African horse sickness

OIE Collaborating Centre Reports
Activities in 2012
Title of Collaborating Centre:
Address of Collaborating Centre:
New and Emerging Diseases
Australian Animal Health Laboratory
Geelong, Victoria 3220, Australia
(61 3) 5227 5000
(61 3) 5227 5555
e-mail address:
Name of Director of Institute Dr Martyn Jeggo (retired)
(Responsible Official):
Name (including Title and Dr Martyn Jeggo (retired)
Position) of Head of the
Collaborating Centre (formally
OIE Contact Point):
Name (including Title and Dr Peter Daniels
Position) of writer of this report
(if different from above)
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
New and Emerging Diseases
Summary of activities specifically related to the mandate of
OIE Collaborating Centres
Activities as a centre of research, expertise, standardisation and dissemination of
techniques within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE
a. AAHL is a national laboratory facility for the biocontainment of foreign animal diseases and new and
emerging animal diseases and viral zoonoses. Designed to meet national biorisk management assessments of
the most appropriate approaches to containment of the various infectious agents with which it works it has
physical facilities and corresponding operating procedures consistent with the highest standards recognized
internationally. These are deployed on an agent by agent and project by project basis consistent with national
regulations. AAHL provides a rapid diagnostic capability and outbreak diagnostic surge capacity through a
Diagnosis, Surveillance and Response group and conducts research in to the major transboundary animal
diseases and viral zoonoses under the theme of transforming animal biosecurity. This year has seen the formal
commissioning and bringing into routine use of the extra 350 sq metres of laboratory space operated at the
highest biocontainment levels, with personal protection being via fully encapsulated suits with air supply
independant from the work area.
Research dealing specifically with emerging infectious zoonotic diseases has included:
 development of novel antiviral treatments for Henipavirus infections including passive
immunotherapies. A human monoclonal antibody demonstrated to be therapeutically effective in
animal trials at AAHL is under development for human therapeutic use by a public health agency.
 optimization of a Hendra vaccine for use in equines. The vaccine candidate demonstrated by AAHL
to be efficacious against Hendra virus challenge in horses has been given provisional licens by
national regulatory authorities for use in that species, is commercially available and is in use
 Pathogenesis studies of Hendra virus infection in dogs have been conducted following the detection
of evidence of natural infection in that species
 Pathogenesis studies to determine the determinants of Hendra virus pathogenicity in experimental
animal models and also using reverse genetics systems have continued. A new Mouse model for HeV
infection has been established.
 Screening of the human genome continues for identification of key host genes involved in HeV
replication. This will identify key sites and pathways for drug intervention to reduce virus replication
and the development of novel antivirals
 New project has been initiated in the identification key host miRNA regulated by HeV infection in
horses and ferrets, with the objective of developing early diagnostic markers of infection.
 Immunological studies of the inate and adaptive immunological systems in bats and the features of
the host-virus interaction that result in infection without disease by henipaviruses in those animals
 Full genome sequencing of two bat species has been completed and initial analysis indicate possible
immune characteristics that may be associated with biological mechanisms allowing the control and
maintenance of viral infections that are highly pathogenic in other species.
 Investigation into SARS and SARS-like viruses have included studies of the pathogenicity and
transmission of the Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) which recently emerged in Saudi
Arabia causing a number of human fatalities. Similar to SARS, this new virus also appears to have
emerged from bats.
 International collaborations include investigation of Henipa and Ebola viruses in bats in Bangladesh
with the Ecohealth Alliance in the USA and ICDDR,B in Bangladesh and the identification of
emerging viruses from old world fruit bats in Ghana with the University of Cambridge and the
London Zoological Gardens.
 A phylogenetic study was conducted to define the evolution and lineage distribution of dog-borne
rabies virus (neglected zoonotic disease) in Nepal and surrounding regions.
AAHL is continuing to work on animal influenza, HPAI pathogenesis and studies of AI vaccines and
 Challenge models of H5N1 infection in chickens, ducks, ferrets and mice are maintained. This has
included the characterisation of feathers as a specimen for detection of H5N1 in chickens and ducks.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
New and Emerging Diseases
Comparative pathogenesis studies are being conducted both with field strains of H5N1 from various
countries and species and with AI viruses manipulated using reverse genetics (in collaboration with
US and European research organisations).
Two major studies with an international poultry breeding company have continued; one using
transgenic techniques to develop poultry that will be substantially resistant to AI infection. Birds are
currently being assesses for resistance in challenge trials.
Epidemiological studies in Indonesia have continued to investigate strategies for vaccination in the
small commercial sectors, and to assess the effectiveness of an ELISA for the M2e protein to act as a
DIVA test to detect layer farms wherein H5N1 HPAI might be circulating despite vaccination being
An OFFLU Indonesian HPAI study has continued, which has led to identification of vaccine
challenge strains, highlighted potential new seed strains for consideration in national vaccine strategy
updates, and developed capacity for on-going antigenic surveillance of H5N1 in Indonesia.
Systems for whole genome sequencing and analysis using high throughput sequencing (454)
platforms were developed for influenza viruses and validated against existing systems for capillary
A new project has been initiated to assess the effectiveness of apocynin as a therapeutic for AI.
A new project (with the University of Georgia) to improve the yields of HPAI vaccines grown in
eggs has been commenced.
The AAHL in-house C-ELISA for detection of antibodies to influenza A in chickens has been
validated, and a validation dossier compiled. The test has been adapted for use with porcine sera and
extensive validation is in process.
There was an unprecedented number of detections of LPAI infections in poultry in the 2011-2012
period, with characterization of the viruses:
o H5N3 subtype LPAI in farmed ducks in Victoria. (Sequence analysis confirmed that the
virus was related to the established Australian H5 LPAI lineage that is known to circulate in
migratory water birds.)
o H4N6 subtype LPAI, from farmed ducks in NSW, with sequence homology with viruses
previously detected in wild birds in Australia.
o H9N2 virus in domestic turkeys in NSW. (Sequence analysis showed clustering with the
“Korean-like” sublineage of endemic Eurasian H9N2 viruses.)
o H10N7 subtype LPAI in farmed chickens in Queensland. (Sequence analysis showed close
relationship to the H10N7 LPAI that had caused a previous poultry incident in NSW in
H7N7 subtype highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus in free range layer hens was
confirmed as based on sequence pathotyping. (Sequence analysis showed the HA clustered with H7
viruses known to circulate in wild birds and also associated with previous HPAI H7 poultry
outbreaks in Australia.)
There was also a significant increase in the number of positive LPAI detections from wild bird and
environmental (faecal swab) samples submitted through the National Avian Influenza Wild Bird
(NAIWB) Surveillance Program, including positive confirmation of H3, H4, H5, H6, H9, and H10
subtype LPAIs within the July 2011 to June 2012 period.
Collaborative investigations of respiratory disease in pigs with the WHO Collaborating Centre for
Influenza (WHOCC) in Melbourne and the relevant state public and animal health laboratories
diagnosed influenza A infections in porcine lung tissue and nasal swabs as an underlying component
of multifactorial respiratory disease syndromes. Sequence analysis demonstrated novel H1N2 and
H3N2 influenza A viruses from WA pigs and a different H1N2 virus from QLD pigs. The H1N2
isolates from pigs in WA and QLD appeared to be independently reassorted variant viruses
containing surface glycoprotein gene segments (H1-HA and N2-NA) from older human-derived
influenza A strains on a pandemic H1N1 2009 genomic backbone (matrix and all internal genes from
pandemic H1N1 2009 viruses). The H1N2 and H3N2 viruses identified in Australian pigs are not
closely related to the variant viruses currently circulating in North American pigs.
