UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLÓGICA DE PANAMÁ WEEKLY PLANNING Subject: Inglés ________________Profesor: Luisiana Campos A_________Level: 10° F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,Ñ Trimestre: Second_________________________ Quincena_______________________________Semana: June 16 to 20 Learning Objective Integrate and develop reading and writing skills to express ideas, opinions and describe personal affairs. Achievement Indicators Identifies specific information and key words related to job opportunities. (translate) Prepare their speech about job opportunities (what do you want to be?) Evaluation Criteria Evidences Result: Workshop (translation) Writing Speech Perform: Speech Form: Spelling Punctuality Grammar structure Voice tone Mastery of the subject Contents: Contents Coherence Pronunciation ACTIVITIES TO PERFORM ( FROM ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS) Opening: Brainstorming Development: Wokshop (translate and writing speech) Ending: Speech Types of Evaluation and Instruments Type of Evaluation: Heteroevaluación Instruments to use: Oral test Rubric UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLÓGICA DE PANAMÁ WEEKLY PLANNING Subject: Inglés ________________Profesor: Luisiana Campos A._________Level: 10° F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,Ñ Trimestre: Second_________________________ Quincena_______________________________Semana: June 23 to 27 Learning Objective Integrate and develop the use of future tense (will / going to) Perform listening and oral task of modals verb to recognize the differences between can / can’t. Achievement Indicators Expresses future plans using the grammar in context. Identify the correct pronunciation and put in practice the modals verb can / can’t. Evaluation Criteria Evidences Result: Writing Workshop Oral and Listening Tasks Perform: Dialogue Form: Punctuality Grammar structure Voice tone Mastery of the subject Contents: Contents Coherence Pronunciation ACTIVITIES TO PERFORM ( FROM ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS) Opening: Brainstorming. Development: Workshop, Oral and Listening Tasks. Ending: Dialogue Types of Evaluation and Instruments Type of Evaluation: Autoevaluación Heteroevaluación Instruments to use: Oral Teste Rubric UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLÓGICA DE PANAMÁ WEEKLY PLANNING Subject: Inglés ________________Profesor: Luisiana Campos A._________Level: 10° F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,Ñ Trimestre: Second_________________________ Quincena_______________________________Semana: June 30 to July 4 Learning Objective Review listening and oral task of modals verb to recognize the differences between can / can’t. Develop writing task using the modal functions. Achievement Indicators Identify the correct pronunciation and put in practice the modals verb can / can’t. Use the different modals verb to express the variety of communicative functions. Evidences Result: Oral and Listening Tasks Writing Workshop Development: Workshop, writing and Listening Tasks. Ending: Listening test Form: Grammar structure Perform: Workshop in the notebook Listening task ACTIVITIES TO PERFORM ( FROM ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS) Opening: Brainstorming. Evaluation Criteria Contents: Identify the difference between can and can’t. Use and apply the different modals function. Types of Evaluation and Instruments Type of Evaluation: Heteroevaluación Instruments to use: Listening test UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLÓGICA DE PANAMÁ WEEKLY PLANNING Subject: Inglés ________________Profesor: Luisiana Campos A._________Level: 10° F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,Ñ Trimestre: Second_________________________ Quincena_______________________________Semana: July 7 to 11 Learning Objective Develop writing task using the modal functions. Identify possibility, ability, necessity and the different function in the future with the modal verb. Achievement Indicators Evidences Use the different Result: modals verb to express Writing Workshop the variety of communicative functions. Perform: Espress idea using Board Workshop (Test) the different function of the modal verb. ACTIVITIES TO PERFORM ( FROM ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS) Opening: Brainstorming. Development: Workshop (Complete the dialogue using the modals verb). Ending: Writing test Evaluation Criteria Form: Types of Evaluation and Instruments Type of Evaluation: Heteroevaluación Grammar structure Instruments to use: Contents: Identify and Writing test express idea using the modal verb. Use and apply the different modals function. UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLÓGICA DE PANAMÁ WEEKLY PLANNING Subject: Inglés ________________Profesor: Luisiana Campos A._________Level: 10° F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,Ñ Trimestre: Second_________________________ Quincena_______________________________Semana: July 14 to 18 Learning Objective Review the different use of the modal verb to express any possibility, ability or necessity. Review the use of the future tense ( will. Going to) and the modal can and can’t (Dialogue) Achievement Indicators Evidences Identify and use Result: the different modals verb Writing and oral task to express variety of communicative functions. Perform: Dialogue (oral) Complete the dialogue on the board using the modals verb (writing task) ACTIVITIES TO PERFORM ( FROM ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS) Opening: Brainstorming Development: Writing task on the board Ending: Dialogue and writing test Evaluation Criteria Form: Punctuality Grammar structure Mastery of the subject Contents: Contents Coherence Pronunciation Use and apply the different modals function. Types of Evaluation and Instruments Type of Evaluation: Heteroevaluación Instruments to use: Oral Test Writing Test