LIVER Tongue EMPTY Yin def. Rapid changes, up & down fluctuation, irritability, pain, eye problems, feeling of distension, gynecological problems Pulse Face Normal color w/o coating or rootless coat Floating Empty Pale Choppy or Fine Body color may be normal. Severe cases slightly red sides Red sides Wiry esp.@ left Rebellious Qi Normal or slightly red sides Wiry Blood stasis Purple Wiry or Firm Fire Blazing Red tongue, redder sides, dry yellow coat Full Wiry Rapid Damp Heat Red w/redder sides, sticky yellow coat Slippery Wiry Rapid Cold Stagnation Pale Wet w/white Deep Wiry Slow Blood def. FULL Qi stagnation Stagnate Qi turning into Heat Wiry Dull-pale w/o luster, pale lips, Red face Purple lips, purple or dark complexion Red face & eyes Dry Eyes, Dizziness, numbness or tingling of limbs, insomnia, Blurred vision, “floaters”, diminished night vision, muscular weakness, cramps, withered & brittle nails, very dry hair & skin, depression, feeling aimless, Dizziness, numbness or tingling of limbs, insomnia, Blurred vision, “floaters”, diminished night vision, muscular weakness, cramps, withered & brittle nails, dry hair & skin, depression, feeling aimless, Feelings of distension hypochondrium, chest, epigastrium or abdomen, sighing. Melancholy, depression, moodiness, feeling wound up, a lump in the throat Feelings of distension at hypochondrial or epigastric, slight chest oppression, irritability, melancholy, depression, moodiness, lump in the throat, feeling of heat. Thirst, Belching, irritability. distension at hypochondrial or epigastric, hiccup, sighing, nausea, vomiting, belching, churning stomach, Stabbing pain hypochondrial pain, abdominal pain, vomiting blood, epistaxis, purple nails, dry skin (severe cases) purple petechiae. Irritability, outburst of anger, tinnitus, deafness, temporal headache, dizziness, thirst, bitter taste, dream disturbed sleep, constipation/dry stools, dark yellow urine, epistaxis, haematemesis (vomit blood), hemoptysis (cough blood), Fullness of hypochondrium, abdomen or hypogastrium, bitter taste, sticky taste, poor appetite, nausea, heaviness of body, urinary difficulty, burning on urination, dark urine Fullness & distension of hypogastrium w/pain that refers downwards to scrotum, testis and upwards to hypochondrium, pain alleviated by heat, feeling of cold, cold hands & feet, vomiting clear watery fluid or dry vomit, Scanty menstruation or amenorrhea, Scanty menstruation or amenorrhea, Irregular periods, breasts distension before periods, premenstrual tension and irritability. Outbursts of anger, premenstrual tension, irregular periods, premenstrual breast distension, heavy periods. Irritability, breast distension Painful or irregular periods, irregular periods, dark & clouded menstrual blood, infertility, masses in abdomen, Yellow vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, vulvar eczema or sores, mid-cycle bleeding & or pain, pain, redness & swelling of scrotum, genital, papular or vesicular skin rashes and itching, Testicular straining or contraction of scrotum, Shrinking of the vagina LIVER Tongue FULL / EMPTY PATTERNS Yang Rising Pale=Liver Blood or w/o coat (LIVER WIND PATTERNS) Extreme Heat Deep red, stiff, generating (Wind) dry yellow coat Yang Rising generating (Wind) Yang Rising from Normal color w/o Liver Yin def. coating Yang Rising from Normal color w/o Liver & Kidney Yin coating def. (Wind) Yang Rising from Pale & Thin Liver Blood def. (Wind) Fire generating Red w/redder Wind sides, dry yellow coat Blood def. Pale & Thin generating Wind Tongue COMBINED PATTERNS Rebellious Qi invading Spleen Normal or slightly red sides Rebellious Qi invading Stomach Normal or slightly red sides Liver Fire insulting Lungs Red w/ slightly redder sides, dry yellow coat Pale & Thin Heart & Liver Blood Def. Pulse Face Wiry Throbbing Headache @ temples, eyes or lateral side. Dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, blurred vision, dry mouth & throat, insomnia, irritability, worked-up, outburst of anger, stiff neck Wiry-Rapid High temperature, convulsions, neck rigidity, tremor of limbs, opisthotonos (rigid body spasm) & coma in severe cases. Wiry-Fine Tremor, facial tic, severe dizziness, tinnitus, headache, hypertension, dry throat, dry eyes, blurred vision, numbness or tingling of limbs, poor memory. Tremor, facial tic, severe dizziness, tinnitus, headache, hypertension, dry throat, dry eyes, blurred vision, numbness or tingling of limbs, poor memory, backache, scanty urination, night sweats. Wiry-Fine Wiry-Fine Tremor, dizziness, tinnitus, headache, hypertension, dry throat, blurred vision, numbness or tingling of limbs, poor memory, insomnia. Wiry-Rapid Tremor, irritability, outburst of anger, tinnitus &/or deafness (sudden onset), temporal headache, dizziness, read face & eyes, thirst, bitter taste, dream disturbed sleep, constipation w/dry stools, dark yellow urine, epistaxis, haematemesis, hemoptysis. Fine tremor, facial tic, dizziness, blurred vision, numbness or tingling of limbs, poor memory, insomnia, scanty periods. Wiry-Fine Pulse Face Wiry on left and Weak on Right Wiry on left and weak on Right or Wiry both middle positions. Wiry Red face, blood shot eyes Choppy Dull pale complexion, pale lips Choppy or Fine Liver Qi stagnation & Liver Blood def. Liver Qi stagnation & Liver Yang rising Liver Blood def., Liver Qi stagnation, Liver Blood stasis & Liver Yang rising Liver Blood def. Liver Yang rising, rebellious Liver Qi Rebellious Liver Qi & Liver Yang rising Liver Qi stagnation & Liver Fire Irritability, abdominal distension & pain, alternation constipation & diarrhea, stools dry & bitty or loose, flatulence, tiredness, Irritability, epigastric & hypochondrial distension & pain, oppression in epigastrium, sour regurgitation, hiccup, belching, nausea, vomiting, sighing, weak limbs, Breathlessness, asthma, fullness & distension in chest & hypochondrium, cough w/ yellow or blood tinged sputum, headache, dizziness, thirst, bitter taste, scanty dark urine, constipation Palpations, dizziness, insomnia, dream disturbed Scanty periods or amenorrhea, cramps, sleep, poor memory, anxiety, propensity to startle, blurred vision, floaters, diminished night vision, tingling or numbness of limbs, muscle weakness, dry hair & skin, depression aimlessness, withered brittle nails. Depression, crying, aimlessness, slight or no breast distension, Abdominal distension, depression, moodiness, chronic throbbing headaches Scanty periods, blurred vision, tingling, premenstrual tension, breast distension, painful periods w/dark red clots, premenstrual throbbing headaches w/nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances Digestive problems w/indigestion, belching, nausea, sour regurgitation, tiredness, blurred vision, dry hair/skin, chronic throbbing headaches Indigestion, belching, sour regurgitation, throbbing headaches Feeling distension, irritability, moodiness, depression, feeling of heat, thirst, bitter taste, bloodshot eyes.