A novel reassortant H3N2 virus with genes mostly derived from an older human-like H3N2 subtype
virus except for the PA gene, which is from an old human H1N1 subtype strain, was also isolated
from the WA pigs. Analysis of this H3N2 virus further supported the apparent long-term circulation
of influenza A subtypes in Australian pigs. These incidences were the first confirmed reports of nonpandemic H1N1 influenza A infections in pigs in Australia.
None of the novel influenza A viruses that were detected in Australian pigs have been found in
humans, including tested persons who have had close contact with the affected pigs. There is no
evidence to date of transmission of these viruses to humans.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
New and Emerging Diseases
Work on foot and mouth disease includes:
 Evaluation of vaccines contained in the Australian FMD bank using challenge studies in Vietnam (in
pigs) has continued. An important aspect is capacity building in Vietnamese institutions to undertake
such work, including the commissioning of an animal experimentation facility that adequately
manages the biorisks in the national context. The O1 Manisa vaccine partially protected pigs against
infection with the currently circulating O strain in SEA as soon as 4 days post vaccination. This
vaccine is therefore considered suitable for use in outbreaks with this field strain. Tests are currently
ongoing to determine the efficacy of an A type vaccine.
 Investigations have explored whether current real time PCR assays could be of use diagnostically for
testing swabs taken from infected pigs during outbreaks. Mouth swabs from the experimentally
infected pigs were more sensitive than nasal swabs and viral RNA was detected in the absence of
clinical disease.
 A longitudinal study of village pig farming in Laos with an emphasis of zoonotic disease also
addresses management of classical swine fever and foot and mouth disease at the village level.
 In other work AAHL is involved in testing a new serotype O vaccine developed in cattle for SEA in
collaboration with Merial and Pirbright laboratories.
Wildlife disease research:
 The mechanism of Hendra virus maintenance in pteropid bats and transmission to horses and dogs
continues to be investigated
 Koi herpesvirus as a potential biological control agent for carp in Australian river systems
Research and development on diagnostic technologies, tests and supporting capabilities:
 HTS (454) technology has been applied in a wide range of disease investigations and new/emerging
pathogens characterisation, including full genome sequence analysis of Murray Valley encephalitis
virus and Hendra virus field isolates from case material.
 A novel tick-borne Bunyavirus associated with a disease event in native Australian birds was
identified and characterised using HTS (454). Genetic analysis indicates the virus has zoonotic
potentialDevelopment and production of immunological reagents and tests for emerging infectious
diseases using recombinant protein technology
 Development continues of an IT system for the managment of sequencing and sequence analysis that
links specimens registered in the LIMS with work flow management modules and sequence raw data
archiving and final reports, including reporting to the submitter via the LIMS
 A networked quality assurance system for monitoring test performance of nodes in a laboratory
network was implemented for real time PCR and C-ELISA tests, based on the graphing and monthly
monitoring of results with a low positive control (network calibrator). Variations in performance
within laboratories and among laboratories could be identified and addressed.
 Luminex assays have been established for the detection and differentiation of Hendra virus and Nipah
virus. The sensitivity of Hendra virus detection was comparable to real time PCR in an evaluation
using reference isolates of each virus type, samples from experimentally infected horses and archival
veterinary diagnostic submissions.
 A validation trial of an indirect ELISA for antibody against Hendra virus in horses based in the
expressed soluble G protein has been conducted. The trial was run under the auspices of the national
laboratory network (LEADDR), involving four State Laboratories and AAHL.
 Development of immunoassays (ELISA and Luminex) employing recombinant expressed proteins
has progressed to allow detection of antibody responses against individual Hendra virus proteins.
With release late last year of a commercial vaccine for horses against Hendra virus, the application of
this technology should allow differentiation of vaccinated from infected horses on the basis of
differential antibody response to Hendra virus proteins.
g. Research has commenced on a number of arbovirus infections using newly acquired facilities and expertise
in insects that act as vectors
 Studies on the development of a vaccine against ephemeral fever (three day sickness) in cattle
 Studies on bluetongue virus isolates from insects in Australia and their full characterisation
 Studies on innate immunity in insects
 Studies in insect transmission of important arboviruses
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
New and Emerging Diseases
Proposal or development of any procedure that will facilitate harmonisation of international
regulations applicable to the surveillance and control of animal diseases, food safety or
animal welfare
Through OIE and FAO AAHL has been collaborating in the development of initiatives to harmonize
veterinary laboratory testing for emerging infectious and zoonotic diseases. Training in systems to improve the
strategic planning of laboratory activities within the animal health sector operations are being developed, as
well as management systems that help laboratories fine tune their quality assurance systems and their
laboratory biorisk management procedures.
AAHL continues to assist the OIE through participation in OIE ad hoc Working Groups and Committees as
outlined in Section 4.
Maintenance of a network with other OIE Collaborating Centres designated for the same
specialty, and
AAHL has continued to collaborate with other designated centres particularly in activities relating to
OFFLU and the preparation of submissions by OFFLU to the twice yearly meetings of the WHO strain
selection meeting for seasonal influenza (WHO VCM).
Should the need arise, maintenance of a network with Collaborating Centres in other
AAHL participates in the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) and the Emerging
and Dangerous Pathogens Laboratory Network (EDPLN) under the auspices of WHO. It also works
closely with the WHO Influenza Collaborating centre in Melbourne, Australia.
