Spring 2016 Japanese Placement Test Japanese Placement Test Test registration Deadline: 4:00 p.m., January 5 (Tuesday) Test Date: January 6 (Wednesday) Test Location: 302 Pugh Hall Index Placement Test Instructions Please read these instructions carefully before completing any registration form that follows. After reading, complete both Form I and Form II (choose the appropriate form, A, B, C or D). When you submit your forms, delete all the pages you didn’t use. Attach the document as a Word file (a DOC file, not a DOCX file) to Prof. Yasuo Uotate at yuotate@ufl.edu after changing the name of the document to “your last name.docx” or “your last name.pdf”. You must check e-mails frequently as we will confirm the date and time for the exam with you via e mail. -> Go to Placement Test Instructions. Registration Form I Japanese Placement Test Registration: Date and Time Availability -> Go to Registration Form I. You need to fill out both Forms I and II. Registration Form II Japanese Placement Test Registration: Background Questionnaire You need to fill out both Forms I and II. Regarding Form II, choose only 1 form: A, B, C or D. A. Students who have taken Japanese language courses at UF, but have never studied abroad in Japan -> Go to Form A and fill it out. B. Students who have previously studied Japanese at American institutions in the United States other than UF -> Go to Form B and fill it out. C. Students who have studied in Japan (including summer intensive courses) -> Go to Form C and fill it out. D. Students who grew up speaking Japanese or lived in Japan (excluding study abroad) Form D may be used by students without any formal language study. -> Go to Form D and fill it out. Spring 2016 Japanese Placement Test Placement Test Instructions Japanese Placement Test Placement is an assessment of a student’s level of preparation in a language. The purpose of the placement test is to help students enroll in a language course in which they are most likely to be successful. Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Japanese language courses require a placement test administered by the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Only new students entering the language program at the University of Florida or those returning from study abroad programs (including summer intensive programs in Japan) will take the placement test. University of Florida students who are returnees from the exchange programs at Kansai Gaidai or Aoyama Gakuin do not take the placement exams. University of Florida students who have made a C (73%) or better are allowed to continue in the regular course sequence and are NOT eligible to take the placement test. Who needs to take the placement test? You are required to take the placement test IF you: o Have previously studied the Japanese language at the high school or college level (other than UF) or o Have experience living in Japan or speaking Japanese at home or elsewhere. You are exempted from the test IF you: o Have no background knowledge of Japanese and wish to take Beginning Japanese 1 (JPN 1130) or o Have satisfied the UF prerequisite for a respective course (e.g., have completed JPN 1131 with a grade of C or higher and wish to take JPN 2230) or o Wish to skip one level after taking appropriate courses (if you are not certain, please consult the undergraduate coordinator) at Kansai Gaidai for 1 year (e.g., after completing Beginning Japanese 1 and 2, you went on the official UF study abroad program and now wish to take Advanced Japanese 1) Testing schedule Date and time: the test times are: 2:00 p.m, 3:00 p.m., or 4:00 p.m. January 6 (Wednesday). The written exam and the oral interview will last approximately 1-2 hours. We may schedule the oral interview before the test day depending on your availability. Registration deadline: 4 p.m., January 5 (Tuesday). Test date and time: 2:00 p.m, 3:00 p.m., or 4:00 p.m. January 6 (Wednesday). Test location: 302 Pugh Hall Register for the test by filling out the Registration Form I (test time availability) and appropriate Registration Form II (A, B, C, OR D) online. There is no fee for the placement test. Please report to the test site 15 minutes before the exam begins. Examinees who require special testing conditions must contact Professor Yasuo Uotate at least three (3) days prior to the exam. What do I need to bring? Photo ID Pencils and eraser What will the placement test involve? Spring 2016 Japanese Placement Test The placement test includes listening, writing, and speaking sections and lasts approximately 1 to 2 hours. In the writing sections, you will be tested for your vocabulary knowledge, grammar, and reading skills. In the speaking section, you will have an oral interview with a Japanese instructor. The content of the test is mainly based on the textbooks used in our Japanese language program. You may review materials in the following books: o Yookoso! An Invitation to Contemporary Japanese, by Yasu-Hiko Tohsaku. Boston: McGraw-Hill College. 3rd edition, 2006. o Yookoso! Continuing with Contemporary Japanese, by Yasu-Hiko Tohsaku. Boston: McGraw-Hill College. 