2CMAT) The task is titled, ‘Para-Ball-A’. Suitable for 2CMAT §1.2.5 ►Our library of assessment tasks ►Para-Ball-A Quadratic transformer Seeing Maths A great site to view the graphs for quadratic equations and transformations that occur. See Quadratic Transformer (Graphs 2CMAT §1.2.2, §1.2.3, Transformations 3AMAT §1.2.2) ►Try Free Secondary Math Interactives ► Scroll to ► Quadratic Transformer Proofs – quadratic formula NRICH Given the steps in the proof of the quadratic equation, students need to place these steps in the correct order Suitable for 3AMAT §1.3.1 for extension ►Search ►Proof sorter Quadratic equation ►Scroll to ‘Proof sorter Quadratic equation’ Calculus Distance-time Graphs NRICH Introduction to questioning in Calculus This is a series of interactive pages on distance-time graphs Mathematics: Combined resource lists 13 Take your dog for a walk NRICH A clever interactive introduction to rate via distance-time graphs. The full-screen version would be useful if this is done as a whole class activity. Suitable for 3AMAT §2.1 Rate ►Search ►Take your dog for a walk ►Scroll to ‘Take your dog for a walk’ Steady free fall NRICH In this activity, you drop a ball onto a ramp of your own design and see the graph of vertical distance versus time. This task also includes some challenges for students. Suitable for 3AMAT §2.1 Rate ► Search► Steady free fall ►Scroll to ‘Steady free fall’ Average velocity Virtual Institute of Applied Science Distance, time and velocity are an ideal means to understand the concept of derivatives. By reducing the time interval until it becomes zero, the average velocity approaches the instantaneous velocity, which is equal to the first derivative of the distance (with respect to time). This is available as a zip file that can be downloaded. Suitable for 3BMAT §1.3.1 ►Mathematics ►Scroll on left to ►Learning by simulation ►Mathematics ►Scroll to ‘Tangent and first derivative’ Area under curve Virtual Institute of Applied Science Choose a function and see the effect on the Riemann sum when you change the slice width. The file itself can be downloaded and installed on your computer or network. Suitable for 3CMAT §1.4.9 ►Mathematics ►Scroll on left to ►Learning by simulation ►Mathematics ►Scroll to ‘Riemann Sum’ Lou Talman This animation from Lou Talman is a dynamic representation of the area function we introduce in the standard proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Suitable for 3CMAT §1.4.12 Average velocity and displacement University of Oregon Physics Department Drop the ball in a vacuum under the influence of gravity. Set the green line to start the timer and the red line to stop the timer. From the time taken, estimate the average velocity over this time interval. Suitable for 3BMAT §1.3.1 ►Mechanics ►1D Motion ►Free Fall 14 Mathematics: Combined resource lists Limits and Continuity Calculus Applets These sites explore when a function is continuous or discontinuous and help to develop the idea of limits. Suitable for 3BMAT §1.3 ►Continuity and Limits ►An Informal, Graphical View of Continuity ►Intermediate Value Theorem ►Informal View of Limits ►One- and Two-Sided Limits and When Limits Fail to Exist ►Limits at Infinity ►Table View of Limits ►Formal Definition of Limits ►Definition of Continuity Using Limits Differentiation Calculus Applets A series of applets exploring differentiation and which includes introductory activities. Suitable for 3BMAT§1.3, 3CMAT§1.4 and 3DMAT§1.2 ►Introduction to the Derivative ►Average Velocity and Speed ►Instantaneous Velocity ►Derivative at a Point ►Derivative Function ►A Tabular View of the Derivative ►Second Derivative ►A Tabular View of the Second Derivative ►Twice Differentiable Integrals Calculus Applets A series of applets exploring Integration – suitable for 3CMAT §1.4.9 to §1.4.15, 3DMAT §1.2 ►Introduction to the Definite Integral ►Approximating Distance Travelled With a Table ►Approximating Distance Travelled With a Graph ►Riemann Sums and The Definite Integral ►Fundamental Theorem of Calculus ►Average Value ►Properties of Definite Integrals Mathematics: Combined resource lists 15 Space and measurement Transformations National Library of Virtual Manipulatives With this virtual manipulative you can create objects with pattern block pieces and explore transformations of the plane Suitable for 2AMAT §2.2.1 ►Geometry 9-12 ►Transformations translations ►Transformations rotations ►Transformations reflection ►Transformations dilation ►Transformations compositions Platonic solids National Library of Virtual Manipulatives This virtual manipulative allows you to display, rotate, and resize Platonic solids. It also allows you to select vertices, edges, and faces, and observe that the number of vertices minus the number of edges plus the number of faces is always equal to 2 (Euler's formula). Suitable for 1CMAT §2.3.2, §2.3.3, §2.3.4 ►Geometry 9-12 ►Platonic solids ►Platonic solids duals ►Platonic solids slicing Proof with circles NRICH You are given a circle of radius 1 unit and two circles of radius a and b which touch each other and also touch the unit circle. Prove that you can always draw a 'flower' with six petals with the unit circle in the middle, and six circles around it having radii a, b, b/a, 1/a, 1/b and a/b such that each outer circle touches the unit circle and the two circles on either side of it. A possible investigation for 3AMAS §2.7 or 3DMAT §2.3.3 ►Search ►Flower (Stage 5) Gradient at a point Mathplotter Investigating slope of a curve at a point. This applet shows the tangent line at any point on a curve and the matching derivative graph. Suitable for 3BMAT §1.3.1 and 3DMAT§1.2.1 ►Graphs (Functions) ►Derivatives 16 Mathematics: Combined resource lists Websites by units 1BMAT 3.3.5 App Mean and median National Council of Teachers of Mathematics This website looks at the effect on mean and median when changing a single score ►Examples ►Scroll to ►6.6 Comparing Properties of the Mean and the Median through the use of Technology 1CMAT 2.1.4 ASt Ratios Balanced Assessment The task is titled, ‘Ostrich and Seahorse’. This could be used as an introduction to this topic. ►Our library of assessment tasks ►‘Ostrich and Seahorse’ 2.3.2 ; 2.3.3 ; 2.3.4 App Platonic solids National Library of Virtual Manipulatives This virtual manipulative allows you to display, rotate, and resize Platonic solids. It also allows you to select vertices, edges, and faces, and observe that the number of vertices minus the number of edges plus the number of faces is always equal to 2 (Euler's formula). ►Geometry 9-12 ►Platonic solids ►Platonic solids duals ►Platonic solids slicing 1EMAT 1.1.2 ASt Rounding and accuracy PUMAS This task based on the theme, ‘Think Locally, Act Globally’. It explores the idea impact on the environment one individual may make and then extends this idea, using estimation, to the impact on the Earth. This task could be modified for use in other stages. ►Examples ►Examples by title ►Scroll to ‘Learn to think Locally, globally’ Mathematics: Combined resource lists 17 1.2.1 App Locating and plotting points WISC-Online ►Learning objects ►ABB/ELL ►Math ►Scroll to ►Plotting Points on a Coordinate System 1.3.1 ASt One and two-step Rules University of Surrey Examines applications of Fibonacci sequence in nature ►Search ►R. Knott ►Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Section ►fibnat.html 2AMAT 1.2.4 ASt Linear graphs and simple transformations are used in the short calculator investigation, ‘Twinkle, Twinkle’ Balanced Assessment ►Our library of assessment tasks ►‘Twinkle, Twinkle’. 