ARTNER, Annamária - Institute for Social and European Studies

Curriculum Vitae
Name: Annamária ARTNER
Nationality: Hungarian
Date of birth: 18.06.1961
Gender: female
Family: 3 children, born in 1989, 1992 and 1999
1979-84, Karl Marx University of Economics (present name: Corvinus University of
Budapest), Faculty of Trade, specialisation: International Economics
Hungarian (native), English (fluent), German (passive)
 Word, Excel, PowerPoint, E-learning (ILIAS)
 Driving licence category A
1990: Candidate of Sciences (C.Sc. – an earlier scientific qualification before the introduction
of Ph.D. degree) in Economics
1986: „dr. univ.” (“doctor universitatis” – a doctoral rank in Hungary classified between
Master of Arts and CSc) in world economics
 Since 2005 continuously: King Sigismund College, (H-1039, Kelta u. 2. Budapest,
Hungary) Faculty: Institute of Business and Management Studies
Assignment: College Professor (2007-)
 Since 1984 continuously: Institute of World Economics at the Centre for Economic and
Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (H-1112 Budaörsi út 45.
Hungary). p. 77)
Assignment: Senior research fellow (1990-)
 1997-: Counselling PhD students of different doctoral schools and review of PhD works at
different stages of the elaboration, membership in grading committees at the defence of
PhD-dissertations. Giving occasional lectures at different Universities.
 2005-: Courses on BA-level: Comparative economics, Employment and social policy,
Labour market policies, Globalization of labour markets, Social partnership in the
European Union, Crisis and labour, Crisis of the Euro-zone.
 2007-: Co-ordination, planning and development of courses and study programs of the
Institute of Business and Management Studies of the King Sigismund College.
Responsibility for courses especially that belong to the scope of international business and
economics and human resource management.
 2008-: Helping BA and MA students’ scientific work (Hungarian Scientific Students’
Association – OTDK) both as teacher and as institutional co-ordinator.
 2009-: Courses on MA-level: International political economy, International economics,
International labour markets
 2009-: Courses in English in the frame of the student exchange program of the European
Union (Erasmus): History of globalization
 2014-: Supervising and leading a course in the Doctoral School of Public Administration
Sciences University of Civil Service, Faculty of Public Administration, Budapest. The
title of the research field: Global cycles of capital, crisis and labour. The title of the
course: International political economy
 2014-: Course in English at the Institute for Social and European Studies (ISES). The title
of the course: History and mechanisms of global capitalism
 Doing research work through fellowship programs in Finland (University of Turku, two
months, 1986), in the UK (University of Warwick, two months 1988) and Ireland (Dublin,
state development agencies, two weeks, 1997)
 Taking part on international conferences, workshops and summer schools in Hungary and
in abroad regularly. For example:
o “Youth unemployment or NEETs?” Lecture on the conference “Labour Markets in
Central and South Eastern Europe – Implications and Perspectives”, Economic
Policy Institute Sofia, 22 May, 2013
o “Youth unemployment – Is YGS a remedy?” Lecture on the conference “The
Economic Crisis and the European Social Model” 29 May, 2013, EC
Representation in Romania, Bucharest
o “Economic reasons of the Euro-crisis”. Lecture on the workshop “Europe in the
World – Crises and Responses: Navigating Europe’s Future”. 23-24 November,
2012, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, ISES
o “Reasons and get-outs of the crisis”. Lecture on DRC Regional Summer
University, University of Maribor, Slovenia, 5 July, 2012, Institute for the Danube
Region and Central Europe (IDM)
o “Capitalism and crisis - The Dying Phoenix”. Lecture on the conference “Postliberalism: What can we have after crisis? (Looking for the left alternatives.”
Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Economy, Institute of Information on
Social Science, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Moscow, 26 March 2009
o “Social movements and the Lisbon Treaty” Lecture on the conference
“Democracy, Legitimacy and Identities: Citizens on the Construction of Europe“.
Project-No. 513416 EU – CONSENT Wider Europe, Deeper Integration?