Placement of expert consultants at the disposal of the OIE
Chris Morrissy conducted a NATA laboratory accreditation audit to the ISO17025 standard at the Hong
Kong veterinary laboratory, Hong Kong 9-13 January 2012
Chris Morrissy facilitated and participated in a meeting to create a workshop on Laboratory Networking
and Proficiency Testing for priority HPEDs in SAARC countries, Bangladesh 21-26 January 2012
Wilna Vosloo attended the OIE FMD ad hoc committee meeting in Paris, 29 January to 5 February 2012
Chris Morrissy participated in the 4 Way Linking meeting as an OIE representative, Vietnam, 14 February
Chris Morrissy facilitated project planning meetings for work to be conducted under the PSLP Vietnam
Project, 16-18 February 2012
Wilna Vosloo served on the Scientific Committee of the South African Centre for Infectious Disease
Surveillance, Tanzania 6-10 February 2012
Peter Daniels chaired the OIE ad hoc Group Meeting on Biosafety and Biosecurity in Veterinary
Laboratories, OIE HQ Paris 9-16 February 2012
Wilna Vosloo presented at the FAO ICAR, India 11-16 February 2012
Martyn Jeggo was a panelist speaker and co-chair to the GRF One Health Summit 2012, Switzerland 1722 February 2012
Mark Crane participated in the Annual Meeting of the National Reference Laboratories for Mollusc
Disease in Nantes, France 9-16 March 2012
Frank Wong attended the 2nd OFFLU Swine Influenza Technical WG Meeting at OIE HQ, Paris 25-31
March 2012
Gary Crameri participated in the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) exchange scheme with the Wuhan
Institute of Virology on the development of Chinese bat cell lines project. China, 26 March- 15 April 2012
Peter Daniels presented at the 8th International Symposium on Avian Influenza and the OIE/FAO OFFLU
Annual Technical Meeting, United Kingdom, 30 March to 8 April 2012
Frank Wong and Chris Morrissy participated in the 8th International Symposium on Avian Influenza and
the OIE/FAO OFFLU Annual Technical Meeting, United Kingdom, 31 March to 5 April 2012
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
New and Emerging Diseases
Linfa Wang conducted visits to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Chinese CDC, China 5-13 April
Peter Daniels presented papers for the OIE at the A-PBA Scientific Conference: Asia-Pacific Biosafety –
Moving Toward One World Health, Indonesia 24-28 April 2012
Jianning Wang presented information to the molecular Diagnostic Workshop Program held at the National
Centre for Biosecurity and Infectious Disease in Wallaceville, New Zealand 1-2 May 2012
Martyn Jeggo presented at the international Conference on African Swine Fever at the Kansas State
University’s Biosecurity Research Institute in Manhattan, Kansas, USA 14-19 May 2012
Cameron Stewart attended the RNAi Global Initiative Meeting to present work on genome-wide RNAi
screen involving Hendra virus, San Francisco, USA, 22-26 May 2012
John Allen presented at the Thailand & Japan Joint Conference on Animal Health 2012: the 25 th Year
Anniversary of NIAH, Thailand 29 May to 1 June 2012
Nick Moody participated in the Bio-Triangle Workshop on the Disease Litigation in Mollusc Aquaculture,
IFREMER, Nantes, France 8-18 June 2012
Linfa Wang was invited to present at the 15th International Congress on Infectious Diseases, Thailand 1316 June 2012
Peter Daniels represented OFFLU in an EU-funded STAR-IDAZ Consortium Meeting on Avian Influenza
Global Strategic Alliances for the coordination of research on major infectious diseases of animals and
zoonoses, Thailand 16-21 June 2012
Martyn Jeggo and Warren Michell were invited to attend a meeting at AMES for training officers to
develop strategies on how to collaborate and harmonise the training that is conducted in high containment
laboratories, USA 22-29 June 12
Wilna Vosloo presented a talk at the Second Global Conference on FMD control organized by OIE and
FAO and part of the FMD Vaccine Expert Advisory Group, Thailand 23-30 June 2012
Andrew Leis was invited to present at the opening of the Biophore facility at the University of Lausanne,
Switzerland 24 June to 30 June 2012
Wilna Vosloo attended the OIE FMD ad hoc Group Meeting, France 1-7 July 2012
Paul Selleck represented FAO in an international mission to Pakistan to establish a Crisis Management
Centre in Animal health focusing on NDV, Pakistan 7-18 Jul 2012
Peter Daniels chaired the Meeting of the OIE ad hoc Group on Biosafety and Biosecurity in Veterinary
laboratories at OIE Headquarters, France 14-21 July 2012
Chris Morrissy participated in the OIE/FAO meeting on HPAI, Thailand 16-18 July 2012
Chris Morrissy and Noel Ritson-Bennett conducted a scoping mission for the Laboratory-Field
Epidemiology Linkage training under the FAO Biosafety Training Project, Thailand 22-28 July 2012
Chris Morrissy attended the Laboratory TAG meeting, Thailand 30-31 July 2012
John Allen completed the Rabies review in Nepal under contracts with the Crawford Fund, 22-29 July
Peter Walker travelled to Bangkok as an NACA expert to consult on new disease emergence in Asia,
Thailand 5-8 August 2012
John Allen travelled to Thailand to attend FAO Meetings to discuss current collaborations and future
project, Thailand 6-8 August 2012.
Jeff Cowley participated in a workshop on prawn diseases in Southeast Asia at the request of DAFF,
Thailand 7-12 August 2012
Peter Daniels participated in the OIE training workshop for OIE National Focal Points on Laboratories,
delivering a presentation on Biosafety and Biosecurity in compliance with OIE Standards, 19-24 August
Andrew Hill attended the ASEAN workshop on Preparedness and Response to a Biological Event,
Philippines, 4-8 September 2012
Peter Daniels attended the OIE meeting of the Biological Standards Commission, France 9-17 September
Martyn Jeggo was an invited speaker at the IAEA Scientific Forum on Nuclear Application related to Food
Production, Protection and Safety, Austria, 16-22 September 2012
Greg Smith was an invited speaker in conjunction with ERINHA to explore the scientific evidence base
behind regulations for BSL4 containment laboratories, London 21-27 September 2012
Rob Moore attended meetings on Alternatives to Antibiotics, Challenges and Solutions in Animal
Production, OIE Paris, France 25-28 September 2012
Wilna Vosloo attended the OIE FMD ad hoc Group Meeting , Paris, France 6-14 October 2012
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
New and Emerging Diseases
Chris Morrissy attended the Fourth Laboratory Directors Forum Meeting which was hosted by the
Department of Animal Health in collaboration with OIE and FAO, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 10-11 October
Chris Morrissy participated in the 7th SEACFMD Labnet Meeting in Lanzhou, China, 15-17 October 2012
Martyn Jeggo attended the EcoHealth 2012 Conference as a member of the organising committee, China,
14-20 October 2012
Frank Wong was invited by the FAO Animal Health Division (AGAH) as a representative to join an
expert consultation for establishing and maintaining core facilities for molecular test diagnosis in
veterinary laboratories of developing countries with limited resources, Austria, 14-21 October 2012.
James Watson was invited to conduct a laboratory audit on behalf of the International Accreditation New
Zealand (IANZ), Wellington, New Zealand, 15-18 October 2012
Songhua Shan presented at the Asian-Pacific Regional Workshop on Newcastle Disease on epidemiology
and research progress, Qingdao, China, 20 October to 2 November 2012
Chris Morrissy travelled under the FAO Multi Disease Project to visit laboratories in Lampung, Subang,
Wates and Medan. He also attended the FAO Avian Influenza Coordination Meeting in Wates , Indonesia
3-24 November 2012
Peter Daniels attended the Influenza Risk Assessment and Risk Modeling: Pandemic Influenza Threats
and Beyond as an OFFLU representative, Rome, 7-9 November 2012
Peter Daniels was invited to present at the 15th AAAP (Asian-Australasian Association of Animal
Production Societies) Symposium, Thailand, 25-27 November 2012
Peter Daniels presented an update on Hendra virus to the Third Regional Workshop on Multi-Sectoral
Collaboration on Zoonoses Prevention and Control: Leading the Way on One Health, Bali, Indonesia, 2729 November 2012
Martyn Jeggo was invited to present at the 6th ACFNS Conference, Singapore, 25-27 November 2012
Chris Morrissy was invited to participate as an OIE expert in the Four Way Linking Project, Indonesia, 114 December 2012
David Williams travelled to China on invitation to establish links and discuss potential for scientific
collaboration on pig diseases, including African Swine Fever- visits took place at the China Animal
Health and Epidemiology Center in Qindao, Shandong Province and the Guandong Institute of Veterinary
