Structure-from-Motion and Wavelet Decomposition for outcrop analysis Christopher Gomez1,* 1. University of Canterbury, College of Sciences, Department of Geography. Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand. * corresponding author: Technical Paper in HAL Archives en Ligne technological state, some information Abstract collected in the field can’t be measured The rise of numerical methods in numerically. Therefore the authors have geological sciences, including volcanic suggested that photogrammetry based surface and subsurface analysis offers the algorithms could help extend the analysis 21st century the opportunity to work on potential from one localized control point large datasets and refine the level of – where the researcher can sample, details collected. At the same time, measure and describe an outcrop - to a outcrops are still the base of numerous larger area. Hence information from one near-surface analysis, especially on active sample could be extended to long transects volcanoes and only few progress has been and show large/progressive horizontal made around the data-collection method, variations that can’t be easily identified if not using expensive tools such as from manual work. terrestrial laser scanners. In the present contribution, the authors have investigated 1. Introduction the potential of the photogrammetric method SfM-MFS (Structure from Motion Outcrops are arguably one of the most and Multiple-View Stereophotogrammetry important sources of data to study the ), in order to improve the manual process subsurface of outcrop analysis, and they have also geomorphology of volcanic environments. investigated the use of wavelets and Outcrop analysis is essential – for instance spatial analysis techniques – usually used – for calibrating several non-destructive in GIS analysis - applied to a vertical methods, such as ground-penetrating radar surface. Results have proven that SfM- (GPR), in volcanic environments where MVS can record precise 3D data from an data outcrop. The method also allows the (Abrams and Sigurdsson, 2007; Cassidy et construction of orthophotographs of the al., 2009; Courtland et al., 2012; Finizola outcrop, which can then be used for et al., 2010; Gomez and Lavigne, 2009; further image analysis. The usage of Gomez et al., 2008, 2009, 2012; Gomez- wavelets and other spatial algorithms have Ortiz et al., 2006; Khan et al., 2007). shown their ability to extract features and Despite being a traditional technique, variations in the grain-size from numerical outcrop analysis has recently seen a data. This study has also shown the limits methodological resurgence of such techniques, as in the present application remote geology collection of can and be the challenging with sensing the (RS) techniques, such as close-range 2013) and the mechanisms of rock hyperspectral imagery to map mineral fragmentation (Tatone content (Buckley et al., 2013) and 2009). terrestrial laser scanning, to describe electromagnetic scattering on a surface and millimeter to centimeter scale features therefore plays an important role in remote (Bellian et al., 2005).. Despite important sensing interpretation (Beckmann and gains in descriptive potential, exploration Spizzichino, 1987). In this paper, we add using these RS techniques has been to the recent research on using remote- relatively sparse, most probably because sensing techniques for outcrop analysis. the technical and financial aspects are still Here we explore the question of prohibitive, and the great majority deals whether cost-effective remote sensing with sub-horizontal surfaces rather than data sub-vertical ones (e.g. Heritage and Milan, accurately describe surface texture of 2009). Moreover, the contributions – to volcanic outcrops. Surface and texture acquisition can Grasselli, also be controls used to date – deal mostly with data acquisition and handling rather than obtaining We: (1) present Structure–from-Motion parameters from which one could derive associated indicators on the nature of the studied Stereophotogrammetry material in an automated manner (e.g. low-cost alternative to terrestrial laser Giaccio et al., 2002). scanning with (Morgenroth Multiple-View (SfM-MVS), and a Gomez, 2014)and describe how it could be applied One potential direction that can be to outcrop analysis; and (2) test various explored is the analysis of outcrop surface surface texture indicators and the use of texture (or surface roughness), which can wavelet be roughness analysis, in order to determine if a key proxy for environmental decomposition for surface processes. This is particularly true in the these field automatic recognition of granularity and of agriculture where surface roughness gives indications on wind indicators could be used for derivation of grain-size variations. deflation, runoff and water absorption, even playing an important part in soil biota In and gas exchanges (Vidal Vazquez et al., known as Structure-and-Motion) was first 2005). used developed in the field of computer-vision variations of