1.2.4 ; 1.2.5 App The Linear Transformer and Function Analyser can be used to investigate linear graphs Seeing Maths ►Free Secondary Maths interactives ►Transformation of Linear functions ►Function analyser 1.3.5 App Solving equations Shodor A classic Connect Four game Before playing a chip, your group first has to solve an equation. The teacher can set the time limit and the level of difficulty of the equation before the game starts. Includes linear equations with one step, or two steps and variables on both sides of the equation; also has quadratic equations ►Activities and lessons ►Interactivate ►Activities ►Algebra ►Algebra Four 18 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 1.3.5 App A program that graphically demonstrates the balance method for solving equations Maths is fun ►Algebra ►the basics ►Balance when Adding and Subtracting National Library of Virtual Manipulatives Another virtual manipulative allows you to solve simple linear equations through the use of a balance beam. ►Algebra ►6-8 ►Algebra Balance Scales 2.2.1 App Transformations National Library of Virtual Manipulatives With these Virtual Manipulatives you can create objects with pattern block pieces and explore transformations of the plane ►Geometry ►9 – 12 ►Transformations of Reflection or Rotation or Translation 2BMAT 1.3.1; 1.3.2 App Solving Equations Shodor A classic Connect Four game. Before playing a chip, your group first has to solve an equation. The teacher can set the time limit and the level of difficulty of the equation before the game starts. Includes linear equations with one step, or two steps and variables on both sides of the equation; also has quadratic equations. ►Activities and lessons ►Interactivate ►Activities ►Algebra ►Algebra Four 1.3.1; 1.3.2 App A program that graphically demonstrates the balance method for solving equations Maths is fun ►Algebra ►the basics ►Balance when Adding and Subtracting National Library of Virtual Manipulatives Another virtual manipulative allows you to solve simple linear equations through the use of a balance beam. ►Algebra ►6-8 ►Algebra Balance Scales Mathematics: Combined resource lists 19 1.3.2 App Solving simple linear inequalities Waldomaths ►Search ►Line ►Page 2 ►Straight line inequalities and inequations 3.4.1 Dat Time series data Peter Russell The World Clock website has continuously updated information about the world such as the world population, number of births, number of deaths, number of cars and the number of barrels of oil produced. It is a wonderful discussion starter for a number of maths topics including time series data and rates of change (gradient) ►More ►World Clock 2CMAT 1.1.4 ASt Calculation errors Pumas This task could be used as an activity when examining estimation and calculation. It explores the calendar and the calculation and errors that have occurred to approximate the length of the Earth year. ►Examples ►Examples by title ►How many days are in the year? 1.2.2 App Features of quadratic graphs Seeing Maths ►Seeing Maths Secondary ►Interactive software and related activities ►Quadratic Transformer Interactive Maths ►Algebra ►Quadratic Equations ►Scroll to ‘What is in this Chapter?’►Equations in Quadratic form 1.2.3 ; 1.2.4 App Features of quadratic graphs Seeing Maths ►Seeing Maths Secondary ►Interactive software and related activities ►Quadratic Transformer 20 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 1.2.4 Qu Features of graphs AnalyzeMaths This site can be used when commencing work on graphs and the features of the graphs. For example, intercepts for a parabola. Suitable for 2CMAT §1.2.4. Not all of the functions on this site will be known to students at this level ►Math and Precalculus ►Graphs of functions equations and algebra ►Quadratic Functions (Standard or general form) 1.2.4 ; 1.2.5 Qu Quadratic functions AnanyzeMaths This site can be used to examine quadratic graphs and some of their features. Would be suitable for more able students ►Index ►Tutorials 1.2.5 ATe Quadratic functions and use of formulae –The task is titled, ‘Para-Ball-A’ Balanced assessment ►Our library of assessment tasks ►‘Para-Ball-A’ 1.2.6 ASt Use Function notation Hippocampus This site also examines the definition of a function. ►Algebra 1B ►Select-browse-topics-alphabetical ►‘Function Notation’ 1.3.1 Factorising quadratic equations of the form ax2 + bx + c Waldomaths ►Search ►Quadratic functions ►Quadratic and Cubic transformations 1.3.2 App Solving equations Shodor A classic Connect Four game Before earning a red or black counter your group first has to solve an equation. The teacher can set the time limit and the level of difficulty of the equation befor e the game starts. Includes linear equations with one step, or two steps and variables on both sides of the equation; also has quadratic equations. ►Activities and lessons ►Interactivate ►Activities ►Algebra Four►Algebra Four Mathematics: Combined resource lists 21 1.3.2 Solving quadratic equations graphically Waldomaths In this Java aplet the student is able to manipulate the parameters a, b and c in the general form of the quadratic function: y=ax2+bx+c and see how the graph of the parabola is transformed ►Search ►Quadratic functions ►Graphs of Linear, Quadratic and Cubic Polynomial 1.4.1 Calculate compound interest recursively with technology Illuminations This website considers investments over a period of time, based on the possibility of regular repayments ►Activities ►9-12 ►Scroll to ‘Compound interest simulator’ 2DMAT 1.2.4 App The website below examines reciprocal functions Waldomaths This helps to assist students to distinguish between the different types of graphs and equations in §1.2.4 ►Search ►Reciprocal ►Transformation of reciprocal functions App 1.2.6 Graphs of cubic polynomials of the form y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d Waldomaths ►Search ►Cubic functions ►Linear, Quadratic and Cubic Polynomial Graphs - Waldomaths 3AMAT 1.2.1 App Forming a rule to solve the Towers of Hanoi National Library of Virtual Manipulatives The Towers of Hanoi puzzle is an engaging and challenging problem for middle school students and an application of exponential functions. It also is the setting for a proof by mathematical induction that the minimum number of moves M to move n disks from one disk to another is given by M = 2^n - 1 ►Algebra ►9 -12 ►Scroll to Towers of Hanoi 22 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 1.2.2 App Transformations using Quadratic Transformer Seeing maths ►Free Secondary Maths Interactives ►Scroll to ►Quadratic Transformer 1.2.3 Qu Domain and range Analyzemaths Finding the domain and range for various functions Select Domain and Range (Note – not all the functions displayed will be known to students working on 3AMAT) ►Analytical tutorials ►Domain and Range of basic functions.html Hippocampus ►Algebra 1B ►Select-browse-topics-alphabetical ►‘Domain and Range’ 1.2.6 Qu Use function notation This site also examines the definition of a function ►Algebra 1B ►Select-browse-topics-alphabetical ►‘Function Notation’ 1.3.1 App Proofs – quadratic formula NRICH Given the steps in the proof of the quadratic equation, students need to place these steps in the correct order ►Stage 4 & 5 ►Search ►Proof sorter – Quadratic Equation 1.3.3 App Solving simultaneous quadratic equations Waldomaths ►Search ►Equations solved graphically ►Equations solved graphically - Waldomaths 2.1 App Rate NRICH Walking the Dog - An interactive introduction to rate via distance-time graphs The full-screen version would be useful if this is done as a whole class activity ►Stage 2►Search ►Take your dog for a walk Mathematics: Combined resource lists 23 2.1 App Steady Free Fall NRICH In this activity, you drop a ball onto a ramp of your own design and see the graph of vertical distance versus time. This task also includes some challenges for students. ►Stage 4 & 5 ►Search ►Steady Free fall 3BMAT 1.3.1 ASt Historical introduction to Calculus Interactive maths ►Differentiation ►Introduction to calculus 1.3.1 App Average velocity Virtual Institute of Applied Science Distance, time and velocity are an ideal means to understand the concept of derivatives. By reducing the time interval until it becomes zero, the average velocity