Set 1

BIO 101 SI Review 2-1
1. Allopatric speciation can occur through polyploidy. True/False
2. Disruptive selection favors sympatric speciation. True/False
3. The ideal way to classify organisms is through:
a. Phenetics
b. Linnean classification
c. Cladistics
d. None of the above
4. Homoplasy describes
a. Convergent evolution
b. Divergent evolution
c. Concurrent evolution
d. Monophyletic evolution
5. If two traits are homologous they are said to
6. Bird and insect wings are:
a. Homologous
b. Homoplastic
c. Monophyletic
d. Divergent
7. How is the classification system broken down according to Linneaus?
8. Which type of group leaves out descendents?
a. Monophyletic
b. Polyphyletic
c. Paraphyletic
d. Uniphyletic
9. Which group shows all of the descendents from a single ancestor?
a. Monophyletic
b. Polyphyletic
c. Paraphyletic
d. Uniphyletic
BIO 101 SI Review 2-2
1. Lineages split in a process known as phylogeny. True/False ______________
2. Who developed the system of classification that is still used today?
3. What is the order in which an organism is classified?
4. A paraphyletic group leaves out ancestors. True/False __________________
5. Phenetics groups organisms based on phenotypic similarity. True/False___________
6. Phenetics distinguishes the causes of similarities. True/False___________________
7. The most widely used method of classification today is phenetics. True/False______________
8. Cladistics distinguishes similarities between organisms based on:
Common ancestry
Convergent evolution
Keratin differences
a and b
b and c
a and c
all of the above
9. Homologous traits are phenotypic similarities because they were inherited from a common
ancestor. True/False__________________
10. The wings of a bird and an insect are examples of:
a. Homoplasy
b. Homology
c. Cladistics
d. Convergent evolution
e. A and C
f. B and C
g. A and D
11. What is an outgroup? When would I use an outgroup? If I were doing cladistic analysis for
humans, what would be an appropriate outgroup?
12. The simplest explanation for an occurrence is an example of:
None of the above
13. When looking at a cladistic analysis table I noticed that lions and tigers both shared pointed
molars, but horses and seals do not. I would classify pointed molars as a:
a. Synapamorphy
b. Pleisiomophy
c. Autapomorphy
d. Pleiotropy
14. Lions and tigers both have hair. Their ancestors had hair. This trait is an autapomorphy.
15. An organism’s ancestor had fingernails. This organism did not have fingernails. The descendents
of the organism have fingernails. This is a parsimonious understanding of how fingernails
