Meeting Activities October 27, 2015 Planning and Grants (P&G

Meeting Activities
October 27, 2015
Planning and Grants (P&G) Committee
1:00 PM
Welcome and introductions
Katie Grange
1:05 PM
Grant Update-Eastern Colorado Services
Vicky Duran, Rhonda Roth
Chris Townes, Jenny Henry
1:35 PM
Approve minutes from 8/25/2015 and 9/22/2015
Katie Grange
1:45 PM
Mackenzie Helton
2:00 PM
Council Meeting/Retreat Follow-up
Self-Advocacy requirements
Sue Fager
Katie Grange
3:00 PM
1. Meeting convened at 1:08 PM
2. Minutes: Minutes were approved.
3. Eastern Colorado Services: Rhonda Roth and Vicky Duran attended the meeting with two grantee
participants: Jenny Henry and Chris Townes.
Rhonda displayed a map of the 2500 square miles the grant encompasses.
She described the obstacles that a frontier area must overcome and how
that impacts the 5467 people that call it home.
10 people are registered under the CDDC grant, of whom seven are
active participants
Both Jenny and Chris were excited to come to Denver; reviewed many of
the activities that they are involved with over the past year and Chris
I:\\ FINAL\Committees\Planning and Grants Committee\Minutes\October 27, 2015
was heartfelt in his thanks to the Council for allowing him to have all
these experiences: from day trips, to part-time employment, to working
at local fairs and museums. He was demonstrative in his praise for
Vicky and Rhonda and the efforts of the Council.
Vicky is working on a community forum to bring together businesses,
schools, BOCES, interested partners to spread the word of the grant and
secure buy in to grow the grant. There will also be a meeting next week
to brainstorm for ideas.
4. Budget and Procurement: No change in budget information that was shared at the Retreat from last
The Request for Proposal (RFP) for conducting inclusive leadership was eblasted on October 20. A Question and Answer on the RFP will be held on
November 11 and the last day for questions will be November 13.
5. Retreat Follow Up: No solid goals were put forward.
Sue offered to put together some goals based on the received input for discussion
at the next P&G meeting.
Several members indicated that they wanted to be part of the writing process and
Sue asked for clarification from the committee as to what direction, what goals,
what objectives and none was forthcoming.
Jeanette offered to create a template, similar to the existing five year plan, to
outline the focus groups for Sue to work from.
The mandatory goals were Self-Advocacy and Leadership.
Employment and Seclusion and Restraint were identified as goals to continue.
The next meeting is: November 17, 2015 at 1:00 PM
6. Adjournment: 3:07 PM.
1. Melissa Mannix moved to accept September’s minutes; Kasey Daniel seconded, the motion passed.
2. Melissa recommended that Chris Townes apply for her position on the Council when her term is up.
3. Jeanette Cordova will create a graphic depiction of the Focus areas and distribute to the committee by next
Monday so that Sue Fager can begin a narrative of goals and objectives for the next Council Five Year Plan.
Present: Jeanette Cordova (GTM), Kasey Daniel (GTM), Mary Dwyer, Katie Grange (GTM), Melissa Mannix,
Guest: Rhonda Roth, Vicky Duran, Chris Townes, Jenny Henry
Staff: Susan Fager, Mackenzie Helton, Lionel Llewellyn,
Absent: Rob Buzogany, Sandra Friedman, Sarita Reddy, Anuska Ullal
I:\\ FINAL\Committees\Planning and Grants Committee\Minutes\October 27, 2015