approaches the instantaneous velocity, which is equal to the first derivative of the distance (with respect to time). This is available as a zip file that can be downloaded. ►Elementary calculus ►Learning by simulation ►Mathematics ► #1009 Tangent and First Derivative 1.3.1 App Average velocity and displacement University of Oregon (Physics) Drop the ball in a vacuum under the influence of gravity Set the green line to start the timer and the red line to stop the timer From the time taken, estimate the average velocity over this time interval ►Select Mechanics ►1D Motion – Free Fall ►Choose this applet 1.3.1 App Investigating slope of a curve at a point Mathplotter This website shows the tangent line at any point on a curve and the matching derivative graph ►Graph (Functions) ►The secant line 24 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 1.3.4 App Examine tangents to the curve and their matching graphsWaldomaths ►Search ►Gradient of tangents ►Tangents and Normals 1.3.5 App Examine the derivative of functions and their matching graphsWaldomaths ►Search ►Differentiating polynomials ►Calculus - Differentiating Polynomial Expressions 3CMAT 1.2.3 App Examine exponential graphs and their matching derivative graphs Waldomaths ►Search ►Differentiating Exponentials 1 ►Differentiating Exponentials 1 - Waldo 1.2.3 App Examine the graph of y = ex Waldomaths ►Search ►Exponential graphs and functions ►Exponential Graphs - Waldomaths 1.2.4 Qu The following sites are suitable for examining e Analyzemaths ►Analytical Tutorials ►Scroll to ►Exponential and Logarithmic functions and equations 1.2.4 App Examine exponential graphs and their matching derivative graphs Waldomaths ►Search ►Differentiating Exponentials 2 ►Differentiating Exponentials 2 - Waldo 1.4.2 Qu This website summarises the product and quotient rule Interactive maths ►Differentiation ►Differentiation ►Differentiation of products and Quotients Mathematics: Combined resource lists 25 1.4.5 App Use a graph to examine the second derivative of a function Waldomaths ►Search ►Second derivative ►Second Derivatives, the gradient of the gradient - Waldomaths 1.4.6 Qu Applications of differentiation Interactive Maths The website below shows some applications of differentiation. This not directly related to the 1.4.6 (solving optimisation problems), but may be of interest to some students ►Differentiation ►Applications of Differentiation ►Introduction to Applications of Differentiation 1.4.9 App Area under curve Virtual Institute of Applied Science Choose a function and see the effect on the Riemann sum when you change the slice width. The file itself can be downloaded and installed on your computer or network ►Mathematics ►Elementary calculus ►Learning by simulation ►Mathematics ►#1007 Riemann Sum 1.4.9 App Use the integral to establish the area under a curve Waldomaths ►Search ►Integrating polynomials ►Integrating Polynomials - Waldomaths 1.4.11 Qu Indefinite integral Interactive maths This website examines the antiderivative and the indefinite integral ►Integration ►Antiderivative and the indefinite integral ►Scroll to Antiderivative and the indefinite integral 1.4.12 Qu Area under a curve Interactive maths This website leads to finding the area under a curve. It starts with finding the area of rectangles under a curve ►Integration ►Area under the curve ►Scroll to Area under the curve 26 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 3DMAT 1.2.3 App Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Calculus Applets This website can examine the area under the curve of any given function ►Scroll to ►6. Introduction to the definite integral ►First fundamental theorem 2.3.3 App Proof with circles NRICH You are given a circle of radius 1 unit and two circles of radius a and b which touch each other and also touch the unit circle. Prove that you can always draw a 'flower' with six petals with the unit circle in the middle, and six circles around it having radii a, b, b/a, 1/a, 1/b and a/b such that each outer circle touches the unit circle and the two circles on either side of it. A possible investigation ►Stage 4 & 5 ►Search ►Flower ►Flower Stage 5 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 27 PART 4: PRINT RESOURCE LIST MATHEMATICS: CHANCE AND DATA RESOURCE LIST – WEB BASED RESOURCES The following links will direct you to websites outside the Authority’s site. The School Curriculum and Standards Authority has no control over the content of materials accessible on the sites that are cross-referenced. It is the responsibility of the user to make decisions about the relevance and accuracy, currency and reliability of information found on these websites. Linking to these sites should not be taken as endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that the links will work all of the time and we have no control over availability of the linked pages. It is your responsibility to check that this information is accurate. The resources listed on the next pages are linked to different units in the Mathematics: Specialist course. The links were live when accessed in July 2012. The resources are classified as: App Dat XL ASt ATe Qu Act These are Java Applets with dynamic capabilities which could be used to demonstrate mathematical relationships to a class or could be used by students. The datasets, often in .txt (text), .dat (data) or .csv (comma separated variable files) form have been chosen to suit the development or assessment of the statistical relationships described in the Mathematics units. Excel files that could be used by students or for demonstration. These articles could be provided to students to stimulate interest in statistics or to demonstrate questionable use of statistics. They are from the database provided by the Mercury newspaper in Hobart, but the issues addressed are of national relevance. These articles are included as a resource for teachers. They report approaches to statistics teaching, classroom use of data sets and historical background. Questions are included that could be used for assessment or in teaching. Activities: The links in this category describe classroom activities. Part 4 lists the Websites by units only The following links will take the reader to the front end of a given website. For example It is policy that the Authority does not provide ‘deep links’ due to copyright issues. There is however a pathway included which will guide the reader to the particular page of the website. The pathway (see below) tells the reader where to find the link to the next page or site. ►Select ►Data Analysis 9-12 ►Spinners 28 Mathematics: Combined resource lists PAMAT/PBMAT PA 3.1.1; PB 3.5.1; PB 3.5.2 Dat US Pharmacopeial Free download of pictograms after free registration ►Select ►Downloading the USP Pictogram Library PA/PB 3.1 ATe Teaching Statistics This is an International journal for teachers. It caters for teachers of pupils up to 19 years An article on collecting, recording and grouping categorical data Content could be adapted to suit Year 11-12 interests ►Scroll down to Select ►Getting the best from teaching statistics ►Primary School focus ►Graphing in the Primary school PA/PB 3.1 Dat #(2) WA Australian Bureau of Meteorology Weather and climate data from WA Australian Bureau of Meteorology — ►Climate Information 1AMAT 3.1.1 App National Library of Virtual Manipulatives This is a library of Data analysis and Probability simulation software such as; Spinners or Coin tossing ►Select ►Data Analysis 9-12 ►Spinners 3.3.2 Dat ASt Government of Western Australia Database Summarises road fatalities by region ►Select ►Community safety ►Fatal crash statistics 3.4.7 Dat #(2) Australian Bureau of Meteorology ►Select ►How to get climate data Mathematics: Combined resource lists 29 3.5.6 Qu Kida Maths Games This worksheet generator will make hundreds of different worksheets. It does not use stored sheets. Great for primary graphing ►Select ►Make graph worksheets 1BMAT 3.2.1 ATe Teaching Statistics is an International journal for teachers which caters for teachers of pupils up to 19 years. Article on the use of data cards in the journal Teaching Statistics—cards could be adapted to suit Year 11 interests ►Select ►Getting the best of teaching statistics ►Students’ Understanding ►Data handling ►An introduction to higher order processes 3.3.5 Dat ASt Government of Western Australia Database (Road fatalities by region) Learner drivers material that includes information on road fatality causes ►Select ►Fatal crash statistics 3.2.6 ATe Journal of Statistics Education The Early History of Average Values and Implications for Education by Arthur Bakker ►Search this site ►Arthur Bakker ►The Early History of Average Values and Implications for Education 3.2.6 Qu Coventry University Mathematics Support Centre Worksheets and diagnostic tests on average ►Select ►Averages 3.2.6 ; 3.2.7 ; 3.2.8 ; 3.3.7 App WISWEB- Freudenthal Institute Generates horizontal bar graph for your own or provided data Vertical value bar can be dragged. Suit graphical introduction to ‘average’ as a representative value, mean as a balance point, median as middle value, and spread ►Select ►applets (in text) ►Statistics and Probability ►Minitool 1 30 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 3.3.3 Dat #2) Australian Bureau of Meteorology Weather data ►Climate Information 3.3.7 App #(5) WISWEB Generates Dot-plots for student’s own or provided data Suit establishing mean, median and mode as typical or representative values ►Select: applets (in text) ►Statistics and Probability ►Minitool 2 1CMAT 3.1.1 Dat #(2) Australian Bureau of Meteorology—Weather data ►Climate Information 3.1.1 Act Australian Bureau of Meteorology Teaching notes and student worksheet on El Niño climate conditions ►Select ►What’s the chance of rain ►Teachers’ lesson plan 3 3.2.1 ATe The Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching (CIMT) Probability misconceptions ►Select ►CIMT Search (right hand column) ►Search Page ►Misconceptions 10B 3.1.1 App National library of virtual manipulatives Set up a spinner then operate the spinner and the results are recorded on column graph ►Select ►Data Analysis 9-12 ►Spinners Interactivate Set up a spinner then operate the spinner and the results are recorded in a table ►Select ►Learners Tools ►Probability ►Adjustable Spinner Mathematics: Combined resource lists 31 3.2.1 ; 3.2.2 Qu Diagnostic tests and worksheets on probability ►Select ►Probability 1 3.2.3 Dat #(1) Australian Transport Safety Database on aviation, marine, rail and road safety figures including fatalities by state, year, gender etc ►Select ►Road Safety (left panel) ►Fatal Road Crash Database (right panel) ►Accept the conditions 3.2.3 Dat ASt Government of Western Australia Database (Road fatalities by region) Learner drivers material that includes information road fatality causes ►Select ►Community Safety ►Road safety and awareness ►Fatal crash statistics 3.4.1 ; 3.5.1 ; 3.6.1 ; Dat Ate Bike race info ASt Time series data on the Tour de France giving the year of race, age of winner, no trend average speed data 1903-2007 BBC Sport Year of race, average speed of winner, linear trend Suggested task: Students ask questions about the data, predict the answers, and graph the data to answer the questions Information and stories about the race ►Select ►Tour De France (left) 3.6.1 App Baby name wizard Interpret frequency graphs. Type in a name or first letter(s) of a name Select: boys, girls or both ►Select ►Launch Name Voyager 32 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 1DMAT 3.2.5 Ate ASt Encyclopaedia Titanica Information on the Titanic 3.2.2 Dat ASt Government of Western Australia Database (Road fatalities by region) Learner driver’s material that includes information road fatality causes ►Select ►Community Safety ►Road safety and awareness ►Fatal crash statistics 3.2.4 ATe Journal of Statistics Education The Early History of Average Values and Implications for Education by Arthur Bakker ►Search this site ►Arthur Bakker ►The Early History of Average Values and Implications for Education 3.3.1 ASt The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive Polar Area Diagram ►Select ►Biographies index ►Search ►Nightingale 3.1.5 ; 3.2 Dat #(2) Climate Data Online- Australian Bureau of Meteorology Climate Data Online provides access to a range of statistics, historical weather observations, climatology maps, and other Australian climate data ►Climate Information 1EMAT 3.1.1 App Interactivate Set up a spinner then operate the spinner and the results are recorded in a table ►Select ►Learners Tools ►Probability ►Adjustable Spinner Mathematics: Combined resource lists 33 3.1.1 ; 3.3.2 Qu Probabilistic learning activities network Choose the spinner that could have generated given results ►Select ►Experimental versus theoretical ►Spinner ►Activity Button 3.2.2 & 3.2.3 Qu Coventry University Mathematics Support Centre Diagnostic tests and worksheets on probability ►Select ►Probability 1 2.1.2 ; 3.2.3 Qu Balanced Assessment Probability and reverse area calculations ►Select ►Our library of assessment tasks ►Dart boards 3.3.4 App Gizmos- Online Learning Probability of landing in a defined area on a dart board. Simulates firing darts at a board Conduct multiple trials, record results. Are the results what you would expect by chance ►Select ►Browse Mathematics Gizmos ►Grade 9-12 ►Data analysis and probability ►Probability ►Geometric Probability Activity A or B 3.5.1 Dat ASt Government of Western Australia Database (Road fatalities by region) Learner driver’s material that includes information road fatality causes ►Select ►Community safety ►Road safety and awareness ►Fatal crash statistics 2AMAT 3.1.1 ATe Teaching Statistics Is an International journal for teachers which caters for teachers of pupils up to 19 years This article on sampling bias ►Search ►RW Madsen: Making students aware of bias 34 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 3.1.1 App Maths Stuff Suitable for probability investigation – similar to Pascal’s Triangle A wonderful interactive version of this classical device ►Select ►Go to Investigations ►Go to Galton's Quincunx 3.2.5 ATe Journal of Statistics Education The History of Average values and its implications for Education ►Search ►Archive (1993-2011) ►2003 (v11) ►Volume 11, Number 2 (July 2003) ►Arthur Bakker ►The History of Average values and its implications for Education 3.2.7 Dat Journal of Statistics Education Rowing team data: identify the data and explain the outlier ►Data archive ►Scroll down ►Rowing.dat 3.2.4 ; 3.3.3 ; 3.3.4 Dat #(3) Climate Data Online- Australian Bureau of Meteorology Access to a range of weather data from a wide range of locations ►Select ►Climate Information 3.3.1 ; Dat ASt Government of Western Australia Database (Road fatalities by region) Learner drivers material that includes information on road fatality causes ►government services ►community safety ►road safety awareness ►Select ►Fatal crash statistics 2BMAT 3.2.1 Dat #(3) Australian Bureau of Meteorology - Weather data Access to a range of weather data from a wide range of locations ►Climate Information Mathematics: Combined resource lists 35 3.2.2 ; 3.2.3 Quid Coventry University Mathematics Support Centre Diagnostic tests and worksheets and on probability ►Select ►Probability 1 3.2.4 Dat Government of Western Australia Database (Road fatalities by region) Learner driver’s material that includes information on road fatality causes ►government services ►community safety ►road safety awareness ►Fatal crash statistics 3.4.1 Dat The World Clock website Various data sources The World Clock website has continuously updated information about the world such as the world population, number of births, number of deaths, number of cars and the number of barrels of oil produced. It is a wonderful