Medicine in Guanzhou, Guandong province, China 3-9 December 2012
Martyn Jeggo attended the GALVmed Expert Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC) Meeting - In
recognition of contribution to the livestock industry and disease control invited to become member of the
Expert Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC), Senegal, 4-8 December 2012
Wilna Vosloo attended the meeting of the OIE ad hoc Group on the Evaluation of Food and Mouth
Disease (FMD) Status of Member Countries to continue with the review of the FMD Chapter in the
Terrestrial Manual and evaluate dossiers of 6 countries who are applying for disease status, France 7-15
December 2012
Peter Daniels participated in an OIE ad hoc Working Group on New Approaches to Diagnosis: Applied
Genomics at the OIE, France 9-13 December 2012
Provision of scientific and technical training, within the remit of the mandate given by the
OIE, to personnel from OIE Member Countries
AAHL has delivered substantial training in the area of new and emerging infectious disease. These activities
have also been comprehensively covered in the report of the Collaborating Centre for Laboratory Capacity
Building and in the reports of the Avian Influenza and Hendra and Nipah Virus Diseases reference
Paul Selleck travelled to various labs with in Indonesia; Putsvetma, Wates and DIC Denpasar under the
OFFLU LOA 3, Indonesia 7 January to 4 February 2012
Peter Durr travelled to Indonesia under the OFFLU AI Indonesia project to facilitate the inception
workshop, 1-11 February 2012
John Allen travelled under the DAFF AIP EID project to facilitate sub-committee meetings and to
commence scoping visits for future Rabies training, Indonesia 8-18 February 2012
Andrea Certoma conducted a scoping visit to Bukittinggi for a future Rabies Training course under the
DAFF AIP EID Project, Indonesia, 13-16 February 2012
Susan Juzva and Trevor Taylor conducted a scoping visit to Makassar for a future Brucella Training
course under the DAFF AIP EID Project, Indonesia, 13-22 February 2012
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
New and Emerging Diseases
Nicholas Gudkovs attended the first project meeting and to assess current capabilities in AAH diagnosis at
RAHO6 and the Central Vietnam Veterinary Institute under the PSKP Vietnam Project, Vietnam 16
February to 8 March 2012
John Allen conduct the first stage of the Indonesian Laboratory Review required under the DAFF AIP EID
project, Indonesia, 11-29 march 2012
Chris Morrissy visited VRI under the OIE Twinning Project, Ipoh, Malaysia, 26-29 March 2012
Chris Morrissy travelled to Vietnam to progress administrative requirement on the MARD project, 30-31
March 2012
Trevor Taylor travelled to Makassar to deliver live viruses required for the Brucella Workshop under the
DAFF AIP EID Project, Indonesia 3-9 April 2012
Susan Juzva, Shane Riddell and Trevor Taylor travelled to Makassar to conduct a Brucella workshop
under the DAFF AIP EID Project, Indonesia 10-28 April 2012
John Allen helped facilitate the Brucella Workshop in Makassar under the DAFF AIP EID Project,
Indonesia 14-19 April 2012
Chris Morrissy and Rod Howard travelled to Bhopal to visit HSADL under the FAO Technical Support for
Biosafety and Laboratory Training PR48078 to contribute to laboratory management capacities
particularly in Biosafety equipment maintenance, India 14-20 April 2012
Chris Morrissy and Rod Howard travelled to VRI in Ipoh under the OIE Twinning Project to assist in
engineering requirements, Malaysia 22-24 April 2012
Andrea Certoma travelled to Bukittinggi to conduct a Rabies workshop under the DAFF AIP EID Project,
Indonesia 20 April to 19 May 2012
John Allen conducted the second stage of the lab review in Indonesia under the DAFF AIP EID Project, 29
April to 16 May 2012
Jemma Bergfeld travelled to assist in the delivery of the rabies Workshop held in Bukittinggi under the
DAFF AIP EID Project, Indonesia 5-19 May 2012
Mai Hlaing Loh, Shane Riddell and Chris Morrissy conducted regional training on proficiency testing at
the project directorate IVRI on foot and mouth disease at the Indian Veterinary Institute (IVRI) in
Mukteswar, India, 14-26 May 2012
Debbie Eagles and Trevor Taylor conducted Brucella training for new vets under a request from the Fijian
Government, Fiji 11-23 June 2012
Mark Crane and Nick Gudkovs conducted a workshop under the DAFF Regional PT Program for Aquatic
Animal Disease Laboratories in the Asia-Pacific 24-28 July 2012
Andrea Certoma and Antonio Di Rubbo conducted a training workshop under the FAO Multi Disease
Project, Thailand 2-17 August 2012
Chris Morrissy, Susan Juzva and Brian Meehan established harmonized diagnostic protocols to key animal
health laboratories in SE Asia for the diagnosis of PRRS/CSF under the FAO Multi Disease Project,
Thailand 2-31 August 2012
Trevor Taylor conducted follow-up support for Brucella testing training for the Fijian Government, 26
August to 1 September 2012
Andrea Certoma and Mai Hliang Loh attended the Bukittinggi Laboratory in Indonesia to conduct followup training for Rabies diagnosis and interpretation of statistical and PT results under the DAFF AIP EID
project, 7-22 September 2012
Ross Lunt and Mai Hliang Loh attended Makassar Laboratory in Indonesia to conduct follow-up training
for Brucella diagnosis and interpretation of statistical and PT results under the DAFF AIP EID project, 920 September 2012
John Allen conducted required sub-committee meetings and project meetings under the DAFF AIP EID
Project, Indonesia 10-21 September 2012
Nicholas Gudkovs and John Hoad commenced technical visits to provide advice and training in OIE based
diagnostics (cell culture/virus isolation and molecular diagnosis) under the PSLP Vietnam project, 17
September to 3 October 2012
Bernadette O’Keefe travelled to VRI in Ipoh under the OIE Twinning Project to follow-up on actions from
the Internal Audit report undertaken in July 2011, Malaysia 30 September to 9 October 2012
John Allen chaired the Reflections Workshop required under the DAFF AIP EID Project, Indonesia 1-12
October 2012
Nicholas Gudkovs travelled under the DAFF Proficiency Testing project to prepare and collect YHV
infected tissue for transfer to AAHL, Thailand, 3-10 October 2012.
Paul Selleck and John Allen travelled to PUTSVETMA to conduct a gap analysis under the DAFF AIP
EID Project, Indonesia, 6-12 October 2012.
Paul Selleck assisted in establishing virus cultures as required under the OIE Twinning Project, Ipoh,
Malaysia, 12-19 October 2012
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
New and Emerging Diseases
Andrea Certoma travelled to Myanmar, Cambodia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines and Thailand to
conduct back stopping missions under the FAO Multi Disease project, 7 November to 15 December 2012
John Allen and Trevor Taylor conducted a scoping mission to Wates for Anthrax training under the DAFF
AIP EID Project, Indonesia, 21-29 November 2012
John Allen and Peter Durr attended an FAO Avian influenza Virus Coordination meeting, Indonesia, 1920 November 2012
Nicholas Gudkovs travelled to Indonesia for the FRDC Project IMNV and TSV viral inoculum transfer
and the DAFF Proficiency Project, 24 November to 7 December 2012
Organisation of scientific meetings on behalf of the OIE
AAHL has not specifically organized meetings for the OIE but has participated in the oplanning and delivery
of numerous meetings and training workshops as outlined in Sections 4 and 5.
Coordination of scientific and technical studies in collaboration with other laboratories,
organisations or collaborating centres
Collaborative research with other scientific agencies is a core activity for AAHL. Details of current projects
have been presented in Section 1 of this report. The following international activities were undertaken in
member countries.
Dr John Allen travelled to Vientiane under the ACIAR Pig Production Project, Laos 16-28 January 2012
Peter Durr and Kerryn Graham travelled to Luang Prabang, Vientiane and Bali under the OFFLU LIMS
project to facilitate data meeting and conduct results analysis, Laos 22 January-4 February 2012
Chris Morrissy participated in laboratory trials for the FMD project in Vietnam 4- 11 February 2012
Wilna Vosloo, Jacqui Morris and Negendra Singanallur commenced the experimental infection of pigs and
follow-up with titration for use in future pig challenge experiments under the FMD Risk management
Project at RAHO6, Vietnam 15 February to 3 March 2012
John Allen travelled to Vientiane to continue work under the ACIAR Pig Production in Laos Project, 26
February to 2 March 2012
Wilna Vosloo, Jacqui Morris and Negendra Singanallur continued work on the experimental infection of
pigs under the FMD Risk management Project at RAHO6, Vietnam, 13 March to 4 April 2012.
