Escambia County High School 1215 South Presley Street Atmore, AL 36502 Phone: 251-368-9181 Fax: 251-368-0674 J. Dennis Fuqua Principal Upon review of the 2013-14 Continuous Improvement Plan and all data pertaining to the past school year, the Escambia County High School ACIP Team and faculty came to the following conclusions: ACT (Goal 1, Objectives 1-4, inclusive) Objective 1, Math Based on ACT scores for the 2014 administration (for all 11th grade students), improvement is needed in Math instruction. Overall, the 110 students assessed had an average score of 15.2 (14th percentile), compared to the 2013 administration (of 53 students who planned to go to college) which had an average score of 16.5. Average subset scores as follows: 6.15 (Elementary Algebra), 7.18 (Algebra/Geometry), and 7.2 (Geometry/Trigonometry). These scores also fall into the lower percentile ranks, and only 3 students (2%) made benchmark according to ACT standards. PLAN scores for the class of 2016 have an average score of 13.8 in Math, which is only slightly higher than the average score for the class of 2015 (on the same assessment) a year ago (13.5). If all things remain equal, then we should see only slightly higher scores in Math if modifications are not made. Current strategies and activities in the Math objective were not determined to be ineffective-the determination among the leadership team was that they were not necessarily followed diligently. The team decided revision or clarification on the current strategies and activities would be sufficient. Additional strategies may be recommended. Objective 2, English Based on ACT scores for the 2014 administration (for all 11th grade students), improvement is needed in English Language Arts instruction. Overall, the 110 students assessed had an average score of 13.5 (15th percentile) on the English portion (compared to the 2013 administration (of 53 students who planned to go to college) which had an average score of 16.5) and an average score of 12.9 (11th percentile) for the English/Writing composite. Average subset scores were as follows: 12.9 in usage/mechanics and 7.8 in rhetorical skills. 21% of students met Benchmark in the English portion according to ACT standards. PLAN scores for the class of 2016 have an average score of 13.6 in English, which is slightly lower than the average score for the class of 2015 (on the same assessment) a year ago (13.9). If all things remain equal, then we should see lower scores in English if modifications are not made. Escambia County High School 1215 South Presley Street Atmore, AL 36502 Phone: 251-368-9181 Fax: 251-368-0674 J. Dennis Fuqua Principal Current strategies and activities in the English objective were not determined to be ineffective-the determination among the leadership team was that they were not necessarily followed diligently. The team decided revision or clarification on the current strategies and activities would be sufficient. Additional strategies may be recommended. Objective 3, Science Based on ACT scores for the 2014 administration (for all 11th grade students), improvement is needed in Science instruction. Overall, the 110 students assessed had an average score of 15.9 on the Science portion of the test, compared to the 2013 administration (of 53 students who planned to go to college) which had an average score of 17.0. While this portion of the assessment showed as strength (this was the highest average score reported), it is still low when considering state and national averages (scoring only in the 20th percentile). Only 6% of students tested met Benchmark according to ACT standards. PLAN scores for the class of 2016 have an average score of 15.6 in Science, which is the same as the average score for the class of 2015 (on the same assessment) a year ago (15.6). If all things remain equal, then we should see no growth in scores in Science if modifications are not made. Current strategies and activities in the Science objective were not determined to be ineffective-the determination among the leadership team was that they were not necessarily followed diligently. The team decided revision or clarification on the current strategies and activities would be sufficient. Additional strategies may be recommended. Objective 4, Reading Based on ACT scores for the 2014 administration (for all 11th grade students), improvement is needed in Reading instruction. Overall, the 110 students assessed had an average score of 15.3 (20th percentile) on the Reading portion of the test, compared to the 2013 administration (of 53 students who planned to go to college) which had an average score of 17.2. Average subset scores are as follows: 8.4 in social studies/science and 6.7 in art/literature. Only 4.5% of students tested met Benchmark according to ACT standards. PLAN scores for the class of 2016 have an average score of 14.1 in Reading, which is basically the same as the average score for the class of 2015 (on the same assessment) a year ago (14.0). If all things remain equal, then we should see no growth in