UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND is seeking applications from an experienced research institute OR 1 international and 3 national consultants: to conduct Study on Investing in Early Childhood Education in Montenegro Qualification or Specialized Knowledge/Experience and competencies required for the research team or individual consultants: International Education expert: Advanced Degree in Social Sciences/Education Thorough understanding of the issues related to preschool education sector, relevant strategies and policies guiding preschool education planning Technical competence and experience in development cooperation or development planning, research in social policy Previous experience of working with UNICEF, preferably in the CEE/CIS region would be a strong asset Teamwork abilities Excellent communication skills (both oral and written) Proficiency in English, local language(s) is an asset Local Education Expert University or Advanced Degree in Social Sciences/Education Thorough understanding of the issues related to preschool education sector, relevant strategies and policies guiding preschool education planning in Montenegro Previous experience of working with UNICEF, preferably in the CEE/CIS region would be a strong asset Teamwork abilities Excellent communication skills (both oral and written) Proficiency in English is an asset Data analysis expert University degree in social science, economics/finance Technical competence and experience in development cooperation or development planning, research in social policy and public expenditures analysis; Extensive expertise in carrying out analysis of the costs of education programs, affordability, costeffectiveness, and cost/benefit studies Strong report writing and analytical skills Teamwork abilities Excellent communication skills (both oral and written) Proficiency in English, local language(s) is an asset Previous experience of working with UNICEF, preferably in the CEE/CIS region would be a strong asset Technical competence and experience of research in social policy and public expenditures analysis Involvement in policy development, research and analysis related to preschool education Teamwork abilities Excellent communication skills (both oral and written) Proficiency in English , local language(s) required Data collection expert Technical competence and experience in development cooperation or development planning, research in social policy and public expenditures analysis; Technical competence and experience of research in social policy and public expenditures analysis Extensive experience in data collection (of primary and secondary data) Extensive experience in statistical analysis and report writing Teamwork abilities Proficiency in English , local language(s) required If you have the background and commitment to take on these responsibilities and would like to join the UNICEF team, please apply with a Supplier Profile Form (for research institute) or a CV, P11 form and covering letter (for consultants) which should include financial offer consisting of fee for the services to be provided, travel and subsistence costs, as applicable to: UNICEF Podgorica Office, Vladike Danila 28 81000 Podgorica Or via e-mail at: podgorica@unicef.org Supplier Profile Form and P11 forms are available on request UNICEF IS A SMOKE FREE ENVIRONMENT Closing date for applications is 15 September Only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview. Terms of Reference Study on Investing in Early Childhood Education in Montenegro Early Childhood Education (ECE) and expanded coverage of preschool services as an entry point to the social inclusion of children from vulnerable groups Background In June 2012 Montenegro has opened the accession negotiations with the European Union. Within the negotiation process, the Early Childhood Education (ECE) is a part of the Chapter 26: Education and Culture. The expected target as set out by the Europe 2020 Strategy is at least 95% of children between four years old and the age for starting compulsory primary education participating in early and preschool education. At present there are 105 pre-school units organized in 21 “institutions” serving 15.068 children aged 0 to 6 (32%). In the last years, as a result of a higher interest of parents in pre-school education and the overcrowding of institutions in some urban areas, non-governmental organizations offering pre-school services started to emerge. Thirteen private licensed pre-schools in Podgorica and Bar cover about 300 children. One characteristic of pre-school units in Montenegro is that they serve children for the whole range from 0 to 6 years of age in the same building. Current enrolment rates are: 14% for children aged 0-3, 41% for the 3-5, and 66% for children that are 5 years old. Enrolments in the North region are the lowest in the country at 5% for the 0-3, 23% for the 3-5 and 43% for those over 5 years. The need to invest in the pre-school sector is justified by (i) the low coverage ratio (14% for the children aged below 3, 41% for 3-5, and 66% for children over 5 years of age. Children with disabilities comprise only 3.88% of all children in kindergartens, whereas coverage of Roma and Egyptian children with preschool education is estimated to be 13.81%. Also, the data from Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) conducted in 2005 shows that children from the richest quintile are ten times more likely to attend kindergartens than the children from the poorest quintile. Pre-school education is recognised as one of the most powerful motors of social inclusion and considered to be one of the most profitable investments in the prosperity of an individual and a country. Preschool education serves two main functions. Firstly, it promotes children’s early development, which will also have positive benefits to the nation; and secondly, it enables parents to engage in the labour market or continue with education while children are cared for in kindergarten. The benefits, to both the state and individuals, arising from early childhood education are backed by solid economics, and also explained by advancements in brain research. In economic terms, the gains from early learning take many forms. Firstly, children perform better in education. In the short term this saves costs by reducing school drop-out and grade repetition. In the longer term it improves educational attainment and achievement, as evidenced by results from the international PISA survey1. Secondly, children’s health improves — an effect that carries through to later life — with intrinsic benefits to the child and a reduction in governmental spending on health care. Thirdly, children are less likely to become involved as adolescents or adults in criminal and other dysfunctional behaviour. Finally, there are wider socio-economic returns: unemployment rates go down and average income goes up, leading to less spending on social benefits and more tax revenues for the state. 