Jemma Bergfeld travelled to Vientiane to continue work under the ACIAR Pig Production in Laos Project,
1-19 April 2012
Chris Morrissy travelled to Vietnam to assist with the FMD project, 5-7 April 2012
Jacqui Morris, Jianning Wang and Nagendra Singanallur commenced PCR and virus isolation on materials
collected during the FMD pig trials at RAHO6, Vietnam 22-28 April 2012
Jacqui Morris, Wilna Vosloo and Nagendra Singanallur continued pig inoculations for the vaccine efficacy
studies using 01 Manisa monovalent vaccine as part of the FMD Management Project in Vietnam, 7-31
May 2012
Peter Durr continued work under the ACIAR/Melbourne Uni – AI Surveillance project in Indonesia, 19
May to 2 June 2012
John Allen continued work in Vientiane under the ACIAR Pig production project, Laos 2-7 June 2012
Nagendra Singanullar continued the experimental infection of pigs under the FMD Risk Management
Project. This phase included performing the in-vitro assays on samples previously collected, Vietnam 22
July to 25 August 2012
John Allen travelled to Vientiane to continue work under the ACIAR Pig Production in Laos Project, 29
July to 6 August 2012.
Jacqui Morris continues work under the FMD Project in Vietnam with collaborators at NAVETCO, 31
July to 24 August 2012
John Allen attended meetings with the Director of the University of Edingburgh School of Tropical
medicine in London for discussions on students for the ACIAR project in Laos, 9 August 2012
Serge Corbeil commenced a collaborative research project with scientists from the OIE reference Lab in
Mollusc Disease, France, 3 September 2012 to 29 January 2013
Nagendra Singanallur travelled to the United Kingdom under the FMD project to commence cattle potency
testing with the new FMD serotype O vaccine strain, 13 September to 4 October 2012
Peter Durr travelled to Indonesia to undertake required tasks under the ACIAR/Melbourne Uni AI
Surveillance project, 23-30 September 2013
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
New and Emerging Diseases
Jacqui Morris conducted the second phase of the FMD project to generate pig challenge virus for a
serotype A Vietnamese isolate belonging to the MAY/THAI genotype, Vietnam 1-19 October 2012.
John Allen conducted work under the ACIAR Pig Production project, Laos, 23-25 October 2012
Jacqui Morris, Nagendra Singanallur and Wilna Vosloo attended the bi-annual EUFMD Open Session
Conference, Jerez, Spain, 26 October to 4 November 2012
Jacqui Morris undertook lab work at the Institute for Animal Health, Compton as ongoing FMD project
work, UK 2-10 Nov 2012
Nagendra Singanallur continued work under the FMD Risk Management Project in Vietnam. This visit
will continue with the adaptation and titration of this strain in pigs and perform the vaccine efficacy
studies using A Malaysia 97, Vietnam, 11 November to 5 December 2012
Peter Durr visited ACIAR partners for ACIAR/Melbourne Uni Project, Indonesia, 20-27 November 2012
Publication and dissemination of any information within the remit of the mandate given by
the OIE that may be useful to Member Countries of the OIE
Book Section
 Walker, P., Blasdell, K., & Joubert, A. (2012). Ephemeroviruses: Arthropod-borne rhabdoviruses of
ruminants, with large and complex genomes. In R. G. Dietzgen & I. M. Kuzmin (Eds.),
Rhabdoviruses: Molecular Taxonomy, Evolution, Genomics, Ecology, Host-Vector Interactions,
Cytopathology and Control (pp. 59-88). UK: Caister Academic Press.
 Williams, D., Mackenzie, J., & Daniels, P. (2012). Flaviviruses. In : J Zimmerman & G. Stevenson
(Eds.), Diseases of Swine (pp. 528-537): Academic Press.
Conference Paper
 Arkinstall, R., Johnson, D., Frazer, L., Eastwood, S., Haining, J., & Middleton, D. (2012). Assessing
the risk of Hendra virus in dogs. Paper presented at the Australian and New Zealand Laboratory
Animal Association 2012 annual conference, Brisbane, QLD.
 Babiuk, S., Bowden, T., Wallace, D., Mather, A., Gertds, V., & Babiuk, L. (2012). Sheep and goat
pox viral diagnostics and vaccine development collaboration. Paper presented at the 11th Annual
Meeting of the Canadian Animal Health Laboratorians Network, Winnipeg, Canada.
 Bagnara, A., & Lunt, R. (2012). Validation of Equine IgM Capture ELISA for Serodiagnosis of West
Nile Virus Infection. Paper presented at the AAVLD Conference, University of Sydney, NSW.
 Blasdell, K., Voysey, R., Bulach, D., Boyle, D., & Walker, P. (2012). Molecular and genetic
characterisation of ephemeroviruses isolated in Australia, Africa and Asia. Paper presented at the
Australian Virology Society Meeting 2011, Arbovirus conference, Mantra on Salt Beach, Kingscliff,
 Boyle, D., Amos-Ritchie, R., Walker, P., Adams, M., Weir, R., & Bulach, D. (2012). Large-scale
genomic sequencing of Australian bluetongue viruses reveals complex patterns of virus entry and
reassortment from 1977 to 2010. Paper presented at the 11th Arbovirus Research In Australia and
10th Mosquito Control Association Conference, Surfers Paradise, QLD.
 Challagulla, A., Stewart, C., Guerrero-Sanchez, C., Grusche, F., Shi, S., Tizard, M., Hinton, T. (2012).
Inhibition of Influenza virus in chicken embryos by a RAFT designed ABA tri-block copolymer
delivered siRNA. Paper presented at the Sydney International Nanomedicine Conference, Coogee
Beach, Sydney.
 Clayton, B., Middleton, D., Bergfeld, J., Arkinstall, R., Haining, J., Wang, L., & Marsh, G. (2012).
Nipah viruses from Malaysia and Bangladesh: comparison of viral shedding and investigation of
transmission in the ferret model. Paper presented at the Asia-Pacific Congress of Medical Virology,
Adelaide, SA.
 Cooke, J. (2012). Association of MVEV with Disease in Ducks, 2011. Paper presented at the AAVLD,
Sydney, NSW
 Corbeil, S., Williams, N., Gannon, V., & Crane, M. (2012). Evaluation of abalone viral
ganglioneuritis (AVG) resistance amongst wild abalone populations along the Victorian coast. Paper
presented at the 8th International Abalone Symposium, Hobart, Tas.
 Crameri, S., Holmes, C., Leis, A., Smith, I., Shan, s., Lehmann, D., Hyatt, A. (2012). A novel
orthomyxovirus in Muscovy ducks electron microscopy reveals structural resemblance to
arenaviruses. Paper presented at the APMC10/ICONN2012/ACMM22 joint meeting, Perth.
 Daniels, P. (2012). Emerging and Re-emerging Disease Control Facing New Challenges: Emerging
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
New and Emerging Diseases
Pathogens & Disease Surveillance Control (Abstract). Paper presented at the The 7th APBA
Scientific Conference, Moving Towards One World-One Health, Bali, Indonesia.
