Roman Civilization Guided Reading Worksheet

Roman Civilization Guided Reading Lesson 1: The Roman Way of Life
Lesson 1 The Roman Way of Life
Guided Reading
Essential Question
What makes a culture unique?
Daily Life
1. Identifying Write two facts about wealthy Romans.
2. Listing Write two facts about poor Romans.
3. Identifying Write two facts about Roman fathers.
4. Listing Write two facts about Roman women.
5. Identifying Write two facts about Roman enslaved persons.
6. Describing Write three sentences that describe Roman religious beliefs.
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Roman Civilization Guided Reading Lesson 1: The Roman Way of Life
7. Assessing Identify one characteristic that made Roman culture unique.
Science and Art
Analyzing Consider a historian documenting the various contributions Romans made in engineering,
architecture, and literature. Describe some of those contributions on the lines below.
8. Engineering
9. Architecture
10. Literature
11. Comparing Describe four ways that Greek culture influenced Roman culture.
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Roman Civilization Guided Reading Lesson 1: The Roman Way of Life
Answer Key
1. Answers will vary. Responses may include: sent sons to school; lived in large homes; had marble walls,
running water, and baths; had villas
2. Answers will vary. Responses may include: performed unskilled labor, lived in wooden apartment buildings,
had very little education, the women worked
3. Answers will vary. Responses may include: had complete control of family, responsible for children’s
education, could sell his children to slavery
4. Answers will vary. Responses may include: not full citizens, had few rights; wealthy women could pursue art,
literature, and fashion; poor women worked as priestesses, hairdressers, and doctors
5. Answers will vary. Responses may include: mostly prisoners of war; worked in homes and on farms, helped
build structures; worked long hours, poorly treated
6. Answers will vary, but could include the following: Romans believed that gods and spirits controlled all parts
of life. Greek gods and goddesses were popular but given Roman names. They worshiped by praying and
offering food. All homes had altars for the household gods.
7. Answers should demonstrate an understanding of Roman culture and identify what students believe are
unique aspects of it.
8. Possible answers: constructed roads to all parts of the empire; built aqueducts
9. Possible answers: developed concrete; perfected the use of domes and arches
10. Possible answers: writers wrote about the meaning of life; honored their gods but used humor to describe
their mishaps; poked fun at people's flaws
11. Possible answers: Galen’s study of anatomy, gods and goddesses, architecture style, writing styles, and
works of art
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