1http://www.oecd.org/pisa/pisaproducts/pisa2009/47034256.pdf It was acknowledged that availability of analysis on costing and financing of ECE services and providing costing scenarios for further consideration by the governments is necessary to address issues affecting well-being of all children. With the aim to examine how ECE services can be expanded to encompass more children, especially those from vulnerable and marginalised groups, the Ministry of Education and UNICEF Montenegro have agreed to conduct a study that would look into costing of expansion of preschool education in Montenegro. The study will test the most realistic scenarios that provide universal coverage of children with preschool education with an initial focus on the year before the primary school entry (Pre-school Preparatory Programme - PPP), but also to encompass scenarios for progressive expansion of ECE services for younger age groups i.e. 3-5 years of age. The preschool expansion scenarios will consider prioritization of marginalized and most vulnerable groups of children: Roma and Egyptian children, poor children and children with disabilities. Therefore, the study will mix two approaches: age-wise and group-wise expansion of coverage. 2. Purpose and Objective The purpose of the research is to conduct a financial costing analysis of preschool education with a particular focus for disadvantaged and marginalized families, namely: To develop costing scenarios that provide universal coverage of children with PPP (one year before primary school entry) and scenarios for progressive expansion of coverage with ECE services of children aged 3-5 years in view of achieving universal coverage. Focus will be put on marginalised and most vulnerable groups of children; To provide recommendations for normative models of financing pre-school education services to ensure that the most vulnerable children/families are included; Provide recommendations to optimize the use of existing capacities of preschool institutions expenditures within available/planned budget; Methodology and Technical Approach The analysis will consist of the following: 1. Desk review of documents, studies, reports. 2. Individual interviews and group consultations with relevant national stakeholders (ministries of finance, education, municipal authorities, other relevant institutions, teaching faculties, NGOs) in order to formulate actions and targets. 3. Design of the study and formulation of research scenarios 4. Analysis of available administrative and survey data. Activities and tasks The National Consultants with support of the International Consultant will undertake the tasks, as follows: (1) Design the methodology, framework and tools for the financial analysis/costing exercise. (2) Once the design of the study is developed collect the relevant data. (3) Conduct data analysis, develop and cost different models and scenarios for available and additional options for expanding preschool services for local and nationwide application. To the extent possible, in each of the analysis put emphasis on inclusion of vulnerable children. As such, the analysis will aim to: - Provide costing scenarios that provide universal coverage of children with PPP (one year before primary school entry) and scenarios for expansion of coverage with ECE services of children aged 3-5 years in view of achieving universal coverage with a focus on marginalised and most vulnerable groups of children; - Show cost implications of increased efficiency of existing public preschool institutions - Show cost implications for introduction of half day preschool education within public preschool institutions; - Show cost implications of organizing preschool education in available primary school facilities; - Explore potential for increased cooperation with the private sector (4) Prepare a draft and final report. (5) Prepare fact sheets and power point presentations for advocacy purposes. (6) Participate in and present key findings at stakeholders’ roundtable/validation. Main deliverables The output of the consultancy is the final report. A suggested outline for the report will cover the following: Executive summary Purpose and objectives of the report Methodology and terminology used, assessment of methodology (including limitations) Background information, including socio-economic and demographic context, legislation, policies, governance in social policies, local level specificities Possible cost-effective, equitable, and financially and institutionally sustainable scenarios for expanding preschool education services Key findings, conclusions and recommendations Attachments with data collection instruments (such as types of data analysis, developed list of indicators, questionnaires, etc.) Fact sheets on country with relevant information for advocacy purposes Power point presentation containing main findings and recommendations for advocacy purposes with the decision makers and wider community Stakeholder participation Stakeholders will be identified jointly with UNICEF and should include key Government agencies as well as civil society, NGOs and private sector. Stakeholders will be mainly involved in the research process as respondents. There would be a validation workshop organized at