3rd edition, 2006. Test Results We will notify you via e-mail within 24 hours following the placement exam of your placement in an appropriate level language course based on the results of the test and interview. You must check your e-mail for this result within 24 hours and send us a confirmation of receipt as well as your decision whether or not to register for the class. You must attend the next meeting of the class you have been placed into. If you do not, you will lose the seat in the class. For questions, please contact: Professor Yasuo Uotate (yuotate@ufl.edu) Go back to Index. Spring 2016 Japanese Placement Test Name: ______________________________ Registration Form I Test Location: Written Test: Pugh Hall 302 Oral Interview: Prof. Uotate’s office (Pugh 333) Your Test Time Availability: Please write “yes” or “no” for ALL applicable available dates and times for the placement exam shown below: January 6 (Wednesday): 2:00 p.m. ______ 3:00 p.m. ______ 4:00 p.m. ______ For oral interviews only: Please write “yes” or “no” for ALL applicable available times. January 5 (Tuesday) 10:00 a.m. 10:20 a.m. 10:40 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:20 a.m. 11:40 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:20 p.m. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 12:40 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:20 p.m. 1:40 p.m. ______ ______ ______ ______ Go back to Index. Spring 2016 Japanese Placement Test Form A For students who have taken Japanese language courses at UF, but have never studied abroad in Japan Name: ___________________________________________________ Year: Freshman / Sophomore / Junior / Senior / Graduate (circle one) Major: ______________________________ E-mail:______________________________ Phone:______________________________ The course you registered for or wish to register for is: Beginning 1 (JPN 1130) Intermediate 1 (JPN 2230) Beginning 2 (JPN 1131) Intermediate 2 (JPN 2231) Advanced 1 (JPN 3410) Advanced 2 (JPN 3411) 4th-year reading courses Business Japanese Section 1: For students who have taken Japanese language courses at UF 1.1. What is the highest level of a language course you have taken at UF? Course:______________________________________________________________________ When?_______________ The grade you made __________ If you didn’t make a C or better, and if the course you wish to take is higher than the course above, come to see the instructor/language coordinator. You must have made a C or better to continue in the course sequence and are NOT eligible to take the placement test. 1.2. Explain in detail what you have studied on your own (the number of kanji, chapters in the textbook etc). Section 2: Level of your Japanese proficiency How many kana and kanji can you write/read? Hiragana (all / some / none); Katakana (all / some / none); Kanji (none / about ____ kanji) Is there any other information that you think is important for your instructor to know? Section 1 L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail Go back to Index. ********* Official Use Only ********* Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail Section 5 L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail Spring 2016 Japanese Placement Test Form B For students who have previously studied Japanese at American institutions in the United States other than UF Name: ___________________________________________________ Year: Freshman / Sophomore / Junior / Senior / Graduate (circle one) Major: ______________________________ E-mail:______________________________ Phone:______________________________ The course you registered for or wish to register for is: Beginning 1 (JPN 1130) Intermediate 1 (JPN 2230) Beginning 2 (JPN 1131) Intermediate 2 (JPN 2231) Advanced 1 (JPN 3410) Advanced 2 (JPN 3411) 4th-year reading courses Business Japanese Section 1: For students who have previously studied Japanese at American institutions other than UF 1.1. When did you study Japanese? _____________________________________ ; for how long? ______ years, ______ months 1.2. Where? ____________________________________ Tutor / High school / Community college / Language school / College Name of the school: _________________________________________________________________________________ 1.3. What level? Beginning / Intermediate / Advanced. The class met _____ hours/week. 1.4. What textbooks did you use? _________________________________Chapters covered: ________ The grade you made: __________ Now go to Section 2 1.5 If you have a soft copy of the syllabus of the Japanese course you have taken, please send it together with this Form. Section 2: Level of your Japanese proficiency How many kana and kanji can you write/read? Hiragana (all / some / none); Katakana (all / some / none); Kanji (none / about ____ kanji) Other measurements: AP Japanese: __________ JLPT: __________ IB Japanese: __________ SAT II Japanese:__________ Is there any other information that you think is important for your instructor to know? Section 1 L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail Go back to Index. ********* Official Use Only ********* Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail Section 5 L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail