Sparking the Future KNOWING WHAT YOU NEED : COLLEGE ADMISSION VS. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS GRADES: 9-10 LESSON: 7 LEARNING GOALS : Students will identify the minimum course requirements for high school graduation. Students will identify the minimum course requirements for college admission. ALIGNMENT WITH STANDARDS : Essential Academic Learning Requirements Grades 9/10 Grade Level Expectations: This lesson is aligned with Writing 1.5.1 and Educational Technology 1.3.2 and 1.3.3. Students will develop materials in an appropriate format for a college search. They will locate, analyze, and use information from college web sites. Common Core State Standards Grades 9-10: This lesson is aligned with English Language Arts Writing 4, 7, and 8. Students will prepare a short writing exercise and conduct a focused research project using college web sites. American School Counselor Association National Standards: This lesson is aligned with ASCA Academic A1.2, A2.1, and B1.3. Students will display an interest in learning, demonstrate task management skills, and apply the skills needed for academic success. MATERIALS NEEDED: Graduation Requirements Handout (included in this lesson plan) OSPI Graduation Toolkit (project or print for students) Internet Access – for students to research college admission requirements Sparking the Future is sponsored by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction with funding provided by College Spark Washington. For more information, please visit Page 1 Rev 12/11 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES: 1. Explain high school graduation requirements. Ask students if they know what they need to do to graduate from high school. Call on volunteers and note their answers on the board. Then distribute or project the OSPI Graduation Toolkit and explain that to graduate from high school in Washington State, a student must meet four requirements: (1) complete a minimum number of course credits in specific subject areas; (2) pass the High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE) and End-of-Course exams; (3) prepare a High School & Beyond Plan; and (4) complete a Culminating Project. Explain that these are the MINIMUM Sparking the Future is sponsored by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction with funding provided by College Spark Washington. For more information, please visit Page 2 Rev 12/11 Sparking the Future | Grades 9-10 | Lesson 7 COLLEGE ADMISSION VS. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS, continued requirements to graduate from high school in Washington State. Then explain that your own school district’s requirements may be higher, and share those. (5-10 minutes) 2. Explore course requirements. Next, explain that the MINIMUM needed to graduate from high school is LESS than what is required to be admitted to most colleges. Distribute the Graduation Requirements Handout. Point out the minimum high school course credit requirements (for the class of 2013 and the new requirements that will take effect for the class of 2016 – note that pending legislative approval and funding, there will be a 24credit requirement put in place in the future). Explain that these requirements represent the minimum that students must do to graduate. Nearly any college will require more. In fact, the four-year colleges in Washington State have set MINIMUM high school course requirements that students must take to be eligible for admission. Point out these requirements on the handout. Finally, note that some colleges have even higher requirements for college admission. Discuss why it is a good idea to learn about those course requirements early… when there is still time to take those courses. (10-15 minutes) 3. Research admission requirements for a college of interest. Next, have students work at computers either individually or in small groups to research the high school course requirements for a college they might be interested in attending. They can use the college search function at the College Board’s web site ( as a starting point. Ask students to complete the handout’s chart, as well as the questions at the bottom of the page. (10-15 minutes) STUDENT PRODUCTS: Graduation Requirements Handout. Students should complete the handout. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Your school may wish to send a copy of the OSPI Graduation Toolkit to each family to ensure that all students and families understand what they must do to graduate. In addition, students and their families can learn about high school graduation requirements and college admission requirements at the remaining three listed sites: OSPI Graduation Toolkit: Information for students, families, and teachers about high school graduation requirements. State Board of Education: Minimum high school graduation requirements for Washington State Higher Education Coordinating Board: Minimum college admission requirements for Washington State College Board: College search to determine admission requirements for college of choice Sparking the Future is sponsored by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction with funding provided by College Spark Washington. For more information, please visit Page 3 Rev 12/11 Graduation Requirements WHAT IS REQUIRED TO GRADUATE FROM HIGH SCHOOL? HOW IS THAT DIFFERENT FROM WHAT IS REQUIRED TO BE ADMITTED TO COLLEGE? WA High School Graduation Requirements (2013) WA High School Graduation Requirements (2016)* Minimum WA College Admission Requirements Language Arts 3 credits 4 credits 4 credits Mathematics 2 credits 3 credits 3 credits (incl math senior yr) 2 credits (1 lab) 2 credits (1 lab) 2 credits (2 labs) 2.5 credits 3 credits 3 credits Visual & Performing Arts 1 credit 1 credit 1 credit Health & Fitness 2 credits 2 credits - World Language 0 credits 0 credits 2 credits Occupational Education 1 credit 1 credit - 5.5 credits 4 credits - Subject Area Science Social Studies Electives My College Choice: ______________________ Sparking the Future is sponsored by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction with funding provided by College Spark Washington. For more information, please visit Page 4 Rev 12/11 *Note: The 2016 high school graduation requirements were adopted by the State Board of Education in November 2011. Districts may seek a two-year extension to implement the new Language Arts, social studies, and elective requirements (until the Class of 2018). In addition, the State Board of Education has adopted a 24-credit requirement for high school graduation that will be phased in over time as funding allows. For more information, please visit the State Board of Education at: How will your course load prepare you to meet the graduation requirements? How will your course load prepare you for college? What courses should you take over the next several years to prepare? Sparking the Future is sponsored by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction with funding provided by College Spark Washington. For more information, please visit Page 5 Rev 12/11