surface texture to characterize engineering (Ullman, 1979). It has since Geologists have also different volcanic deposits (Bretar et al., 1979, Structure-from-Motion (also developed into a valuable tool for PhotoScan®-Professional (Agisoft LLC, generating 3D models from 2D imagery St. Petersburg, Russia). Although the (Szelinski, procedures described in this study are 2011), notably with the development of software with Graphical achievable using various free-ware options, User Traditional the decision to use PhotoScan-Professional photogrammetry requires a series of software was made because it couples SfM identifiable points to be present in at least technology with multi-view two photographs stereophotogrammetry (MVS) algorithms Interfaces. and, perhaps more importantly, known values of camera in a user-friendly interface. Using this projection, combined SfM-MVS approach, the distortion, position, and orientation (Robertson and Cipolla, 2009). software retrieves an initial set of sparse By contrast, SfM uses algorithms to points from matching features (SfM) and identify matching features in a collection then increases the point-cloud density to of improve the reconstruction of the overlapping digital images, and calculates camera location and orientation overlying 3D mesh using MVS technology from the differential positions of multiple (Agisoft Photoscan-PRO, 2012; James and matched features (Fisher, et al., 2005; Robson, 2012; Verhoeven, et al., 2012). Quan, 2010; Szeliski, 2011). Based on these calculations overlapping imagery can In order to numerically be used to reconstruct a 3D model of the variations of a surface from an ideal photographed object or scene. Where general shape, a series of tools are relative projection geometry and camera available, position are known the values can be statistical indicators to more complex integrated into the SfM reconstruction to fractal-based (Bretard, et al., 2013) and improve the calculation productivity and wavelet-based analysis (Gomez, 2012) accuracy of the model (Agisoft Photoscan- allowing PRO, 2012). (Gomez, 2013).During the last 10 years, A number of desktop and browser-based the use of wavelet analysis in earth- SfM software packages are freely available sciences has increased concomitantly with for generating 3D scenes from digital the increasing availability of numerical photographs (e.g. Snavely, et al., 2006; data. It has especially benefited from the Snaveley, 2010; AperoMicMac: Bretard, study of time-series for the determination et al., 2013). However, this study used a of different frequencies and momentums commercial software program, Agisoft (e.g. Andreo et al., 2006; Partal and Küçük spanning measures from at study the descriptive various scales 2006; Rossi et al., 2009). Analyses of space-scale data with wavelet - although 2. Location more scarce in earth-sciences – are also on the rise (e.g. Audet and Mareschal, 2007; Japan is a volcanic archipelago that seats Booth et al., 2009; Lashermes et al., on the Pacific Ring of Fire and it is 2007), eventually following the influence arguably one of the most tectonically and of research in medical imagery, which has volcanically active regions in the world. been for Numazawa Volcano is located on the main topographical analysis for instance (e.g. island of Japan, Honshu, in the western Langenbucher et al., 2002). part of Fukushima prefecture and about 50 Wavelets allow the decomposition of a km from the volcanic front defined by signal into a set of approximations, which Sugimura (Sugimura, 1960; Yamamoto, is a 2007; Kataoka et al., 2008). Numazawa combination of different scales. Wavelet Volcano has developed on the edge of the analyses use a short-term duration wave as Uwaigusa caldera complex (Yamamoto a kernel function in an integral transform. and Komazawa, 2004) to reach a present There are several types of wavelet, which altitude of 1100 m a.s.l. A 2 km wide and are named after their inventors: e.g. Morlet ~100 m deep lake has formed within the wavelet, Meyer wavelet. Based on the caldera shape of the series/function that needs to volcaniclastic be analyzed, the appropriate mother Numazawa volcano are:the 110 k.a. wavelet is scaled and translated (daughter Sibahara pyroclastic deposits; the 71 k.a wavelet), allowing the detection of the Mukuresawa lava dome; the 45 k.a different frequencies of a signal at Mizunuma pyroclastic-flow deposits; the different time (Torrence and Compo 1998; Sozan lava dome of 43 k.a; the Maeyama Schneider This lava dome of 20 k.a and the Numazawako mathematical transform can be very useful eruption of 5 k.a (Yamamoto, 2007). to study surface variations of large-scale Kataoka et al. (2008) have described in topography or localized surface texture details the Numazawako eruption and the Wavelet is a well-fitted tool for separating geomorphic impacts around the volcano, spectral components of topography (i.e. including the flood terraces in the Tadami working on different scales of a single river, from which the material used in the object), because it gives both the spatial present contribution has been extracted and the spectral resolution. (Cf. Fig. 9 in Kataoka et al., 2008). The widely hierarchically and using wavelet organized Farge, 2006). in . Chronologically, deposits generated the by 290 cm high x 85 cm wide outcrop-peel cloud and camera location calculated by was extracted from hyperconcentrated- SfM. The 3D mesh was exported as both a flow deposits with multiple inversely vector model and a pixel based map (Fig. graded bed sets, rich in rounded pumices. 