Factorial Designs Topic: The analysis and interpretation of designs employing two factors. Backing up . . . In designs with only one factor, what do we do about other factors? Other factors are 1) held constant, 2) randomized, 3) matched, etc. 4) Ignored 5) Included in research But what if you want to include a second factor in the research. Question How should we combine the levels of the second factor with those of the first? Example Suppose two Types of Training are being compared – Lecture vs. CAI are being compared. The situation involves teaching new employees the basic facts they need to know working in an organization. The training period lasts for one week. Our interest is in Type of Training, but it might be that the specific job in which an employee would affect how much they learned. So, Job is an extraneous variable. So we decided to include Job in the research. Job has four levels – Clerical, Receptionist, Maintenance, and Managerial. So this research involves two factors: Factor 1: Type of Training with two levels – Lecture and CAI. Factor 2: Job with four levels – Clerical, Receptionist, Maintenance, and Managerial Suppose the dependent variable is a score on a test of amount learned during a training session. The most efficient way to conduct research involving two different factors is a design called a Factorial Design. It’s also called a completely crossed design. In a factorial(or completely crossed) design, data are gathered at all combinations of levels of both factors. This design is best conceptualized using a two way table, with each dimension of the table representing one of the factors . . . Clerical Receptionist Maintenance Managerial Lecture Data Data Data Data CAI Data Data Data Data Cler mean Rec mean Maint mean Manag mean Factorial Designs - 1 Lecture mean CAI mean 2/8/2016 Any researcher would certainly have two common questions concerning the research: 1. Is there any overall difference in performance of those taught using Lecture vs. performance of those taught using CAI? This question compares performance of participants in the first row of the two way table with that of participants in the second row of the table. The difference between row means is called the Main Effect of the row factor in the above design. Clerical Receptionist Maintenance Managerial Lecture Data Data Data Data CAI Data Data Data Data Cler mean Rec mean Maint mean Manag mean Lecture mean CAI mean versus 2. Are there any overall differences in performance of Clerical workers, Receptionists, Maintenance workers, and Managers? This question compares performance in of participants in the columns of the table. The difference between column means is called Main Effect of the column factor in the above design. Clerical Receptionist Maintenance Managerial Lecture Data Data Data Data CAI Data Data Data Data Cler mean Rec mean Maint mean Manag mean versus versus Lecture mean CAI mean versus These two questions are about what are called the Main Effects of the factors. The effect of each factor by itself is called a Main Effect. Factorial Designs - 2 2/8/2016 A Third Question There is a 3rd question, called the interaction question, one that is a little less obvious, but important nonetheless . This question is emergent – it exists only because we’ve included two factors in our research and included them in a factorial arrangement. It can be asked in two equivalent ways. Both ways are about differences associated with one factor across levels of the other factor. 3) Version 1: Does the difference between Lecture and CAI change across levels of the Job factor? 3) Version 2: Do the differences between Clericals, Receptionists, Maintenance and Managers change across levels of the Type of Training factor? This is a question about what is called the Interaction of the Row and Column factors. An interaction exists when the row differences change across levels of the column factor or equivalently, when the column differences change across levels of the row factor Clerical Lecture CAI Receptionist Maintenance Managerial L-C Mean L-R Mean L-M Mean L-B Mean versus versus versus C-C Mean C-R Mean C-M Mean C-B Mean Cler mean Rec mean Maint mean Clerical Receptionist Maintenance Managerial Lecture L-C Mean L-B Mean CAI C-C Mean L-R Mean L-M Mean versus C-R Mean C-M Mean Cler mean Rec mean Manag mean Lecture mean CAI mean Manag mean Or