2016 Spring Alumni Student Luncheon

Congratulations on being accepted into the Nursing program! The Wallace State Alumni Association is
hosting a luncheon on January 8th during Orientation for Student Alumni Association members. The
purpose of this luncheon is to network with professionals in field, instructors, former students and
current classmates. This invitation is only available to Student Alumni Association members.
By joining the Student Alumni Association for only $15 per year you will receive the following benefits:
The opportunity to apply for a $100 scholarship to go toward professional licensure testing upon
graduation from your program (up to five awarded to the Nursing program)
Membership card with merchant discounts
Welcome gift of a WSCC Alumni Association t-shirt
Free or special pricing for Alumni Association events throughout the year
Scholarship opportunities for Student Alumni Association members only
The cost of the luncheon is only $5 for Student Alumni Association members and includes the choice of a
bowl of Brunswick Stew and a grilled cheese sandwich and drink, or a tossed salad and drink. You must
join the association in order to participate in the “get acquainted” and networking luncheon. You will be
seated at small tables during the luncheon with either a former student, faculty member or professional
in field so that you can ask questions about the profession, the program, clinicals, etc. This is a
wonderful opportunity for you and your classmates to become acquainted with each other, with faculty
members, and potential Clinical Supervisors. Your reservation must be received by January 1st to
participate in the luncheon. You do not have to attend the luncheon to be considered for the
scholarship but you must join the Student Alumni Association to apply for the scholarship as it is only
available to members.
To become a member just complete the enclosed form and return it to the address listed. Please note
that money raised by the association goes to fund scholarships. We hope to see you on the 8th and
congratulate you once again on acceptance into the program – a great accomplishment! If you have
questions feel free to contact me at 256.352.8071 or Ladonna.allen@wallacestate.edu.
LaDonna Allen
Alumni Association Coordinator
Student Alumni Association Application and
Networking Luncheon Reservation for January 8, 2016
Deadline for luncheon reservation is January 1, 2016
Full Name
Home Address:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
T-Shirt Size
Please complete the information below and return to the Alumni Office
Major: Nursing
$15 for a one-year Student Alumni Association Membership
$5 - I plan to attend the networking luncheon on January 8, 2016
Note: You must purchase a meal if you plan to attend the luncheon
I prefer a
Bowl of Brunswick Stew and Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Tossed salad – check dressing choice: Ranch, Italian,
1000 Island
Check attached (make payable to Wallace State Alumni Association)
Charge my
Discover Card
Card Number:
Exp. Date:
Name on Card:
Mail to:
Debit Card
Security Code:
Wallace State Community College
Alumni Association
P.O. Box 568
Hanceville, AL 35077
or return to the Alumni Office
located in JBC 1101 (11th floor)
Or scan and email to: Ladonna.allen@wallacestate.edu
Deadline for luncheon reservation is January 1, 2016