2). The matrix is dominated by coarse sand to Data were then exported into (1) the GIS pebble size material. The peel is part of a environment ArcGIS® (ESRI, Redlands, 15 m thick unit that lied on top of debris- CA, flow deposits. (MathWorks, Inc, Natick, MA, USA) USA)and (2) the MATLAB® programming environment (Fig. 2). In the GIS environment, the 3D surface created 3. Method from SfM-MVS was loaded as a single For the present study, a sandy to gravely layer and transformed into a tiff file that material from Numazawa Volcano (Japan) can be recognized as a 3 level matrix in has been digitally acquired and analyzed. Matlab. The dataset was then transfered The digital data has been collected using a into the Matlab programming environment point and shoot digital camera (Canon to conduct the examination and measures cybershot), by ‘hovering’ over the outcrop of taking 170 photographs from a distance of using a series of different mathematical 10 to 40 cm. The method for image tools: (a) wavelet decomposition; (b) acquisition may differ depending on the arithmetic average roughness; and (c) algorithm used (e.g. Fig. 1 in Westoby, proximity 2012). In this study, photographs were maximum negative variation in a square of taken to maximize the overlap such that 2x2 cm. The algorithms were implemented features of the outcrop were captured by using ‘cellular automata-type’ series of multiple photographs. scripts. The acquisition and processing surface texture-variations/roughness analysis of positive and methods have been then discussed to Using PhotoScan – professional, we present the limits and potentials of the applied the SfM technique to reconstruct a different method. point-cloud based solely on the uncalibrated photographs, with tie-points 4. Results of known location (x,y,z) in order to constrain the point-cloud in 3D. We 4.1 Visual description from 3D digital subsequently used the MVS technique to outcrop build a 3D surface from the 3D point- Fig. 3 Outcrop reconstruction from the SfM-MVS derived collated orthorectified and scaled referenced imagery. The outcrop representation on the left displays the main sedimentary structures with mix-sand and coarse sand matrix (1) layers; and coarse-sand to small pebbles matrix layers (2). Larger Pebbles – mostly pumices – of significant size were individually recorded and measured with the visible L-axis (long-axis) and the visible area, as displayed on the right representation of the outcrop. Using the visual results of the SfM-MVS in the outcrop, as they are mostly located recomposition, a series of layers of coarse in the superior half: all the clasts of L>51 sands to coarse sands and pebbles matrix mm located between 145 cm and 290 cm have been identified (Fig. 3). The layers of height, and only 3 clasts of 36 mm < L < coarser matrix also include larger clasts 50 mm are located in the bottom half of that are mainly pumices as visually the identified from the digital outcrop. These reconstruction can therefore yield useful clasts have a main axis (L) of the range information for a traditional outcrop visual ~10 to 80 mm (as measured from the 3D analysis (Cf. visual in Fig. 4-a), but more digital outcrop) and a visible surface of 8 importantly SfM-MVS also reconstructed to 250 mm2 (Fig. 3). Mostly contained in the surface ‘vertical topography’ of the the layers of coarser matrix – except for outcrop (Fig. 4). outcrop. The SfM-MVS visual one large pumice located at 145 cm height – the distribution of larger clasts is uneven 4.2 Haar-wavelet decomposition as a tool to study micro-variations The vertical topography derived from decomposition (Fig. 4-c,d,e). The resulting SfM-MVS has been extracted from a variation is shown in Fig. 4-e, where only virtual perfectly vertical plane , and the therefore one can observe a slight slant of general sloping trend have been conserved. 