discussion starter for a number of maths topics including time series data and rates of change (gradient) 3.4.2 Dat Athletix Athletics records over the 20th century till now ►Select ►Statistics ►Scroll to ►World Records Progression 3.4.2 ; 3.5.1 Dat #(1) Government of Western Australia Database (Road fatalities by region) Learner driver’s material that includes information on road fatality causes ►government services ►community safety ►road safety awareness ►Fatal crash statistics 3.4.2 Dat ; Ate ; ASt Bike race info Time series data on Tour de France giving the year of race, age of winner, no trend average speed data 1903-2007 Suggested tasks: Students ask questions about the data, predict the answers, and graph the data to answer the questions e.g. Compare the average speed of winner over the years. Is there a linear trend? ►Tour de France 36 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 3.5.3 Dat #(5) Australian Bureau of Statistics Data Collection and Sampling: Shock Population Figures Fertility rates by age group given as babies per thousand women. Average number of babies born in per woman in her life time = total fertility rate ►Search on Cat. no. 3301.0 Select ► TABLE 1 BIRTHS ►Summary ►States and territories ►1996–2006 3.5.5 App Interactivate Fit trend lines by eye (practice for students—marginal value unless they analyse where they go wrong) ►Select ►Learners Tools ►Statistics ►Regression ►Practice in fitting lines by eye ►Add points to graph by clicking ►Select ►Fit Own Line ► Move Fit Line ► Click and drag green points ►When satisfied Select ►Display line of best fit 3.6.1 Gra ATe Australian Bureau of Meteorology Graph of wheat yields by State 1975-1990 Shows how good Western Australian yields counterbalance poor Eastern States yields The graph could be used for class discussion or assessment ►Climate ►Search ►Western Australia to the rescue ►Australian climate extremes 3.6.2 App Gizmos- Online Learning Predict from trend lines Useful for demonstrating that trend lines are made of points (a property that many students do not understand) and that prediction is from points on the trend line and not individual data points (because individual data may suffer measurement error and random variation) ►Select ►Browse Gizmos ►Grades 9-12 ►Data analysis and probability ►Analysing and displaying data ►Solving using trend lines 3.5 ; 3.6 Dat A portal for statistical science and the discipline of statistics Deaths in custody: proportion and trend Suggested task: What questions could be answered with this data? Analyse the data numerically and graphically in order to answer the questions. What social issues do the data raise? ►Select ►Resources ►OzDASL ►First Course in Statistics ►Comparison of proportions ►Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Mathematics: Combined resource lists 37 2CMAT 3.1.1 ; 3.1.5 App Waldomaths Guess and check the meaning of set notation ►Select ►ages16-19 ►Scroll down to Probability and Statistics►Venn Diagrams 1 3.3.1 ; 3.4.4 App ASt Yellowstane National Park Data from Yellowstone geyser Ask students to describe the data with different class intervals ►Geysers ►Old faithful 3.4.4 ; 3.5.2 App WISWEB- Freudenthal Institute Dot-plots for own or provided data, up to two sets Divide scale into equal intervals and superimpose histogram, then hide data. Suit linking mean, median and mode to central tendency, and establishing mean and median as viable for comparing data sets ►Select ►applets (in text) ►Drop down box ►Statistics and Probability ►All age groups (Drop down box) ►Minitool 2 3.4.7 ; 3.5.6 Dat Journal of Statistics Education Hat size, circumference--linear trend, interpret the gradient ►Data archive ►Scroll down to ►hats.dat and hats.txt 3.4.7 ; 3.5.5 ; 3.5.6 Ate Dat Teaching Statistics Is an International journal for teachers which caters for teachers of pupils up to 19 years Article on investigating the dimensions of eggs ►Getting the best from teaching statistics ► Scroll down to section 9 ►The Golden Egg Royal Alberta Museum Egg data Select: World Species ►Collections & Research ►Life sciences ►Ornithology ►(Scroll down to) ►Eggs A virtual exhibition 38 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 3.4.7 ; 3.5.6 Dat Journal of Statistics Education Life span of the fruit fly against number of companions--linear trend ►Data archive ►Scroll down to ►fruitfly.dat and fruitfly.txt 3.4.7 ; 3.5.6 Da ATe NCTM resources Generate own data, Bungee-jumping Barbie—linear relationship, variation between samples Suggested use: groups generate data, fit a trend line, obtain the equation, compare with other groups and explain why their trend lines differ (Variation between samples due to measurement error and hidden variables such as different elasticity of the rubber bands) Plug-in required ►Lessons ►Check box 9-12 ►Check box Data analysis & Probability ►Barbie Bungee 3.5.5 & 3.5.6 App Gizmos-Online Learning Predict from trend lines. Contextualised data Useful for demonstrating that trend lines are made of points (a property that many students do not understand) and that prediction is from points on the trend line and not individual data points (because individual data may suffer measurement error and random variation). Plug-in required ►Select ►Browse Gizmos ►Grades 9-12 ►Data analysis and probability ►Analysing and displaying data ►Solving using trend lines 3.3.1 ; 3.4.1 ; 3.5.1 Dat Infoplease Infant mortality and life expectancy for selected countries Suggested tasks: Ask students to pose questions about the data, represent the data in order to answer their questions, comment on any unusual or notable things about the data, and explain their results in terms of their knowledge about the countries A fuller investigation of this data and related datasets is suggested for 3AMAT ►Select ►Health and Social Statistics ►Infant mortality and life expectancy for selected countries 3.6.3 Dat #(3) Australian Bureau of Meteorology Weather data ►Climate Information Mathematics: Combined resource lists 39 2DMAT 3.1.1 ; 3.2.2 Act Maths 300 Crazy animals--sample space, probability and simulation Suggested activity: Students Draw animals/alien on card (at home) using the template (web link--Draw your own animal book), and cut the template in three Create animals in groups of 3 or 4 and draw a tree diagram that shows the sample space Calculate probabilities Use the random number generator on their calculators to determine animals/aliens Check experimental results against theoretical probabilities and discuss ►Select ►Free sample tour ►Crazy animals 3.2.2 ; 3.2.3 ; 3.3.1 ; 3.3.2 Interactivate App Probability, events with multiple stages Use sliders to choose how many layers of pegs and the probability of going left. Click on ‘Release repeatedly to release the balls’. Reset to start again Suggested tasks: Ask students to derive the probability for each container with 2 layers and different p (left) probabilities and test with the applet Consider what would be an appropriate number of trials Check experimental results against theoretical probabilities and explain differences Consider 3, 4, layers and generalise probabilities ►Select ►Statistics ►Go to page 2 ►Galton’s Quincunx 3.3.2 App National Library of Virtual Manipulatives Based on a game show Stick or switch This probability game is an electronic version of the game based on the idea of sticking to a strategy ►Data analysis and probability ►9-12 ►Stick or Switch 3.3.3 App #(5) Gizmos- Online Learning Capture/Recapture Choose number tagged, number recaptured Displays number and % that are tagged among those recaptured Dynamic display of fish and actual total Are the results what you would expect by chance? Free use for 5 minutes To save time, print screen dump to explain setup to students ►Select ►Browse Mathematics Gizmos ►Grade 9-12 ►Data analysis and probability ►Inferences and predictions ►Estimating population size 40 