Daniels, P. (2012). Animal Biosecurity, “One Health” and the Australian Animal Health
Laboratory, WEHI Postgraduate Lecture Series, 9 July 2012, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute,
Parkville, Victoria
Daniels, P. (2012). The Challenge of Influenza Surveillance in the Intensive Animal
Industries, The Joint NHMRC and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Forum: H5N1: are we
prepared?, 1 November 2012, NHMRC Canberra
Daniels, P. (2012). Emerging Issues: Hendra Virus, The Third Regional Workshop on MultiSectoral Collaboration on Zoonoses Prevention and Control, 26-28 November 2012, Bali,
Daniels, P. (2012). Animal Health Challenges and Climate Change, 15th AAAP Animal
Science Congress, 26-30 November 2012, Thammasat University, Thailand
Daniels, P., Wong, F., Deng, Y.-M., Watson, J., Selleck, P., & Barr, I. (2012). Influenza A viral
infections in farm animals. Recent trends with an emphasis on Australian experiences. Paper
presented at the The 8th Australian Influenza Symposium, John Curtin School of Medical Research,
ANU, Canberra.
Duchemin, J.-B., Voysey, R., & Walker, P. (2012). Culicoides in Victoria reassessment of the
bluetongue transmission risk in southern zones of Australia. Paper presented at the Emerging
Infectious Diseases Symposium 2012, Geelong, Vic.
Dups, J., Marsh, G., Middleton, D., & Wang, L. (2012). Establishment of a new mouse model for
neuroinvasion and the encephalitic component of human Hendra virus disease. Paper presented at the
Asia-Pacific Congress of Medical Virology, Adelaide, SA.
Nining Hartaningsih, Mia Kim, Paul Selleck, Frank Wong, James McGrane, Elly Sawitri,
Pudjiatmoko, Muhammed Azhar (2012) Sustainable approach to influenza virus monitoring for
animal health in Indonesia. 8th International Symposium on Avian Influenza, Royal Holloway,
University of London. 1-4 April 2012.
Holmes, C., Crameri, S., & Hyatt, A. (2012). Diagnostic electron microscopy and communications via
a high definition interactive communication platform. Paper presented at the The Joint APMC
10/ICONN 2012/MMA22 Conference, Perth, WA.
Jenkins, K., Doran, T., & Tizard, M. (2012). Control of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza:
Application of a Drosha parallel processing cassette in an approach for disease resistance through
transgenic delivery of anti-flu RNAi in the chicken. Paper presented at the Infection and Immunity,
Lorne, Vic.
Joubert, A., Trinidad, L., Blasdell, K., Monaghan, P., & Walker, P. (2012). Expression of bovine
ephemeral fever virus accessory proteins is selectively attenuated by mutation during adaptation to
cell culture and virulence attenuation. Paper presented at the 11th Arbovirus Research in Australia
Conference and the 10th Mosquito Control Association Symposium, Surfer's Paradise, QLD.
Juzva, S., Meehan, B., Carlile, G., & Morrissy, C. (2012). Diagnostics for the Detection of CSFV and
PRRSV and the Importance of Proficiency Testing. Follow-up to CSFV and PRRSV Workshop
(HCMC July 2011). Paper presented at the Veterinary Research Institute Conference, Ipoh, Malaysia.
Klein, R., Pallister, J., Yamada, M., Haining, J., Arkinstall, R., Payne, J., Middleton, D. (2012). A
Recombinant Human Monoclonal Antibody Prevents HeV Disease in Ferrets. Paper presented at the
9th Asia-Pacific Congress for Medical Virology, Adelaide.
Lowenthal, J., Stewart, C., Bean, A., Karpala, A., & Lowther, S. (2012). Immunostimulatory siRNAs
targeting H5N1avian influenza. Paper presented at the Avian Immunology Research Group meeting,
Edinburgh, UK.
Marsh, G. (2012). Hendra Virus surveillance and spill-over from Australian flying foxes. Paper
presented at the Lorne Infection & Immunity Conference, Lorne, VIC.
Jennifer McKimm-Breschkin, Susan Barrett, Pudjiatmoko, Muhammad Azhar, Peter Mohr, Frank
Wong, Paul Selleck, Kerri Bruce, Julie Cooke, Mia Kim and James McGrane (2012) Screening
neuraminidase inhibitor susceptibility of avian influenza isolates fro SE Asia 2005-2009 identifies
H5N1 I222 mutants with reduced oseltamivir sensitivity. 8 th International Symposium on Avian
Influenza, Royal Holloway, University of London. 1-4 April 2012.
Jenny McKimm-Breschkin, Susan Barrett, Pudjiatmoko, Muhammad Azhar, Peter Mohr, Frank
Wong, Paul Selleck, Kerri Bruce, Julie Cooke, Mia Kim and James McGrane (2012) Screening
neuraminidase inhibitor susceptibility of avian influenza H5N1 isolates from Indonesia from 2005-
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
New and Emerging Diseases
2008 identifies I222 mutants with reduced oseltamavir sensitivity. Emerging Infectious Diseases
Symposium, October 22-23, 2012, Geelong, Australia.
McNabb, L., Lunt, R., Barr, J., Crameri, G., Juzva, S., & Wang, L. (2012). Developments in Hendra
virus serology using Henipavirus binding and blocking assays. Paper presented at the Emerging
Infectious Diseases Symposium (EIDS), Geelong.
Mohr, P., Moody, N., & Crane, M. (2012). Real-time PCR limits of detection: can a ct value >40 be
positive. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Australian Association of Veterinary
Laboratory Diagnosticians, DPI, Victoria, AgriBio Centre, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Vic.
Monaghan, P., Green, D., Pallister, J., Klein, R., Williams, C., White, J., & Wang, L. (2012).
Assembly of Hendra virus particles in infected cells in vitro. Paper presented at the Emerging
Infectious Diseases Symposium, Geelong, Vic.
Monaghan, P., Hinton, T., Green, D., Grusche, F., Breheney, K., Kooijmans, S., Tizard, M. (2012).
Targeting zoonotic diseases with RNAi: tracking RNAi delivery vehicles by confocal microscopy.
Paper presented at the Lorne Infection and Immunity, Lorne.
Moody, N. (2012). Trends in mollusc diseases over the last 10 years in Australia. Paper presented at
the Workshop on the Diseases Mitigation And Prevention In Mollusc Aquaculture, Nantes, France.
Moody, N., Mohr, P., Boyle, D., & Crane, M. (2012). OsHV-1 in Pacific oysters in NSW in 2010
where did it come from? Paper presented at the AAVLD 2012, AgriBio, Bundoora, Vic.
Payne, J., Bergfeld, J., Rookes, J., Bingham, J., & Middleton, D. (2012). Title: Pesky Prions: disease,
disinfection and diagnosis. Paper presented at the AIMS National Meeting, Darwin, NT.
Riddell, S., Certoma, A., van der Heide, B., Wong, F., Walker, S., Ha, W., Daniels, P. (2012).
Laboratory diagnosis of Hendra virus infection during the 2011 outbreaks in Australia. Paper
presented at the 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Medical Virology, Adelaide.
Shan, S. (2012). Avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 (APMV-1) in Australia. Paper presented at the The
Asian-Pacific Regional Workshop on Newcastle disease in China, Qingdao, China.
Paul Selleck, Tiggy Grillo, Frank Wong (2012) Avian Influenza in Australia 2008 – 2012. 8th
International Symposium on Avian Influenza, Royal Holloway, University of London. 1-4 April 2012.
Paul Selleck, Frank Wong, Mia Kim, Nining Hartaningsih, Elly Sawitri, Pudjiatmoko, Muhammad
Azhar, Gwenaelle Dauphin, James McGrane, John Allen and Peter Daniels (2012) Monitoring
antigenic variation of H5N1 avian influenza viruses in Indonesia towards improved vaccine selection.
6th International Veterinary Vaccines and Diagnostics Conference, 29 July – 1st August 2012, Cairns,
Queensland, Australia
Paul Selleck, Frank Wong, Mia Kim, Nining Hartaningsih, Elly Sawitri, Pudjiatmoko, Muhammad
Azhar, Gwenaelle Dauphin, James McGrane, John Allen and Peter Daniels (2012) Monitoring
antigenic variation of H5N1 avian influenza viruses in Indonesia towards improved vaccine selection.
