2015 16 Observation criteria

2014-15 PGCE/Cert Ed (inc. DET ) Observation of Teaching: Assessment Criteria for Pass/Fail and Grading Practice
Areas of Observed
Planning to meet
needs of groups and
individuals: Uses
skills and expertise to
plan teaching,
learning and support
which responds to
the strengths and
needs of learners;
monitors their
progress, setting
challenging tasks,
and building on and
extend learning for
all learners
1: Outstanding
Overall characteristics: Trainee's teaching is
consistently above and beyond the standards,
with many outstanding features.
Practice includes:
2: Good
Trainee’s teaching consistently meets all
of the standards, showing no
significant weaknesses.
Practice includes:
3: Pass
Trainee’s teaching meets the
standards but with some areas
requiring improvement.
Practice includes:
Consistent and comprehensive planning with
differentiated aims that meet the needs of
individuals/groups through initially assessing
learners’ starting points. Creative negotiation of
learning goals and assessment activities with
learners to address particular individual learning
needs, overcoming identified barriers to
learning. Timely coordination of, and
comprehensive planning for, additional support
for learning. Selection and development of a wide
variety of stimulating activities and resources.
Methodical planning to embed development of
maths, English and ICT skills. Authoritative ability
to link theory to practice in planning.
Consistent planning for differentiation
through initially assessing learners’
starting points. Negotiation of learning
goals and assessment activities to meet
the needs of individuals and groups, and
to overcome identified barriers to
learning. Planning and co-ordination of
additional support for learning. Selection
and development of a range of
appropriate activities and resources.
Planning to embed development of
relevant maths, English and ICT skills.
Ability to demonstrate theoretical
underpinning in planning.
Planning to meet the needs of the
group and individuals through
initially assessing learners’ starting
points. Negotiation of learning
goals and appropriate assessment
activities to overcome identified
barriers to learning. Provision of
plans for additional support for
learning. Planning for appropriate
activities and resources that may
incorporate include maths, English
or ICT skills. Ability to link theory to
practice in planning.
4: Fail
Trainee’s teaching does not
meet standards, and/or has
significant areas to develop,
which may include:
Insufficient or inappropriate
planning; the needs of
individuals or the group not
met. Being unaware of and/or
failing to plan effectively to
meet learning needs or
address barriers to learning.
Insufficient planning and
preparation for appropriate
learning and assessment
activities or resources. Unable
to plan or prepare sufficiently
without close supervision.
Unable to link theory to
Standards: 14.Plan and deliver effective learning programmes for diverse groups or individuals in a safe and inclusive environment; 4.Be creative and innovative in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners to learn.
Impact of Subject
Specialist Teaching
on learners and their
learning experience:
Teaching and
learning develops
subject specialism as
well as English,
ICT and functional
skills to support the
achievement of
learning goals and
career aims
Demonstration of excellent subject knowledge and
pedagogy which supports and engages learners,
with ability to consistently and confidently
anticipate and address common errors and
misconceptions. Consistent modelling of very high
standards of written and spoken communication,
maths and ICT, successfully developing these
skills in their learners. Employment and design of
creative and realistic subject specific assessment
activities. Confident and consistent support of
knowledge and understanding of FE/HE and
relevant employment opportunities, and wider
social and environmental contexts. Consistent and
confident demonstration of impact on learning
through adaption and advancement of subject
specialist knowledge and pedagogy.
Demonstration of well-developed subject
knowledge, using different and engaging
teaching approaches, with ability to
identify, explain and address common
errors and misconceptions. Modelling of
good standards of written and spoken
communication, maths and ICT
encouraging and supporting these skills in
learners. Ability to design and employ
effective and realistic subject specific
assessment activities. Ability to support
knowledge and understanding of FE/HE
and relevant employment opportunities,
and wider social and environmental
contexts. Demonstrates impact on learning
through adaption and advancement of
personal subject specialist knowledge and
Application of secure subject
knowledge, including accurate and
consistent use of subject specific
language that engages learners,
develops key concepts and
addresses common errors and
misconceptions. Secure level of
personal maths, English and ICT,
building these into lessons in
support of these skills in learners.
Ability to employ suitable and
relevant subject specific assessment
activities. Ability to identify FE/HE
and employment opportunities and
relate these to learners. Ability to
adapt subject specialist knowledge
and pedagogy.
Insufficient knowledge of
specialist subject. Failure to
select and apply interesting or
relevant methods for teaching
or assessing learner’s subject
specific knowledge and skills
as appropriate to the group
or individual. Failure to adapt,
or develop, set subject
specialist knowledge or
pedagogical targets.
Standards: 3. Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm and knowledge; 7. Maintain and update knowledge of your subject and/or vocational area; 16. Address the mathematics and English needs of
learners and work creatively to overcome individual barriers to learning; 19. Maintain and update your teaching and training expertise and vocational skills through collaboration with employers.
