2013-14 - The Henry Box School

Eligible PP students
Service children
Year 7 PP students
% of whole
school/Years 711
Expenditure Summary
Alternative Curriculum Supervisor (ACS)
HBS recruited an ACS in 2013 to work with students and staff to develop and deliver an
improved curriculum offer for those students who find it difficult to access a traditional
The Link
A dedicated area was set up in 2011 for students with BESD who need help reintegrating
into the curriculum, staffed by 2 full time teaching assistants.
One:One or small group tuition
To provide targeted students in Years 9-11 with extra help in
English & Maths, inc. Year 7 English & Maths Catch-up lessons
Alternative courses
Angling – motivational tool and reward for improved
Synolos carpentry – vocational learning for targeted students £2037.83
in Year 9
TRAX – alternative offer for disaffected KS4 students
Bicycle Maintenance in school
Behaviour rewards for PP students meeting attendance and
behaviour targets
Abingdon & Witney College, inc Gateway
L1 NVQ vocational course fees
ICT package to help deliver KS4 Foundation Pathway
Year 11 Yearbook
To ensure that all Year 11 PP students are included in end of
year celebrations
Future Scholars Award
Staff costs to accompany three Year 9 more able PP students
on Russell Group university visit to Cardiff
Effective use of PP
Mentoring Base 33
1:1 mentoring of 1 particularly vulnerable and disaffected
Year 11 PP student
Year 8 Literacy lessons (term 6)
Small group work with underperforming PP students provided
by department staff using gained time
Additional support
e.g. laptops, uniform, piano lessons, trip subsidies provided to
remove barriers to learning and ensure that students receive
similar experience to their non-PP peers
Curriculum materials
Additional text books, revision guides, D&T ingredients, etc.
that students would be expected to pay for were provided to
ensure that students were not disadvantaged in lessons.
Bus passes & taxis provided to ensure that most vulnerable
PP students attended
Year 6 Summer School Staff cost
Other Interventions
 Mentoring by Police liaison officer of 2 PP students
 Amended timetables for 44 students in Years 9-11 since Sept
 Year 9 & 10 extended work placements for 3 PP students, including hair dressing
and bicycle maintenance
 New Careers Event for Year 10
 Phase 2 Adviza mentoring programme term 5 for 3 PP students
 Year 10 PP English intervention group term 6
 Year 8 PP English intervention groups term 6
Assessment of Impact
 GCSE exam results showed that HBS PP students performed better in 2013-14,
achieving 38% 5A*-C EM compared with 35% 2012-13 and 22% 2011-12. The
achievement gap compared with non-PP peers nationally has been narrowed by
18% compared with 2012 and by 8% compared with 2013.
The gap in the number of PP students meeting the English Baccalaureate standard
narrowed by 9% compared with 2013.
The value added figure for PP students has increased since 2012 from 942.8 to
955.8. Significant progress has been made in Maths, Science and Humanities. In
MFL, the value added score exceeded for the first time since 2012 the score of other
students in school.
PP students achieved an average total point score of 264 in 2013-14. Compared with
non-PP students nationally, the gap narrowed by 41 points. The average point score
gap of PP students in English and Maths narrowed since last year in English & Maths
compared with other students in school and nationally.
GCSE exam results showed that PP students made more progress. 54% of students
reached expected levels of progress in English and 61% in Maths compared with 43%
and 57% respectively in 2012-13. Compared with non-PP students nationally, the
achievement gap narrowed by 10% and 9% respectively. With regard to more than
expected levels of progress in Maths, the achievement gap has narrowed
significantly by 19% to 1% currently.
The % of Free School Meal (FSM)-entitled students who were persistent absentees
decreased since 2013 but remains above the national average for FSM students
The number of fixed term exclusions for PP students decreased significantly since
Destination data for 2014 show that 32 out of 34 PP students left HBS with a place
in education or training. This included one Looked After Child at risk of permanent
PP students have reported that they were more engaged by the alternative courses
provided by the Alternative Curriculum Supervisor. Attendance by Year 9 PP
students on the carpentry course was exemplary.
The Behaviour and Attendance reward had some positive impact on attendance of
one Year 11 PP student.
A&WC Gateway programme had a significant impact on attendance and
engagement of 1 Year 11 PP student who was at risk of leaving school not in
education, employment or training (NEET). The student is currently on a post-16
college programme.
Two out of four Year 7 PP students arriving below Level 4 in Maths progressed to
Level 4 after intervention programme. Two Year 7 PP students were able to
progress by one level in English using Lexia in one term only.
PP Future Scholars reported that they would now seriously consider applying to a
Russell Group university as a result of this awareness programme
INSET day provided useful ideas about good practice which are now incorporated
into PP Action Plan and School Improvement Plan for 2014-15
Eight underperforming Year 8 PP students were given additional 1:4 tuition with an
English teacher to improve their extended writing levels by the end of term 6. Six
out of eight improved their outcome in extended writing.
Bus passes have helped 1 Year 9 PP student improve attendance to 95% by end of
term 4 compared with 80% at end of Year 8. Bus fares have enabled another Year 9
student to attend work placement every week in term 6.
93% of Summer School students said that they felt more confident about coming to
HBS in Sept as a result of the programme