6 cm along the 290 cm height of the This transformation has put the emphasis outcrop-peel, the bottom part extruding the of the lower part of the outcrop where most from the perfect vertical plane. In numerous order to perform localized analysis of the were disappearing in the general slope surface variations, the general slope of the acceleration. In the upper part of the surface has been subtracted using wavelet outcrop variations independent micro-topography from the variations Fig. 4 Detrending using wavelet. Transformation of the surface ‘topography’ obtained from Structure From Motion. (a) Orthophotograph constructed from Structure from Motion; (b) Surface variation, the 0 being the perfect vertical; (c) Surface extraction of the vertical transect at the centre of the outcrop; (d) ‘topographic’ general trend as extracted by Haar wavelet decomposition (Level 7 of a 7 scales decomposition); (e) Combination of the 4 lowest level of wavelet decomposition minus the main trend at level 7 (e = L1+L2+L3+L4-L7). One will note that (b) is only coded to 280 cm height as the upper part also includes the wood frame around the peel, which creates strong micro-topographic variations spreading the variation scale and thus limiting the graphic quality of the output. just above and below the 500 sampling strongly in the combined levels of the point, one can observe - in Fig. 4-e – the wavelet decomposition (Fig. 4-E) – have strong variation of the signal and link them created strong amplitude variations in the to two units of coarser material including lowest level of the wavelet decomposition larger clasts of centimeter-scale (Fig. 4-a (Fig. 5-H). & Fig. 3). Wavelet decomposition has shown to be a Since the different levels of wavelet useful tool to automate processes such as decomposition are scale-related, we have detrending and surface roughness patterns, used the lowest level of the Haar-wavelet but the reasons behind the signal micro- decomposition (Fig. 5) in order to detect variations the finer micro-variations of the outcrop limiting an automated recognition system along 7 vertical transects equally spaced based solely on wavelet decomposition. can have various sources between 10 cm and 70 cm. This analysis has yielded positive results with variations 4.3 Statistical and Spatial Analysis to in the coarser units being clearly detected detect in ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘F’ (Fig. 5). Local variations inclusions of larger size have surface roughness micro- also influenced the signal (Fig. 5-C). In the The indicators used in the present section same are manner, sandy layers without normally used in GIS to detect inclusion of large clasts or pebbles have microvariations and in the displayed smoother signal traces with manufacturing industry. Although the instrumentation and the scale are different limited amplitude (Fig. 5-D). The signal the underlying algorithms are similar. The also reacted to microvariations that are not first indicator tested is the arithmetic due to grain-size variations, but linked to roughness average (Ra), which gives the fracture of the outcrop itself, such as indications of the localized maximum the desiccation holes and cracks (Fig 5-E) variation and those created during the transport of computed over an average moving window the outcrop-peel (Fig. 5-G). The effects of of 2 cm2 has been successful at identifying the micro-rills located at the bottom of the rapid localized variations generated by outcrop – and which did not appear increased roughness due to the coarseness (Fig. 6). This algorithm, Fig. 5 Wavelet decomposition of the outcrop at level 1 (out of a 7 levels decomposition using a Haar mother-wavelet). As the lowest level reacts to the shortest variations in space, this analysis was performed to detect the microvariations (this lowest level is often considered as the ‘white-noise’ in signal processing). It calculates the root mean square of the of the matrix (Fig. 6-b,d). It also squared variation values from an ideal succeeded at identifying smoother material surface – in the present case the detrended on the outcrop (Fig. 6-a,c,e) and defining surface roughness. their smaller scale variations. Indeed the variation of coarse material is in the order The result of the RMS shows the ability of of x*10-3 m, while finer material varies in the algorithm to detect and individualize the order of x*10-4 m from local average local variations, due here to the presence variation (one will note that these later of the centimeter-scale clast inclusions variations are below the mm scale and (Fig. 7-1&2), but it also detects quick most certainly fall within the error of variations such as the edge of a layer margin of data acquisition). slightly protruding from the rest of the The second algorithm tested with a relative outcrop (Fig. 7-3). success is the RMS: 1 𝐿 [(𝐿 ∫0 𝑍(𝑥 )2 𝑑𝑥]1/2 Fig. 6 Arithmetic average roughness (Ra) extracted using a 2cm x 2cm moving average detrending, which reduces the effects of large variation on the outcrop. (a & c) Ra of coarse sand units; (b & d) Ra of coarser sand with gravels and centimetric clasts inclusions; (e) Ra of coarse sand with several vertical erosional rill remnants. It is interesting to note that Ra did not react to these variations (one will note that the scales of a,c and e are the same but b and d differ in order to display the variations at different scales). Fig. 7 RMS or square root of the square of local variation from the entire detrended surface. This index allows finding elements that protrude locally from the surrounding, such as isolated gravels in finer material, etc. The profile (a) is the reconstructed photograph