Maint mean C-B Mean Factorial Designs - 3 Lecture mean CAI mean 2/8/2016 Formal statistical tests of the effects 1) Test of Row Main Effect – the Row Main Effect is the difference between overall performance in Row 1 vs. overall performance in Row 2. Each row is viewed as a group. The mean of all scores in each row is computed. The Row main effect is tested by assessing the significance of differences between the marginal means of each row. 2) Test of Column Main Effect – the Column Main effect is the difference between overall performance in Col 1 vs Col 2 vs. Col 3 vs. Col 4. Each column is viewed as a group. The mean of all scores in each column is computed. The Column Main Effect is tested by assessing the significance of differences between the marginal means of each column. 3) Test of interaction effect. The differences between means within each column are compared with differences between means within every other column. If the differences within each column change from one column to the next, the Interaction is significant. Or The differences between means within each row are compared with differences between means within every other row. Equivalently, if the differences within each row change from one row to the next, the Interaction is significant. Factorial Designs - 4 2/8/2016 Using graphs to visualize main effects and interactions. The recommended graph Plot Cell means vs. levels of the Column factor Connect means of cells within the same row with a line. Example using artificial data with no interaction Hypothetical data with 2 scores per cell Clerical Lecture Receptionist 40,50 M=45 30,40 M=35 40 CAI Marginal 50, 60 M=55 40,50 M=45 50 Maintenance Managerial 60,70 M=65 50,60 M=55 60 70,80 M=75 60,70 M=65 70 Marginal 60 50 55 The plot of Cell Means 80 Lecture 70 CAI 60 50 Mean DV ROW 40 1.00 30 2.00 1.00 Cler 2.00 Rec 3.00 Maint 4.00 Man COL Graphical Representation of Row Main Effect: The average difference in height of the two lines. Note that in the example, the continuous line is above the dashed line, so there is (if significant) a Row Main Effect. Factorial Designs - 5 2/8/2016 Graphical Representation of Column Main Effect: The difference in average heights of points at each column level. 80 Lecture 70 CAI 60 Mean DV 50 ROW Average of all scores in Column 1 40 1.00 30 2.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 COL The column main effect is assessed by comparing the heights of the filled ellipses added to the figure above. There are clear differences in the heights of the ellipses, sugg esting (if significant) that there is a Column Main effect. Graphical Representation of The Interaction Effect 80 Lecture 70 CAI 60 Mean DV 50 Difference in Row means for Column 1 40 ROW 1.00 30 2.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 COL The Interaction Effect is tested by comparing the differences between rows – represented by the lengths of the arrows above – at each column. The arrows all look like they’re about the same length, suggesting that the row differences are the same from column to column. This means that there is no interaction. Note that the lack of an interaction means that the lines for the different rows will be parallel. Factorial Designs - 6 2/8/2016 Example using artificial data with an interaction Clerical Receptionist Maintenance Managerial Lecture 40,50 M=45 30,40 M=35 40 CAI Marginal 50, 60 M=55 40,50 M=45 50 50,60 M=55 50,60 M=55 55 Marginal 50 40,50 M=45 60,70 M=65 55 50 50 Graph illustrating interaction example 80 CAI 70 60 Lecture 50 Mean DV ROW 40 1.00 30 2.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 COL Graphical Representation of Row main effect: Compare “average” heights of lines. We can plainly see that the continuous line is above the dashed line for 3 columns but below the dashed line for the 4th column (Managers). Many times when there is an interaction, the issue of whether there is a main effect may be in question, as it may be here. Graphical Representation of Column main effect: Compare “average” heights of points at each column It seems that mean performance goes up as we move from Job 1 to Job 2 to Job 3, but then it levels off between Job3 and Job 4. But we can see that the differences between the columns are not the same for the dashed line as they are for the continuous line. Again, this is an instance in which there might be a question concerning whether or not there is a main effect of the column (Job) factor. Graphical Representation of Interaction effect: Compare differences between heights of the line at each column. The differences between heights of the lines are not the same from column to column. So if confirmed by the appropriate statistical test, an interaction may be present. Factorial Designs - 7 2/8/2016 Graphs of Types of Outcomes of Factorial Designs Based on Aron & Aron, p. 374, Table 13-7. 