developed. True/False____________________________
16. Taxonomy reflects evolutionary history. True/False________________
17. Disruptive selection favors allopatric speciation. True/False_____________
18. When described a group of all of the descendents from a single ancestor, which group would I
a. Monophyletic
b. Paraphyletic
c. Uniphyletic
d. Polyphyletic
e. None of the above
BIO 101 SI Review 2-3
1. What element would I use to date fossils from several thousand years ago?
a. C14
b. Ar40
c. K40
d. Ur86
2. Only sedimentary rocks can be dated reliably. True/False_______________________
3. The half-life of K40 is 1.3 billion years. True/False____________________
4. In order for life to continue, something must have the ability to evolve by natural selection.
5. The earth has transformed from an oxidizing environment, to a reducing environment.
6. Life arose when a large amount of oxygen was present. True/False__________________
7. It is most likely that the first link in the series that created life, was DNA. True/False__________
8. Miller’s experiment found the presence of amino acids from inorganic compounds.
9. What are the necessary criteria for the creation of synthetic life?
10. Biodiversity is a static process. True/False___________________
11. Where do distinct differences occur between Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes?
12. A possible explanation for the evolution of eukaryotic cells involves:
a. Prokaryosis
b. Endosymbiosis
c. Eurkaryosis
d. Ptosis
e. Aptosis
13. Lions and Tigers both have pointed molars. Their ancestors did not. This is an example of:
a. Convergent evolution
b. Synapamorphy
c. Autapomorphy
d. Divergent evolution
e. A and B
f. A and D
g. All of the above
14. Linnaeus system of classification is an example of classification based on:
a. Cladistics
b. Phenetics
c. Homoplasy
d. All of the above
e. A and C
15. Homoplasy describes
e. Convergent evolution
f. Divergent evolution
g. Concurrent evolution
h. Monophyletic evolution
16. Which type of group leaves out descendents?
a. Monophyletic
b. Polyphyletic
c. Paraphyletic
d. Uniphyletic
17. Speciation that occurs when two groups DO NOT occur in the same place is an example of:
a. Allopatric speciation
b. Sympatric speciation
c. Polyploidy
d. Pleiotropy
18. A paraphyletic group leaves out ancestors. True/False __________________
19. Cladistics distinguishes similarities between organisms based on:
h. Common ancestry
i. Convergent evolution
j. Keratin differences
k. a and b
l. b and c
m. a and c
n. all of the above
20. Taxonomy reflects evolutionary history. True/False________________
21. Disruptive selection favors allopatric speciation. True/False_____________
BIO 101 SI Review 2-4
1. Mitochondria have two membranes. True/False_________________________
2. Mitochondria reproduce by themselves. True/False______________________
3. Antibiotics affect only bacteria in your body. True/False__________________
4. Eukaryotic cells are 10 times larger than Prokaryotic cells. True/False________________
5. Bacterial cells’ DNA are wrapped in chromosomes. True/False______________________
6. If I were to date a fossil from 3.5 billion years ago, I would use:
a. K40
b. W40
c. C14
d. Ag10
7. What type of rock would I use for dating the aforementioned fossil?
a. Igneous Rock
b. Sedimentary Rock
c. Marble Rock
d. Quartz Rock
8. Off these, which is the most likely to represent the origin of life?
a. DNA
b. Glycine
c. RNA
d. Uracil
e. None of the above
9. Stanley Miller successfully created cells from his experiment. True/False_______________
10. How are mitochondria similar to prokaryotes? (4 reasons)
11. Homologous traits are phenotypic similarities because they were inherited from a common
ancestor. True/False____________________
12. Disruptive Selection favors sympatric speciation. True/False___________________
13. When looking at a cladistic analysis table I noticed that lions and tigers both share pointed
molar, while their ancestors do not. I would classify pointed molars as a:
