Following Spring Board Meeting, May 17, 2015

MAFP Leaders Connecting with Member Constituents
Following Spring Board Meeting, May 17, 2015
Central District
Hello MAFP members of the Central District! We hope your summer is off to a good start and,
as your representatives, want to reach out to you with updates from the MAFP Board.
We’d like to highlight the following agenda items:
First, check out the new website! It's awesome and so much easier to navigate. Really, check it
out at
The Summer Conference is coming up June 25-28! Are you registered?
Do consider coming out to Ocean City for some outstanding evidence-based CME. We've heard
these folks present a couple years ago for another MAFP conference and it was **very** wellreceived. We both plan to attend and would love to meet/catch-up with you during our cocktail
hour with complimentary drink!
Also, did you know that there is a *new* Family Medicine residency in Maryland? Prince
George's has opened a program two years ago. That's right, currently they have only interns and
R2's. But next year they will have their full 12 residents (4 per year). Also... they need faculty!
Anyone interested in opportunities in this new exciting academic program please contact the Dr.
Stacey Ross, Program Director at or call 205-505-7643.
Finally, please be aware of the following changes coming up in your MAFP leadership. Our
hard-working and dedicated member, Patricia Czapp, MD will be running for a national
AAFP board member! More to follow on this, but do offer her your support when you see her.
Also, Mozella will be rotating off the MAFP board in July 2015. It has been an honor and
privilege for her to represent you on the MAFP board and we welcome Dr. Neil Seigel as our
new representative.
And most importantly, are their issues where the MAFP can be of help?
Are we meeting your needs and expectations? The Board plans to take the next step in strategic
planning that we began 4 years ago. We have accomplished a lot and will be taking next steps at
another strategic planning update in early 2016. As always, we reply on your thoughts, ideas, and
input to make this organization meaningful and effective.
Until next quarter,
Jocelyn Hines, M.D., Central District Vice President
Mozella Williams, M.D., Central District Director
Eastern District
Greetings Fellow Academy Members!
I hope that you are all finding time to relax and enjoy the summer season. I wanted to make you
aware that an initiative was approved at the most recent Board Meeting in May. Specifically it
was determined that there needed to be a statewide effort to reach out to ALL our fellow
Academy members on a regular basis to keep you updated on the most salient current events and
Academy Accomplishments. As your local representative, I want to support you and provide you
with at least a snapshot of what’s happening within our organization. Moving forward, I will be
writing to you on at least a quarterly basis.
This represents the beginning efforts of a much broader Strategic Planning Process that the
Board will continue to undertake in 2016.
We want you to know who your Academy representatives are!
This letter therefore represents a kick off to this initiative. Here are several items to consider:
 First and foremost: Does the Academy meet your needs and expectations?
 What are your concerns…and ideas? It goes without saying that for our organization to
thrive, we need your input, suggestions and feedback. They are always welcome and
 What can we do to assist you in your professional life?
 What changes would you like to see take place and how can we improve?
I can personally promise you that your voice will be heard!
Are you ready? Our Annual Family Medicine Conference in Ocean City is this month! It
will be packed with state of the art presentations and up to date evidence based CME
offerings. It will be held from June 25-27. Not registered yet? Please check out OUR NEW
WEBSITE AND REGISTER at I will be there and look forward to meeting
you! Our new website represents a much needed upgrade that is intuitive and user friendly.
The Primary Care Women’s Health Forum will be held October 24th in Baltimore. This
forum represents the first regional meeting series dedicated entirely to Women’s Health in the
Primary Care setting. Complete registration information is available on our web site.
COUNTY! The Prince George’s Hospital Center Program will have a full contingent of 12 total
residents by 2016 and THEY NEED FACULTY! If you are interested in a faculty position in this
exciting new residency program, please contact the MDAFP office for details. We can put you in
contact with Stacy Ross, MD, Program Director.