Constructing Europe Network. Network of Excellence. VI Work package V.,
Lodz, April 17-19, 2008
o “The perspectives of Europe with Hungarian eye”. Lecture on the conference
„What we expect of the left in Europe today” organized by the European United
Left-Nordic Green Left European Parliament Group, Paris, May, 17-18 2008
SOCIAL EXPERIENCES (Scientific popularization activity)
 Writing blog-articles on the homepage of the Institute for World Economics, CERS HAS:
 Writing private blog (“World economy, Crisis, Labour”) that discusses socio-economic
 Writing articles for different forms of the civil media (printed and online newspapers)
 Giving online-lectures about the world economy and the crisis in civil media e.g.:
 Active participation on conferences and forums organized by the European civil society
(Social Forum, ATTAC, People’s Academy, LeMonde Diplomatique Hungary,
Transform! etc.) in the topic of world economy, European economy, labour market
developments, social conditions, poverty, crisis etc.
Main fields of research in the last years
 The global production cycles of the capital and their connection with the conditions of the
labour market. Competitiveness, crisis and employment. The Euro-crisis.
 Possibilities and conditions of the development in global capitalism. The role of the state.
Indebtedness, debt management, stabilisation policies and their consequences.
 Development of the global periphery. Development policies of the Asian NICs,
development path of Brazil. Changes and development in China with special regard to
OFDI, the role of the state, the SMEs and the labour market.
 The development and crisis of the (semi)peripheral countries in the European Union with
special regard to Ireland and Greece.
 Regionalization and globalization. New regionalism.
 Social impacts of globalization. Globalization-critical movements.
 Lessons of the enlargements of the European Union for Hungary. Negotiations strategies
and economic development within the Union, technology, FDI, export strategies etc. New
modes of governance in Eastern Europe with special regard to the Baltic States.
Project management – Co-ordination/leadership of Hungarian research projects
 2012-2014: Labour in crisis. Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA). Project No
104210 K
 2006-2009: The “reserve army” of the third Millennium. The barriers and socio-political
effects of employment and the possibilities of state policies in the era of globalisation.
Bolyai Janos Research Fellowship of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
 2006-2009: The possibilities of employment policy in the era of globalization. Hungarian
Scientific Research Fund (OTKA). Project No KGJ 62901
 2004-2005: Social effects of globalization. Research fellowship financed by the
Hungarian Foundation of Political History.
 1995-1997: Integration process in the Asia-Pacific Region. Hungarian Scientific Research
Fund (OTKA). Project No. F 018360,
 1997: Development of a small, peripheral economy – Ireland. Project financed by the
Hungarian Development Bank, 1997
 1992-1994: Comparative study of the economic development in the main regions of the
world economy after the WW II. Hungarian Scientific research Fund (OTKA) Project No.
F 4632
Participation in research projects. For example:
 PHARE-ACE No.P-95-2020-R, “NEWGOV” Integrated Project, 6th Framework
Programme (No. CIT1-CT-2004-506392; EU-RIM 2010),
 KEINS project EU FP6 KEINS = Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship: Innovation,
Networks and Systems,
 CONSENT, DG Enterprise and Industry funded project “Regional Innovation Monitor”
 North Great Plan region – Competitiveness of European regions. Regional Innovation
Monitor (RIM). EC’s DG Enterprise and Industry funded project: RIM Consortium, led
by Technopolis Group Belgium.
 Global and European Labour market – problems and policies, the effect of the global
crisis. Global crisis and crisis management in the EU and Latin-America. Project dealing
with crisis and crisis management. Financed by the Prime Minister Office, 2009
 Employment relations in Europe, with special regard to Ireland. Project dealing with the
European labour market, financed by the National Employment Foundation (OFA), 2007
 Competitiveness and foreign direct capital investments. Project financed by the National
Foundation for Researches in Social Sciences (OKTK) 2005
 2009-: Member of grading committee at Ph.D dissertation defences
 2008-: Opponent expert of research projects. E.g.: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
(OTKA), National Innovation Office (NKHT - Innotárs projects), National Development
Board (NFB), journal articles and students’ thesis (National Scientific Student's Conference –
 2007- : Member of the editorial board of the Yearbook International Labour Movement,
Chapters from the History of Labour Movement. Magyar Lajos Foundation, Hungary
 2005- : President of the Scientific Council of the Hungarian branch of ATTAC (international
civil organization)
 1999-: Opponents of C.Sc and Ph.D dissertations and thesis-plans
 1999-2002 member of the Committee of the Development Economics Section of the
Hungarian Economics Association.
