
Course Outline
Class Title: Hydrotherapy #3
Course and Hours: Hydrotherapy - 3.5 hours
Summary of Content:
Herbal Wrap Demonstration, Cold Water Treading, and Facial
Instructional Objectives:
Students will participate in all three hydrotherapy treatments, and
display an understanding of the principles. Students will be focused and
attentive to their partners during each of the hydrotherapy treatments.
15 min.
35 min.
20 min.
10 min.
5 min.
30 min.
5 min.
5 min.
10 min.
5 min.
30 min.
5 min.
10 min.
orientation, set up washtubs & ice outside, check supplies
participate cold water treading; class discussion
dry demo of wrap/unwrap; set up tables
first trade
dress/strip tables
set up tables
second trade
dress/strip tables
close up
Media to be used:
Cold Water Treading tubs, 4-6 bags of ice (depending on class size and
outside temperature), water (from hose outside @ parking area);
Herbal Wrap supplies: massage table, 2 blankets, sheet set, 2 large
beach (wrap) towels, plastic sheeting, 1 liter water bottle w/ squirt top,
lavender essential oil; Facial Treatment supplies: 1 basin, clay mask in
small bowl, applicator brush, face lotion, 1 washcloth
Source Material:
TLC packet pages
Lesson Plan
Class Title: Hydrotherapy #3
Demo Guidelines:
Unless student number is odd, instructor will do a “dry” demonstration
of the wrapping and unwrapping sequences for the herbal wrap
Table Prep:
Students will set up their tables for the first trade along with the
instructor during the demonstration of table preparation.
Insulation Layer: Two blankets are laid cross-wise over the length of the
table, overlapping in the middle and off-set, longer on one side than the
Moisture Barrier Layer: Next lay the plastic sheeting layer, off-set to
cover the blankets, with a small area at top of table not covered with
plastic – this is so the head and face will not have plastic around them
when person is wrapped.
Water Retention Layer: Position towels cross-wise on table in
overlapping layers, off-set to same side as other layers, to that the larger
(beach) towels cover the larger areas of the body (shoulders to groin),
with any smaller towels positioned to cover the legs and feet.
Herbal Water Application:
Once the table is set up and students have done a “dry wrap” with their
partner to test whether or not the towels will cover all the person’s
genitalia adequately once wrapped over their body, have the students
fold the off-set portion of the towels back on top of the rest of the
toweling, so that these long sides can be thoroughly soaked with hot
herbed water before the remaining is distributed over the rest of the
towels. Once the table and receiver are ready to proceed, turn the 1 liter
bottle of hot herbed water bottle completely upside-down (this allows
for more effective outflow than just angled) and start squirting back and
forth over the entire towel surfaces – try for an even distribution to
prevent ‘puddles’ of hot water. Once entire contents of bottle are
distributed, receiver will immediately get on the table and be wrapped.
Wrap Procedure:
Show students how to use the flat sheet folded in half (top to bottom)
wrapped around the torso as a robe – keep the folded edge at the top to
minimize chances of sheet layers falling apart, instruct the students to
keep the opening in the back so that they can be sure to get their
buttocks onto the towels as “first contact’ when getting on the table.
Instruct them to get their own arms underneath the flat sheet once they
are on the table, so that their partner can remove it (with steady
pulling) once the first (long side) layers of towels/plastic are folded
over. Also instruct the receivers to put some space between their arms
and their bodies at this stage in the herbal wrap process so that they
will be comfortable once they are fully enclosed in the towel/blanket
layers. Using the plastic layer underneath to help keep the towels all
together, giver will (all at once) move the longer side of the towels so
that they lay Instruct student givers to put their partners ‘robe’ (flat
sheet) on top of their wrapped body, to keep it handy and also to let it
begin to dry. Instruct students to insert a bolster under partners’ knees
for the duration of the treatment. Once receiver is situated and the
treatment has begun, have the giver locate the clothing for their partner
so that it will be ready at the end of treatment.
Unwrap Procedure:
Once it’s time to unwrap, instruct students to only unwrap the top
(blanket) layers first, before laying partners’ ‘robe’ sheet on top of the
remaining plastic and towels – this will stay in place as receiver is
unwrapped to prevent any inadvertent exposure. Instruct students on
how to hold sheet in place above and pull plastic/towels layers away
from partners’ body underneath. Arrange ‘robe’ sheet to, again, have
one side longer than the other (on side of therapist) and once layers are
fully removed from around partners body, instruct receivers on how to
bring their arms out and on top of the ‘robe’ sheet, with one hand
holding against chest/breast area for females. Once receiver is ready to
sit up, have givers ready themselves to cover partners’ buttocks by
placing their ‘foot’ hand at the level of the hips, ready to sweep the long
side of fabric over to the other hip. Their ‘head’ hand will be at
shoulder level, ready to move immediately down to between the
shoulder blades (to do most of the pushing) once partner initiates
sitting up. Encourage students to remind their receivers to “let me do
most of the work in getting you up”, since most people tend to be very
relaxed. Also encourage them to instruct their partners to swing their
legs over the side of the table only and remain sitting for the few
seconds it takes for giver to find their clothing pile. This will allow their
equilibrium to balance out before their feet hit the floor. Instruct
partners to assist their receivers in gaining a secure place to change, and
remind them to drink water.