Finally, I want to inform you that Dr. Patricia Czapp, a current MDAFP board member, has been
selected as a candidate for an AAFP board membership! Dr. Czapp has an impressive resume
and has been a dedicated board member of our academy. Please offer her your support if you see
I hope to see you in Ocean City!
Kim Herman, M.D., Eastern District Vice President
Western District
Dear all,
I am the Vice President of the Western District and your representative to the Maryland
Academy of Family Physicians. In an effort to stay connected I am updating you on the latest
Board meeting.
We have a new website at The site is easily navigated and has a sharp new
look. Notice the Advocacy section's lobbyist report as it highlights outstanding legislation in
Annapolis supported by the Academy. Also review the upcoming live CME events. New
offerings are available and include a Virtual SAM Study group on line and a Fall conference on
Primary Care Women's Health Forum with excellent topics at a very reasonable price. Lastly
note to report CME on line use the link on the upper right "Journal CME Quiz".
There is a new FM residency program at Prince George's Hospital Center. We are thrilled there
is another program supporting training of family physicians in Maryland. They opened in 2014
offering 4 positions each year. The academy offered their support. Needed are faculty members.
For physicians interested contact Residency Director Dr. Stacy Ross at or call 205-505-7643.
The Board supported the nomination of Patricia Czapp, MD in her bid to run for AAFP Board of
The protests in Baltimore has drawn attention to struggling communities in the city. Look for
Dr. Davis's article in the Summer edition of “The Maryland Family Doctor.” The Academy
has sent letters to Governor Hogan, Mayor Rawlings-Blake, and Baltimore Health
Commissioner Wen offering FP's as a resource in finding solutions to social determinants that
negatively affect our patient's health. These are to be posted on the website ADVOCACY
section on a new page entitled “Official Letters.”
Looking forward to seeing you in Ocean City for the annual "Family Medicine Experience"
conference and annual membership meeting. Essential Evidence 2015 is brought to you by
professionals who author Essential Evidence Plus the evidence-based point-of-care clinical
decision support system.
Kristin Clark, M.D., Western District Vice President
Southern District
Greetings Colleague!
I am very happy to take this moment to connect all my constituents in MAFP’s Southern District
of Maryland and discuss a few new and innovative strategies for all of us to connect as “one
voice” as Family Physicians. More often than not, some of us have felt that many of MAFP
political and legislative work has been to “Baltimore- Centric” and often inadvertently
marginalized many of us members in the more remote areas of the state. I have long advocated
for better communication among our members, our Academies and our local leadership to better
understand and address our diverse needs. This will be a First step in bridging that gap. By
reviewing recent MAFP leadership meetings with you we can begin developing a conduit for
Here are just a few of the items discussed to bring you up to date…..
1. Website redesign and services are very cool and functional , allows for dialogue and
interaction. Will be functional by end of May although will continue to be a work in
progress to fine tune all of the potential features.
2. PG Hospital Center Family Medicine Residency starting last July with Dr Stacey Ross at
the helm. She started with 4 new interns to the program. MAFP has met this 3rd
Residency in Maryland with great enthusiasm. This program will need recruitment for in
house staff as well as volunteer staff. Dr Ross welcomed interested members to contact
her at or call 205-5057643.
With only until now 2 residencies in Family Medicine in Maryland we were last in the
country for ratio of GME money spent and Family Doctors produced.
3. 2016 Health is Primary City Tour, Baltimore will be applying as host city. If approved
for this area, the City Tour will showcase Family Medicine to the public, our local
Community and Politicians and Medical Centers in a much needed branding of our
4. Upcoming CME Events:
June Family Medicine Experience, 6/25- 6/27 Ocean City
PC Woman’s Health Forum 10/24/15 Will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Baltimore
5. Engaging members will be the thrust of not only our new website but also our local
leadership. With so many and challenging issues facing Family Medicine both for
employed physicians, as well as us in private practice we hope to hear , address and
bridge the gaps.
F. George Leon, M.D., Southern District Director