October 2014 newsletter

Greetings NAPNAP members:
Fall has arrived! I rarely miss the rain but this year I find myself ready. A long warm
summer helps. I haven't yet found the time to curl up with a good book, but am
It is time for some updates. In my last update in June, I introduced our newest board
members. Presently we have 5 board members. Two of us are oldies but goodies,
having served the board previously and our careers have been in Oregon. New blood
brings on new ideas and energy. As a group, we have decided to try some new
things. This year we are going to abandon the all day spring conference. (Gasp)
Instead, we are working on 2 separate half- day events which will take on a topic in
more depth. I am excited to introduce our first event where we will discuss
transgender youth. It is an issue at the forefront of conversation. In a half -day forum
we will invite 3 speakers to present their aspect of the transgender experience,
including a pediatrician to talk about puberty suppression, an educator from
TransActive Gender Center, and a local parent to discuss the family experience of
raising a transgender child. I believe this will be an engaging and exciting topic to
delve into. In addition, we are working to offer this event as a webinar to broaden
our net and allow a greater audience. More to follow with a date and details!
Another idea we have is to orchestrate more informal gatherings to bring PNPs
together to discuss a topic of choice. We could call it "DISCUSSIONS WITH....". This
could include asking a member to talk about her unique job experience, area of
study/research, child advocacy project, community service, etc. This idea came out
of an experience I had many years ago with our membership. A number of members
had had international volunteer experiences. We all met at Marilee Dea's house for
tea and cookies while enjoying pictures and stories of their incredible adventures in
serving children internationally. It was a great way to meet, network, and share the
work we do. I invite us to share our experience and talents.
I welcome your input, ideas, and suggestions. It is our hope and desire to foster
greater opportunities for networking, learning, and sharing for PNPs through out
the state. I challenge PNPs outside of Portland to bring topics to the table for
"Discussions with ...." in your area, which we are happy to support with advertising
and dinner. Let's try something new! We welcome your support, feedback, and
-----Tamra Kehoe, CPNP Oregon Chapter President
Message Request from : Tami Kochan, RN, MSN, CPNP, AE-C
I am on IPAT which is Immunization Policy Advisory Team for Oregon. The new law requiring
parents refusing vaccines unrelated to religious exemption will be on our December agenda. I
am wanting feedback to take back to them in December.
I am wondering if you can send an email out to all members to get feedback?
I would like a few questions posed - How do you feel about the video? Do you just
automatically send parents that refuse to the video or try educating?
Thoughts and feedback please. Below is information if you need it.
This school year, Oregon has a new process for parents claiming a nonmedical exemption
to school and child care immunization requirements. Parents wanting a new exemption
need to receive education, either from a health care practitioner or from watching the
online vaccine education module, available at www.healthoregon.org/vaccineexemption.
When you provide education to parents wanting a nonmedical exemption, complete and
give them a Vaccine Education Certificate, available
Parents must provide a Vaccine Education Certificate to their child’s school or child care as
documentation of education in order to claim a nonmedical exemption—other
documentation, such as a declination to vaccinate form, is not acceptable for school
attendance purposes in Oregon.
Resources for talking to parents about vaccine safety can be found
More information about nonmedical exemptions is available
atwww.healthoregon.org/vaccineexemption. Or, contact the Oregon Immunization Program
at 971-673-0300 if you have questions.
Tami Kochan RN, MSN, CPNP, AE-C
2050 Progress Way
Woodburn, OR 97071
Phone: (503) 981- 5348
Fax: (503) 467- 5588
Message Request from: Sarah Wickenhagen, DNP, FNP, APRN
It has come to my attention that there will be an attempt to stop the process of Division 56
Rule proceeding to Hearing in November. This is in regard to APRN language in Division 56.
I was wondering if you would consider writing our board and letting them know of your
support of APRN title and if you would be willing to submit this in either written or in person
Please feel free to pass this on to others who could potentially support our efforts.
I have sample written testimony listed below:
Testimony for Public Hearing
Oregon State Board of Nursing
November 20, 2014
Your Full Name
Street Address
City or Town, State Zip Code
Madam President and members of the board,
My name is (first name, last name) and I am a (specific type of APRN or nurse leadership
position). Draft language of Division 56 of Nurse Practice Act now includes the definition of
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (ARPN) and the abbreviation APRN when describing
Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Nurse Specialists, and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists. This
title is part of the APRN consensus model and the recommendation of the National Council
of State Boards of Nursing. Currently 33 states in the nation use this title to identify
registered nurses educated at Masters or post Masters level and in a specific role and patient
population. I would like you to support use of this language in the Oregon Nurse Practice Act
and I urge you to go forward with your proposed legislation of this title.
Please feel free to include any other pertinent or specific information about the benefits of
pursuing APRN title in Oregon.
Send your testimony or desire to testify in person on this topic to:
We are stronger together!
Sarah Wickenhagen, DNP, FNP, APRN
Policy Analyst, Advanced Practice Nursing & Assessment
Oregon State Board of Nursing
17938 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road
Portland, OR 97224
Fax: 971-673-0684
Email: sarah.wickenhagen@state.or.us
Preceptor Request:
I am a George Washington University FNP student living in the DC area
(Northern VA) with plans to move to Portland by next year. I am
currently in my family practice and OBGYN rotation and next semester, I
will need to begin my peds clinical. I have been in contact with
Maureen Oliverio, an NP at OHSU specializing peds craniofacial
abnormalities. She suggested I look into the Oregon chapter of
NAPNAP and that is how I came upon your name. Have I come to the
right place? I don't have many medical contacts out West, so I'm
looking for any guidance as to who I may be able to contact as a
possible preceptor. I can complete my hours with an FNP, PNP, or MD
working in a general peds outpatient practice.
Thank you! I look forward to hearing back from you!
Randa Samaha
Randa Samaha Resume 2014 (1).docx
Local Conference Opportunity:
Shriner's Hospitals for Children
Pediatric Specialty Care Orthopaedics
7th Annual Primary Care Providers Conference 2014
November 3, 2014 Portland, Oregon
2014 PCP conference brochure 8-7-14
Conference Registration Is Open!
Join us in Las Vegas for the 36th Annual
Conference on Pediatric Health Care —
Advancing Pediatrics: Empowering Today’s and
Tomorrow’s Leaders
President Tamra Kehoe MN, CPNP tamrakehoe@yahoo.com
President-elect Cindi Farmstrom, CPNP cibrown261@yahoo.com
Treasurer Martha Driessnack , CPNP driessna@ohsu.edu
Secretary Michaela Cribb, CPNP michaela.cribb@gmail.com
Legislative Chair open
Outreach Chair open
Membership: Alicia McIntire, MS, CPNP alimcintir@yahoo.com