Analyzing the IPP Pathway in Three Labyrinthulomycetes Daniel Conroy July 18th, 2014 Introduction Labyrinthulomycetes are a rarely studied group of osmoheterotrophs, which play a critical role at the base of the food chain, as well in recycling of nutrients (Raghukumar and Damare, 2011). Although they are widespread, the chemical and ecological role of labyrinthulomycetes remains unclear (Raghukumar, 2002). However, there are recent investigations seeking to utilize the high fatty acid content of these organisms for biofuel and Omega-3 feedstocks (Chang et al., 2014). Carotenoids are involved in various functions throughout photosynthetic cells, such as the closest relatives of Labyrinthulomycetes, diatoms. These organisms use carotenoids in to disperse excess photons in the xanthophyll cycle (Bertrand, 2010). Isopentenyl Pyrophosphate (IPP) is the precursor of carotenoids, but is present in all organisms, making its pathway ideal for studying phylogeny as well as the chemical processes of these cells. The following study investigated the production of IPP in order to understand weather Labyrinthulomycetes possess the MEP or MVA pathway, and the phylogeny of the enzymes used in the pathway. Materials and Methods The genomes of Aplanochytrium limacinum PBS07, Aurantiochytrium limacinum ATCC MYA-1381, and Schizochytrium aggregatum ATCC 28209 were searched through the Joint Genome Institute ( The EC or each protein in the MVA and MEP pathway was searched, and each result was collected and further analyzed. The BLAST program from the National Center for Biotechnology Information ( was used to find similar sequences. BioEdit was used to align protein sequences as well as to delete extraneous amino acids. This was also used to divide gene 97214 of Aplanochytrium into three parts. Phylogenic trees were run using Mega, set as the bootstrap method with 100 replications and pairwise deletion. Finding the Possible Genes Involved in IPP Synthesis To isolate the gene sequences relating each protein involved in the Mevalonate (MVA) and/or 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate (MEP) pathway, the Enzyme Commission (EC) number for each enzyme in the pathway was searched in each organism’s genome on For the enzymes in the MVA pathway, the most searches yielded multiple genes. However, in searching for enzymes in the MEP pathway, no genes were found. From this we concluded that only the MVA pathway is present in Labyrinthulomycetes. Elucidating False Positive Proteins in the MVA Pathway MPDC Genes MVA MPDC Aplano Auran Schizo 97214 46997 85181 FIG. 1 MPDC Genes Proteins found by searching EC for MPDC in each genome on We worked upstream in the MVA Pathway, first analyzing Diphospho-MVA decarboxylase (MPDC) genes. Although the genome search yielded only one protein for each organism (Fig.1), further analyses was required. Each MPDC was run through BLAST, and the 100 most similar sequences were copied to BioEdit. Interestingly, the MPDC of Aplanochytrium was in the same reading frame as a MVA Kinase (MK) and a Phospho-MVA Kinase (PMK), the enzymes functioning immediately before MPDC in the MVA pathway. To isolate the MPDC region of Ap97214, the first 300 and last 120 amino acids were removed in Bio Edit, and the BLAST sequences from the remaining region were taken. The Phylogenic Tree created using these proteins and those found through BLAST showed that Ap97214 is distantly related to bacteria MPDCs. Emiliania Huxleyi MPDC is the closest relative of Au46997 and Sc85181, which also fall near Oomycetes in the tree. MK and PMK Genes MVA Aplano Auran Schizo MK/PMK 83434 142637 82155 33802 2444 48997 92651 4319 80502 37505 44216 27367 97214 46997 87938 96378(MK) 43850 85181 125370 98402 76700 41503 117049 Fig.2 MK/PMK Genes Genes found by searching EC for MK/PMK. All results for this search were the same for both proteins, except Ap96378, which was found only under the MK search. The MVA Kinase (MK) and Phospho-MVA Kinase (PMK) searches on yielded identical results for Aurantiochytrium and Schizochytrium, and had only one difference for Aplanochytrium (Fig. 2). Most of these genes were annotated in the GHMP Superfamily of Kinases, but not specifically as PMK or MK. The first step in finding PMK and MK specifically was to group the genes by similarity using the phylogenic tree and similar amino acid sites. Once tentative groups were formed, a phylogenic tree including known PMK’s was created, but the bootstrap support among the branches including Labyrinthulomycetes was too low for conclusions. Previous work differentiating kinases offered amino acid sites specific to each type of GHMP (Andreasssi and Leyh, 2004). By manually searching for the 5-10 amino acid sequences throughout the 22 genes, and comparing the hits on BLAST, each group was classified as either a PMK, MK, Galacto Kinase (GLK), Homoserine Kinase (HMK), Mevalonate Decarboxylase (MVD), or unknown (Fig. 3). The genes classified as unknown were clearly not an MK or PMK. Ap98378, Au2444 and Sc48997 showed closer resemblance to glucurono Kinases, although many of their BLAST sequences were predicted proteins. Ap37502, Au125370, and Sc27367 likely contained a domain in the GHMP superfamily, but were connected to a glycotransferase, making them unlikely candidates for involvement in the MVA pathway. Au4319 and Sc87938 resemble galacto Kinases, and Ap83434 resembled L-fucose Kinase. Gene 97214 of Aplanochytrium was found to contain three different domains. The first domain is an MK about 300 Amino Acids long, the second is an MPDC about 400 amino acids long, and the third domain is a PMK about 185 amino acids long. Each of these domains was separated on BioEdit to be run through BLAST. Gene 117049 of Schizochytrium is a manually annotated, extended version of 41503, and includes the conserved regions at the end of the protein. Group Aplano Auran Schizo MK PMK HMK GLK MVD 97214First 97214End 33802 92651 142637 76700 44216 43850 46997 82155 117049 98402 80502 85181 Aplano Auran Schizo Unknown Unknown Unknown 98378 37505 83434 125370 4319 48997 87938 27637 Fig. 3 Specified Kinases Proteins were annotated using BLAST results and conserved sites identified by Andreasssi and Leyh (2004) . Conserved Sites were: GLSSSASLE, GIMDQ, AE, RARH, and TGGFGGC of Galacto Kinase; TSANL, GLGSSSA, VAGI, and HPDNVAP of Homoserine Kinase; SLSV, GSGSASRSLYGGY, and CCYTFDAGPN of Mevalonate Decarboxylase. A second PMK phylogenic tree containing only Ap97214End, Au76700, Sc117049 and their BLAST sequences still showed low boot strap values. Further analysis into the 3 different PMK’s revealed that the Ap97214End resembled an Animal Type PMK, whereas Au76700 and Sc117049 both resembled the ERG8 Type PMK. To solve this, just Ap97214End and its BLAST sequences were put into a phylogenic tree. Still, it had low bootstrap values, so more heterokont sequences found on BLAST were added to the tree. Similarly, Ap97214End was distantly branched from most sequences in the tree, however it did match well with the PMK of Acanthoeba castellanii. A separate phylogenic tree containing PMK’s Au76700 and Sc117049 showed that these two enzymes group well together, but poorly with other ERG8 PMK’s. A new MK Tree created using Ap97214First Domain, Au142637 and Sc82155, and their BLAST sequences showed the common pattern in which the two Thraustochytrids, Aurantiochytium and Schizochytrium, align well with each other, whereas Aplanochytrium is separate, in this case grouped closes to Trichomonas Vaginalis. HMGR Genes MVA HMGR Aplano Auran Schizo 47734 141519 81525 46175 124781 85121 103958 47106 70078 40917 98242 49883 78526 86957 Fig.4 HMGR Genes Genes found by searching in each genome on Sc86957 and Sc78526 were rejected first because they are too long and contain various other domains. Upon further analysis, it was clear that most of these genes contained only a fragment, approximately 20 amino acids long, resembling 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoAReductase (HMGR). This applied to Sc98242, Sc70078, Ap49883, Au47106, Ap103958 and Ap40917. Ap49886 was more likely a signal recognition particle, and Ap40917 was more likely a Mitochondrial Translocase. The tree containing the remaining 6 possible enzymes, and the BLAST sequences of Ap47734 and Au124781, showed that Labyrinthulomycete HMGR genes grouped well together. However, they had low bootstrap support with the other organisms, their closest relative being Emiliania huxleyi. After closer examination, each of the 6 HMGRs were Class I and matched very well with other HMGR genes in the National Center for Biotechnology Information. HMGR Class I genes in general are well conserved, and differ greatly from Class II HMGRs. In another attempt to elucidate false HMGRs, the common promoters DAMGMNM and CITMMEA were searched. The former is present in all 6 proteins, as well as a sequence differing slightly from the latter. This information evidences that all 6 proteins are HMGRs. Although we do not know of multiple occurrences of HMGRs in Heterokonts, 3 HMGRs have been reported in Camptotheca acuminate (Maldonado et al., 1997). However, they are localized in various regions of the plant, such as the bark, and are evolutionarily beneficial in producing varying amounts of carotenoids based on different expression levels (Maldonado et al., 1997). HMGS Genes The only results when searching for 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutarl-CoA synthase (HMGS) were gene 48616 for Aurantiochytrium, gene 84768 for Schizochytrium, and Aplanochtrium had 2 possible genes: 33946 and 46178. A tree formed using these enzymes and their BLAST sequences showed that Ap33946 grouped well