1. R1 R2 Margin al Means C1 C2 C3 10 20 15 10 20 15 10 20 15 Row Main Effect Yes Column Main Effect No Marginal Means 10 20 15 Interaction No -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. R1 R2 Margin al Means C1 C2 C3 10 10 10 20 20 20 30 30 30 Row Main Effect No Column Main Effect Yes Marginal Means 20 20 20 Interaction No -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. R1 R2 Margin al Means C1 C2 C3 10 20 15 20 30 25 30 40 35 Row Main Effect Yes Column Main Effect Yes Marginal Means 20 30 25 Interaction No Factorial Designs - 8 2/8/2016 4. R1 R2 Margin al Means C1 C2 C3 10 10 10 20 20 20 30 60 45 Row Main Effect Yes?? Column Main Effect Yes Marginal Means 20 30 25 Interaction Yes The performance in R2 increases more from C1 to C2 than does performance in R1. The difference between R1 and R2 is changes as we go from C1 to C3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. R1 R2 Margin al Means C1 C2 C3 10 30 20 20 20 20 30 10 20 Row Main Effect No Column Main Effect No Marginal Means 20 20 20 Interaction Yes This is a classic crossed interaction. Neither the Row nor the Column Main Effect is important here. The interaction is the key feature. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. R1 R2 Margin al Means C1 C2 C3 10 20 15 20 40 30 30 60 45 Row Main Effect Yes Column Main Effect Yes Marginal Means 20 40 30 Interaction Yes This is a situation that I would interpret as representing both Main Effects and an interaction. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Factorial Designs - 9 2/8/2016 Two Way Factorial ANOVA Worked Out Example Based on Minium et al. p. 359 The data The data are from a hypothetical Verbal Learning Experiment in which participants with Low Anxiety levels and High Anxiety levels are given a verbal learning task. Some are given instructions to induce little if any pressure. Some are given instructions to induce moderate pressure to perform well. Others are given instructions to induce strong pressure to perform well. The data presumably illustrate the classic inverted U relationship of learning to drive/anxiety/motivation. id 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 verblearn anxiety pressure 40 64 46 56 46 46 39 38 44 69 61 54 55 40 43 47 57 51 40 55 50 48 60 63 83 63 53 60 73 69 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 41 34 37 48 57 47 55 33 42 38 48 58 42 40 49 49 56 41 35 57 56 35 43 39 29 32 54 43 49 49 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Conceptualization: As a 2 (Anxiety) x 3 (Pressure) Factorial Low Anxiety: 1 High Anxiety: 2 Low pressure: 1 X X Moderate Pressure: 2 X X High Pressure: 3 X X The interests are: 1. Is there a Main Effect of Anxiety. On average do high anxious persons perform better or worse than low anxious? 2. Is there a Main Effect of Pressure. On average, do persons under different amounts of pressure perform this task differently? 3. Is there an Interaction of Anxiety and Pressure: Do performance differences between anxiety levels change at different levels of pressure? Equivalently do the effects of different levels of pressure differ for people with high anxiety vs. low anxiety? Factorial Designs - 10 2/8/2016 The analysis Analyze -> General Linear Model -> Univariate Specifying Plots Make the factor that you’re conceptualizing as the Column Factor the Horizontal Axis. Make the Row Factor the one represented by Separate Lines. Column factor Row factor Factorial Designs - 11 2/8/2016 Specifying Post Hocs for any main effect with more than 2 levels –the column main effect in this example. Pressure has 3 levels, so we can specify post hocs for it. Anxiety has only two levels, so if we find a difference, we know which means are different, and no post hocs need be specified for it. The Output UNIANOVA verblearn BY anxiety pressure /METHOD = SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT = INCLUDE /POSTHOC = pressure ( BTUKEY ) /PLOT = PROFILE( pressure*anxiety ) /PRINT = DESCRIPTIVE ETASQ OPOWER HOMOGENEITY /CRITERIA = ALPHA(.05) /DESIGN = anxiety pressure anxiety*pressure . Univariate Analysis of Variance G:\MdbT\P510 511\P511L13-Factorial\FactorEGBasedOnMinP359.sav Be tw ee n-Subj ects Fac tors N an xiety pre ssure 1 30 2 30 1 20 2 20 3 20 Factorial Designs - 12 2/8/2016 De scriptiv e Statis tics De pend ent V ariab le: ve rblea rn an xiety 1 pre ssure 1 2 To tal Me an 48 .80 Std . Deviatio n 10 .685 N 10 2 50 .30 7.4 09 10 3 62 .20 10 .758 10 To tal 53 .77 11 .206 30 1 43 .20 8.3 51 10 2 47 .50 7.9 06 10 3 42 .90 9.1 83 10 To tal 44 .53 8.4 72 30 1 46 .00 9.7 66 20 2 48 .90 7.5 94 20 3 52 .55 13 .885 20 To tal 49 .15 10 .894 60 Low A High A df1 df2 5 Sig . .89 4 54 High Pressure 62.2 53.77 42.9 44.53 52.55 49.15 Effect sizes are presented either in terms of f or eta-squared (2). Small Medium Large f .1 .25 .4 2 .01 .059 .138 De pend ent V ariab le: ve rble arn .32 8 Moderate Pressure 50.3 47.5 48.90 The means as a two way table. Le v ene 's Te st of Equa lity of Error Va rianc es a F Low Pressure 48.8 43.2 46.0 Te sts th e nul l hyp othesis tha t the error varia nce of the de pend ent variab le is e qual acro ss gro ups. a. De sign: Intercept+ anxie ty+p ressu re+an xiety * pre ssure Tes ts of Betw een-Subj ects Effec ts De pend ent V ariab le: ve rblea rn So urce Co rrecte d Mo del Type III Sum of Squa res 24 89.35 0 b F 5.9 58 Sig . .00 0 Pa rtial E ta Sq uared .35 6 No ncen t. Pa rame ter 29 .791 a 5 Me an S quare 49 7.870 14 4943 .350 1 14 4943 .350 17 34.57 9 .00 0 .97 0 17 34.57 9 1.0 00 an xiety 12 78.81 7 1 12 78.81 7 15 .304 .00 0 .22 1 15 .304 .97 0 pre ssure 43 0.900 2 21 5.450 2.5 78 .08 5 .08 7 5.1 57 .49 3 an xiety * pre ssure 77 9.633 2 38 9.817 4.6 65 .01 4 .14 7 9.3 30 .76 2 Error 45 12.30 0 54 83 .561 To tal 15 1945 .000 60 70 01.65 0 59 Int ercep t Co rrecte d To tal df Ob serve d Po wer .99 0 a. Co mput ed using a lpha = .05 b. R S quared = .356 (Adju sted R Sq uared = .2 96) The Main effect of Anxiety was significant, and the estimate of effect size, eta-squared was .221, huge. The Main effect of Pressure was not significant, although eta-squared equals .087. Due to small sample size, test was not powerful enough to detect the fairly large difference. The Interaction was significant, with eta-squared equal to .147. Whenever you have a significant interaction, you should be very cautious in interpreting and reporting main effects. The significant interaction may indicate that there is an effect of a variable, but that it is not a MAIN effect – it is a specific effect, specific to one or more levels of the other factor. Factorial Designs - 13 2/8/2016 Post Hoc Tests pressure Homogeneous Subsets v e rblea rn Tu key B a,b As might have been expected from the nonsignficiant Main Effect of Pressure, there are no significant overall differences between any of the means at each pressure level. Su bset pre ssure 1 N 20 1 46. 00 2 20 48. 90 3 20 52. 55 Me ans fo r gro ups in hom ogen eous subse ts are disp layed . Ba sed o n Typ e III S um o f Squ ares Th e erro r term is M ean S quare(Erro r) = 8 3.56 1. a. Use s Harmoni c Me an Sa mple Size = 20 .000. b. Alp ha = .05. Profile Plots Test question illustrated here: Is there an effect of pressure? Yes, but it’s not a MAIN effect. Low For Low Anxiety persons, more pressure leads to higher performance High Pressure marginal means not significant ly different. For High Anxiety persons, more pressure leads to higher performance up to a point, then to decreased performance. There IS an effect of pressure in these data, but it is not a MAIN effect. Instead, it would be best characterized as an “anxiety specific” effect. For low anxiety participants, increasing pressure lead to increasing performance. But for high anxiety participants, increasing pressure lead to increasing performance only up to a point. After that, further increases lead to a decrease in performance. Factorial Designs - 14 2/8/2016 Analysis of Change Between Pre- and Post-test Performance Start here on 11/24/15 A combination between-group and within-groups design Two buildings of an organization were given a pretest measuring productivity. Then employees in Building A were assigned to work in teams while those in Building B performed essentially the same work as before. After 6 months, posttests