Scope and Sequence: First Grade (based on Reading Street) Phonics Skills Words their way Short a Final ck Study of Short Vowels: Chapter 5 Reading Street teacher guide Unit 1, Week 1 Florida Center Recipe for Reading Encoding and Decoding: Make-aword es/P_039a.pdf Encoding and Decoding: A diagraph a word es/p_040a.pdf a:37 final ck: 112 Unit 1, Week 2 Encoding and Decoding: Make-aword es/P_039a.pdf i:46 final x: 65 Unit 1, Week 3 Encoding and Decoding: Make-aword o: 36 Alphabet Knowledge: Chapter 4 Short i Final x Study of Short Vowels: Chapter 5 Alphabet Knowledge: Chapter 4 Short o -s Plurals (s/z/) Study of Short Vowels: Chapter 5 Alphabet Knowledge: Chapter 4 es/P_039a.pdf Inflected ending -s Inflected ending -ing (without spelling changes) Short e Initial consonant blends (CCVC) Study of Short Vowels: Chapter 5 Unit 1, Week 4 Inflectional Toss: -s, -ing es/P_058a.pdf -ing ending: 178 Unit 1, Week 5 Encoding and Decoding: Make-aword es/P_039a.pdf Phoneme Blending: What’s my word? DF/G2-3/2-3PA_2.pdf e: 56 initial consonant blends: 87 Unit 1, Week 6 Encoding and Decoding: Make-aword es/P_039a.pdf Encoding and Decoding: A diagraph a word es/p_040a.pdf Encoding and Decoding: A diagraph a word es/p_040a.pdf Diagraphs: sh and th u: 51 final consonant blends: 89 Alphabet Knowledge: Chapter 4 Soundboard for Initial Consonant Blends: Appendix B and C Short u Final consonant blends (CVCC) Study of Short Vowels: Chapter 5 Digraphs sh, th Sound of a in ball, walk Picture sort for initial digraphs: Appendix C Alphabet Knowledge: Chapter 4 Picture sorts for sh and th: Unit 2, Week 1 sh: 59 th: 60, 68 a (ball): 171 Long a (CVCe) c/s/ and g/j/ (initial and as in –ace, -age) Long i (CVCe) Digraphs wh, ch, tch Long o (CVCe) Contractions n’t, ‘m ‘ll Appendix C es/p_040a.pdf Spell and Sort: a in walk es/P_020b.pdf Train Station Unit 2, Week 2 Game(automaticity with common long vowels): Chapter 6 Picture sorts for Unit 2, Week 3 wh, ch: Appendix C Variant Correspondences: Silent “e” Changes es/P_048a.pdf Long a magic e: 100 Soft c: 162 Soft g: 164 Variant Correspondences: Silent “e” Changes es/P_048a.pdf Encoding and Decoding: A diagraph a word es/p_040a.pdf Long i magic e: 100 wh: 62, ch: 50, tch: 175 Variant Correspondences: Silent “e” Changes es/P_048a.pdf Long o magie e: 100 Train Station Game(automaticity with common long vowels): Chapter 6 Train Station Unit 2, Week 4 Game(automaticity with common long vowels): Chapter 6 Word Knowledge: Contraction Bingo! es/V_001b.pdf Long u (CVCe) and Long e (CVCe) Inflected ending -ed (3 pronunciations: /d/, /t/, /ed/) (without spelling changes) Train Station Unit 2, Week 5 Game(automaticity with common long vowels): Chapter 6 Variant Correspondences: Silent “e” Changes es/P_048a.pdf Morpheme Structures: Inflectional Toss es/P_058a.pdf Long u magic e: 100 Ending –ed: 98 Long e: e, ee Syllables VC/CV (as kitten) Train Station Unit 2, Week 6 Game(automaticity with common long vowels): Chapter 6 Variant Correspondences: Silent “e” Changes es/P_048a.pdf Long ee es/P_019b.pdf Long e: e, ee100, 127 VC/CV: 183 Vowel sounds of y: long i, long e Long vowel pattern CV (as me, hi, go) Train Station Unit 3, Week 1 Game(automaticity with common long vowels): Chapter 6 Compound Word Unit 3, Week 2 Chapter 7 Compound Word Final nk and ng (-ang, -ing, -ung; -ank, -ink, unk) (NOTE: Begin word family/onset-rime blending) Word Family Wheels and Flip Charts: Chapter 5 y: long i, long e: 159 Morphemic Elements: Compound ng and nk: 94 Word Hunt ool/PDFs/K-1V_009.pdf Morphemic Elements: Compound Word Flip Book ool/PDFs/K-1V_010.pdf R-controlled or, ore Ending -es; plural -es R-Influenced Vowels: Chapter 5 Unit 3, Week 3 Variant Correspondences: Ror, ore: 