Spring 2016 Japanese Placement Test Form C For students who have studied in Japan (including summer intensive courses) Name: ___________________________________________________ Year: Freshman / Sophomore / Junior / Senior / Graduate (circle one) Major: ______________________________ E-mail:______________________________ Phone:______________________________ The course you registered for or wish to register for is: Beginning 1 (JPN 1130) Intermediate 1 (JPN 2230) Beginning 2 (JPN 1131) Intermediate 2 (JPN 2231) Advanced 1 (JPN 3410) Advanced 2 (JPN 3411) 4th-year reading courses Business Japanese Did you take Japanese courses at UF before you studied in Japan? YES/ NO If YES, what is the highest level of a language course you have taken at UF? Course:_________________________________________ When?_______________ Did you make a C or better? YES / NO Section 1: What program did you participate in? For how long? 1.1.Kansai Gaidai: How long? ______ semesters; When? ___________; Japanese language course credits taken: _____ credits o List language courses taken by title: ________________________________________ The class met _____ hours/week. o Textbooks used: __________________________ Chapters covered: _______ The grade you made: __________ 1.2. Other program: Name: ___________________________________; How long? _____________; When? _______________ o List language courses taken by title: ________________________________________ The class met _____ hours/week. o Textbooks used: __________________________ Chapters covered: _______ The grade you made: __________ 1.3 If you have a soft copy of the syllabus of the Japanese course you have taken, send it with this Form. Now go to Section 2 Note. You are exempt from the test IF you are trying to skip one level after taking appropriate courses at Kansai Gaidai for 1 year (e.g., after completing Beginning Japanese 1/2, you went to study abroad and now wish to take Advanced Japanese 1) Section 2: Level of your Japanese proficiency How many kana and kanji can you write/read? Hiragana (all / some / none); Katakana (all / some / none); Kanji (none / about ____ kanji) Have you ever lived in Japan? (excluding study abroad) YES / NO If YES, when? ________________; for how long? __________ years, _________ months Is there any other information that you think is important for your instructor to know? Section 1 L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail Go back to Index. Section 2 L: W&R: Total: Interview: ********* Official Use Only ********* Section 3 Section 4 ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail Section 5 L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail Spring 2016 Japanese Placement Test Form D For students who grew up speaking Japanese or lived in Japan (excluding study abroad) (Form D may be used by students without any formal language study.) Name: ___________________________________________________ Year: Freshman / Sophomore / Junior / Senior / Graduate (circle one) Major: ______________________________ E-mail:______________________________ Phone:______________________________ The course you registered for or wish to register for is: Beginning 1 (JPN 1130) Intermediate 1 (JPN 2230) Beginning 2 (JPN 1131) Intermediate 2 (JPN 2231) Advanced 1 (JPN 3410) Advanced 2 (JPN 3411) 4th-year reading courses Business Japanese Section 1: Your Background Have you ever lived in Japan? (excluding study abroad) YES / NO If YES, when? ________________; for how long? __________ years, _________ months o Did you attend a school in Japan? Circle one: A Japanese School / An International School / NO / Others __________ If you attended a school in Japan; name of the school: _________________________________ Did you grow up speaking Japanese? YES / NO If YES, until what age?: until the age of __________ years old, How frequently and did/or do you speak with your family in Japanese? _____________ Did you go to a Japanese Saturday school in the U.S.? YES / NO If YES, until what age?: until the age of __________ Section 2: For self-taught students (without any formal instruction in Japanese). If you haven’t acquired Japanese as your first or second language, have you been teaching yourself Japanese? YES / NO If YES, o How long have you been studying Japanese? ______ years, ______ months o What textbooks did you use? _________________________________Chapters covered: ________ _________________________________Chapters covered: ________ Section 3: Level of Japanese proficiency How many kana and kanji do you estimate you can write/read? Hiragana (all / some / none); Katakana (all / some / none); Kanji (none / about ____ kanji) Other measurements: JLPT: __________ Is there any other information that you think is important for your instructor to know? ********* Official Use Only ********* Section 1 L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail Go back to Index. Section 2 L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail Section 3 L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail Section 4 L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail Section 5 L: W&R: Total: Interview: ( %) ( %) ( %) Pass / Fail