of productivity were obtained for each. Thus, each person was measured twice using the same test. The interest was in determining whether persons in Building A increased productivity more than those in Building B. This is a Pretest-posttest with nonequivalent groups design – Lecture 8, p. 12.) The Data Editor . . . id bldg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 pre post 52 50 62 63 35 82 39 39 60 59 66 35 64 37 59 49 39 44 53 46 18 75 64 58 29 56 67 60 42 24 61 17 34 58 69 62 46 45 56 36 46 61 45 73 62 54 35 46 51 48 49 54 56 26 72 46 38 64 53 67 26 56 37 49 48 34 35 50 35 21 74 54 64 29 46 71 50 41 21 69 8 35 54 68 69 37 45 57 43 43 60 35 77 61 51 35 41 58 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 37 50 32 79 49 48 36 34 30 64 54 52 58 23 56 43 51 35 46 43 29 63 45 49 62 49 51 31 71 72 50 31 19 66 42 65 47 35 40 36 56 48 47 69 44 58 20 35 35 57 54 26 54 27 73 46 42 38 42 23 62 50 56 50 29 53 45 53 37 39 44 33 63 41 38 50 53 51 20 76 78 53 21 25 71 42 56 39 29 30 39 45 42 47 58 35 59 20 25 31 61 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Factorial Designs - 15 42 35 42 61 49 55 54 44 39 66 43 48 48 44 43 62 36 44 53 47 59 52 50 55 39 39 56 50 74 48 58 53 45 55 58 50 54 49 57 47 30 41 58 51 54 50 64 66 33 69 45 44 39 62 75 51 67 72 51 59 70 63 53 54 51 56 77 51 47 65 56 76 71 59 70 56 48 65 68 94 67 73 69 58 72 63 61 62 65 67 64 36 46 63 70 69 65 79 77 35 72 53 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 54 55 45 50 41 42 59 56 63 49 41 51 62 56 85 54 44 51 39 31 57 45 40 34 45 34 52 33 46 46 40 47 67 60 44 59 61 62 47 57 56 57 54 58 48 52 51 48 57 66 65 67 70 56 62 72 64 71 57 56 71 65 78 90 61 55 63 57 37 71 56 43 48 66 42 61 50 63 51 49 66 76 77 54 71 81 78 56 60 77 77 70 62 53 71 56 52 2/8/2016 The expected result – from Lecture 9 . . . 6. A salvage design: The Pretest-Posttest with Nonequivalent Groups Design It is important to note that the pretest and posttest must be the same instrument. One of the most frequently employed designs in the social sciences. Some outcomes lead to defensible arguments for treatment differences. Others do not. The ideal outcome: T Mean Performance C Pre Post If this pattern of results occurs – no difference on the pretest, difference favoring the treatment group on the posttest, most researchers would argue that it is evidence for the existence of a treatment effect. Using our new knowledge of factorial designs, we can recognize this as such a design . . . Treatment Condition – T vs. C – is the Row factor. Time – Pre vs. Post – is the Column factor. In most applications of this design, the hoped-for result is a significant interaction with small, even nonsignificant row and column main effects. Factorial Designs - 16 2/8/2016 Analyze -> General Linear Model -> Repeated Measures Make up a name for the repeated measures factor and enter it here. Enter the number of levels of the repeated measures factor here. Click Add, then Click Define Factorial Designs - 17 2/8/2016 The main dialog box Click on Plots Click on Options Factorial Designs - 18 2/8/2016 Specifying Plots Put the Time factor (prepost in this case) on the horizontal axis. Specify the Between-subjects factor (bldg) to be represented by separate lines. Bldg A Bldg B Pre 50.32 48.75 Post 62.33 46.34 Two way table of means. Factorial Designs - 19 2/8/2016 The multivariate tests require the fewest restrictive assumptions. In this case, all tests lead to the same conclusions. Factorial Designs - 20 2/8/2016 Results . . . 1. There is an overall difference between Pre and Post-test means. But that may just be due to the huge increase in Building A. 2. There is an overall difference between Building A and Building B means. But that may be an artifact of the huge increase in Building A. 3. There is an interaction of Building and Prepost. Thus, the difference between Pre- and Post-test means depends on which building is considered. This is the key finding here – Building A performance increased, Building B’s did not. Use the plots to interpret the interaction in greater detail. This shows, confirmed by the significant interaction shown on the previous page that Performance in Building A increased from Pre to Post while performance in Build B decreased. The conclusion is that assigning people to work in teams may have lead to increases in individual performance. Factorial Designs - 21 2/8/2016