JUSTICE & PEACE COMMISSION MEETING Tuesday, February 10th, 2015; 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Minutes Attendance Present: Margie Ann McKinnon, Jeff McLaren, Leigh Smith, Valerie Kelly, Mary Raddon, Sharon Dunlop, Jan Sosiak, Bp. Michael Oulton, John Van Stone, Elizabeth Grew, Jamie Swift, Bronek Korczynski Regrets: Chris Foster, Cindy Morgan, John Duggan OPENING Opening Prayer – Chris Foster – (in absentia) A Prayer Inspired by Bp. Oscar Romero Approval of the Agenda – Moved by Mary; seconded by Jan Approval of the Minutes-January 13, 2015 Moved by Elizabeth; seconded by Sharon EVENTS Up-dates: PeaceQuest / Head in the Tar Sands (Jamie/Bronek/Mary) January musical event successful (450 attended; generated donations) Kingston Public Library Event – Dr. Brian Osborne (On Remembrance); also successful (~100 attended)) Affiliate in Regina successful in passing motion at local Catholic school board re Gr.11 course serving in militia for $2000/student; gained profile in Sask. legislature Efforts being made to attract more from a younger demographic (e.g. Poetry slam, Grad club pub meeting) Bronek K has agreed to be Co-Chair (along with Michael Cooke) Tar Sands event well attended BIG – the Basic Income Guarantee (Jamie) Trinity webcast audience solicited for on-going participation re justice issues; encouraged to keep conversations going with local contacts Need to get labour organizations involved - Quinte Labour Council has it on their agenda; BIG is making presentations to local labour groups to garner their support/involvement It was noted that this initiative has to be framed positively to avoid undue fear that it may lead to loss of jobs Members of the Commission met with Bp. Oulton to discuss how to involve faith groups – Bp. Oulton has plans to continue the conversation with members of local Anglican clergy; question posed on how to involve other Christian groups (Catholic contacts; perhaps through OECTA?) Trinity Institute webcast (Mary/Valerie) Copy of financial statement shared by Sharon Was agreed that presentation and content were superb Attendance was disappointing, though those who attended were very positive and keenly involved. Discussion groups of great value. Thanks to provider of lunch – very good Perhaps need to promote more widely Event failed to break even by just over $200; but agreement that it was worth the investment. Margie Ann to insure all costs are covered Question asked if multiple sites could be possible; noted that it was, but would likely incur larger fee Climate Change & Faith – Katherine Hayhoe (Mary) Feb 19 @ St. George’s Speaker is world renowned; tickets still available; commission members encouraged to share info with their friends/contacts Article appeared in Whig Standard today (Feb. 10) written by Bridget Doherty Mayor has been invited; Jeff will encourage his attendance, too Political contacts & meeting (Jeff) Reported on conversation between 2 Bishops and Mayor; highlight was Commission’s promotion of funding for Dawn House (Kingston City Council later voted to extend funding) – see attached report from Jeff Also important that Commission opened a line of communication with the new Mayor, who has a particular interest in local income housing Bp. Oulton to meet with Sophie Kwala (MPP) Feb 11- she is interested in making sure that the voices of local faith groups are heard. Margie Ann noted that perhaps it was time to “resurrect” Faith Leaders Group. Bp. Oulton will raise this will Kwala Human Trafficking (John van Stone) reported on successful concert/prayer service on this issue Lenten Rag Doll Project initiative to be launched in several Anglican parishes, both locally as well as in New Brunswick Rag dolls displayed simply in worship spaces to draw attention to the issue, along with a single, simple prayer for each of the Sundays in Lent Kits to make the rag dolls available from John upon request Jamie brought attention to CND project in Toronto around Pan Am games to draw attention to the issue Jan noted that PC MP Joyce Smith, who has championed this cause, will not be seeking re-election, but intends to continue this work in private life; John hopes to contact her to see if she might participate in a local event REPORTS Discussion of Reports: (Please report only items for action or on a notable event promoting social justice) To understand and apply Christian Social Teaching CCODP – (Jan) – report submitted PWRDF – (Elizabeth) - no written report; Elizabeth informed group of week long, youth (age 16 – 25) workshop/camp in summer Green Group – (Mary) – focus on upcoming speaking engagement of Katherine Hayhoe Social Justice – no report To advocate for the vulnerable in society: locally, provincially, globally Prison Ministry (Rev. Sharon) Funding remains a national issue, though locally programs seem to be intact Church Council on Justice and Corrections has released report on COSA (Circles of Support and Accountability) – efforts continue to save this valuable program Concern expressed about new, more stringent parameters surrounding eligibility for parole coming from Harper gov’t Prison Ministry Team (Margie Ann) Meeting on Feb 19 to discuss whether or not to run a spring course on prison ministry St. Vincent de Paul group has met to discuss support programs for inmates and their families Intention to better inform Catholic parishes about prison ministries and how they can help To make public statements on behalf of the Dioceses To support like-minded groups seeking social justice Archdiocesan Lay Faith Development Program (Margie Ann) Meetings between Catholic school principals and parish priest to encourage closer working relationships between schools and parishes Smith Falls youth group working with seniors – computer training going well ALCDSB – (Chris) – no report CDSBEO – (Cindy) – no report Sisters of Providence – Office of Justice & Peace & Integrity of Creation (Jamie Swift) Sr. Peggy Flanagan, long time worker for justice, is near end of life; please keep in prayers BIG initiative on-going Promotion of Prison Farm film continues Advocating for food issues ISARC – policy work re poverty issues in Ontario Kingston Faith & Justice Coalition (Leigh Smith) Continue to express solidarity with local Muslim community Lenten study at St. James – Buffalo Shout; Salmon Cry – book study around indigenous creation stories, land issues; Feb 25 (7pm) for 6 weeks Supporting Ted Tsu and his efforts to restore long version of census May 25 event – What are we doing for Kingston children? Mayor yet to respond to letters re future of Ryan Centre (funding is veing sustained by City Council) Archdiocesan Youth Ministry Program (Nadia Gundert) – see written report Archdiocesan Twinning Program (Chris) – no report Announcements & Correspondence: Bp. Oulton’s Dinner (June 8) – speaker will be Larry Scanlon, author of Year of Living Generously Date of next meeting: March 10, 2015 Person Responsible for opening prayer: Jan Sosiak Person Responsible for taking minutes: John Duggan Website: www.jpckingston.com or www.romancatholic.kingston.on.ca Approved Minutes are sent to Sharon at the Chancery Office chancery@romancatholic.kingston.on.ca