with Au48616 and Sc84768, although these three genes were distant from the rest of the tree. Ap46178 grouped distantly to Monosiga brevicollis, as well as Acanthamoeba castellani (with poor bootstrap support). AACT Genes MVA AACT Aplano Aurantio Schizo 89275 46117 17864 29892 123015 50310 29234 137176 84115 31757 41801 84838 41448 126249 41359 47983 42885 69181 46925 45444 82524 52114 119534 82042 55091 141377 83881 70610 138485 92911 105614 48862 35974 Fig. 5 Acetyl CoA Acetyltransferase Genes Genes found by searching in each genome on Each of the 3 Labyrinthulomycetes contained a multitude of possible Acetyl-CoA Cacetyltransferase (AACT) genes. The possible genes was very similar in length, and had large domains resembling AACT enzymes. For a first attempt at a phylogenic tree, two possible enzymes from each organism were blasted, and a tree was created using all of them. However, this was unsuccessful as there was too much variation in the BLAST sequences. There are two important sites ubiquitous in AACTs, which separate them from similar proteins. CGSGL around amino acid 89 and CIGGG around amino acid 380 are indicators of AACTs. Both CGSGL and GIGGG were present, at their respective locations, in Ap89275, Au137176 and Sc50310. CIGGG was present at the correct location in Ap46925, Au45444, and Sc41359. However, the BLAST results of Au45444, Ap46925 and Sc41359 showed that each of these proteins more closely resembled ketoacyl thiolases. By this evidence we concluded that Ap89275, Au137176, and Sc50310 were the real AACTs active in the MVA pathway. The tree created using Ap89275, Au137176, and Sc50310 grouped these 3 proteins together with reasonable bootstrap support. On the other hand their closest relative Piscirickettsia salmonis was linked to them with a bootstrap value of only 37. The AACT tree showed four separate groups of heterokonts. No sample from each of the 4 groups possessed the CGSGL and CIGGG conserved sites of HMGRs. Although the BLAST results from these samples did, in some cases, show more ketoacyl thiolases, it was not conclusive enough to adjust the tree accordingly. Conclusion The IPP pathway is a useful tool in analyzing the phylogenic relationships as it is ubiquitous. The protein sequences of these three Labyrinthulomycetes show strong divergence from others available on BLAST. However, some repetition in neighboring branches was shown. The complete gene of 97214 from Aplanochytrium is composed a MK, MPDC, and PMK. This gene is unique, and no protein with even two of these fused domains was found threw BLAST on NCBI. Furthermore, the PMK residing in the last 180 amino acids of the gene is of the animal type, whereas the thraustochytrids possess the ERG8 type PMK. This is evidence that Aplanochytrium first received a PMK through lateral gene transfer. In the Aplanochytrium PMK tree, this organism grouped only with Acanthamoeba castellanii, but their sequences differed too greatly to conclude lateral gene transfer. However, the differences in the 97214 sequence could be due to its combination with the MK and MPDC, which may negate the need for some substrate binding sites highly conserved in other PMKs. Besides allowing substrate channeling, the 3 fused domains would allow for more rapid and efficient changes in expression levels. This would be greatly beneficial, as the xanthophyll cycle reacts to the rapid changes of light intensity in the water column (Bertrand, 2010). More carotenoids available to undergo epoxidation would be extremely helpful in short term adaptations. The MK and MPDC of the Thraustochytrids Aurantiochytrium and Schizochytrium also branched far from those of Aplanochytrium. The Thraustochytrid MKs grouped with other heterokonts including Emiliania huxleyi, whereas Aplanochytrium branched closer to Trichomonas vaginalis. Similarly, in the MPDC tree, Aurantiochytrium and Schizochytrium grouped with Emiliania huxleyi and other heterokonts, while Aplanochytrium was completely isolated. This is further evidence that Aplanochytrium has undergone unique mutations or lateral gene transfer much different from the other two Labyrinthulomycetes. Further upstream in the pathway, the Labyrinthulomycete genes have evolved much more similarly. In the HMGR, HMGS, and AACT tree, each of the Labyrinthulomycete genes grouped together. For the HMGR tree, this was with the heterokonts, but for the HMGS and AACT trees, Labyrinthulomycete genes were separate, with one or no other organisms. The presence of 2 HMGR genes in each organism is surprising and requires further research. This may evidence that carotenoid biosynthesis rates are differentiated in different parts of the cell. Works Cited Andreassi, J. L., & Leyh, T. S. (2004). Molecular functions of conserved aspects of the GHMP kinase family. 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