scores in Reading if modifications are not made. Escambia County High School 1215 South Presley Street Atmore, AL 36502 Phone: 251-368-9181 Fax: 251-368-0674 J. Dennis Fuqua Principal Current strategies and activities in the Reading objective were not determined to be ineffective-the determination among the leadership team was that they were not necessarily followed diligently. The team decided revision or clarification on the current strategies and activities would be sufficient. Additional strategies may be recommended. Quality Core/End of Course Assessments (Goal 1, Objectives 5 & 6, inclusive) English 10 Based on Quality Core Overview reports for English 10, there was a decline in overall scores between the 2013 and 2014 administrations. Scores for the 2014 assessment are as follows: 13 points out of 24 (54%) for Critical Reading (15/21 (71%) in 2013), 4 out of 7 (57%) for Mechanics of Writing (8/11 (73%) in 2013), 2 out of 5 (40%) for Modes of Writing (2/4 (50%) in 2013), and 20 out of 34 (59%) in Reading Comprehension (25/34 (74%) in 2013). The raw scores do show promise for improvement, however, based on correlating PLAN scores. Of the 113 students tested in English 10, 81% of students (91) received a raw score of 142 or higher, putting them in benchmark (composite score of 15 in English) range on the PLAN assessment (composite of 10-19 in English) Of these, 28% (32) scored a 153 or above, which translates to a PLAN composite range of 15-20 in English. The average score of 149 (for all students tested) translates to a PLAN composite range of 16-19 in English. Algebra I Overview reports for Algebra I do not show a drastic decrease or increase in overall scores. Scores remained approximately the same comparing the 2013 and 2014 administrations: 7 points out of 24 (29%) in exploring expressions, equations and functions in the 1st degree (6/24 (25%) in 2013), 3 out of 14 (21%) in exploring other nonlinear equations and functions (4/15 (27%) in 2013), 4 out of 13 (31%) in exploring quadratic equations and functions (3 out of 11 (27%) in 2013), and 8 out of 19 (42%) in number sense, operations and graph skills (6/20 (30%) in 2013). Raw scores show a need for improvement in all areas, as (of 100 students tested), the average score was a 142 (which translates to a PLAN range below benchmark). The score range for Algebra I on this assessment was 135151. Only 9 students (9%) scored within PLAN benchmark range of 147-149 (a PLAN range of 16-19, benchmark for Algebra I is a 19). Only 1 student scored above 150 (scored a 151), with a PLAN range of 16-20. With only 10% of students scoring in benchmark range, much work is needed to improve instruction in Algebra. Current strategies and activities in the Quality Core English 10 and Algebra I objectives were not determined to be ineffective-the determination among the leadership team was that they were not necessarily followed diligently. The team decided revision or clarification on the current strategies and activities would be sufficient. Additional strategies may be recommended. Escambia County High School 1215 South Presley Street Atmore, AL 36502 Phone: 251-368-9181 Fax: 251-368-0674 J. Dennis Fuqua Principal Improvement of Graduation Rate (Goal 2) The goal of improving the graduation rate surrounded the betterment of school culture and climate. Areas of focus were discipline and classroom management, communication with parents, teacher mentoring, transition services, and student interventions (online courses, tutoring, truancy diversion, and summer school). All strategies and activities were implemented without any hindrances and were determined to be successful. Parents have reported (based on surveys) their appreciation for the increased communication, and steps are being taken to further that initiative with additional resources. The “Back to School Bash” and the 8th grade tour were both successful with substantial participation. Teacher surveys show the following for Obj1, Strat1, Activities 1-3 (School Discipline) 43% of teachers agreed, 38% strongly agreed that the Administration was consistent in discipline. 52% of teachers strongly agreed that administration was supportive of teachers in discipline. 24% of teachers report using discipline logs, and 38% report submitting them with referrals to administration when applicable. School Cast notifications, Truancy diversion and summer school have all been utilized successfully for the 2013-14 school year, and these activities will remain in use and unchanged. Mentoring: participation was low this year, with fewer new teachers on staff. Those who were involved report it as 44% ‘very successful’ and 33% ‘successful’. Intervention and tutoring were offered to students, but was not taken advantage of at the rate that was needed. Intervention courses will be re-vamped for the 2014-15 school year to gear toward ACT remediation. Math tutoring will continue to be offered, and extra effort will be made to advertise and encourage student attendance. Sarah Watkins Assistant Principal 251-368-9181 x2108