ASXL3 Supplement Methods Targeted Exome Sequencing Exome sequencing was performed by the Center for Pediatric Genomic Medicine (CPGM) at CMH under a research protocol. Isolated genomic DNA was prepared for sequencing using the Kapa Biosystems library preparation kit and 8 cycles of PCR amplification. Exome enrichment was conducted with the Illumina TruSeq Exome v1 kit (62.2 megabases, 20,794 genes, 201,121 exons) following a slightly modified version of the manufacturer recommended protocol. The enrichment protocol was modified to use the Kapa Biosystems PCR amplification kit for the post-enrichment amplification step to limit polymerase induced GC-bias [1]. Successful enrichment was verified by qPCR of 4 targeted loci and 2 non targeted loci of the sequencing library pre- and post-enrichment prior to sequencing [2]. The enriched library was sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 using v3 reagents and 2x101 base pair sequencing reads. Next Generation Sequencing Analysis Sequence data was generated with Illumina RTA & CASAVA-1.8.2, aligned to the human reference NCBI 37 using the Genomic Short-read Nucleotide Alignment Program (GSNAP) [3] and variants were detected and genotyped using the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) [4]. Sequence analysis employed FASTQ files, the compressed binary version of the Sequence Alignment/Map format (bam, a representation of nucleotide sequence alignments) and Variant Call Format (VCF, a format for nucleotide variants). Variants were characterized with the CPGM’s Rapid Understanding of Nucleotide variant Effect Software (RUNES v1.0) [5]. RUNES incorporates data from the Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) software [6], and produces comparisons to NCBI dbSNP, known disease mutations from the Human Gene Mutation Database [7] and performs additional in silico prediction of variant consequences using ENSEMBL and UCSC gene annotations [8, 9]. RUNES categorizes each variant according to the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG’s) recommendations for reporting sequence variation [10, 11] as well as an allele frequency derived from CPGM’s Variant Warehouse database [5]. Briefly, category 1 variants are those previously described as disease causing, category 2 are those variants of the type likely to disrupt protein function and be disease causing if they are in a gene associated with disease, and category 3 are variants of unknown significance that may or may not cause disease. Capillary Sequencing Primers and PCR conditions are available upon request. PCR products were purified using ExoSapit (USB Corporation, Cleveland, OH) according to manufacturer’s instructions. Both the forward and reverse strands of the purified PCR product were sequenced using fluorescent dyeterminator sequencing. Sequencing reactions were purified using the BigDye XTerminator Purification Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) according to the manufacturers’ instructions. Results were analyzed on an ABI 3130 analyzer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Sequence results were compared to published reference sequence (NM_030632.1) using Sequencher 4.5 (Gene Codes Corporation, Ann Arbor. MI). Supplement Figure 1. Next-generation sequencing results viewed in the Integrative Genome Viewer [12] of the de novo frameshifting mutation 1897_1898delCA, p.Gln633ValfsX13 in CMH000079 and not present in mother (CMH000080) or father (CMH000081). Supplement Figure 2. Capillary sequencing results of the de novo frameshifting mutation 1897_1898delCA, p.Gln633ValfsX13 in patient with forward and reverse PCR primers and control sample. Supplement Table 1. Variants at a frequency of less than 1% in ASXL3 more than 1,300 exomes sequenced at the Center for Pediatric Genomic Medicine at Children’s Mercy Hospital. RUNES classific ation CMH maf 2 0.000 502 probably_da maging 3 0.000 502 tolerat ed benign 3 0.001 004 non_synon ymous tolerat ed benign 3 0.002 51 NM_030632.1:c.191 9G>A non_synon ymous tolerat ed benign 3 0.000 502 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.222 4T>G non_synon ymous tolerat ed benign 3 0.000 502 ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.234 2C>T non_synon ymous deleter ious benign 3 0.001 004 G ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.253 7A>G non_synon ymous deleter ious benign 3 0.002 008 T A ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.257 9T>A non_synon ymous deleter ious benign 3 0.000 502 11 G A ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.260 2G>A non_synon ymous tolerat ed benign 3 0.000 502 31320 099 11 G A ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.273 1G>A non_synon ymous deleter ious benign 3 0.001 506 31320 321 31320 321 11 G C ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.295 3G>C non_synon ymous deleter ious probably_da maging 3 0.000 502 18 31320 322 31320 322 11 A T ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.295 4A>T non_synon ymous deleter ious probably_da maging 3 0.000 502 18 31320 333 31320 333 11 C G ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.296 5C>G non_synon ymous deleter ious benign 3 0.002 51 18 31320 372 31320 372 11 C A ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.300 4C>A non_synon ymous deleter ious probably_da maging 3 0.000 502 18 31322 993 31322 993 12 G A ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.318 1G>A non_synon ymous deleter ious probably_da maging 3 0.000 502 18 31323 201 31323 201 12 C G ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.338 9C>G non_synon ymous tolerat ed possibly_da maging 3 0.001 506 18 31323 808 31323 808 12 C G ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.399 6C>G non_synon ymous deleter ious benign 3 0.000 502 18 31323 916 31323 916 12 A C ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.410 4A>C non_synon ymous deleter ious benign 3 0.000 502 #c hr start stop ex on ref_al lele var_al lele gen e transcrip t hgvs_c translation impact 18 31319 262 31319 263 11 AC - ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.189 4_1895del frameshift 18 31224 959 31224 959 3 C A ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.239 C>A non_synon ymous deleter ious 18 31318 588 31318 588 11 G C ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.122 0G>C non_synon ymous 18 31318 777 31318 777 11 A C ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.140 9A>C 18 31319 287 31319 287 11 G A ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 18 31319 592 31319 592 11 T G ASX L3 18 31319 710 31319 710 11 C T 18 31319 905 31319 905 11 A 18 31319 947 31319 947 11 18 31319 970 31319 970 18 31320 099 18 sift polyphen 18 31324 035 31324 035 12 T C ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.422 3T>C non_synon ymous tolerat ed benign 3 0.000 502 18 31324 052 31324 052 12 G A ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.424 0G>A non_synon ymous tolerat ed benign 3 0.000 502 18 31324 056 31324 056 12 T G ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.424 4T>G non_synon ymous deleter ious benign 3 0.001 004 18 31324 143 31324 143 12 G A ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.433 1G>A non_synon ymous tolerat ed benign 3 0.000 502 18 31324 401 31324 401 12 A G ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.458 9A>G non_synon ymous tolerat ed benign 3 0.000 502 18 31324 419 31324 419 12 G T ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.460 7G>T non_synon ymous deleter ious benign 3 0.000 502 18 31324 629 31324 629 12 G A ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.481 7G>A non_synon ymous deleter ious possibly_da maging 3 0.000 502 18 31324 985 31324 985 12 G A ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.517 3G>A non_synon ymous deleter ious possibly_da maging 3 0.000 502 18 31326 158 31326 158 12 G A ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.634 6G>A non_synon ymous deleter ious possibly_da maging 3 0.001 506 18 31326 213 31326 213 12 T G ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.640 1T>G non_synon ymous deleter ious probably_da maging 3 0.001 004 18 31326 376 31326 376 12 G T ASX L3 NM_030 632.1 NM_030632.1:c.656 4G>T non_synon ymous deleter ious probably_da maging 3 0.000 502 Supplement References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 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