2015 Annual Meeting Minutes

Christ Church
84th Annual Meeting Part 2, Business Session-Minutes
February 1, 2015
to be approved January 31, 2016
Following A Litany of Thanksgiving, Rector Seth Dietrich called to order the 84th
Annual Meeting Part 2, Business Session, of Christ Church at 10:52 a.m. on February 1,
at Christ Church. Rector Seth Dietrich welcomed all who were present.
Rector: Seth Dietrich; Assistant to the Rector: Seth Allen Raymond
Senior Warden: Sarah Gottlieb; Junior Warden: Greg Bell
Outgoing and incoming Vestry members were present, along with members of the
congregation. An attendance sheet was distributed and collected.
Clerk: Kari Foote
Treasurer: Mike Giesecke
Approval of 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes
Sarah Gottlieb made a motion to approve the 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes. The
motion was seconded and approved. All were in favor. None were opposed.
Introduction of Nominees and Election
Sarah Gottlieb introduced the slate of nominees for parish leadership positions. Ballots
were distributed, marked by voting members, and collected by members of the
Nominating Committee for tallying.
The following individuals were named on the Ballot-2015 Voting: Senior Warden:
Greg Bell; Junior Warden: Pam Eversfield; Vestry (vote for 6): Jim Benton, Carol
Crowley, Sarah Murphy, Anna Harmon, Tom Watson (1 year), and Katie Waers (2
years); Nominating Committee (vote for 3): Lynne Schley, Joan King, Maureen
McCabe, Chuck Cruse, Dan Sabin, and Dave Frieder; Diocesan Covention Alternate
Delegate (vote for 1): Dave Cipriano, Andy Stillman, Mike Giesecke, and Christine
Absentee ballots were available in advance of the meeting. They were to be turned into
the church office by Friday, January 20, 2015 at noon.
Reception of 2015 Financial Plan
Sarah Gottlieb introduced Mike Giesecke, the current Treasurer for 2014 and the
Treasurer for 2015.
Part I of the 84th Annual Meeting was held on January 25, 2015. The Financial Plan
was reviewed at that time. Mike reviewed a few of the line items. The net loss for
2014 was $4,300. The reduction of the rectory mortgage for 2014 was $8,400. The
reduction of the rectory mortgage for 2015 will be $8,700.
Seth Dietrich complemented Mike Giesecke on his superb presentation of the Financial
Plan during the Part I Meeting.
A Motion was made, seconded, and approved to approve the 2015 Financial Plan
(Budget). All were in favor. None were opposed.
Time was provided for voting.
Recognition of Retiring Officers
Rector Seth Dietrich recognized the outgoing Vestry Members and thanked them for
their devoted service to the parish. In recognition, Seth Dietrich is presenting these
members with Prayer Books for their service. The Vestry Members who have
completed their 3- year terms are Robert Mueller, Kathy Eurich, and Beth Durant. The
Vestry Members who are retiring due to moving are Nora Klee (Baltimore, MD) and
Jenny Riggs (Cocoa Beach, FL).
Rector Seth Dietrich acknowledged our retiring Warden, Sarah Gottlieb. Seth reflected
upon her ability to respond with grace while focusing on the big picture, as well as the
little details. Seth Dietrich presented her with a wooden cross as a token of thanks for
her ministry.
Reception of Reports
a. Endowment Trust Report by Mike Fischer
Mike Fischer reported that 5% of the endowment funds will be distributed. The
current fund balance is at $810,000. The distribution will be $35,000 and will be
utilized for Outreach, Capital, Maintenance, and General Purposes.
Mike Fischer is retiring as Chair of the Endowment Trust. Rector Seth Dietrich
recognized Mike for his devotion to Christ Church.
b. Outgoing Senior Warden’s Report by Sarah Gottlieb
Senior Warden Sarah Gottlieb reflected upon how it has been an honor to work with
Rector Seth Dietrich and Assistant to the Rector Seth Allen Raymond. She
reflected upon their great leadership and inspiring wisdom. Further, she said it has
been a great year with the two of them as well as the office staff. Sarah spoke of
Greg Bell and how he is a wonderful addition to our Vestry. Sarah thanked Bruce
Dunn for his leadership. Sarah commented on Mike Giesecke’s performance as
Treasurer and that our parish is in good hands with Mike continuing on as Treasurer
for 2015.
Sarah reflected on parishioner’s comments of the time commitment she has given to
our church as the Senior Warden. Sarah believes that it is all good work and that
our congregation makes our church awesome. Specifically, Sarah commented on
the devotion of Barbara Larkin, Meredie Scrivner, and the Christ Church Choir, led
by Scott Riedel. In conclusion, Sarah was thankful to everyone.
c. Incoming Senior Warden’s Report by Greg Bell
Greg Bell commented on the big shoes he has to fill, following in Sarah’s footsteps.
It has been a tremendous year for him, working with Sarah. Greg commented on
how it has been delightful working with the pastoral leadership of Seth Dietrich and
Seth Allen Raymond. Greg mentioned how this church hums with outreach which
keeps our church thriving and alive! As Greg looks upon 2015, he is grateful for
the efforts of Chris and Eileen Manger for the care they provide to our facility. He
further stated that our facility is a tremendous gift and we need to look ahead 50100 years to sustain it. As we look to the future, we will focus upon the physical
accessibility of our church. Greg is looking forward to discussing this topic along
with other priorities at the upcoming Vestry Retreat. Greg is looking forward to
serving as Senior Warden and wishes everyone a Happy 2015.
Congregation Comments
The floor was opened to comments from the congregation.
Andy Stillman commented on how he started the facebook page and that Seth
Allen Raymond is keeping it updated. Andy feels this is a valuable tool for our
congregation as are other social media sites. Andy is encouraging those individuals
who are comfortable with social media to mentor those who are less comfortable.
Andy reflected on the benefits of our weekly online Messengers and the ability to listen
to prior sermons with this access. Andy has connected with the Episcopal Church of
Winnetka to learn from their utilization of social media.
Lyn Slater encouraged members to sign up for the Feasts of February!
Seth Dietrich answered a question concerning the number of new families in 2014.
Seth Dietrich will submit a Parochial Report to the National Church in a few months.
At that time, he will have that data. He estimated that there are 10-12 new households
who have joined Christ Church amounting to approximately 35 individuals. Seth
reflected upon our parish as a “permission-giving” community.
Bruce Dunn reported that he recently played a CD of the sacred music of our amazing
choir! In addition, Bruce recognizes our Organist, Scott Riedel, and our Bell Choir.
Barbara Larkin asked for a few volunteers to help with the coffee service (and donuts).
Seth Dietrich commented on the amount of hospitality that Barbara provides to our
congregation. Barbara is grateful for her fellow parishioners from St. John’s.
Chuck Cruse is recruiting new members for those who enjoy Bag Pipes, Celtic music,
and fellowship. The Wednesday night practices are at 7 p.m. at Jay Mueller’s house.
Chris Binder was recognized for providing hospitality.
Comments were welcomed!
VIII. Adjournment and Prayer
Rector Seth Dietrich provided a closing prayer and adjourned the meeting at 11:30 a.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by: Kari Foote
Minutes approved by: [Name]