 2010: Bolyai János Research Fellowship Certificate of Merit (Hungarian Academy of
 2008: „Medal finalist” on the international research competition of the GDN with a paper on
the new modes of governance („Global Development Network Medals for Research on
 In 1994 and 1997 place No 2, in 1998 place No 3 with papers at the research work
competition of the Hungarian Economics Association.
A) Sample of publications
Books in Hungarian:
Globalization – a bottom-view. Oppressed groups, rioting movements (Globalizáció
alulnézetben. Elnyomott csoportok, lázadó mozgalmak) Napvilág Kiadó, Budapest,
2006, p 279
From the periphery to the centre? Economic development of Ireland in the last
decades (A perifériáról a centrumba? Írország gazdasági fejlődése az elmúlt
évtizedekben) Aula Kiadó, Budapest, 2000, p 171
Selected articles, papers and chapters in books in English:
Is Youth Unemployment Really the Major Worry? Debatte: Journal of Contemporary
Central and Eastern Europe Volume 21, Issue 2-3, 2013 pages 183-205 DOI:
Youth unemployment or NEETs? Reasons and treatment in Europe. Working Papers
No. 202 May 2013, CERS HAS Institute of World Economics.
Annamaria Artner (60%) – Péter Róna (40%): Euros(c)eptic – The theory of the
optimum currency area and the practice of the Euro. Romanian Journal of European
Public or private? Role of state and SMEs in China. Development and Finance. Vol 8.,
No 3, 2010 pp. 72-79.
Crisis management in Brazil. Development and Finance Vol. 7 No 4, 2009 pp. 53-61.
EU cohesion policy and new governance – the example of the Baltic States. In:
Kálmán Dezséri (ed.): New modes of governance and the EU structural and cohesion
policy in the new member states, Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 2007. pp. 113-154
A licence for plundering? – Is the West taking over the East? In: Attac EU-AG
Stuttgart (ed.) Quo Vadis EUropa? Errwege und Auswege, Stuttgart, -:&, 2007. pp.
Annamaria Artner (60%) – Zoltán Bassa (40%): Globalization-Criticism in Asia. In:
Paul J.J. Welfens – Franz Knipping – Suthiphand Chirathivat – Cillan Ryan Editors:
Integration in Asia and Europe. Historical Dynamics, Political Issues and Economic
Perspectives. Springer, Berlin – Heidelberg 2006 (ISBN-10 3-540-28729-9) pp. 105114
Anti-globalization movements: the developments in Asia. Contemporary Politics Vol
Selected articles and chapters in books in Hungarian:
To the problem of the youth unemployment through the example of Europe. (A fiatalok
munkanélküliségének kérdéséhez Európa példáján keresztül. Közgazdasági Szemle
LX. évf., 2013. december pp 1370—1392)
To the anatomy of the peripheral development – Brazil (A perifériás fejlődés
anatómiájához – Brazília) Eszmélet No 98, 2013 pp. 69-90.
The nature of the contradictions bursting Europe (Az Európát feszítő ellentmondások
természete) Eszmélet No 98, 2013 nyár pp. 178-190.
Global and European employment and crisis management (Globális és európai
foglalkoztatás és válságkezelés) Európai Tükör XV. évf. 10. szám 2010 október pp.
Quo vadis China? The state of workers in China (Quo vadis Kína? A dolgozók
helyzete Kínában) Eszmélet 87. szám 2010. ősz 53-75.p.
Chinese OFDI and the Eastern member states of the EU with special regard to
Hungary (A kínai működőtőke-export és az Unió új keleti tagállamai, különös
tekintettel Magyarországra) In: Juhász Ottó - Inotai András (szerk.) Kína és a válság =
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Világgazdasági Kutatóintézet, Miniszterelnöki
Hivatal, 2010 pp. 27-48.
New regionalism as a crisis management strategy (Új regionalizmus, mint
válságmenedzselő stratégia) Tér és Társadalom. XXIII. évf, 2009/4 25-32 p.
B) Full list of publications since 1984
Number of scientific publications is 266; number of independent citations is 311. Number of
all publications inclusive interviews, short articles, articles in non-scientific newspapers etc. is
333; number of independent citations is 419.
Full list of publications is downloadable from the homepage of the Repository of the
Hungarian Scientific Works (MTMT): Annamária Artner's publications
February, 2014