a. Synapamorphy
b. Homology
c. Pleisiomorphy
d. Pleiotropy
e. Autapomorphy
14. The earth has transformed from an oxidizing environment, to a reducing environment.
15. Where do distinct differences occur between Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes?
16. Which type of group leaves out descendents?
a. Monophyletic
b. Polyphyletic
c. Paraphyletic
d. Uniphyletic
17. What are the innovations of multicellular organisms?(3)
18. Which of the following are autapomorphies of animals?
Cell junctions
Muscle/nerve cells
All of the above
None of the above
19. Radial animals evolved before bilateral animals. True/False____________________
BIO 101 SI Review 2-5
1. Eumetazoan fossils were discovered about 3.5 bya. T/F___________________
2. Sponges are Eumetazoans. T/F______________________
3. Based on parsimony, it is more likely that radial symmetry preceded bilateral symmetry.
4. Sponges capture food via:
a. Spicules
b. Tribucule
c. Choanocytes
d. Trachea
e. None of the above
5. Choanoflagulletes are protazoans. T/F____________________
6. Which of the following is NOT a major split:
a. Parazoan-eumetazoan
b. Radial-bilateral
c. Acelomate-ceolomate
d. Protostome-deuterostome
e. Clinoderm-somatoderm
f. All of the above are major splits
7. A flat worm has a fluid filled sac and is known as a ceolomate. T/F_____________________
8. Pseudoceolomates don’t have a fluid filled sac. T/F______________________
9. True ceolomates have the fluid filled sac surrounded by:
a. Mesoderm
b. Endoderm
c. Ectoderm
d. A and B
e. A and C
10. A blastula is a hollow ball of cells. T/F______________
11. When a blastula forms, the inside is known as a ceolem. T/F_________________
12. Cladistics distinguishes similarities between organisms based on:
Common ancestry
Convergent evolution
Keratin differences
a and b
b and c
a and c
all of the above
13. Lions and tigers both have hair. Their ancestors had hair. This trait is an autapomorphy.
14. If I were to date a fossil from 3.5 billion years ago, I would use:
a. K40
b. W40
c. C14
d. Ag10
15. How are mitochondria similar to prokaryotes? (4 reasons)
16. Homologous traits are phenotypic similarities because they were inherited from a common
ancestor. True/False____________________
17. When looking at a cladistic analysis table I noticed that lions and tigers both share pointed
molars, while their ancestors do not. I would classify pointed molars as a:
a. Synapamorphy
b. Homology
c. Pleisiomorphy
d. Pleiotropy
e. Autapomorphy
18. Which of the following are synapomorphies of animals?
a. Cell junctions
b. Spermatozoa
c. Muscle/nerve cells
d. Collagen
e. All of the above
f. None of the above
19. Stanley Miller successfully created cells from his experiment. True/False_______________
BIO 101 SI Review 2-6
1. Which of these characteristics define Eumetazoa:
Tissues separated by basement membranes
Special cell junctions
Neurons and synapses
Muscle tissue
A and B only
All of the above
2. Which is a phylum consisting of an animal with radial symmetry, but true tissues?
None of the above
3. It is likely that the abiotic factor of atmospheric oxygen levels, most strongly contributed to the
Cambrian Explosion. T/F_____________________
4. Many events similar to the Cambrian explosion have happened since that period.
5. It is likely that the developmental functions of genes were not yet tightly connected.
6. Mutant genotypes were more likely to survive during the Cambrian. T/F_________
7. Sponges have a very complex body plan. T/F__________________
8. Sponges have both specialized cells and true tissue. T/F______________
9. Synapamorphies are due to convergent evolution. T/F________________
10. Protostome cells are indeterminate. T/F_____________________
11. At the eight-cell stage, an identical twin can be formed from a Deuterstome zygote.
12. Deuterostomes have spiral cleavage at the eight-cell stage. T/F______________
13. In Protostomes, the blastopore forms the anus at the beginning of development.
14. Which of the following factors contributed to the Cambrian?
Internal environment
Biotic environment
Abiotic environment
All of the above
A and C only
15. Homoplasy describes
i. Convergent evolution
j. Divergent evolution
k. Concurrent evolution
Monophyletic evolution
16. Which type of group leaves out descendents?
a. Monophyletic
b. Polyphyletic
c. Paraphyletic
d. Uniphyletic
17. Mitochondria reproduce by themselves. True/False______________________
18. Off these, which is the most likely to represent the origin of life?
a. DNA
b. Glycine
c. RNA
d. Uracil
e. None of the above
19. Which of the following are autapomorphies of animals?
a. Cell junctions
b. Spermatozoa
c. Muscle/nerve cells
d. Collagen
e. All of the above
f. None of the above
20. Bacterial cells’ DNA are wrapped in chromosomes. True/False______________________
1. F
2. T
3. C
4. A
5. Evolved from a common ancestor
6. B
7. Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Family, Genus, Species
8. C
9. A
1. F
2. Linnaeus
3. 2-1 #7
4. F
5. T
6. F
7. F
8. D
9. T
10. G
11. In cladistic analysis an outgroup is a group that is extremely different from the group you are
analyzing. You would use an outgroup for cladisitic analysis. Lizards, etc.
12. D
13. A
14. F
15. F
16. F
17. F
18. A
1. A
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F
6. F
7. T
8. T
9. Membrane, genetic material, metabolism
10. F
11. DNA, Mitosis, Size, Organelles
12. B
13. B
14. B
15. A
16. C
17. A
18. F
19. D
20. F
21. F
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. F
10. Have their own membrane, reproduce themselves, are affected by antibiotics, DNA structure similar
to bacteria
11. T
12. T
13. A
14. F
15. 2-3 #11
16. C
17. specialization of cells, adhesion of cells, communication between cells
18. F
19. F
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. C
5. F
6. E
7. F
8. F
9. A
10 T
11. F
12. D
13. F
14. A
15. 2-4 #10
16. T
17. A
18. E
19. F
1. F
2. B
3. F
4. F
5. T
6. T
7. F
8. F
9. F
10. F
11. T
12. F
13. F
14. D
15. A
16. C
17. T
18. C
19. F
20. F