«Approved» Educational work Pro-rector ____________Prof. J.J. Huminskiy „___”_________________201 . Topical plan of the course of infectious diseases for sixth-year students of medical faculties for 2015-2016 academic year Thematic Module 8. “Monitoring of patients with Infectious Diseases, HIV-infection”. № Name of Тheme Hours s/p Management of patients with acute and chronic diarrhea syndrome. 1 6 Differential diagnosis of toxic food-borne diseases, cholera, salmonellosis, shigellosis, amebiasis, yersiniosis, viral diarrhea with food poisoning, acute and chronic noninfectious diseases of GIT. Management of patients with acute and chronic diarrhea syndrome (continuation). 2. 6 Urgent states in patients with fecal-oral infections. Emergency medical aid in patients with acute diarrhea syndrome, dehydration shock. Diagnosis of Intestinal bleeding. Management of patients with air-borne infectious diseases. 6 Differential diagnosis of Influenza, Parainfluenza, Adenoviral infection, Respiratorysyncytial infection, Rhinoviral infection, infections with atypical pneumonia clinics: 3. respiratory mycoplasmosis, ornithosis, legionellosis, Herpes viral infections, Meningococcal nasopharingitis, airborne childhood infections in adults, pneumonic Plague and Anthrax. Urgent states in patients with airborne infections. Emergency medical aid in patients with false (catarrhal) croup, acute respiratory failure, distress syndrome. 4. Management of patients with viral hepatitis. Differential diagnosis of viral hepatitis with other etiology of jaundice (Malaria, enzyme defects, toxic genesis, mechanical 6 jaundice). Manageme6nt of patients with viral hepatitis (continuation). Differential diagnosis of 5. 6 acute and chronic viral hepatitis. Fulminant hepatitis. Acute liver encephalopathy. Emergency medical aid. Management of patients with prolonged fever syndrome of unknown genesis. 6 6 Differential diagnosis of Typhoid fever, Paratyphus A&B, Malaria, Legionellosis, Brucellosis, Leishmaniasis, Toxoplasmosis, Opisthorchiasis , HIV-infection. Sepsis. Differential diagnosis and treatment. Management of patients with infection of oropharynx. Differential diagnosis of 7 6 Diphtheria, Bacterial pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis, Tularemia, Herpes viral infections (HSV, CMV, EBV), enterovirus diseases, pseudomembranous (fusospirochetal, necrotic, Vincent's, Plaut's, Henoch's) tonsillitis, candidiasis , Lues. Management of patients with lymphadenopathy. Lymphadenopathy syndrome. 6 Meaning of generalized lymphadenopathy. Characteristic of the diseases with 8 Lymphadenopathy syndrome. Differential diagnosis of Tularemia, Plague, Rat-bite fever (sodoku), FELINOSIS (CAT SCRATCH DISEASE), Marseilles fever, CMVinfection, EBV-infection, Brucellosis, HIV-infection, Tubercullosis. 9 10 Management of patients with HIV-infection/AIDS. 6 Management of patients with opportunistic infections and HIV /AIDS. 6 IN TOTAL 60 Head of the chair of infectious diseases with the course of epidemiology Prof. Moroz. L. V.