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 3.2.4 ATe #(5) Teaching Statistics Contains articles on capture/recapture. A practical study of the capture/recapture method of estimating population size ►Getting the best from teaching statistics ►Scroll down to section 4 ►How many fish are in the pond? 3.4.1 Dat #(3) ATe Australian Bureau of Meteorology - Weather data ►Climate Information 3.4.4 ATe International Association for Statistical Education History of Sampling ►Publications ►Scroll down to Dissertations ►Scroll down to 2004 Arthur Bakker ►Full version ►p. 61 3.5 ; 3.6 ATe International Association for Statistical Education Article on teaching spread/variability ►Publications ►Select: SERJ ►Current issue and Archives ►Volume 4, Number 1 ►Joan Garfield and Dani Ben-Zvi 3.5.2 Ate App International Association for Statistical Education Ideas for teaching and testing standard deviation ►Publications ►Select ►SERJ ►Current issue and Archives ►Select ►Volume 4, Number 1►Contents ►Bob Delmas and Yan Liu ►pp. 60-63 Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics Applet that relates to the above. Change the values of the data set by "painting" the histogram with the mouse, clicking on histogram Statistics displayed at the side and on the graph ►Select ►Mean and median ►then click Begin (on left) Mathematics: Combined resource lists 41 3.6.3 App WISWEB- Freudenthal Institute Dot-plots for own or provided data, up to two sets Divide scale into equal intervals, superimpose histogram then hide data Suit emphasising the benefit of using graphs as well as statistics to compare datasets ►Select ►applets (in text) ►Statistics and Probability ►Minitool 2 3.4 Dat BBC Olympic data for comparison: Results for heats and finals for Olympics ►Olympics 3.6.3 Dat University of Queensland Generate data for comparison by clicking on red and green circles To copy data into Excel, Highlight data, Right click and Select: Copy ►Paste into Excel ►Select: Data ►Text to Columns ►Delimited ►Next ►Space ►Finish ►Select ►Proceed 3AMAT 3.1.1 & 3.1.3 Qu Coventry University Mathematics Support Centre Diagnostic tests and worksheets and on probability ►Select ►Probability 2 3.2.4 App Gizmos- Online Learning Capture/Recapture Choose number tagged, number recaptured Displays number and % that are tagged among those recaptured Dynamic display of fish and actual total Are the results what you would expect by chance? Free use for 5 minutes To save time, print screen dump to explain setup to students ►Select ►Browse Mathematics Gizmos ►Grade 9-12 ►Data analysis and probability ►Inferences and predictions ►Estimating population size 42 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 3.2.4 ATe (5) Teaching Statistics This is an International journal for teachers which caters for teachers of pupils up to 19 years Articles on capture/recapture A practical study of the capture/recapture method of estimating population size ►Getting the best from teaching statistics ►Scroll down to section 4 ►How many fish are in the pond? 3.3.1 ATe Teaching Statistics Is an International journal for teachers which caters for teachers of pupils up to 19 years Article on sampling bias ►Getting the Best from Teaching Statisticst ►Scroll down to section 2 ►The BioSS Challenge – A demonstration of sampling bias ►P Smart 3.3.1 ATe International Association for Statistical Education History of Mathematics--sampling, median and quartiles ►Publications ►Scroll down to Dissertations ►Scroll down to 2004 Arthur Bakker ►Full version ►p. 61 3.4.2 ASt York University Historical statistical graphs. Background when introducing boxplots ►Select ►The best statistical graphs ever drawn 3.4.2 ATe International Association for Statistical Education Article on teaching boxplots ►Publications ►SERJ ►Current issue and Archives ►Scroll down ►Volume 5, Number 2 ►Contents ►Maxine Pfannkuch 3.4.2 ; 3.5.1 ; 3.5.2 ; 3.5.3 ; 3.5.4 App WISWEB- Freudenthal Institute Dot-plots for own or provided data, up to two sets Divide data into equal intervals and superimpose histogram Divide data into four equal sized groups and superimpose boxplot Suit introduction of boxplots, comparison of histograms and boxplots, effects of histogram intervals and viability of IQR for comparison ►Select ►applets (in text) ►Statistics and Probability ►Minitool 2 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 43 3.4.2 ATe Coventry University How to construct box plots in Excel ►Box plots in Excel by Neville Hunt 3.4.5 ATe International Association for Statistical Education Article on teaching spread/variability ►Publications ►SERJ ►Current issue and Archives ►Volume 4, Number 1 ►Joan Garfield and Dani Ben-Zvi 3.4.5 Dat - A portal for statistical science and the discipline of statistics Skewed data Kiama Blowhole eruptions Time between Nerve Pulses Australian Bureau of Statistics The left hand and right hand response times are skewed Explain why ►Select ►Visit the Teacher Area ►CensusAtSchool Data ►Information Tables ►Scroll down to see ‘Table of left and right hand reaction times’ 3.4.5 Dat ATe Gizmos- Online Learning Predict from trend lines Contextualised data Useful for demonstrating that trend lines are made of points (a property that many students do not understand) and that prediction is from points on the trend line and not individual data points (because individual data may suffer measurement error and random variation) Plug-in required ►Select ►Browse Gizmos ►Grades 9-12 ►Data analysis and probability ►Analysing and displaying data ►Solving using trend lines 44 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 3.4.6 Dat #(4) Infoplease Infant mortality and life expectancy for selected countries Suggested tasks Ask students to pose questions about the data, represent the data in order to answer their questions, comment on any unusual or notable things about the data, and explain their results in terms of their knowledge about the countries A fuller investigation of this data and related datasets is suggested for 3AMAT ►Select ►Health and Social Statistics ►Infant mortality and life expectancy for selected countries 3.5.1 ; 3.5.2 ; 3.5.3 App National Library of Virtual Manipulatives Histogram and boxplot for own or provided data (decontextualised) Change histogram interval width with slider Select: box plot ►Select ►Data analysis and probability 9-12 ►Histogram ►Boxplot 3.5.2 ATe NetMBA Business Knowledge Centre Advantages of boxplots Note that box plots for the Mathematics course do not show outliers ►Statistics ►Boxplots 3.5.3 App Statistics – Concepts and controversies Histograms for real data Click and drag to change intervals Discuss misleading graphs ►Click on textbook on the right ►Select ►Statistical applets ►One variable statistical calculator Select ►Dataset ►Data ►Statistics ►Histogram ►Stemplot 3.5.3 App Gizmos- Online Learning Effect of changing histogram intervals The applet displays a dot plot and histogram Free use for 5 minutes ►Select ►Browse Mathematics Gizmos ►Grade 9-12 ►Data analysis and probability ►Analysing and displaying data ►Histograms Mathematics: Combined resource lists 45 3.5.5 ; 3.5.7 Ate App International Association for Statistical Education Ideas for teaching and testing standard deviation ►Select ►Hosting ►International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) ►Publications ► SERJ ►Current issues and archives ►Volume 4, Number 1 ►Contents ►Bob Delmas and Yan Liu ►pp. 60-63 Rice Virtual lab Applet that is relevant to the above Add data by clicking on histogram. Statistics displayed at the side and on the graph ►Rice Virtual lab in Statistics ►Simulations and demonstrations ►Select: Mean and median 3.5.8 ; 3.5.9 Dat Rice Virtual lab Generate response time data for comparison: centre, spread and skewness differ Select: Comparing Distributions Students generate response times by clicking on small and large squares—data shown as box plots and histograms