using textured SfM-MVS; the profile (b) is the surface microtopography from an idea vertical; profile (c) is the dvar. On the three profiles box 1,2 and 3 have been drawn for regions of interests (see the text for full comments on these boxes). processing and interpretation’ of data Discussion captured with a roughness-meter or even The different algorithms using wavelet and non-contact methods such as SfM-MVS or spatial statistics techniques tested here on TLS is possible, it is necessary to improve the SfM-MVS derived data have shown the speed of data processing for large- their ability to produce measures of the surface rock-faces. Based on the results surface roughness. It also shows that the obtained in the present study both a SfM-MVS decomposition using wavelet and a RMS is successfully variations a method capture on that can microtopographic outcrops even at could improve such processing and the produce a map of local micro-variations. millimeter level. The intrinsic advantage Other applications of the combination of of this workflow is its low-cost (e.g. of SfM-MVS topographic application: Westoby et al., algorithms are numerous, as SfM-MVS, 2012) and the fact that anybody can go and wavelet decomposition and the spatial collect data for the scientist to process, as analysis algorithms used in the present it only requires standard overlapping study are scale-independent. They can be photographs from a low-cost, off-the-shelf applied from the mountain-scale to the camera. However, the surface roughness micro-soil variation scale. processing algorithms tested here are not As pointed out by Westoby et al., (2012), sufficiently developed to automate the despite process of recognizing layers of coarser logistic demand, SfM-MVS is extremely grain-size or the presence of larger time-consuming during the processing ‘individuals’ in a series as they also reacts process. Using a four core E7 at 2GhZ to the imperfections of the outcrop. CPU and 6GB RAM the SfM-MVS process Although of portability,low-cost reached almost roughness and 30 low- hours computing. This lengthy process could be imperfections hamper the full-automation reduced by diminishing the resolution of of the process in the present study, the the photographs, though this may result behavior of these algorithms could be used inloss ofdetail, then in the density of to detect the imperfections on rock-faces, keypoints and thus,the final quality of the which Giaccio et al. (2002) measured reconstructed surface may be deminished. using a roughness-meter, and used as a Working at a sub-centimeter to centimeter proxy of erosion features invisible to the level, it is therefore important to keep the . detection surface these naked eye the with Although the ‘manual full-resolution of the photographs. from a known outcrop or borehole in order The development of this method, and the to provide more spatially significant need for powerful algorithms, and the results. hardware limitation are all symptomatic of the recent shift in the technical paradigms Conclusion of geo-sciences, for which data is widely SfM-MVS is a rapid method to collect available, easy to collect (compared to ~30 very fine outcrop data in the field, and years ago), and it is therefore less of a could be extensively used on volcanoes, challenge than the data-processing, too because it would allow the preservation of numerous to be effectively used in a timely orthorectified and georeferenced outcrop manner. This shift and the necessity to morphologies and images, which would be develop extremely useful for comparisons after appropriate data processing algorithms is also perceptible in the volcanic evolutions, especially on funding strategies like the late y.2013 NSF volcanoes that change extremely quickly. grant ‘EarthCube’, aiming to develop Such extended dataset are therefore in cyber-infrastructure in earth-sciences. need of algorithms providing partial or full-automation of some of the processing Finally, the limitations of the data steps. It appears that wavelet processing method also highlight the fact decomposition and RMS would provide a that human experience and eyes in the rapid insight on the location of coarser field can’t be replaced by a fully materials and individual outliers, while automated system, as the present state of arithmetic surface roughness would be remote-sensing and more useful to detect units or layers that processing alone doesn’t allow us to are similar on an outcrop. Following the extract all the necessary data. At present, it present work, the next step will be the is SfM-MVS retrieval of outdoor data and grain-size acquisition method can be used as a samples in order to find eventual linkages complementary method. Indeed, traditional between surface roughness indicators and analysis and sampling could act as a grain-size distribution. most likely data that acquisition the control point for SfM-MVS, which would be then able to expand the localized knowledge to long outcrops. 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