Christmas Feud INSTRUCTIONS OBJECT: To have the most money

To have the most money at the end of three games by matching the most popular survey
Scoreboard, strike indicator, 3 “X” markers, play money, game sheet pad with all the survey
questions and answers, crayons and complete instructions.
1. Separate the strike indicator and the three “X” markers and place within easy reach.
2. Remove the instructions from the pad and put aside. Each sheet on the pad contains one
round. One round equals a Bullseye Round, the Face-Off, the Feud and the Fast Money Bonus
3. Choose a player to be the Emcee.
4. The remaining players divide into two teams. If there is an uneven number of players, make
the teams as evenly balanced as possible.
The Emcee will read the questions, operate the strike indicator, announce the answer, it’s point
value and placement on the scoreboard and give out prize money.
Throughout the game, players will try to match their answers with the most popular survey
answers. Each game consists of four parts: The Bullseye Round, The Face-Off, The Feud and The
Fast Money Bonus Round.
The scoreboard is used to keep track of the game as follows:
1. In the Bullseye Round, the money accumulated is placed under your team number in the
Bank section of the scoreboard.
2. In the Face-Off and the Feud rounds, the answers and points are placed in the scoreboard
section, with the number one answer and it’s points placed at one, the number two answer and
it’s points placed at two, etc.
100 people were surveyed via an internet online form.
The top answers for each question are listed.
Name one of Santa's reindeers.
50 - Rudolph
20 - Dasher
09 - Dancer
07 - Blixen
06 - Prancer
04 - Donner
02 - Vixen
Name something you need to wrap a gift.
55 - Tape
34 - Wrapping Paper
04 - Gifts
03 - Ribbon
02 - Box
What is a popular holiday greeting?
78 - Merry Christmas
17 - Happy Holidays
03 - Season's Greetings
02 - Feliz Navidad
Who is the most popular person associated with Christmas?
74 - Santa
24 - Jesus/Christ
02 - Mary
Name one food you might have at a Christmas dinner.
63 - Turkey
25 - Ham
04 - Mashed Potatoes
03 - Stuffing
03 - Pie
02 - Cranberries
Name a drink that might be served at a holiday party.
71 - Eggnog
08 - Punch
08 - Cider/Hot Apple Cider
03 - Wine
02 - Wassail
02 - Coffee
If you wanted to dress up like Santa, name one thing you would need.
40 - Beard
27 - Hat/Red Hat/Santa Hat
19 - Red Suit/Santa Suit
06 - Boots/Black Boots
03 - Big Belly/Fat Stomach
03 - Belt
02 - Pillow
Name a word or phrase that begins with "snow".
30 - Snowflake(s)
26 - Snowman
23 - Snowball
08 - Snow White
03 - Snow Angel
03 - Snowfall
Name one color associated with Christmas.
77 - Red
16 - Green
05 - White
02 - Gold
Name one piece of a nativity set.
56 - Baby Jesus
23 - Manger
05 - Wiseman
04 - Mary
03 - Angel
03 - Sheep/Lamb
03 - Donkey
What is a popular Christmas tree topper?
61 - Star
35 - Angel
04 - Santa
Name a popular Chistmas carol featuring a fictional character.
50 - Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
35 - Frosty the Snowman
05 - Santa Claus is Coming to Town
03 - Good King Wencelas
02 - The Little Drummer Boy
Name a Christmas movie featuring Santa.
41 - The Santa Clause (I, II and III)
28 - Miracle on 34th Street
06 - Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
05 - Elf
03 - Santa Claus is Coming to Town
02 - A christmas Story
02 - Frosty the Snowman
02 - Christmas Vacation
02 - The Night Before Christmas
Name a popular Christmas symbol.
39 - Christmas Tree/Tree
34 - Star
04 - Santa
03 - Bells
03 - Cross
03 - Wreath
03 - Holly
02 - Manger
02 - Angel
02 - Snowflake
02 - Candycane
02 - Ornament
Name something people do on Christmas day.
72 - Open gifts
17 - Eat
06 - Go to church
03 - Sing carols
02 - Visit family
Name a Christmas story parents read their children.
77 - Twas the Night Before Christmas
08 - The Birth of Jesus/Luke 2
04 - Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
02 - The Nutcracker
02 - Frosty the Snowman
02 - A Christmas Carol
02 - How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Name a Christmas plant.
71 - Poinsettia
08 - Christmas Cactus
06 - Christmas Tree
06 - Mistletoe
06 - Holly
Name something you might find at the North Pole.
34 - Snow
22 - Elves
16 - Santa Claus
09 - Santa's Toyshop/Santa's Workshop
05 - Reindeer
04 - Ice
02 - Mrs. Claus
02 - Igloo
02 - Toys
Name a Christmas song with the word "night" in the title.
81 - Silent Night
15 - O Holy Night
04 - The Night Before Christmas
Name a Christmas cartoon that plays on TV every year.
29 - Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
26 - A Charlie Brown Christmas
19 - Frosty the Snowman
17 - How the Grinch Stole Christmas
03 - Santa Claus is Coming to Town