2014-15 PGCE/Cert Ed (inc. DET ) Observation of Teaching: Assessment Criteria for Pass/Fail and Grading Practice
Managing Teaching
and Learning:
Learners benefit
from high
expectations and a
range of teaching
and learning
approaches which
inspire, motivate and
challenge their
Consistent and confident in establishing and
maintaining a motivating, challenging, structured
and inclusive learning environment. All learners
feel safe, secure, confident and valued.
Consistent use of a range of creative, innovative
and motivating learning opportunities, which
encourage learners’ independence and active
learning. Consistent and effective use of high
quality and stimulating resources, incorporating a
range of new technologies, as appropriate.
Consistent and effective employment of high
level communication skills and active listening
to promote learning.
Establishing and maintaining a motivating,
structured, positive, inclusive learning
environment. All learners feel safe,
secure, confident and valued. Effective
use of a good range of interesting,
appropriate, and motivating learning
opportunities and active learning.
Effective employment of a range of good
quality, engaging resources incorporating
new technologies, as appropriate. Ability
to demonstrate good communication
skills and active listening to promote
Establishing and maintaining a
structured, inclusive learning
environment where learners feel
safe, secure, confident and valued.
Effective use of a range of
engaging learning opportunities
and active learning. Effective use
of resources, which include, as
appropriate, new technologies.
Ability to employ good
communication skills to promote
Failure to establish or
maintain a safe, structured,
inclusive learning
environment where learners
feel confident and valued.
Failure to use, or limited use
of, range of learning
opportunities, emphasis on
passive learning. Poor quality
resources, limited use of new
technologies (where
appropriate). Limited
communication skills.
Standards: 8. Maintain and update your knowledge of educational research to develop evidence-based practice; 9. Apply theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment drawing on research and other
evidence; 13. Motivate and inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to enable progression; 15. Promote the benefits of technology and support learners in its use.
Promoting Inclusion:
Equality and diversity
are respected and
promoted through
teaching and learning
and effective
ensuring an inclusive
and safe learning
Consistent and active promotion of citizenship
and sustainability, maintaining high standards of
behaviour, communication, respect for others.
Challenge of inappropriate behaviour and
attitudes, promoting equality, valuing diversity,
setting consistently high and demanding
expectations. Effective and consistent
encouragement of learner autonomy. Use of
knowledge and understanding of impact of
learners’ life experiences as barriers to learning.
Recognition of citizenship and
sustainability, establishing and
maintaining appropriate standards of
behaviour, communication, respect for
others. Ability to challenge inappropriate
behaviour and attitudes, promoting
equality, valuing diversity, setting high
expectations. Effective encouragement of
learner autonomy. Awareness, and
implication, of learners’ life experiences as
barriers to learning.
Awareness of citizenship and
sustainability, establishing
appropriate standards of
behaviour, communication, respect
for others. Challenging
inappropriate behaviour and
attitudes, promoting equality,
valuing diversity, with clear
expectations. Encouragement of
learner autonomy. Awareness of
learners’ life experiences.
Failure to promote inclusive
values or to set high
expectations for learners.
Failure to challenge
inappropriate or
discriminatory behaviour and
attitudes. Fostering of
teacher-dependence. Being
unaware of the life
experiences of the learners.
Standards: 12. Understand the teaching and professional role and your responsibilities; 5. Value and promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion; 6. Build positive and collaborative relationships with
colleagues and learners. 11. Manage and promote positive learner behaviour.
Assessment for
Learning: Learners
understand how to
improve as a result of
frequent, detailed
and accurate
feedback following
assessment of their
Effective, consistent, confident & systematic use
of wide variety of engaging assessment tools,
including as appropriate new/emerging
technologies, to assess whether learning
outcomes have been met. Consistent use of
peer & self-assessment as tools for learning and
progression. Effective use of formative,
questioning & constructive feedback as central
mechanisms to consolidate learning and
encourage reflection. Excellent knowledge and
understanding of relevant summative
assessment processes. Consistent use of
reflection in action when appraising the impact
of own practice on learning.
Appropriate selection and effective use of
a range of appropriate assessment tools
including, where appropriate, new and
emerging technologies to assess whether
learning outcomes have been met. Use
of peer & self-assessment as a tool for
progressing learning. Effective use of
formative assessment, questioning and
constructive feedback to promote
learning. Sound knowledge and
understanding of relevant summative
assessment processes. Active response
when appraising the impact of own
practice on learning.
Selection and use of a limited range
of assessment tools, including
active questioning, to assess
whether outcomes have been met.
Occasionally uses new and
emerging technologies, or makes
use of peer & self-assessment as a
tool for learning. Generally gives
clear and constructive feedback on
assessment. Knowledge and
understanding of relevant
summative assessment processes.
Appraisal of impact of own
practice on learning.
Insufficient or inappropriate
use of assessment of
learners, including
inadequate use of
questioning and constructive
feedback. Little or ineffective
use of peer & selfassessment. Insufficient
knowledge and
understanding of relevant
summative assessment
processes. Insufficient
evaluation of impact of own
practice on learning.
Standards: 18. Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely feedback to support progression and achievement; 17. Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment,
setting goals that stretch and challenge.