Emerging Infectious Diseases Symposium, October 22-23, 2012, Geelong, Australia
Shan, s. (2012). Biological and molecular characterization of an avian paramyxovirus Type 1 isolated
from domestic pigeons in Victoria, 2011. Paper presented at the AAVLD, Melbourne, Vic.
Vosloo, W., Morris, J., Nguyen, T. T. H., Kim, P., Quach, N., Le, P., Singanallur, N. (2012). Using
ropes to detect Foot-and-Mouth Disease virus infection in pigs. Paper presented at the Bi-Annual
EUFMD Open Session, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain.
Vosloo, W., Morris, J., Singanallur, N., Nguyen, T. T. H., Kim, P., Quach, N., Mai, T. (2012). Testing
the efficacy of o1 vaccine against challenge with o/Vietnam/2010 (O MYA98 Topotype) in pigs. Paper
presented at the Bi-Annual EUFMD Open Session, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain.
Wang, J. (2012). Molecular diagnosis of emergency animal diseases at the Australian Animal Health
Laboratory. Paper presented at the Moleuclar Diagnostics Workshop 2012 - National Centre for
Infectious Disease and Biosecurity (NCBID), New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
Wang, J., Ha, W., Rootes, C., Wise, T., Crameri, S., Chen, H., Selleck, P. (2012). Identification of a
novel Bunyavirus using next generation sequencing. Paper presented at the 6th International
Veterinary Vaccines and Diagnostics Conference 2012, Cairns, QLD.
Williams, D., Bergfeld, J., Certoma, A., Di Rubbo, A., Lunt, R., McCullough, S., Daniels, P. (2012).
Diagnosis and detection of flavivirus disease in eastern and south-eastern Australia, 2011: a
veterinary health perspective. Paper presented at the Asia-Pacific Congress of Medical Virology,
Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, SA.
Wong, F. (2012). Science Presentation 4 - H5N1. Paper presented at the Emergency Animal Disease
Workshop, CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory, Geelong, Vic.
Wong, F., Barr, I., Smith, D., Williams, D., Davies, K., Stevens, V., Daniels, P. (2012). Identification
of novel influenza A viruses in Australian swine. Paper presented at the AAVLD, AgriBio Centre,
DPIV, Bundoora, Vic.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
New and Emerging Diseases
Wong, F., Kim, M., Selleck, P., Stevens, V., Davies, K., Allen, J., Daniels, P. (2012). Update on
H5N1 activity and diversification in Indonesian poultry. Paper presented at the 8th International
Symposium on Avian Influenza, Royal Halloway, University of London, UK.
Wong, F., Selleck, P., Bruce, K., Allen, J., Claes, F., Kim, M., & Daniels, P. (2012). International
avian influenza activities at AAHL: contributions to one health from regional veterinary surveillance
programs. Paper presented at the Asia-Pacific Congress for Medical Virology, Adelaide.
Journal Article
 Anderson, D. E., Dubovi, E. J., Yu, M., Wang, L. F., & Renshaw, R. W. (2012). Genome
characterization of Salem virus reveals its evolutionary intermediate status in the subfamily
Paramyxovirinae. Arch Virol, 157(10), 1989-1993. doi: 10.1007/s00705-012-1388-6
 Arzey, G. G., Kirkland, P. D., Arzey, K. E., Frost, M., Maywood, P., Conaty, S., Selleck, P. (2012).
Influenza Virus A (H10N7) in Chickens and Poultry Abattoir Workers, Australia. Emerg Infect Dis,
18(5), 814-816. doi: 10.3201/eid1805.111852
 Baker, K. S., Todd, S., Marsh, G., Fernandez-Loras, A., Suu-Ire, R., Wood, J. L. N., Cunningham, A.
A. (2012). Co-circulation of diverse paramyxoviruses in an urban African fruit bat population.
Journal of General Virology, 93, 850-856. doi: 10.1099/vir.0.039339-0
 Baker, M., Schountz, T., & Wang, L. (2012). Antiviral immune responses of bats: a review. Zoonoses
Public Health, online, 13.
 Barr, J. A., Smith, C., Marsh, G. A., Field, H., & Wang, L.-F. (2012). Evidence of bat origin for
Menangle virus, a zoonotic paramyxovirus first isolated from diseased pigs. J Gen Virol, 93(Pt 12),
2590-2594. doi: 10.1099/vir.0.045385-0
 Belaganahalli, M. N., Maan, S., Maan, N. S., Nomikou, K., Pritchard, I., Lunt, R., Mertens, P. P. C.
(2012). Full Genome Sequencing and Genetic Characterization of Eubenangee Viruses Identify Pata
Virus as a Distinct Species within the Genus Orbivirus. PLoS One, 7(3). doi:
 Blasdell, K. R., Voysey, R., Bulach, D., Joubert, D. A., Tesh, R. B., Boyle, D. B., & Walker, P. J.
(2012). Kotonkan and Obodhiang viruses: African ephemeroviruses with large and complex genomes.
Virology, 425(2), 143-153. doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2012.01.004
 Blasdell, K. R., Voysey, R., Bulach, D. M., Trinidad, L., Tesh, R. B., Boyle, D. B., & Walker, P. J.
(2012). Malakal virus from Africa and Kimberley virus from Australia are geographic variants of a
widely distributed ephemerovirus. Virology, 433(1), 236-244. doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2012.08.008
 Bowden, T. R., Bingham, J., Harper, J. A., & Boyle, D. B. (2012). Menangle virus, a pteropid bat
paramyxovirus infectious for pigs and humans, exhibits tropism for secondary lymphoid organs and
intestinal epithelium in weaned pigs. Journal of General Virology, 93, 1007-1016. doi:
 Boyle, D. B., Bulach, D. M., Amos-Ritchie, R., Adams, M. M., Walker, P. J., & Weir, R. (2012).
Genomic Sequences of Australian Bluetongue Virus Prototype Serotypes Reveal Global Relationships
and Possible Routes of Entry into Australia. J Virol, 86(12), 6724-6731. doi: 10.1128/jvi.00182-12
 Brutyn, M., D'Herde, K., Dhaenens, M., Van Rooij, P., Verbrugghe, E., Hyatt, A. D., Pasmans, F.
(2012). Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis zoospore secretions rapidly disturb intercellular junctions in
frog skin. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 49(10), 830-837. doi: 10.1016/j.fgb.2012.07.002
 Chan, Y.-P., Lu, M., Dutta, S., Yan, L., Barr, J., Flora, M., Broder, C. C. (2012). Biochemical,
Conformational, and Immunogenic Analysis of Soluble Trimeric Forms of Henipavirus Fusion
Glycoproteins. J Virol, 86(21), 11457-11471. doi: 10.1128/jvi.01318-12
 Clark, B. M., Molton, J. S., Habib, T., Williams, D. T., Weston, E. L., & Smith, D. W. (2012).
Dengue virus infection in Australia following occupational exposure: A reflection of increasing
numbers of imported cases. Journal of Clinical Virology, 54(4), 376-377. doi:
 Clarke, B. D., Cummins, D. M., McColl, K. A., Ward, A. C., & Doran, T. J. (2012). Characterization
of Zebrafish Polymerase III Promoters for the Expression of Short-Hairpin RNA Interference
Molecules. Zebrafish. doi: 10.1089/zeb.2012.0782
 Clayton, B., Wang, L., & Marsh, G. (2012). Henipaviruses: an updated review focusing on the
pteropid reservoir, and features of transmission. Zoonoses Public Health, in press online, 15.
