Human Variation How and Why are Humans Different? Natural Selection 1. Variation (Every species has a lot of variety within it). 2. Heritability (Individuals pass on traits to their offspring) 3. Environmental Fitness (Individuals who are better adapted to their environment will produce more offspring and pass on their trais to the next generation) Do Human Subgroups Exist? Race is a socially constructed term Anthropologists state that race does not scientifically exist More genetic variation exists within races than between them (All humans share 99.9 % of the same genetic code). Race is viewed as a myth or folklore Anthropological Response to Race Anthropologists believe that physical differences among humans develop as a response to climatic, geographical, or cultural conditions. I.e. dark skin provides survival value in hot climates Race (Social Darwinism) has been used by society to justify immoral political ideas like slavery, genocide, and apartheid. Benefits of Diversity Like variation amongst all other animals, variation will allow for the continuity of the human race The Question of Race The following video will discuss the scientific explanation for race. The video asks “If we all have the same ancestors, why do we look so different?” Knowledge/Understanding: Explain some of the answers given to explain human adaptation from the video (characteristics that changed in humans to adapt to new environmental conditions) Humans have come from Africa (most variations of humans found in Africa) 150 thousand years ago in Africa 80 thousand years ago – migration to Mesibitania Spread over Eurasia Leap across baring strait to new world Light skin covered in hair Sweat from work, lose hair and skin becomes dark Vitamin D not produced well in dark skin so skin becomes lighter – Vitamin D makes use of calcium for strong bones and also enhances immune system. DNA balancing act between colour of skin and what is needed to help body survive Thinking/Inquiry: If race is not scientific, why do we feel the need to identify a person based on their race? Application: If you were debating “social Darwinists” what arguments would you use to convince them that their ideas are wrong? THE EYES OF NYE: Human Characteristics and Adaptations qsfs _oow&feature=related 9Vh4&feature=related