156 Controlled Spin ool/PDFs/K-1P_051.pdf Variant Correspondences: “R” Caterpillars ool/PDFs/2-3P_023.pdf R-controlled ar Inflected endings -ed, ing (Spelling change: double final consonant) R-Influenced Vowels: Chapter 5 Unit 3, Week 4 Flip Manipulating Books: ar es/P_050a.pdf Morpheme Structure: Inflectional Toss es/P_058a.pdf R-controlled er, ir, ur Contractions ‘s,‘ve, ‘re R-Influenced Vowels: Chapter 5 Unit 3, Week 5 Variant Correspondences: Rer: 135, ir:137, Controlled Spin ur:139 ool/PDFs/K-1P_051.pdf Variant Correspondence: Jar Sort es/p_021b.pdf Comparative endings -er, est Letter Spin Game, Chapter 6, Can be Unit 3, Week 6 Flip Manipulating Books: -dge, -er ar:154 -ed, -ing: 178 dge: 166 3 syllables: 200 dge /j/ modified for weekly skill es/P_050a.pdf Covering the Bases: es/P_039b.pdf Morpheme Structures-Parting Words: es/P_040b.pdf Long a: ai, ay (NOTE: First cover sound-bysound blending of new lettersound; then move immediately to phonograms) Possessives (singular and plural) Long e: ea Inflected endings (spelling change: y to i) “I’m Out”- Activity: Unit 4, Week 1 Chapter 6 Long a: ai, ay es/P_019b.pdf Flip Manipulating Books: ay es/P_050a.pdf ai: 125 ay: 129 Unit 4, Week 2 Long e: ea es/P_019b.pdf ea: 119 Unit 4, Week 3 Long o: oa es/P_019b.pdf oa: 122 ow: 206 Unit 4, Week 4 Flip Manipulating Books: ie, igh es/P_050a.pdf ie: 100 igh: 146 Long o: oa, ow Three-letter consonant blends Long i: ie, igh Silent consonants Vowel Poker Card Game: Chapter 6 I’m Out”- Activity: Chapter 6 Vowel Poker Card Game: Chapter 6 I’m Out”- Activity: Chapter 6 Word Study Uno: Chapter 6 I’m Out”- Activity: Chapter 6 kn/n/ and wr/r/ Vowel Poker Card Game: Chapter 6 Vowel patterns ew, ue, ui Compound words (blending multisyllabic words) Vowel Spin: Chapter 6 Compound Word Chapter 7 Unit 4, Week 5 Vowels oo in moon Suffixes –ly, -ful (Blending multisyllabic words) Ambiguous Vowels/ Diphthongs- Word Lists: Appendix E Unit 4, Week 6 Vowel diphthong ow/ou/ Syllables: consonant + le Vowel diphthong Prefixes and Suffixes- Word Lists: Appendix E Ambiguous Vowels/ Diphthongs- Word Lists: Appendix E The Apple and the Bushel: Chapter 7 (le and el endings) Ambiguous Variant Correspondences: Wild Word Dominos ool/PDFs/2-3P_028.pdf Variant Correspondence: Same but ew: 191, 192 Different ue: 198, 199 es/P_017b.pdf Morphemic Elements: Compound Word Hunt ool/PDFs/K-1V_009.pdf Vowels oo in moon oo (moon): 158 es/P_019b.pdf Affix Hunt: -ly, -ful es/P_041b.pdf Unit 5, Week 1 Flip Manipulating Books: ow/ou es/P_050a.pdf Diphthong-O es/P_024b.pdf ow/ ou: 142, 144 consonant +le147 Unit 5, Week 2 Sight and Sound Scout: ou/ow ou: 210 ou/ou/ Syllables: V/CV and VC/V (open and closed: pi/lot, lem/on) Vowels/ Diphthongs- Word Lists: Appendix E Vowels oo as in book Inflected endings -s, -es, -ed, ing (spelling change: drop e before -ed, -ing) Ambiguous Vowels/ Diphthongs- Word Lists: Appendix E Vowel diphthongs oi, oy /oi/ Suffixes –er, -or (agentive) (blending multisyllabic words) Vowels aw, au (as in saw, auto) Short e: ea es/P_025b.pdf open and closed: 108 Inflectional Toss: -s, -es, -ed, -ing es/P_058a.pdf oo (book): 209 Sight and Sound Scout: oi/oy es/P_025b.pdf Diphthong-O es/P_024b.pdf oi, oy/ oi: 172, 174 Unit 5, Week 5 Flip Manipulating Books: aw, au es/P_050a.pdf aw, au: 168, 170 ea- 20 Unit 5, Week 6 Break Apart: Prefixes –un, -re o(st), o(ld), i(nd), i(ld): 153 Unit 5, Week 3 Double Scoop: Chapter 7 (inflected endings) Ambiguous Unit 5, Week 4 Vowels/ Diphthongs- Word Lists: Appendix E Ambiguous Vowels/ Diphthongs- Word Lists: Appendix E Vowel Spin: Chapter 6 Prefixes un-, re(blending multisyllabic words) Prefix Spin: Chapter 7 Long vowel pattern o(st), o(ld), i(nd), i(ld) es/P_060a.pdf