 Clayton, B. A., Middleton, D., Bergfeld, J., Haining, J., Arkinstall, R., Wang, L., & Marsh, G. A.
(2012). Transmission routes for Nipah virus from Malaysia and Bangladesh. Emerg Infect Dis, 18(12),
1983-1993. doi: 10.3201/eid1812.120875
 Colgrave, M. L., Snelling, H. J., Shiell, B. J., Feng, Y.-R., Chan, Y.-P., Bossart, K. N., Michalski, W.
P. (2012). Site occupancy and glycan compositional analysis of two soluble recombinant forms of the
attachment glycoprotein of Hendra virus. Glycobiology, 22(4), 572-584. doi: 10.1093/glycob/cwr180
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
New and Emerging Diseases
Conlan, J. V., Vongxay, K., Jarman, R. G., Gibbons, R. V., Lunt, R. A., Fenwick, S., Blacksell, S. D.
(2012). Serologic Study of Pig-Associated Viral Zoonoses in Laos. American Journal of Tropical
Medicine and Hygiene, 86(6), 1077-1084. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.2012.11-0195
Corbeil, S., McColl, K. A., Williams, L. M., Mohammad, I., Hyatt, A. D., Crameri, S. G., Crane, M.
S. J. (2012). Abalone viral ganglioneuritis: Establishment and use of an experimental immersion
challenge system for the study of abalone herpes virus infections in Australian abalone. Virus Res,
165(2), 207-213. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2012.02.017
Corbeil, S., Williams, L. M., Bergfeld, J., & Crane, M. S. J. (2012). Abalone herpes virus stability in
sea water and susceptibility to chemical disinfectants. Aquaculture, 326, 20-26. doi:
Cowled, C., Baker, M. L., Zhou, P., Tachedjian, M., & Wang, L.-F. (2012). Molecular
characterisation of RIG-I-like helicases in the black flying fox, Pteropus alecto. Dev Comp Immunol,
36(4), 657-664. doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2011.11.008
Cowled, C., Melville, L., Weir, R., Walsh, S., Gubala, A., Davis, S., & Boyle, D. (2012). Persistent
and recrudescent infection in cattle following natural infection with Middle Point orbivirus. Arch
Virol, 157(6), 1161-1165. doi: 10.1007/s00705-012-1277-z
Cui, J., Tachedjian, M., Wang, L., Tachedjian, G., Wang, L.-F., & Zhang, S. (2012). Discovery of
Retroviral Homologs in Bats: Implications for the Origin of Mammalian Gammaretroviruses. J Virol,
86(8), 4288-4293. doi: 10.1128/jvi.06624-11
Daniels, P., Morrissy, C., Poermadjaja, B., Selleck, P., Stratton, J., Allen, J., Kalpravidh, W. (2012).
Diagnostic capacity for regional emergency infectious disease preparedness. ACIAR Proceedings
Series(137), 83-86.
Daniels, P., Wiyono, A., Sawitri, E., Poermadjaja, B., & Sims, L. (2012). H5N1 highly pathogenic
avian influenza in Indonesia: retrospective considerations. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol, online in
press, 20.
Deng, Y.-M., Iannello, P., Smith, I., Watson, J., Barr, I. G., Daniels, P., Wong, F. Y. K. (2012).
Transmission of influenza A(H1N1) 2009 pandemic viruses in Australian swine. Influenza and Other
Respiratory Viruses, 6(3), e42-e47. doi: 10.1111/j.1750-2659.2012.00337.x
Dups, J., Middleton, D., Yamada, M., Monaghan, P., Long, F., Robinson, R., Wang, L.-F. (2012). A
New Model for Hendra Virus Encephalitis in the Mouse. PLoS One, 7(7). doi:
Eagles, D., Deveson, T., Walker, P. J., Zalucki, M. P., & Durr, P. (2012). Evaluation of long-distance
dispersal of Culicoides midges into northern Australia using a migration model. Med Vet Entomol,
26(3), 334-340. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2915.2011.01005.x
El-Hage, C. M., Savage, C. J., Minke, J. M., Ficorilli, N. P., Watson, J., & Gilkerson, J. R. (2012).
Accelerated vaccination schedule provides protective levels of antibody and complete herd immunity
to equine influenza. Equine Vet J. doi: 10.1111/j.2042-3306.2012.00605.x
Embury-Hyatt, C., Babiuk, S., Manning, L., Ganske, S., Bowden, T., Boyle, D., & Copps, J. (2012).
Pathology and viral antigen distribution following experimental infection of sheep and goats with
capripoxvirus. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 146(2-3), 106-115.
Foord, A. J., Middleton, D., & Heine, H. G. (2012). Hendra virus detection using Loop-Mediated
Isothermal Amplification. J Virol Methods, 181(1), 93-96. doi: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2012.01.020
Gordon, A. N., Marbach, C. R., Oakey, J., Edmunds, G., Condon, K., Diviney, S. M., Bingham, J.
(2012). Confirmed case of encephalitis caused by Murray Valley encephalitis virus infection in a
Hayman, D. T. S., Yu, M., Crameri, G., Wang, L.-F., Suu-Ire, R., Wood, J. L. N., & Cunningham, A.
A. (2012). Ebola Virus Antibodies in Fruit Bats, Ghana, West Africa. Emerg Infect Dis, 18(7), 12071209. doi: 10.3201/eid1807.111654
Henning, J., Wibawa, H., Yulianto, D., Usman, T. B., Junaidi, A., & Meers, J. (2012). The
management of smallholder duck flocks in Central Java, Indonesia, and potential hazards promoting
the spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus. Worlds Poultry Science Journal, 68(3), 513528. doi: 10.1017/s004393391200061x
Hinton, T. M., Guerrero-Sanchez, C., Graham, J. E., Le, T., Muir, B. W., Shi, S., Thang, S. H. (2012).
The effect of RAFT-derived cationic block copolymer structure on gene silencing efficiency.
Biomaterials, 33(30), 7631-7642. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2012.06.090
Hinton, T. M., Monaghan, P., Green, D., Kooijmans, S. A. A., Shi, S., Breheney, K., Wark, K. (2012).
Biodistribution of polymer hydrogel capsules for the delivery of therapeutics. Acta Biomater, 8(9),
3251-3260. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2012.05.028
Holden, K. M., Gilbert, M., Coloe, P. J., Li, J., & Fry, B. N. (2012). The role of WlaRG, WlaTB and
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
New and Emerging Diseases
WlaTC in lipooligosaccharide synthesis by Campylobacter jejuni strain 81116. Microbial
Pathogenesis, 52(6), 344-352. doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2012.03.004
Hoque, M. A., Skerratt, L. F., Garland, S., Burgess, G. W., & Selleck, P. (2012). Adaptations of a
Competitive Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays for the Detection of Antibodies to Influenza A
Virus in Horse Sera for Use in Wild Aquatic Birds. Indian Journal of Virology, 23(3), 261-269. doi:
Hsu, A. C. Y., Parsons, K., Barr, I., Lowther, S., Middleton, D., Hansbro, P. M., & Wark, P. A. B.
(2012). Critical Role of Constitutive Type I Interferon Response in Bronchial Epithelial Cell to
Influenza Infection. PLoS One, 7(3). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0032947
Islam, M. S., Kouzani, A. Z., Dai, X. J., Michalski, W. P., & Gholamhosseini, H. (2012). Design and
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Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
New and Emerging Diseases
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Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012