Warn students that results are recorded after the first two trials, without any warning, and any outliers on the box plots are plotted separately ►Rice Virtual lab in Statistics ►Simulations and demonstrations ►Select: Sampling distributions 3.5.8 ; 3.5.9 Qu ATe International Association for Statistical Education Comparison questions in an article that describes student responses to the questions ►Hosting ►International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) ►Publications ► SERJ ►Current issues and archives ►Volume 1, Number 2 December 2002 ►scroll down to Contents ►then go to Pfannkuch and Rubick’s article ►pp. 4-22 46 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 3.5.11 App VESTAC Chance variation between samples: growing a sample (Applet takes a while to load) ►Select ►Basics ►Histogram and boxplot (upper right cell) ►check histogram (bottom right,) click step ►walk or run to grow a random sample from a normal distribution (steps of 10 points) Suggested activities: Observe that -the shape (or distribution) of data for small samples can differ from the distribution for the population (the normal curve) -the shape (or distribution) of sample data gets more like the shape of population as sample size increases. What are the implications of this for inferring the mean, standard deviation, median, quartiles, and IQR for a population? ►Check boxplot (bottom right) ►reset and step ►walk or run to grow a sample Observe relative stability/instability of median, quartiles and extrema as sample grows. ►Select ►new window and grow two samples side-by side—very different numbers of points, then same numbers of points Discuss implications for comparison of same and different sized data sets Does the display confirm your previous conclusions about the median, quartiles, and IQR? Which is more stable--range or IQR—and what are the implications for inference? Calculate a boxplot for a standard normal distribution and compare this with boxplots for small and large samples. Write a summary about reliability when using samples to infer results for populations 3BMAT 3.1.1 ASt Cut the knot Articles—correlation versus cause, sampling First item covers correlation/cause and effect. Second item deals with sampling ►Select ►Table of Contents ►Probability ►Probability problems ►Scroll down to ►Misuse and Misconception of Statistics ►Correlation and causation 3.1.2 ; 3.2.1 Appl Sun site - University of Vienna Correlation ►Spreadsheets in Mathematics, Statistics and Science Education ►Example spreadsheets and projects ►Correlation visualised Mathematics: Combined resource lists 47 3.1.1 ; 3.1.2 Dat North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Animal gestation period, versus average longevity gives a weak positive relationship and what about outlier s? ►Select ►Learning Material for teachers and students ►Scroll down to ►Data sets ► Gestation period and average longevity 3.1.1 ; 3.1.2 Dat Australian Bureau of Statistics Belly button height, height—strong positive relationship The mean of the ratios for belly button height to height is close to the Golden Ratio ►Search ►CensusAtSchool Data ►Information ►Tables scroll down to the eight data set 3.1.3 ; 3.1.4 Dat #(5) ATe Journal of statistics education Carat weight of diamond stones, colour and clarity, price in Singapore $ —data for linear regression and alternate models. Also an article associated with the dataset ►Publications ►Journals ►Journal of Statistics Education ►Data Archive ►Scroll down to ►diamond.dat and diamond.txt 3.1.3 ; 3.1.4 Dat ASt Journal of Statistics Education Article with historical dataset used in formulation of regression lines—diameter of mother and daughter sweet pea seeds ►Publications ►Journals ►Journal of Statistics Education ►Search ►Stanton ►V9N3 Galton, Pearson, and the Peas The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive ►Select ► Biographies ►Galton 3.1.3 App NCTM resources Properties of regression lines Suggested teacher demonstration: Add points and ask students how the line is calculated Ask which distances When students have no more suggestions sketch a scatterplot with residuals then show the following Data points, regression line, residuals, squares and numerical expression for least squares are on view ►Lessons ►Select 9-12 and Data ►Search ►Scroll to ►Least squares regression Or ►Lessons ►Select 9-12 and Data ►Search ►Scroll to ►The regression line and correlation 48 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 3.1.5 ; 3.2.3 ; 3.2.4 App Calfornia State University Add data to scatterplot, trend line and residual plot appear Good for showing residuals for data that does not fit a linear model California State University San Bernardino Mathematics department Search CSUSB ►Stanton ►Professor Charles Stanton, Dept. Math CSUSB ►Probability and Statistics Demos ►Linear Regression 3.1.5 Dat Quantitative Environmental Learning Project Scatterplots both linear and exponential set out in a matrix Can also be accessed Maths Topics ►Select ►Maths Topics ► Exponential Scatter plots ►Data Set #056 tree ring widths in a Douglas fir or ►Data Set #071 Raging river discharge 3.2.4 App Shodor A National resource for computational science Guessing alternative models by eye Modelling—enter data without brackets, enter function with coefficients e.g. 1*x^2+0, sliders appear for changing the coefficients ►Activities & Lessons ►Interactivate ►Learners Tools ►Statistics. ►Multi-Function Data Flyer 3.2.1 App Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics Estimate r for given datasets—for possible student use ►Rice Virtual lab in Statistics ►Simulations and demonstrations ►Select ►Regression by eye 3.2.2 ; 3.2.7 Dat StatLib Data, Software and News from the Statistics Community Linear trend: IQ, Brain size for ten sets of twins Consider cause/correlation, and the limitation that the sample is small ►Select ►Get data ►Main download area ►Data Archive ►Datasets Archive ►Index of Datasets Archive ►IQ Brain size Mathematics: Combined resource lists 49 3.2.4 Dat Journal Of Statistics Education Outlier, linear regression ►Data Archive ► Select: cigarettes.dat and cigarettes.txt 3.2.4 Dat #(4) Australian Bureau of Meteorology Weather data ►Climate Data Online 3.2.4 Dat StatLib Data, Software and News from the Statistics Community Linear regression: The data contain a trend as well as outliers, ►Select ►Get data ►Main download area ►Data Archive ►Datasets Archive ►Index of Datasets Archive ►Balloon” 3.2.7 ATe Teaching Statistics This is an International journal for teachers Article on variation between samples of bivariate data considered on pages 2-3 ►Scroll down to ►Getting the best from teaching statistics ►Section 2 ►Exploring sampling 3.2.7 App XL VESTAC Illustrates random variation in trend lines for samples ►Regression ►Histograms of slope and intercept. (Applet takes a while to load) 3CMAT 3.1.1 Qu Centre for Innovation for Mathematics Teaching Combinations: How many patterns are available in Braille ►Select ► Resources ►CMIT Resources ►Topical applications of Mathematics ►Braille 50 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 3.1.3 App Article Stanford University – Susan Holmes The birthday problem simulation software generates random dates and matches birthdays on the same day ►Projects ►Probability by surprise ►The birthday problem aplet. 