The Constitution Lesson Presentation Project PROJECT OVERVIEW Essential Question: How do governments change? Project Goal: To learn the key components of the U.S. Constitution and the basic principles reflected in the document. Students will research one part of the U.S. Constitution, demonstrate an understanding of its main ideas and guidelines, located related images or multimedia, and explain the basic principles found in that part of the document in a mode of the student’s choosing. SKILLS ADDRESSED Collaboration; responsibility and accountability; decision making Information and communication technologies literacy; creating presentations Historical interpretation; analyzing primary sources Making comparisons; drawing conclusions MATERIALS NEEDED Discovering Our Past: A History of the United States Student Edition Access to computer for esearch Project plan sheets DURATION This assignment is due Tuesday 11/17 You will work on it on your own time. Project: You will be creating a presentation on the main parts of the U.S. Constitution for your classmates. You will be placed in groups of 6-7 people. Each person will be assigned a different part of the U.S. Constitution; you will create a presentation of your choosing (including the required information) and present that information to your group members. Your group members will be required to take notes on the information presented. Your project/presentation should be no longer than 5-7 minutes. What type of visual can I create? This will be completely up to you. Suggestions might include: Glogster, PowerPoint, Prezi, posters, websites, etc. Whichever method you choose, it must be typed and or written extremely neatly. What are the topics? Article I Article II Article III Articles IV-VII Amendments I-X Amendments XI-XXVI (If you are in a group of 7, two people will each do one of the topics). Tasks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Read about the U.S. Constitution in your textbook. Conduct personal research on your assigned topic Find photos, drawings, graphs, multimedia, or links for your topic Create your project Add any clever or creative touches to make the project more authentic. Review your project against your rubric Turn in your project on time and be prepared to present on the due date. If you are not prepared to present, your group won’t get the information they need to know. Suggested sources: National Constitution Center: Interactive Constitution o National Archives: Constitution of the United States o Center for Civic Education: Multimedia Resrouces o Requirements You must include the following: Article or Amendment An excerpt of what the article or amendment says. A summary of the main ideas in your part of the Constitution Identify one basic principle you think is illustrated by the part of the Constitution and an explanation how. Visual images or multimedia elements that will help describe/represent your part of the Constitution. Provide a link to an outside resource. You must provide the title and a brief description of why that link would be beneficial. ** Remember: You will present this information to your group. You do not want to be reading directly from it. Project Plan Sheet ** This will be turned in along with your project. 1. What part of the Constitution are your researching? __________________________________ 2. My task list (what I need to do): 3. Due Date: _________________________________________ 4. Write an excerpt that shows the key idea(s) about your part of the Constitution. 5. Write a summary of the main ideas in your part of the Constitution (in your own words). 6. Identify one basic principle you think is illustrated by the part of the Constitution and explain how. 7. List visual images or multimedia elements that will help describe your part of the Constitution. 8. Prove a link to an outside resource. Be sure to provide the title and a brief description of why that link would be beneficial. 9. Action plan: How are you going to break up this project so that it is completed on time and not the night before? Include tasks and dates for when you will complete the task. Rubric Points Research and Content 5 Research extremely thorough and facts accurate and detailed; words and visuals relevant and display quality information; discussion of basic principle well explained 4 Research thorough and facts accurate and somewhat detailed; words and visual relevant and display important information; discussion of basic principle well explained 3 Research lacks depth and facts not detailed; most words and visuals relevant and display important information; discussion of basic principle explained 2 1 Little research conducted and some facts missing or inaccurate; few words and visuals relevant and/or display important information; discussion of basic principle not explained Little research conducted and most facts missing or inaccurate; words and visuals irrelevant and/or display unimportant information; discussion of basic principle not included. Presentation All required elements included; Visual is extremely well organized; words and visuals clearly and cleverly presented; presentation highly engaging and easy to understand; student does not read from the presentation at all, demonstrating strong knowledge of topic All required elements included; visual is well organized; words and visuals clearly presented; presentation interesting and easy to understand; student may read minimally from the visual; demonstrates relatively strong knowledge of topic All required elements included; visual is organized; most words and visuals are clearly presented; presentation is interesting and mostly easy to understand; student reads some information from the visual; demonstrates some knowledge of the topic 1 to 2 required elements missing; Visual somewhat organized; few words and visuals clearly presented; presentation somewhat interesting but difficult to understand; student reads mostly from the visual; demonstrates minimal knowledge of the topic. 3 or more required elements missing; visual is not organized; words and visuals not clear; presentation lacks creativity and difficult to understand; student reads entirely from the visual; demonstrates minimal to no real knowledge of the topic.