the end of in order to develop ownership of the research results to further fine tune conclusion and recommendations. Management and Coordination UNICEF Montenegro staff will be accountable for coordination of stakeholders’ involved, organizing field-visits, if necessary, and other logistical issues. UNICEF ECD specialist at Regional Office will be accountable for reviewing/approving of intermediate and final evaluation results. The research team will consist of three national consultants that will be supported by one international consultant. There will be 1 international and 3 national consultants, namely: - International Education Expert – 20 days - Data Analysis Expert -25 days - Data Collection Expert – 30 days - Local Education Expert – 3 months The Data Analysis expert will have a role of a team leader. The team will be responsible for: conducting the desk-review and secondary data collection (Data collection expert - 30 days); developing a study design and a methodology for costing exercise and reviewing and commenting on draft and final report (International Education expert - 20 days) data analysis (Data Analysis Expert – 10 days) producing the draft report (Data Analysis Expert- 10 days) producing the final report. (Data Analysis Expert- 5 days) overall support to the process Measures will be taken to ensure that research process is ethical and interviewees are protected (e.g. reference to respondents will remain anonymous and the final Evaluation report will not contain names while referring to data/information, unless interviewees give permission to do so). The international education expert will be responsible for: providing methodological guidance and support in setting the design of the study taking into account experience from other countries where similar studies have been undertaken (Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, etc.) Reviewing and commenting draft report Reviewing and commenting final report Local education expert will be responsible for: Providing expert and context specific inputs in the area of preschool education in Montenegro Coordinating and ensuring stakeholder participation (relevant institutions, beneficiaries, parents, NGO sector) throughout the process Assisting Data Analysis and Data Collection expert in conducting their tasks Qualification or Specialized Knowledge/Experience and competencies required International Education expert: Advanced Degree in Social Sciences/Education Thorough understanding of the issues related to preschool education sector, relevant strategies and policies guiding preschool education planning Technical competence and experience in development cooperation or development planning, research in social policy Previous experience of working with UNICEF, preferably in the CEE/CIS region would be a strong asset Teamwork abilities Excellent communication skills (both oral and written) Proficiency in English, local language(s) is an asset Local Education Expert University or Advanced Degree in Social Sciences/Education Thorough understanding of the issues related to preschool education sector, relevant strategies and policies guiding preschool education planning in Montenegro Previous experience of working with UNICEF, preferably in the CEE/CIS region would be a strong asset Teamwork abilities Excellent communication skills (both oral and written) Proficiency in English is an asset Data analysis expert University degree in social science, economics/finance Technical competence and experience in development cooperation or development planning, research in social policy and public expenditures analysis; Extensive expertise in carrying out analysis of the costs of education programs, affordability, cost-effectiveness, and cost/benefit studies Strong report writing and analytical skills Teamwork abilities Excellent communication skills (both oral and written) Proficiency in English, local language(s) is an asset Previous experience of working with UNICEF, preferably in the CEE/CIS region would be a strong asset Technical competence and experience of research in social policy and public expenditures analysis Involvement in policy development, research and analysis related to preschool education Teamwork abilities Excellent communication skills (both oral and written) Proficiency in English , local language(s) required Data collection expert Technical competence and experience in development cooperation or development planning, research in social policy and public expenditures analysis; Technical competence and experience of research in social policy and public expenditures analysis Extensive experience in data collection (of primary and secondary data) Extensive experience in statistical analysis and report writing Teamwork abilities Proficiency in English , local language(s) required Procedures and logistics The research team will be assisted with logistics related to the assignment, such as office space. Any additional specific information regarding the procedures, benefits, time schedule, travel arrangements and other logistical issues will be discussed with successful candidates. Start Date and Deadline for Submission The start date of the contract is 1 October 2013. Draft report will be submitted by 15 December 2013, Final Report and all other end products to be submitted by 15 February 2014. UNICEF reserves the right to withhold all or a portion of payment if performance is unsatisfactory, if work/outputs is incomplete, not delivered or for failure to meet deadlines. All materials developed will remain the copyright of UNICEF and that UNICEF will be free to adapt and modify them in the future. A special acknowledgement clause to EU will be used for all the publications, print materials and other audio-visual materials prepared as part of the project and during activities for which EU funds are used. Budget and Remuneration The candidates are requested to submit their financial offer consisting of fee for the services to be provided, travel and subsistence costs, as applicable. Payment schedule The fee will be paid in instalments, upon the submission of the deliverables.