3.1.3 PUMAS Online Journal of Maths and Science examples of Pre-College education. Birthday problem The task, ‘Matching Birthdays’ would be suitable for 3CMAT §3.2.1, §3.2.2 It uses independence and multiplication properties to explore the possibility of people, in a group of n people, having matching birthdays ►Search on ►Matching Birthdays ►Scroll down 3.1.3 ; 3.1.7 Dat #(4) Australian Bureau of Meteorology – Weather data ►Climate Data Online 3.1.4 ATe Teaching Statistics An International journal for teachers Article on conditional probability ►Scroll down to ►Getting the best from teaching statistics ►Section 1 ►Find ►Understanding conditional probability 3.1.3 ; 3.1.4 Qu Dartmouth University Text with questions ►Select ►a GNU book (left panel), GNU version in pdf (second paragraph) p. 150 conditional probability, probability laws, central limit theorem 3.1.6 ATe International Association for Statistical Education History of Mathematics—distributions ►Select ►Publications ►Scroll on left to Dissertations ►2004 Arthur Bakker ►Full version ►Distributions p. 74 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 51 3.1.6 ATe International Association for Statistical Education Article on teaching spread/variability ►Publications ►SERJ ►Archive of past issues ►Volume 4, Number 1 ►Joan Garfield and Dani Ben-Zvi 3.1.6 App Calfornia State University Sum of dice simulation Choose number of dice and number of trials Choose ‘Rollem’ to run the simulation Shows experimental and theoretical frequency Could ask students to explain the displays for two dice with varying numbers of trials ►Search ►Stanton ►Charles Stanton’s home page ►Java Demos for Probability and Statistics ►Introduction to probability models 3.1.7 App Gizmos- Online Learning Binomial distribution with sliders for n and p Ask students to explain the changes ►Select►Browse Mathematics Gizmos ►Grade 9-12 ►Data analysis and probability ►Probability ►Binomial probabilities ►Free use for five minutes Waldomaths ►Select►16-19 ►Binomial + Normal 3.1.7; Ate #(5) Teaching Statistics An International journal for teachers Articles on capture/recapture A practical study of the capture/recapture method of estimating population size ►Scroll down to ►The best from teaching statistics ►Statistics in the classroom ►Practical and project work ►BAC Dudley ‘A practical study of the capture/recapture method of studying population size’ Also ►Scroll down to ►Getting the best from teaching statistics ►Section 4 ►’How many fish in the pond?’ 52 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 3.1.7 App#(5) Gizmos- Online Learning Capture/Recapture and the binomial distribution Choose number tagged, number recaptured Displays number and % that are tagged among those recaptured Dynamic display of fish and actual total Are the results what you would expect by chance? Free use for 5 minutes To save time, print screen dump to explain setup to students ►Select ►Browse Mathematics Gizmos ►Grade 9-12 ►Data analysis and probability ►Inferences and predictions ►Estimating population size 3.1.7 App Gizmos- Online Learning Probability of landing in specified area of dart board—binomial distribution Free use for five minutes Conduct multiple trials, record results. Are the results what you would expect by chance? ►Select ►Browse Mathematics Gizmos ►Grade 9-12 ►Data analysis and probability ►Probability ►Geometric Probability ►Run Activity A or B 3.1.8 App Calfornia State University Probabilities for a normal distribution Calculates probabilities and displays them on the graph with a very clear display ►Search CUSUB for Stanton ►Charles Stanton’s home page ►Probability and Statistics Demos ►Normal Distribution 3.2.4 App Gizmos- Online Learning Sampling from distributions Free use for 5 minutes Draw a distribution, grow a sample Shows sample distribution and mean value ►Select ►Browse Mathematics Gizmos ►Grade 9-12 ►Data analysis and probability ►Inferences and predictions ►Populations and samples Qu ARTIST Multiple choice questions Easy to use and lots of questions Free registration ►Select ►Item database [Assessment builder] Enter email address and password, submit ►Select ►create a new test ►Fill in details, submit ►Access the database by topic Mathematics: Combined resource lists 53 3DMAT 3.2.1 Dat Seattle College – QELP Normally distributed data ►Search ►QELP►QELP Data page ►Math topics ►Histograms ► ►Dataset#057 Normally distributed wing-lengths (of houseflies) ►Dataset#059 Normal distribution of wheat yields 3.2.1 Dat StatSci Skewed data: Test fit with a normal distribution ►Select ►Teaching ►Data sets ►Ready for teaching ►OzDASL ►A first course in statistics ►Kiama Blowhole eruptions Time between eruptions of the geyser Pomona ►Scroll down to Old Semi Faithful Australian Bureau of Statistics The left hand and right hand response times are skewed. Explain why. Select ►Education ►Quick links ►Census At School Data ►Questionnaire ►scroll down to see ‘Table of left and right hand reaction times’ 3.2.1 ASt StatSci Report on air safety—binomial distribution ►Select ►Teaching ►Data sets ►Ready for teaching ►OzDASL ►A first course in statistics ►Independence and counting ►Air safety 3.2.3 Dat #(4) Australian Bureau of Meteorology - Weather data ►Climate ►Data services ►Climate data online 54 Mathematics: Combined resource lists 3.2.3 ATe West Kentucky University – David Neal Articles on the sign test ►Search ►David Neal ►Statistical Inference on the TI 89 David Lane ►Select ►Hyperstat Online ►Contents Chapter 17 ►Sign test 3.3.1 ; 3.4.1 ATe Teaching Statistics An International journal for teachers Article on a normal distribution made with beads and uses of the resource in teaching ‘A’ useful display of a normal population The Best of teaching Statistics ►Scroll down to ►Visual and other aids ►RW Jernigan ‘A’ useful display of a Normal population” 3.3.1 App VESTAC Chance variation between samples—growing a sample Note that outliers are plotted beyond the ends of the whiskers ►Observe relative stability/instability of median ►quartiles and extrema as sample grows ►Select ►new window and grow two samples side-by side—same then very different numbers of points Also discuss implications for comparison of same and different sized data sets. ►Select ►Basics ►Histogram and boxplot (upper right cell) ►check histogram and boxplot-‘both’ (bottom right,) click step (Applet takes a while to load) ►walk or run to grow a random sample from a normal distribution (steps of 10 points) 3.3.2 App VESTAC Central Limit Theorem--distribution of sample means Each sample is displayed on top graph, in turn, and the mean value is added to the bottom graph Change parameters in Settings and Rescale Animated, graphs sample, mean of sample, one other statistic that is selected Generates distributions of the means for normal, uniform and other populations ►Select ►Basics ►Distribution of mean ►top right cell for sampling from a normal distribution (Applet takes a while to load) ►bottom right cell to sample from a binomial distribution Rice Virtual Lab Distribution of sample means simulation (good but small display) ►Scroll to Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics ►Simulations and demonstrations ►Sampling distributions ►Read the Instructions ►Click Begin (on left) to activate applet Mathematics: Combined resource lists 55 3.3.2 Activity App Rossman & Chance Class activity in which students sample coins Applet to interpret after the activity Select ►Java applets ►Sampling Pennies 3.4.1 ; 3.4.2 ; 3.4.3 App VESTAC Confidence Interval for sample means (Applet takes a while to load) ►Select ►Tests ►Confidence interval for the mean W H Freeman ►Select ►right hand version of the text ►Statistical Applets ►Confidence intervals California State University Mathematics Department Samples (n=20) from a normal distribution. Choose level of confidence ►Select ►Search CSUB ►Charles Stanton ►Charles Stanton’s home page ►Probability and Statistics Demos ►Confidence intervals for the mean 3 Qu College Board US Advanced Placement examinations Free enrolment ►Home ►AP Courses and Exams (on the left) ►Exam Questions (on the right) ►Statistics (in table) ►Scroll down to Free Response Questions and Scoring Guidelines 3 Qu ARTIST Multiple choice questions Free registration ►Select ►Item database [Assessment builder] ►Enter email address and password and submit ►Select ►Create a new test ►Fill in details and submit. Access the database by topic. 56 Mathematics: Combined resource lists