Practical Guidelines:
Students will participate in cold water treading by pairing up and
standing or gently ‘marching’ in the ice water-filled (to just above the
ankles) galvanized tubs. 30 seconds* in the tubs is immediately
followed by 2-3 minutes of quiet walking with partners. Ask students
to notice what they are feeling and experiencing internally through this
warming up period – these experiences will vary widely, and will be
shared back in the classroom during the brief discussion following.
* 30 seconds of ice water treading is a compassionate minimum time for
the first round of treading – an additional 30 seconds/one minute may be
used for the second round of treading, if time permits.
For a 45-minute Herbal Wrap trade, and depending on the number of
students in the class, the instructor can allow 5 min. or so with receivers
getting undressed and ready to receive and the givers double checking
the table for readiness, followed by approximately 10 min. for all the
students to finish the wrapping procedure; the same for the unwrapping
with about 10 minutes for the unwrapping and about 5 in. for receivers
to dress and givers to strip table of wet towels. This will yield about 25
minutes for the receivers to be “in” the treatment.
Once all the bolstering, wrap adjustments, locating of the clothes, and
spreading of the ‘robe’ sheets are completed, have the students just sit
near their partner without touching them just yet – give quiet verbal
instructions to get the students centered in their own bodies, to help
them become aware of their own selves before they physically contact
their partners – this allows them to distinguish that their partner is fully
inside of the treatment experience quite possibly might be in a
profoundly different “place” than just in the classroom. Give them quiet
instructions to increase their focus on awareness of the gentle rhythm,
flow, of their touch and to imagine creating wave movements whenever
they touch their partners. This is to emphasize that their touch will be
“of a piece” with the water-y nature of the herbal wrap experience and
will only enhance rather than counteract the treatment.
During this time, the assistant will bring facial supplies and a basin
(with small amount of cold water in it for possible finger washing) to
each table.
Remind students to apply a thin, even coating of the facial mask and to
avoid applying to any facial hair areas.
Lecture Guidelines:
Orient students to how class will be orchestrated (see
Instructor/Assistant Notes below); follow Cold Water Treading with a
short lecture/discussion on benefits of this short cold treatment, who
might benefit, it’s intensity, and it’s contraindications.
Discussion Guidelines:
Encourage student pairs to give appropriate feedback regarding the feel
and effects of the techniques experienced, the ease of handling the
supplies, etc.
Media Usage:
Classroom Notes: each table will need a chair, 2 blankets, a plastic sheet
for each trade; students will provide: set of sheets, and 2 beach towels,
hand cleanser, facial toner and cotton pads.
Refer to the packet pages for the supplies needed for each treatment.
All supplies are located in the locked cabinets to the right of the
sink in the student lounge, except for the water jugs, which are
located under the counter cabinets to the left of the sink.
This class requires ice: the assistant should pick up the required number
of bags of ice on the way in to class, store them in the freezer or ice
chests, as appropriate, and give the cash receipt to either the
receptionist or the bookkeeper for reimbursement.
15 minutes before class begins, assistant prepares the two galvanized
tubs (located in the supply room in classroom #1), will fill them up to
the first line (ankle height) with water – 5 minutes before students
come out for treading, assistant will add 1-2 bags of ice to each tub to
chill the water adequately. If class has a large number of students, or
the weather is particularly hot, assistant should be prepared to add
more bags of ice as needed to keep the cold water cold. The tubs should
be placed in the grassy part of the picnic table area near the concrete
curb so that students may exit the tubs right onto the parking lot surface
– it’s good to put either rubber entry mats here or extra towels on the
ground to help students transition immediately to walking.
Once the tubs are prepared, assistant will prepare supplies for facial
treatment (one for each student); the clay facial mask will be mixed in a
bowl with enough water to achieve consistency of smooth yogurt, a
dime-sized amount of which will be put in small clear plastic
“condiment bowl” (with top, to prevent spilling in classroom); a small
facial fan brush, and a dime-sized amount of BioTone face lotion will
also be supplied on small paper plate.
Once these are ready, assistant will count out a basin for each table, put
a small amount of cold water in each one, and wait until herb al wraps
are all completed to quietly deliver each one table-side. After
approximately 15 minutes of treatment time, assistant will fill green
watering jugs with hot water (2 hot : 1 cold) and begin to deliver hot
water to the basins for those students whose partner’s facial mask is
most dry and therefore ready to be removed (consult with instructor on
As the students finish removing the facial mud masks, assistant and
instructor can remove basins from the room to be dumped out in the
sink in student break room – be sure to leave washcloths at tables for
the students to put away at end of treatment. These basins will be
cleaned out and left to drain/dry.
During the break between trades, assistant can prepare any supplies not
already prepared. As soon as the second trade gets underway, they can
prepare the basins with small amount of cold water , ready to be put at
each table once the wrapping is finished.
After students have begun the second treatment, assistant can begin to
wash the basins (if not begun already), return supplies to their storage
bins & lock the storage cupboards, and generally clean and dry the
break room area.
Clean Up: Basins need to be washed with soap, rinsed and stacked on
the tables to drain (invert them and stack “piggy-back style” so that they
will dry). Any used school towels or washcloths go in the black plastic
container under the table in the front of the break room (labeled so).